Blessing in Disguise

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 9 - Blessing in Disguise

#Bedi House#

"Tanuja! Swara! Come out here! Where has that good for nothing Rishi hidden you two!?" screamed Tanuja's aunt, Mitali.

Tanuja and Rishi came out to the living room. Tanuja's eyes widened on seeing her family. "Maa, Baba....aunt Mitali? You all, here all of a sudden?"

"Shocked Tanuja? You thought we would never find out what you two sisters were doing?!"

Tanuja looked at her confused "Aunt Mitali, what are you taking about?"

"Haw! Look at her Suman. How she's trying to act so innocent. Look at your daughter Suman, Ritesh."

"I...I really don't know what you mean Aunt Mitali. Maa, what is going on?"

"Beta, how could you do this? You and Swara wanted to live on your own, so we trusted you. But....but now both of you are living in some stranger's house. Do you know how unethical that looks in our society? An unmarried girl living in a stranger's house?"

"Maa, its not like that. We are staying here because our lives are being threatened."

"Just shut up. Don't try to make up stories Tanuja" shouted her aunt.

"She's not making excuses. Her life is really in danger."

"Rishi, it would be better if you don't speak in this matter. I'm sure it is you who has manipulated my nieces and brought them here! You lowlife"

"Aunt Mitali! I'll tolerate if you talk rubbish about me, but you don't have any right to bad mouth Rishi!"

"Haw! Look how she is talking to me Ritesh."

"Baba please listen t-"

"Tanuja, how could you talk to your aunt like that? You know how much she cares for you!"

"No she doesn't! Swara told me all about how she treats Tanu di and her as servants in her home. She makes them work for her and bosses them around. That is the true reason they left her house." Ragini said, as she came inside the house.

'Oh my! I can't let this girl reveal the truth. I must make sure that Rishab and Suman only believes me!'

"Suman....Suman look what she is saying. Would I ever do that to my own nieces? Suman you believe me right? I could never ever think of doing that to them. Did you ever hear Swara and Tanuja complain about me to you? No right?"

"That is because you threatened them. Please believe me aunt Suman. She told Tanuja and Swara that if they tell you the truth, they would take away the piece of land that you own with the help of some goons. Tanu di and Swara didn't want any harm to come to you, that is why they never told you anything." Ragini told them, desperately hoping that they trust her.

"This girl is lying. They are like my own children!" She cried dramatically in front of Tanuja's parents.

"She's lying." Rishi turned to Tanuja and held her hands "Tell her the truth Tanuja. She is your mother. She deserves to know the truth. All this time you hid your sorrow, but not anymore. Tell her, please."

Tanuja looked from Rishi to her mother. Her mind was conflicted. On one hand, she knew her mother had complete trust in her Aunt. And if she tells the truth, her mother would be devastated to know the ugly truth about her aunt. But on the other hand, if she doesn't say the truth, it would prove he aunt right and everyone else wrong.

"Quit lying Rishi. I bet you helped Tanuja cook up that lie to save herself. After all, what she did is unexpected. You really disappointed me Tanuja" spoke Pawan.

"How dare you step into my house!?"

"Why? You only allow girls to stay on your house Rishi?" Pawan smirked.

"What are you implying, you bastard!?"

"Stop acting Rishi. Rich people like you use money to lure people into their traps. That's how you trapped Tanuja and Swara!" shouted Mitali.

Tanuja looked at her disgusted "How...How could you even think of such a thing? Rishi would never stoop so low! He thinks of Swara like a sister."

"You are not innocent either Tanuja. Living in a stranger's home for who knows how long! You're a disgrace to the family!"

"Don't dare speak like that to Tanuja. Tanuja is here for protection from the bastard standing right next to you!"

"Pawan isn't a bad guy. In fact he is the one who told us about Tanuja and Swara. If it wasn't for him, we would never have known this disgraceful truth about them."

"Of course you would side with Pawan. You never liked Tanu di and Swara, and obviously you would want the worse for them" Ragini spoke. She turned to Tanuja's parents "Please trust us. We are not lying. Tanuja and Swara are here for their protection from Pawan. Pawan wants Tanuja to marry him. But since she disagreed, he keeps threatening her and Swara. Look at your daughter. Don't you see the truth in her eyes!?"

