Chapter -17

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The sun's rising in the east eagerly,couldn't help but to peep through the glasses covered by the shades but only left with some space in-between.Taking the chance the sun rays peeped into the dark room only to witness the most adorable thing ever.

Two barely covered humans lying next to each other,her head on his shoulder and his hand wrapped around her waist,legs crossing over each other and snuggling more,so that none could make them apart.

Rahul slowly pulled her more into him providing the warmth so that she could snuggle more into him,He held her so protectively and looked at the most innocent and cute face sleeping on his shoulder,he placed a kiss on her forehead and couldn't forget the night that they've experienced yesterday...the way they made their love,how much she needed him and their voices and grunts echoing through the room of wanting each other no matter how much they melted into each other,they didn't want to be apart.
She's just moving her hand up and down on his bare chest,and in one single second he was so turned on..

With a jolt,Rahul opened his eyes and realised it was a mere dream that he wished it for the nth time to happen,damn! This dream is so sensual,no matter how much he mastered the arts of self control near shresha,it's always just one second less to loose his self.

He went to his balcony sliding the balcony doors,watching the stars shining brightly on him,he thought about the shooting star whether it's real or not.does it really make wishes come true,whatever.
Cold air breeze passing through his bare upper body,to which he shivered lightly.

He just remembered the conversation that was happened on the next day he came after that meeting.

He slid into her balcony doors and called her out.
She jumped with the sudden call of her name,and looked towards the source only to see rahul.Without waiting for a single second she jumped off from bed and went to him.

"What the hell rahul,we will meet tomorrow anyway!why trying out these monkey stunts?"she whisper yelled.

He smiled at her,he knew how much she misses him and he could see it through her blush and her eyes.

"Nothing sweetheart,felt to refill the gap of 4 days,btw you're looking so beautiful in this silk night gown darling"

How much he missed her blush and thought to play with her a little more...

"i've told you one thing before going did you even think about it?"

Her antics made her even more cute than ever,she bent her head with shy at his question but covering it instantly "what did you say Rahul?" She asked me faking innocence.

Oh she's playing with me then,let's turn the game on baby..

"What you don't remember,no worries I'll make you Mia"
I started going near to her,and she started backing off from me,she collided with a wall,in the meanwhile taking the chance I trapped her between the wall and me.

I couldn't help but to notice her every single feature and damn! How much I want to touch her every single feature of her..I locked her hair strand that's escaping from the clutches of her messy bun,took the chance to caress her milky white cheeks,I love that little tinge of blush on her cheeks when I'm with her.

I pulled her closer to me,if possible I would secure her deep within me.I rested my chin on her head and she embraced me back and in that moment I realised where's my home is. I smiled at how she put her hand on my heart and I bet she would listen to a marathon of lub dub's,that's what she does to me.

I slowly moved a little to her face and held her face up with my forefinger..

"Listen to me carefully shresha..This moment what we are feeling right now is very much important to me than the whole wide're my home Mia,there's nothing I could do to control myself when I'm near you and always on the verge of loosing my self control to do god knows what! Sweetheart I know this is not the right place or not the occasion and I promise I would do it in proper manner once again but in this moment for how I'm feeling like the two of us is my world and nothing is more important..I lOVE YOU SHRESHA MEHTA
With all of my heart,soul and body I love you like no one else,I really want to shout out to the whole world that YOU ARE MINE shree ...will you be mine? forever."

She simply stared at me in shock and by the look on her face I'm fearing the words that will come out of her,I'm dreading this moment but haven't I done it properly,is she upset.god!!

She pushed me gently and she made herself a little distance from me,staring into the I know what her answer would be and I don't have the capacity to listen and digest the rejection,I turned my way back and I heard her calling me out,but I didn't turn back only stood still to listen her rejecting me.

"Listen carefully Rahul,I really don't know how to say this,nor I'm good at phrasing the sentences..I'll simply tell you something,the moment I saw you in the canteen i knew somewhere I fell for you,I've never bunked any of my classes but I've done that for you,I've dragged kavya to roam around the whole college just to get a glimpse of you,I've been so angry and you can correctly term it as jealous when you were with that girl on the beach lunch..I couldn't tell you more than this on how hard I fell for you rahul malhotra,you were the only one in my life that I've crushed on since the very first day and I'm so happy that my crush became my life...I love you Mr.RAHUL MALHOTRA..not only you even i want to shout out to the whole world that YOU ARE MINE,WE ARE ONE rahul...I love you so so so much."

Surreal is the only word,for the first time in my life I noticed tears that were flowing down with happiness,I'm turning to face her to feel her bone crushing hug,I couldn't control anymore...I hugged her taking all of her into me,all these days i was just waiting for this one moment and now,I couldn't ask for more.
I love you shresha...I love you
Saying this I held her face and there she is my Mia blushing red like a tomato.
" what am I going to do with you shresha mehta" in next secong I captured her velvety soft lips with mine and sealed our love with a passionate kiss.


He's reminiscing the old moments standing in his balcony, that happened in her balcony.staring into the million stars and cursing the fate for the millionth time he gulped down the last sip of bourbon whiskey,forcibly made his way to bed to get some sleep and he,for surely knows at any cost he wouldn't get one and even if he did,he would definitely live in their love wonderland without coming into the reality.

Millions of stars,nature and every single element,heart broken at the sight of witnessing the pain of the two broken souls wanted to proffer them with the comfortness,solace and the only thing they could do is to grant their wish.

But the question is could they?


Hey my dearest sweethearts,how are you all..hope you are safe and sound and spending time with your family and loved ones.please be safe and follow the instructions issued by the government.❤️hope we will get over this pandemic soon.

Coming to the story,this chapter is so close to my heart 💓 hope you would enjoy this as much as I do.
And I would really love to thank each and every one of them included in the love story of Rahul and shresha.

Please do comment like and share with your friends❤️

Happy day and happy smiles too ❤️💕

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