Chapter 18

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"I know what will happen if she sees you,just be there for me please".
Rahul is on a phone call walking restless with his fingers massaging his temples.
"I can't be there with her,you know right?and also I'll not talk to you any of you guys,just come to my hotel after the party with shresha,we will discuss it there.I've booked a room under your name okay?"

"'s this time to let her face this to tell her the truth we've been hiding."

He stood silent listening to the other person on phone for a few seconds.

"yeah,will see you there today.bye"

Rahul cut the call,he knew what would happen when shresha sees them,but it's important for her to meet them.

Rahul asked her to be his date for today's evening event,but poor them who knows a date couple can't go holding hands on hands,standing next to each other,smiling at each other,looking at each other like so much in love and nothing else matters.

He could go alone,but he need her today,Rahul has planned every detail accordingly and sent shresha a message and asked her to be ready at 6:30 sharp.
He also asked her to take off from work,so that she could relax for herself till evening,anyway she's going to have a long night today.
He would sent his driver to pick her up,no way no one should know shresha is close to him.

He pinched his bridge of his nose and let out a frustrated gasp,thinking of all these situations. He again take out his cell phone and made a call to shresha to know about her decision,she didn't replied yet on his message yesterday night.

On the other side,shresha is figuring out with everything on her cupboard on what to wear for tonight's party,she didn't tell rahul her decision yet,but she knew she would be going.

Somewhere her heart's conscience is constantly reminding her that something will happen today.
She's fidgeting since yesterday night whether she should go or not,on one minute it seems like okay, let's go what's there in's just a colleague party

"Hello..Mr.malhotra,how may I help you?"

"Hello..Mr.malhotra,are you there?"

"Yeah! Shresha,my driver will be picking you up at 7,so be ready."

"Well,I haven't still decided on it yet Mr.malhotra,
but why does that concern you?"

"You're my date shresha,for once do as I say"

"Why should I? Are you going to pick me up, are you going to take me there by yourself, will you stick to me have your answer Mr.malhotra,Anyway I'm in work so I'll talk to you later.May be not! Bye,"

Damn! This woman..she even went to office when I clearly told her to take an off today.
May be what I read is true,YOU CANT TAME THE WOMAN YOU LOVE.
That's very much true! I don't even know how I'm gonna manage this woman in future.
Future, my thoughts shifted to where I have planned mine and shresha's future like a beautiful dream,and hell yes it remained as a dream!

I gotta go fresh and should do what I should do.

As soon as the lift doors open,I saw there, my lady standing in the department collecting files that she need,with her capabilities and her designation she could've made a call to them to send the files to her cabin,but my shresha is different.

I silently went and stood behind her noticing her features inches away from me,my hands are itching to grab her waist,rated scenes started playing in mind but only I know how much I've to restrict myself from her.

Shresha pov :

What does he even think of himself, calling me and ordering me to accompany him.what am I, a barbie doll in his hands, I know what will he do once we attend a party, past these years I've seen him with many models.

Why is he putting us through these,I couldn't stop my tears whenever I see him,the pain just intensifies,why can't we be like any of the normal couple,is this too much to ask for.

A couple,where does that even come from.He himself said that he only loved me because of our family reputations, only because our families are friends and in his circle I'm the only one who is not money minded. He doesn't love me for who I'm.

Flash back:
Author pov:

It was a very fine day after rahul and Shresha got into relationship,it's just been a month and they both are so happy in love. There's all smiles but who would think that a storm is awaiting for them.
A storm that would crash each and every single piece of happiness.

One day,when shresha got back from college,she was stunned to see police infront of her house.she's afraid and she took slow steps not getting what's happening over there.
And there she saw her family infront of her lying without breathing.
She was just stunned to see the scene that's beholding in front of her. Her mind went blank.her body went numb.

"We're sorry for your loss miss shresha,your family died in an accident and we need you to come to meet the sheriff tomorrow.we will leave now" said the police.
She couldn't register anything,in fact she couldn't even process what has he said.she just nodded her head trying to process everything that's happening that went in vain.
She remembered her father saying that "we'll get back by noon sweetheart,you won't even miss us"
She just stood there remembering the last moments with her mother,father and her soul her sister.
She wished this to be a dream.But, reality is hitting hard in front of her.
It's been a week , it's been a week since her life crumpled down,it's been a week since she has lost her soul. Only kavya was there with her the entire time not even leaving her for a single minute.

" sweetie,get up! We're going to college today" kavya knocked and left to get ready.

shresha's still lying there lifeless,she didn't knew why rahul hasn't come and seen her. It's been a week and he hasn't even called her. Shresha started trembling with fear that something might have happened with rahul too, She don't want the only piece of soul left in her to be dead.

She got up and freshened herself ,and went down only to see the lifeless house. She ran from there to outside.she couldn't stand there for a minute. She don't want to recall or remember a moment without her family in that house. She thought to move into some another apartment in the city.

Kavya ran behind her and worriedly looked at her state.she prayed god ten thousand times to take her pain away. She didn't knew why should this happen to a cheerful girl like this.

She brought her car and both of them started getting far away from the house that's barely going to be a remembrance.Life is so uncertain!

Shresha's fidgeting her fingers with anticipation what would happen when she sees rahul.
"Why doesn't he come see me?"
"What has happened to him ?"
She couldn't stop her series of questions that her brain's storming at her while they've reached the college gate.

She jumped off from the car, and went in search of him,only to look at the sight of him smiling and laughing casually with his friends.
She mentally thanked god for his safety and when she's nearing him she heard what she shouldn't...

"Bro,why don't you  just go and pay a visit to shresha for formal sake? It's been more than a week and you need to be there for her right?"arjun asked

" who said! Her parents died,all her properties were lost to the company losses.all her shares went into vain!why should I even see her?"

"What are you even saying,you loved her bro"this time karthik asked stunned with the answer.

"I did! Only just because of her family.see look at the positives,she's from a rich family,she's a nice girl,she copes up well with our family.with all these positives how could I get another girl like her.just shut up about this and eat your sandwich."

She took slow steps out from the canteen,college and out from all of their lives.

Hello sweethearts, hope you all are fine and safe out there. Covid is hitting hard and we shouldn't dare to take risks. Stay safe and have a happy day and happy smiles too ❤️

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