What's This Feeling?

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 7 - What's This Feeling?

"WE WON!!!" Screamed Swara and Ragini in unison as they entered the house. They had won in the college competition and couldn't wait to tell the others.

"Congrats girls!" said Mani as he came to while chewing on an apple.

"Mani! We won we won we won!!!"exclaimed Swara, giving him a hug. Ragini looked on wih wide eyes.

Mani was stunned. The apple dropped from his hand and his eyes widened. Swara, when she realized what she did, also froze on the spot. Rishi and Tanuja entered the living room at the same time.

They whispered to each other when they saw Mani and Swara hugging. "I guess they are finally realizing their feelings"

"I hope so.Maybe then we will all have some peace."

"You sure? Because I think once they are married, they are going to fight forever."

Tanuja just smacked her head and looked to the sky "May God help us"

"Ahem!" someone cleared their throat and all looked towards the door to find Laksh and Sanskar standing there. At once, Swara and Manish broke apart, blushing.

"Looks like oil and water do mix together" said Laksh, looking at Swara and Mani.

"Welcome Sanskar,Laksh. What are you two doing here at this time?" Ragini asked.

"Well, we had gone to your college to meet you both, but they said that you had already left. And congrats on your win"

"Thanks Sanky!"

"I already knew you both would win. Know why?" asked Laksh

"Our talent of course. Right?" Swara spoke, flipping her hair over her shoulder with a smirk.

"Nope. Because you are friends of the great and handsome Laksh Maheshwari" Laksh smirked.

Sanskar smacked him in the head.

"Ow. You're so mean bhai. I'm soooo hurt and depressed because of you. Only Tanuja's halwa will be able to cheer me now."

Mani rolled his eyes "Just say that you want to eat halwa made by Tanuja."

"Tanuja isn't your maid. She isn't mak--"

"Relax Rishi.Its okay. Besides, its a time to celebrate. You all sit here while I cook."

"You're an angel Tanuja. I really wish I could kiss your hands. Your cooking is delicious!"

"Hey! That's my future wife. Watch it."

"Cranky old man" (-_-)

"What did you call me?"

"Ooook. That's enough Laksh." Sanskar said and turned to Rishi "Rishi, I'm glad that you have left the past behind and are trying to be friends again."

"I'll do anything for my family"

"I know. Me and Lucky talked about the matter and have decided that Lucky will stay with Swara and Mani, while I stay with Ragu"

Rishi looked at him suspiciuosly "Why do you want to be with Ragini?"

"Laksh told me that Swara has dance classes after college. So Ragini has to come home by herself no? I'm free at that time, so I decided to take responsibilty of her."

Sanskar hoped that Rishi accepts his excuse. Fortunately Rishi nodded. Rishi was about to go to his room, when he suddenly turned back and walked up to Sanskar.

"She is Ragini to you. Don't call her Ragu!" with that, he left the room.

"Why is he always so angry!?" Laksh exclaimed

"Because you annoy him too much"

"Hey! That's not true Ragu."

Ragini just rolled her eyes. She was about to speak, when she suddenly remembered that Swara and Mani had been quiet for some time. It was unusual as they both were the most talkative people in the house. She looked their way to find Swara lost in thoughts, while Mani was busy on his phone.

'Why did I do that?! Am I crazy! I hugged Mani. Mani of all people! What is wrong with me? Ughhhhhhh! .........But...but it felt good hugging him. My heart.... it felt at peace, felt safe when I hugged him......Do I like Mani?' Swara's eyes widened 'No! No way! I can't..its..its not possible! But.....but then, why did I feel jealous when he was texting Riya? Do I really like him?.....But if I do, why do I blush and get shy when I see Laksh? What are all these feelings? At this rate, I'll go crazy!'I don't want to be crazy!

"NOOOOO!" Swara's scream starled everyone to silence.

"Something wrong Swara?" asked Ragini

"N-no-thing! I- I just need to ...to...do something! Yes thats it! Be right back." Swara rushed to her room and shut the door.

"Well, that was unusual, right Mani?..... Mani?"

"Huh? Yes Ragu? Sorry, I was busy texting Riya."

"Hmm...I was saying that Swara is acting weird no?"

"Who cares?! She always acts weird. When is she normal?" Mani joked

Swara heard it from her room. Usually it would not affect her, but now she felt a bit hurt. However, she shook her head and returned to her tough persona.

"I heard it you ape!" she screamed from her room.

"See, she's alright." Mani said.

"Everyone, halwa's ready." Tanuja shouted from the kitchen.

"Awesome! The biggest bowl is mine!" Laksh rushed to the kitchen, followed by Ragini and Sanskar. Mani moved behind them slowly.

Actually, he wasn't texting Riya. He was pretending to, but he was actually thinking about Swara.

'Why did she do that? And why did it feel right. I .... I don't know why but, it felt as if she belonged in my arms. I felt at peace and happy. But......but I don't like her in that way, Do I?'


Too short . I know....but just had to publish it as its been long since I last updatd it. Couldn't finish it because of studies. Will make the next chapter longer thou! ^_^

To be continued...

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