I Think I Like You

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Some of the next chapters are private. No mature content though.

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 8 - I Think I Like You

"Bye Ragu! See you later"

"Bye Swara"

Ragini and Swara parted ways as Swara went with her friends for dance classes. Ragini headed home. However, before she could go any further, a car stopped in front of her. The owner stepped out and went around the car to open the door to the front for Ragini.

"Step inside Madam"

"Hahaha, what are doing Sanskar?"

"Being a courteous young man to a beautiful lady" Sanskar joked.

Ragini just shook her head at his antics and entered the car.

#On The Road#

"So...How have you been?"

"Ragini, you just saw me yesterday. How much can a person change in a day?" Sanskar asked, amused.

"I wasn't referring to yesterday. I meant about....about these past years"

Sanskar didn't answer for some time. Ragini felt that she had intruded in something she shouldn't have.

However, before she could apologize, Sanskar spoke up "It wasn't easy at first. We just lost our sister and top of that, we lost our best friend. I felt like as if it was our fault that everyone was leaving. Like we were poison"

"Sanky, please don't think like that!"

"Di would have never rushed to the school if it wasn't for us. We killed her. Laksh is young, but me, I should have acted mature. I killed her!?"

"So you want to say that if you knew about the accident before hand, you would still let her come? You would let her die? You would want to be responsible for her death?"

Sanskar stopped the car abruptly and looked at Ragini in shock.

"How...How could you say that Ragu!? You know I would rather sacrifice myself than let anything happen to her."

Ragini smiled and placed her hand on his "Exactly Sanky. You would never do that. That is  what I'm trying to tell you. You would never hurt Sneha di. So stop blaming yourself or Laksh. You didn't kill her. It was fate. Understood Sanskar Maheshwari?" Ragini looked him straight in the eyes.

Sanky gave her a small smile "Got it Miss Ragini"

They got lost looking into each other eyes, when a car honked from behind. It was only then that they broke out of their trance. Ragini looked at their joined hands and quickly pulled away, blushing.

Sanskar too blushed and looked forward. He cleared his throat and spoke "W-we should hurry. Else, Rishi would be worried"

"Not now. I want to visit my friend's house first."


"She has been released from the hospital today. I want to go see her. It won't take long."

"Hmm. Okay"

#Later, with Swara#

Swara checked her watch while waiting for Laksh and Mani to arrive. She could go home herself. But Rishi, being the 'mother-hen', would cause a fit.

Swara heard some voices and looked towards the gate to find Laksh and Manish arriving.

"Hey guys!"

However, they were too busy talking amongst themselves, without paying her any heed. 😒

"HEY! I'm here too you know"

They stopped to look at her. "Hello Swara" they chorused.

"Huh. Whatever!" She stormed off towards the gate.

"What happened to her?" Mani asked looking at Laksh

"No idea bro"

They followed her to Laksh's car and got in.

#On the Road#

While driving the car, Laksh observed that it was too quiet in the car. Whenever Swara and Mani are together, silence is like next to impossible. But they were silent.

Laksh peeked sideways towards Mani, who was watching the scenery pass by. He looked at Swara in the front mirror and saw her watching the other side of the road. It was as if......

'Are they avoiding each other?'

Laksh looked at them again, and indeed they were avoiding each other.

'But they were fine yesterday...and if something had happened, Ragini or someone would have told me. How do I play matchmaker if they don't even talk to each other? Something needs to be done. Think Lucky think think.....gotcha!'

"O shit!" Laksh exclaimed suddenly

"Something wrong Lucky?"

"Yes Mani. I forgot an important file bhai told to bring!"

"Was it really important?" Swara asked from the back seat

"As important as my life!"

"Dude, you're over-exaggerating." Mani said with a laugh.

"Whatever! I need to go get it." Laksh stopped the car and got out.

"You guys go on. Mani you can drive, can't you?"

"Yes but-"

"Great! I'll take the bus, you guys take the car. And don't damage my precious" Laksh said, patting the car.

"Its just a car Laksh. Why do you keep calling it your 'precious'?"

Laksh glared at Mani "Hey! Watch it. You might hurt my car's feelings!" Laksh rubbed the roof of the car "Chill babe, he didn't mean to hurt you. I'll be leaving you with him, ok? Stay safe." with that Laksh rushed off.

"What the heck. He's more worried about the car than us" Mani shook his head and shifted to the driver's seat.

'If Swara keeps sitting there, it'll make me look like a driver (-_-) Should I call her here? But I still haven't figured out my feelings for her. What shall I do? What to do?'