"Stop trying to feed them lies. Suman listen to me. These people are lying. Pawan is such a nice boy. I've known him from childhood. Trust me Suman."

"Pawan is the worst guy ever! I guess you would think of him as a good person since you are an old hag yourself!" shouted Ragini in anger.

Mitali was livid 'How dare this little punk call me an old hag!?'

"You little brat!" Mitali was about to slap Ragini, when someone held her hand mid-air in a vice grip.

"You dare lay a hand on her body, and I will destroy you" spoke Sanskar in a calm manner. However, anyone could feel the hidden rage behind his voice.

Mitali tried to break free of his grip without success. "Let go! L-let go o-of my hand!" She stuttered out in fear.

However, Sanskar refused to budge.

He felt someone place their hand on his shoulder.

"Sanky, I'm alright. Let her go okay?" Ragini spoke softly to calm him down.
Sanskar let out a breath and nodded.

"Try that again and I won't leave you" with that, he let go if Mitali's hand.

Sanskar turned to Tanuja's parents "You are her parents. Can't you tell the truth in her eyes? You should know your two daughters better than anyone. Don't you have the confidence that they would never disgrace you? Don't you have any trust in them? What sort of parents are you?"

They looked at their daughter and saw her looking at them with tears in her eyes.

Suman knew that Tanuja would never do something unethical or something that would upset her parents. However, Mitali was her sister. She wouldn't lie to her, would she?

Suman looked at Mitali. She then turned to Ritesh "What do you think? I... I don't know who to trust anymore"

Ritesh walked forward towards Tanuja

"Baba I-"

He took Tanuja's hand and placed it on his head.

"Tanu beta, I know you always think of others before yourself. Even if it hurts you, you never tell the truth. And now....even when so many accusations are on still refuse to speak out."

The front door opened and Mani, Laksh and Swara rushed in. However all were too busy staring at Tanuja and Ritesh to notice them.

"Tanuja, today you will tell me everything. Everything from the start. About your aunt, about Pawan, about your purpose here. Everything. Tumhe meri kasam beta."

"Baba, I can't. I-"

"Do not look towards anyone Tanuja. Forget all the people here. Only look at your father Tanuja and tell him the truth. Tell me Tanu beta. Tell your Baba the truth." He was close to tears.

Seeing him tell her all these words, Tanuja was reminded of her childhood days when...when she used to share every problem, every joy, every sorrow with her father. How he gave her the solution to everything. When the world looked dark, he helped her reach the light.

Tanuja burst into tears and told him everything. How she and her sister lived like servants in her aunt's house. How Mitali treated them like trash, made them sleep on the floor, never let them reveal the truth to their parents by blackmailing them, about Pawan....everything.

Swara had suffered equally as Tanuja, and being reminded of her past, she broke down. Swara would have fallen down, if it wasn't for Mani and Laksh holding her. Mani looked beyond livid. He looked ready to kill Mitali over and over again. Laksh could see it in his eyes.

"Kill her as much as you want Mani, but make sure you let me kill her at least once"

"With pleasure Lucky"

Ragini was shaking with anger. Sanskar was equally angry, but calmed himself. He placed a hand on her shoulder "Its okay now Ragini. No one can harm them now. They have us, and now they have their parents with them too. Its all going to be okay"

"Doesn't mean I don't want to break that Mitali's face." Ragini fisted her hands, with her nails digging into her palms.

Rishi already knew everything as Tanuja told him once. However, it did not make it less painful for him to listen to everything that Tanuja and Swara had to go through.

"Suman she is lying. Trust m-" Mitali tried to convince Suman. However, before she could speak more, she felt pain on her cheek.

It took her a moment to realize that Suman had slapped her "That was for how you treated my daughters"

'Haw! The nerve of this woman. She dares to slap me. What class does she have to slap me!?'

Mitali turned to Suman in anger "How dar-"

She tried to speak, only to be slapped again.

