Chapter -16

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Hello sweethearts💕hope you all are safe and fine out there spending time with your,eating dinners,lunch, breakfast together,that's awesome right,we barely get some time to spend it with our families and I hope you guys are at your best out there❤️

I'm so sorry that I couldn't update earlier because I've a lot on my plate and couldn't update,and I would really love to dedicate this chapter to @Najmalshrath and @simpysahu1 .Thank you so much guys for taking your time to read the story and letting me know how it is in the comments❤️That's really needed for a writer.

My dear silent readers hope you'll enjoy the story and please do vote share and comment ❤️

Anyone in the right mind could see what he's feeling right now.He couldn't show his feelings towards her.One wrong move or one emotional outburst is enough to cost a life.They are being watched.

The world outside is very dangerous,while the poor little girl is so naive that she couldn't even know how her parents had died,why did her only love deceived her, may be he did an act of deceiving her.
What can he do,The only thing he can do is protect the one's he love.

It's always said that richest ones are the happiest,but on true side they are the most worried ones for their loved ones.They wouldn't know from which side the danger occurs.

He simply sat on his chair,there lying like a lifeless person thinking about only one person right now. His life.

The same thing is happening on the other side of his cabin,life drained out from her.

She couldn't understand why is this happening to her,but she stood so strong against all the situations she has faced.

She's a princess,she lived a life wherenot even a mosquito hurt her.but life happened.

He closed his eyes,feeling the agony of not comforting her and not being there for her.
Just then as some one brought him into the reality,there comes his assistant informing him about his next meeting scheduled in next 10 min.
He sighed and made his way to the conference room through the walls of screaming annoyance of the employees working their asses to make their life beautiful.

"So what's your opinion on this next step of this project details mr.malhotra"

"They are fine to go with,but make sure to proceed with the plan and don't even miss the details while executing it.Handover the cost details to our accountant shre...ughmm...Ms.mehta".

Ms.mehta take all the details from them and come to my cabin when the details are sent to you.


Is she serious,Damn!

Just that one word is enough to turn me on but her innocence is too much to know what I'm feeling for her.He couldn't stop but to smile at her on how efficient she is.
I simply nodded at her and closed the file.

"Okay guys,before anyone leave this conference room,I'm hosting a party at my hotel and I would love to invite each and everyone of you in this board room, and you are most pleased to bring your dates with you,this is not an official one guys..a very personal one for the notice"

"And why this sudden party mr.rathore?"Rahul asked with a wink,he definitely knew that Karan Rathore would blush at this because it's his engagement party and he's in head over heals in love with his soon to be wife Natalia.

Karan Rathore and Natalia are also a dear friends of rahul and a Karan is very competitive partner when it comes to business.

"It's my engagement party"he said redness spreading into his ears.

"I will get going then make sure everyone are there tomorrow evng by 8pm...see you"

Rahul was the last one to leave the board room to stop Shresha and to ask her to be as his date.
But Shresha being her left as soon as she found that she and Rahul are going to be alone.

He couldn't help but to smile at her antics.

Shresha pov:
I rushed before he talks something rubbish that hurts me.

I couldn't stop thinking about what happened earlier..the fuck he told me about to take care of myself,who else did all these years.

He ditched me.

He shamed me infront of all of his friends,how dare he say that I can't take care of myself.

Fuck him.

I entered and shut the doors of my cabin.what should I even...

The door swung open and there enters the king himself.

"Execuse me sir, you could've asked me to open the door instead of breaking it as if saving some damsel in distress"

"Oh! Ms.mehta I'm saving you already,anyway I came here to tell you that you're my date for the party tomorrow,be ready at 7pm,My chauffeur will pick you up.I'm neither asking nor requesting,I'm informing you so get ready and yeah princess you'll have a surprise there"

But....he didn't even listen to my words what does he think of himself.

As if he really thinks he's a king.neither I will get ready nor go to that damn party,I don't care!
I went to my table and arranged my files that are to be sorted out tomorrow,shut my laptop off,took my handbag and I made my way out to my solace my home.

Standing there waiting for the damn lift to come up to 25th floor,my thoughts went to what he said a while back,what's his surprise,is he going to introduce his girlfriend.

Tsk..pity her.

I felt somebody gaze on me and turned to my right to see the lord jerk smiling as if he won a lottery.

I entered into the lift with him tagging behind me.

"Heading home shresha?"he asked me pressing the basement button.


"Damn! Why don't you stop that word shresha,no one's here you can talk to me like we used to in college..."

"Don't you dare go there,grow up!we're no more in college..those days are OVER Mr.malhotra"

I cut him off in the middle never wanting to go back there.

He held me in between,his hands on the both sides..not leaving me a place to escape,and there again he's looking at me with so much warmth that I used to see in college days,looking at me with so much love, so much care, so much affection most of all possessiveness.

I didn't even know that I was crying when I felt something wet on my face,his eyes are looking at me as if conveying some truth,but this is all just to much to handle for me.

He gently rubbed my cheek with his thumb wiping of my tears....I couldn't stop my heart and words escaped from my mouth without my permission.
Only one single word.


"You will know princess not now,just give me some time."

I pushed him off and get out of this damn lift stopping myself to get weak infront of him,second time in a single day.

But I just couldn't stop from being me infront of him,tears made their way much nice it would be if we were together with our families,our college getting over and we happily in love.


Everything happening in my life at present,I could only think WHY?

I started my car with blurred vision and I hate these tears,that aren't stopping...roughly wiping off my tears,started my engine and drove into the hollowness.

Stay home stay safe and yes,I'll update next chapters as soon as possible because next chapters are going to be the cliff hangers💕love you guys.❤️

Happy day and happy smiles too❤️💕

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