Chapter:2 what's happening

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"Good morning ladies and gentlemen.well a good news for us today!!As we all know our company shares were owned by our beloved rose and Corp chairman but as he is no more for us and now those shares are owned by Mr.Rahul Malhotra CEO of royal diwas group of hotels and management."

What?how could that happen.sweat beads started forming on forehead and my heart is ready to explode,does he know that I'm working here.Various questions started building up in my mind,did he do that on purpose?may be,May be not my mind said.Actually why should I bother?i'm just an employee and I shouldn't think about who the boss is and I've decided I'll never give a damn about him.

"As Mr.malhotra is very busy at the moment he couldn't attend the meeting.But he's throwing up a party tonight at grand prospect hall at 7pm,and he's expecting all of you to don't forget to be there and that's all for today" he said.

Everyone in the conference room were leaving but I was rooted to my place.should I have to attend the party or let's just skip it,an idea popped up with an execuse.

John approached me and laid his hand on my shoulder.his eyes were filled with worriedness i know he's worrying about me but I can't help it. "Shresh I know what you are thinking but attend the party,show him that you're over him.i'll be with you just be strong"he said.what he said makes sense,i thought.

I will attend the party I will not let myself weak infront of him. "Ok John for sure I'll attend and don't worry I'm strong"I said he smiled "that's my girl and rubbed my head"I huffed at him for messing my hair style but I hugged and thanked for his advice. "Don't worry we will always be there with you"he said. I smiled and went to my cabin and resumed my work.

Me and aliya went to my place to get ready as her place is far away and it would take time for's already 5 and we should be there by 7pm.

I've settled down with half white semi see through and White sandals with fancy White ear rings and aliya she's taken my outfit as she's not having one.she settled down with cream outfit and White coloured stilettos and White diamond studded earrings with a shiny piece neck chain.

I've just straitened my hair,curled at ends and let them flow down upto my shoulders,i've applied pink huda beauty lipstick one of my favourites and to face I've done with little liquid foundation,some blush making it to look normal.applied some mascara and gold eyeshade to match my outfit,being satisfied with my appearance grabbed my wallet and phone and went to guest room to check with aliya.

Shresha attire for party:

I couldn't believe what I saw.she has done some magic to her,she's looking so stunning I swear if John see her like this he would swept off from his feet.


"Shresh you're looking so beautiful"she exclaimed as soon as she saw me i smiled and replied you look stunning aliya.checking with ourselves again we made our way to the party hall.

I'm so tensed up i was fidgeting my fingers at the entrance whether to go in or not.I'm not ready to face him but just then aliya held my arms "don't worry shresh you can do it"she said.

We entered into the party hall.many people were many gorgeous ladies and men with drinks in their hands and some of them are dancing for the music.The party arrangements were good looking around i saw John coming towards us.he's looking at aliya with all love in his eyes and he's beaming with happiness,and here she's blushing like hell just looking at him.These two look so cute.

Just then a huge bickering started I turned to see what it is.I turned to see he's coming inside the banquet with all his glory non another than Mr.Rahul Malhotra.

Many people were handshaking with him and girls were drooling over him.A hint of jealous hit me,but i was just watching his every move and action.he's so handsome now more than before but he looks so tired with bags under his eyes I was examining his face just then his eyes caught mine.we were looking into each other eyes just forgetting the world around us.

Rahul Malhotra:

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