"That was for calling them disgraceful"

Pawan looked on what was happening 'No no no! This wasn't what was supposed to happen. They were supposed to take Tanuja away from here to Kolkata. And then I would convince them to marry her off to me!.... Ugh! This Mitali is useless. Told her to just convince Tanuja's parents, but she couldn't even convince those two old simpletons!'

He shook his head 'I guess if you want something done, you need to do that yourself!'

"Quit your dramas. Whatever the matter maybe, you can't forget that Tanuja and Swara are living here without her family knowing. The society will be calling then disgraceful" spoke Pawan.

"We know now that our daughters were here so that Rishi can protect them from you!"

"You know that, we know that, but the society doesn't. They believe anything they are told. Isn't that right Mitali?" He smirked.

Mitali didn't understand at first, but soon realized his plan "You're right."
She turned to Suman "I only need to shed some tears and act a bit to convince the people that Tanuja and Swara are lowlifes!"

Suman and Ritesh looked at each other in distress.

"Unless of course Tanuja agrees to marry me. If you let her marry me, than I'll pay Mitali any amount she wants so that she doesnt speak anything." Pawan tried to blackmail Tanuja's parents.

"Never! Tanuja di will never marry a jerk like you. Di don't worry about me or the society. I don't give a damn about what anyone speaks of me, but I won't let you destroy your life." Swara cried out.

"Hahaha...big words from a tiny pest. Face it! There is no way out if this. Either you marry me Tanuja, or face humiliation at the hands of the society." Pawan gloated. 'I guess I won. Poor Rishi and Tanuja. Guess they won't be each others in this life'

"Swara I-"

"Tanuja, let me speak" Rishi stopped Tanuja from speaking and stepped before her.

"You want to go tell the society about Tanuja and Swara right? Go then."

Everyone looked shocked at Rishi. They couldn't believe that Rishi would carelessly say something like that.

Pawan looked at him confused "You would let them be insulted, just so that Tanuja can remain with you Rishi? Never thought you were so selfish Rishi"

"Think again Rishi. I'm not kidding. This isn't some tv drama where I would have a change of heart and become good all of a sudden. I will tell the society about them staying at your house. And we all know how the society views girls staying in a man's house without marriage." spoke Mitali with malice.

"She really isn't kidding Rishi" Pawan taunted Rishi.

Rishi smirked and moved forward "Sure go ahead. Tell them. I don't care. You can go act, scream, tell any story you like. But the society won't lay any insult on Tanuja or Swara."

"Hahaha.... quit bluffing Rishi. There is no way that is possible!"

Rishi smirked and took out his cell phone "Hello? Is this The Sentinal?"

Everyone looked at him confused. Why was Rishi calling the daily newspaper? At 7pm no less?

Rishi put the phone on speaker "This is Rishi Bedi speaking"

(Rishi in the businessman of the year Rishi Bedi!?)

"Yes. You know any other Rishi Bedi?"

(No sir! It is just such a surprise. How can we be of help to you?)

"Yes. I did need a little help from you"

(Speak without hesitation sir!)

"You see there was a big secret of my life that I had kept hidden from the world. I have so much enemies that I feared that if I revealed that truth, I would be putting my loved ones in danger."

(I see. But since you are now telling me this, I believe you want to make that news public sir?)

"Yes indeed."

(Oh my! Our newspaper would be the first one to publish it. This is such a big scoop!)

Rishi smirked at Pawan and spoke "I would like to make the news of my marriage public."

Everyone looked at him shocked. Even the man on the phone was silent for long. However, he snapped out and spoke

(You mean...You mean you are already married?)

"Yes. I am. But since I did not want any harm to come to my beloved wife and her family, I kept it secret. However" Rishi looked at Tanuja "Now that I know that she is safe, I want to give her the dream marriage that she wants"

(That's....that's great news! Congratulations Mr. Bedi!)

"Thanks. Make sure you publish it on the front page. And my wife's name is Tanuja.... Tanuja Bedi" with that he cut the call and turned to the rest present there.

Pawan was beyond furious "What...What kind of joke is this!? You never married Tanuja!?"