Mani sighed 'Rationality be damned. I'm calling her'

"Oi witch! Get to the front seat. I'm not your driver"

"I'm comfortable here. Quit your drama and lets go" Swara spoke 'I don't want to sit beside you. First, I need to figure out if I really like you or its just friendship'

"Then I'm not driving"



"Ugh! Ape!" Swara got out and sat in the front seat" Drive!"

"Hey, I'm not your driver ok"

#Sanskar and Ragini#

Although Ragini told it won't take long, she chatted with her friend for about two hours. 'Ugh! Why do girls talk so much?!' Sanskar thought bitterly. He had to make an excuse to make Ragini leave. Ragini had pouted and complained all the way home about him lying, but what else could a person do!? They talk too much!

Sanskar stopped the car once they were at Ragini's house.

"Thanks for dropping me home Sanky."

"No problem"

Ragini was about to bid goodbye to Sanskar, when she saw him scowl at someone behind her. Ragini looked back to find two women and a man. And behind them was Pawan.

Sanskar came out of the car and stood before Ragini. "What are you doing here Pawan? We told you to stay away!"

"Don't talk to him like that!" shouted one woman.

Ragini looked at these people with wide eyes. 'I've seen their pictures in Tanuja and Swara's house. That's her parents. But who is this lady shouting at Sanskar?'

"If it wasn't for him, I would have never known about what my nieces have been doing here!"

'Neices? That must mean she is their aunt' Ragini looked at her in anger 'So this is their aunt Mitali. The one who treats Tanuja and Swara like servants in her  home. But... but what is she doing here?'

"Where are my neices? And where is that damned Rishi!?" Mitali pushed past Ragini and went inside the gate, followed by Tanuja and Swara's parents.

Pawan came in front of Sanskar with a smirk. "I told you I'll make Tanuja mine by hook or crook remember? And now, I've succeeded."

"Nothing has happened yet Pawan. Stop bluffing!"

"Just a few minutes Sanskar. And then, Tanuja's family members will be dragging Tanuja and Swara home. And I don't mean their home in Pune, but back to Kolkata. How will you guys save her then?" Pawan smirked.

"Why you-"

"Sanskar no. Not now. First we need to make sure nothing wrong happens inside. Lets go"

"Right Ragu." Sanskar turned to Pawan "You can never win Pawan. Mind it!"

Ragini and Sanskar rushed inside.

"I've played my biggest card. There is no way you can get out of this Tanuja" He smirked and followed them inside."

#Manish and Swara#

The car was silent, although there were two occupants there. Manish looked to the side and saw that Swara was facing the other way.

'She wouldn't even look at me! Well... Its good in a way. That way she won't complicate me anymore. But...this silence is killing me! I should just drive home quickly. At least I would be able to find someone to chat with' Manish sped up the car.

"Who drives so wrecklessly! Slow down" shouted Swara

"Its not that fast"

"Yes it is. Now slow down"

"Fine fine"

After a few minutes...

"Who drives so slow! Even a turtle would be faster than you"

"Ugh! If you know so well than you drive it yourself Swara!"

"Hey, don't try to act smart. Its not my fault you don't know how to drive."

Manish stopped the car.

"Why'd you stop now!?"

Mani sighed and looked towards Swara "Alright. Talk. What's bothering you?"

"Me? Nothing."

"Don't lie. Tell me what is wrong"

"I'm fine. Its your head that is over-thinking. Now drive!"

Mani looked at her pointedly "Do not try to lie Swara. I've known you for two years. I know when you are fine and when you're not."


"Tell me"

"I told you there is nothi-"

"Tell me the truth Swara"

"Why won-"



Manish looked at her wide eyed. "Wh-wha?"

Swara got out of the car and stood before it. Mani got out and stepped before her "Swara. What do you mean?"

"I....I don't know! I fight with you, you fight back. We argue, we beat each other, we laugh, talk, snark with each other. It was fine! But....but that day when....when you started to give Riya more attention than me I....I didn't know what came over me but I just wanted to go and throw away your phone. I...I didn't like you giving more importance to anyone other than me."

Manish looked at her wide eyed. 'Could it.....could it be that....she is just as confused as me?'

"And....and that's not all. I....I thought it was just because we were like best friends. But then...when I hugged you yesterday, I-I felt ....I...I don't know how to...I think...I just....I just don't know how to feel about you!" Swara said, barely able to hold her tears of frustration. She was tired if keeping everything bottled up inside her. She held her head and leaned against the car.

