Chapter 19

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Back to present:

Those moments were enough for her to crumple down all over again,she completed her accountant course major through online,she moved to New York and through years she's now well settled in a reputed company.

Her pain intensifies every second she saw him in the office.

how dare he ask her to accompany her to the party after all these drama.

She got dressed up and started to go with her normal routine, dress up, work, eat, sleep. It has always been the same. She hasn't even got some time to talk with aliya and John and they both were calling continuously to know what's happening why's she not responding. They're the only one who knew about her past and present.


In Office:

She's collecting files that are needed to be filed for taxation, and she's fighting with herself to not to let herself down, since the time, Rahul has taken over, time has been very tough on her. But it's nothing that when compared to what she's been through, she could handle this with utmost perfection and none could sense there's something wrong going on with her.

"Ms.shresha mehta, in my room now!" He ordered and walk away into his office.

She stood there in fuming anger, if looks could kill, he would be under 6 feet by now. She's muttering some strange abusive words and didn't miss the look on hr department's weird face expressions by looking at her.
Not to make any more strange situation she replied to the hr head that she'll be right back to collect her files and went into his office.

" yes Mr. Malhotra, you summoned me?" Shresha stood there with utmost professionalism.

"Summoned? What does that mean, when did I.."

" Sir, you've called me! Is there anything you want to discuss ?"

"Shresha, listen to me very carefully! I can play these professional games with you later, But tonight is very important, if you want to know the most important thing about your parents, you have to come to the party tonight"

She stood there numb, many emotions are surpassing her, her parents? What does she wants to know about them, what might it be ? Millions of thoughts, millions of emotions, her wall is breaking down slowly, she's tearing off bit by bit, mention of her parents is enough to crumple her down, ever since her parents died she never discussed them with anyone except with John and Aliya. But, coming from rahul about them she got back all the memories again.

She couldn't stand there, but couldn't move either, tears were making their way out and there's none that could stop her, Rahul her parents, her friends her life, all she remember is pain, she couldn't even remember her happy moments. How could she? Rahul erased all of them with just some few words.

She's uncontrollable now, she fall down to her knees and Rahul run to her, seeing her like this breaks his heart, what the fuck and why the hell this should all had happened.

" Get away from me Rahul, go away! Now! I can't stand you, I cannot even see your face, Don't you dare come near me, what's that you still not satisfied with breaking me down? You don't want me alive right, that's why you came all the way here, buying shares making your moves, please stop all of these actions, I promise I'll go far away, I'll go to India. I'll never come back! Please please please don't torture me, what have I even done to you expect for loving you, why are you hurting me this much, I didn't even force you to love me, why rahul why, why're you doing this."She bursted out what's inside of her, holding up for a long time, she didn't knew she had this much pain in her.

He pulled her closer in his arms, he couldn't say anything, he's breaking inside more than her, if tears would suffice his pain, he would be crying every second from that moment when he uttered those words.

He couldn't hold his pain any longer, he pulled her closer, leaving no space, air couldn't even dare to separate them, they both were fighting for their love, he wants to comfort her, hold her hand, tender her, protect her, most of all love her, where she could know how much she means to him, how would she even know that she's his life.

They just stood there in each other arms, she might hate it the next moment she's released from his hug but now in this moment she needed him, she comfortably seeked his comfort.

With time wary they both knew there's no way they could spend much more time in this heaven and they've to release them from each other. With seeking one last innocent minute from time, they made some space between them.

He hold her chin and held her head up only to look at her pumpkin sized innocent eyes looking at him with despair, anger, love and hate.

"Please! Just for today, be there. Driver will come to pick you up at 7:30pm"

She nodded before leaving her way out into the cruel world that's awaiting for her to clutch her wings and tear her apart.

But with a stern face, he made some calls and looked at sky with blazing sun. Both were reflecting the same, flames to burn whoever tries to mess with them.

Hello everyone, I'm so sorry for updating this late. There's many things that's going on in my personal life. Hope everyone are safe and healthy. We're going to be in better times and I strongly get an intuition of that.

In the meanwhile stay safe,stayhealthy.

Happy day and happy smiles too🤎😄

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