"Yes, I didn't. You know that, I know that, but the society doesn't. They believe whatever they are told" Rishi smirked at him, repeating Pawan's own words back at him.

"Rishi....what is this?" asked Tanuja

"I'm sorry I took this decision without asking you Tanuja, but that was the only way. I'm sorry Mr. and Mrs. Gagodia"

"We understand Rishi" said Ritesh. He could see the love in Rishi's eyes for Tanuja.

" said you didn't plan to marry so soon. Sneha still has a place in your heart and y-"

"And she would say Rishi did the right thing if she was here." spoke Sanskar "Sneha loved Rishi and she would want him to find happiness. Be it with her or someone else"

Laksh nodded "Bhai is right"

Rishi walked towards Tanuja and got on one knee. He took Tanuja's hand in his and spoke "Tanuja. Its true that Sneha was my first love. But are my true love. Don't think that I'm marrying you just to save you and Swara. I'm doing this because I truly love you. I loved Sneha more than my life and still do. But I love you even more.... After I met you, I realized that you are my true love. What I feel for you is stronger. I want to be with you till the end Tanuja. This life, next life and every life. Would you be mine forever Tanuja?" Rishi asked, with tears in his eyes.

Tanuja was openly crying. However, they were tears of happiness. Overcome by emotions, she could only nod as a yes. Rishi broke into a broad smile and hugged her.

Tanuja hugged back "I love you Rishi and I always want to be yours. Kasam tere pyaar ki"

Rishi smiled and hugged her tightly.

Pawan was about to move towards them. However, he was blocked by Mani.

"Where do you think you're going?"

"Get out of my way Mani, or else!"

Suddenly, Pawan saw two hands on Mani's shoulder. They belonged to Sanskar and Laksh.

"Else what. Tell us too. Me and Lucky are feeling left out."

"Bhai is right Pawan. Its no fair that you only share with Mani. Tell us what will happen too"

Pawan knew he was in a dangerous position. Sure he could take down Mani, but he wouldn't stand a chance against all three of them. Not to mention Rishi would beat him up.

Pawan grabbed Laksh and pushed him towards Mani and Sanskar. As they feel back, he took the opportunity to run away from there.

Swara giggled when she saw Pawan run away. However, she felt someone grab her wrist painfully.

"You ignorant girl! I'll make you pay!" shouted Mitali, as she twisted Swara's wrist.

Suddenly, she felt someone push her away from Swara and onto the ground.

"Sadistic witch!" Ragini screamed at her, while coming near her with a knife.

"Hey girl, you dare-"

"Evil woman!" Ragini brought the knife in front of her face.

Mitali looked at her in shock and fear "What...what are you doing!?"


"Take the knife away! Please!" Mitali screamed, as she tried to back away from Ragini.

"You made their lives miserable!" Ragini kept moving forward, with the knife in her hand.

"Someone take this crazy girl away from me!"

"I should kill you right now!"

"No! Please! I'm sorry. Swara, Tanuja, Suman and Ritesh..all of you I'm sorry! I'm sorry!!! Take her away please!"

"Listen here and listen carefully! Never ever dare to misbehave with either Swara or Tanu di again! If I ever get to know that you troubled them, called them Disgraceful fact if I even here the letter 'D' in your mouth relating to them, I will end you! Understood!"

"I do! I do!" with that, Mitali ran away from there screaming about 'crazy girls' and 'evil, scary teen'.

Ragini smiled as she saw her run away. She turned to the rest, to find them gaping at her. "What?"

"Bhai, remind me to never make Ragini angry" said Laksh, wide eyed.

"Agreed Lucky" Sanskar spoke, still looking at Ragini in shock.

"Huh. 😏 I'm Rishi Bedi's sister. You shouldn't under-estimate me!" Ragini spoke, with her head held high. Rishi smiled and shook his head at her antics.

Swara looked at her with affection and gave her a hug "Thank you for helping me Ragini"

"Always there for you Swara" 😃

"Well, if everyone's done with the sappy moments, I want to start concentrating on the arrangements for the wedding! I get to decide the decorations!" Mani shouted.

With that, they started to get busy with the preparations.


To be continued...

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