Manish looked down in thought. 'I guess she is just as confused as I am. I too don't know how to feel about her anymore. Best friend or girlfriend? But if we do get in a relationship.....and if some trouble occurs which makes us break apart. Then what? Would she want to be friends with me again? I....I don't want to lose my friendship with her. She is one of the most precious persons in my life'

Swara felt relieved. Finally she could let out the anxious thoughts that she had bottled up within herself. Suddenly, she gasped. She realized that the person she had shared her thoughts with, was none other than Mani. She was so overcome with anxiety, frustration and uncertainty that she just spilled everything out without thinking of the consequences.

'Oh no. I...I told everything to Mani. No no no! I wasn't supposed to confess these thoughts to him now. At first I needed to make sure what he feels! He...he never told me about his feelings. In fact, he said he was fond of Riya, which probably means that he doesn't like me that way. I....I ruined our friendship' Swara looked at Mani in despair.

'He's looking down. He's not even looking at me.' Swara was close to tears. 'I guess its true. Love is friendship set on fire'

Swara looked down and closed her eyes, so as to not let her tears escape. She heard someone approach her.

"Swara I.." Manish hesitated in speaking

'Go on Mani. Just say it. I know you don't want to hang around with me anymore, as I make you uncomfortable.'

"Swara you're not alone who feels confused about these new feelings"

Swara's eyes opened in shock.

"I.....when I see Lucky flirting with you, I don't like it. I know its not because of Lucky getting more girls. But...I don't want him to flirt with you. And.....and when you hugged me yesterday, it...it felt right to me Swara"

Swara looked into his eyes to see if he was lying, only to find the same confusion, uncertainty that she has.

Mani saw the tears in Swara's eyes "Swara, why are you crying? Did I say something wrong? I...I'm sorry Swara i-"

"No Mani. Its not you. I was crying because I thought you would end our friendship because what I said made you uncomfortable"

"Never Swara! I would never give up our friendship! Its more precious than even my own life."

Swara gave him a bright smile. Suddenly, Mani's phone buzzed. It was Laksh.


(Where are you two?  I'm outside Rishi's house. You two should have been here till now with my car. You didn't you do something to my car, did you? I hope you haven't hurt her!)

Mani smiled at Swara mischievously and put the phone on speaker "Nothing much. Its not that big of a matter"

(Not a big - you mean you did something to my car!?)

"Well.... It just got a little scratch" Swara got what Mani was playing at and giggled.

(WHAT! You scratched it!!! How could you!?)

"Laksh, you shouldn't have given Mani to drive. He scratched it. And its not a little one. Its quite noticeable." Swara lied, giving Mani a high five.

(OH MY! My car!!! Mani! You are a dead man walking. Forget Pawan, I'm going to kill you myself!) Laksh cut the call.

Swara and Mani burst out laughing."Hahaha. I feel sorry for him"

"Hehe. Well its his fault for falling for the prank so easily."

"But he wasn't wrong. We should leave. Or else, Rishi bhai will worry"

Swara nodded and moved towards the door.

"Swara wait"

"Yes Mani?"

"So what are we now? I mean.....I mean what are we to each other now?"

Swara smiled at him and came closer. She took his hand and looked at him in the eye "Mani I don't want to lose our friendship, but I also know that I feel something stronger towards you. This is why I think we should first try to figure out our feelings first. We should take it slow. But for now I....I want to continue us to be friends without all this awkwardness. These two days that I spent avoiding you, it was unbearable for me! So I want to be as we were before. Lets figure out what our hearts want on their own"

Mani gave her a wide smile "Hai. I agree completely. I hated this silence between me and you."

They got inside the car and Mani started the car. "By the way, you should start learning to cook"

"Eh? Why?"

"If we end up as a couple and later married, you would need to make me tea, coffee, breakfast, lunch and dinner" Mani joked and looked at Swara.

"Nah. Actually, you should learn it. And other household chores too. After all, you'll be doing everything for me"

"What!? No way!"

"Yes way!"

"Then I'm dating Riya"

"You take her name once more and I'll throw you out of the car!"

"Geesh! You're already acting like a wife who can't hear about another woman's praise from her husband"

Swara just smacked him hard. "Lis-" Her phone buzzed

"Hello Ragini?"

(Swara come quick! Your parents, aunt Mitali and Pawan are here in our house. Please come quick!) Ragini cut the call

Swara looked shocked

"Something wrong Swara?"

"Mani drive quick! Pawan is there at your house with my family"

Mani's eyes widened and he sped up the car.


To be continued...

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