Chances and Choices

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking
'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 6- Chances and Choices

A woman was carrying a bag of groceries towards her house.

"Let me help masi."

"Sanskar beta, you're home. But where is that troublesome brother of yours?"

"Laksh went with some friends. I had to leave for some work at the office. Isn't he home yet?"

"He wasn't home when I left for the market an hour ago. I assumed he was with you."

"O.. I see" said Sanskar, walking beside his masi, carrying her bag of groceries. Only Sanskar and Laksh were to to come to Pune for the business deal, but their mother wanted to visit Shweta masi. So the whole family decided to stay in Pune for a weekend. But after their father's injury, they now have to stay till he recovers. He had slipped in the bathroom and hurt his back and fractured his leg.

Shweta stayed in Pune with her husband and both were generous people. They didn't mind them staying here. In fact, Shweta seemed happy that Annapurna would stay for more days.

"Sanskar, you're back. But where is Laksh?" asked his mother, Annapurna as Sanskar and his masi entered the house.

"Laksh went with some friends. I'm sure he will be back soon"

"Hmm... OK freshen up. Shweta would you like some tea?"

"Tea would be nice. Thank you."

Annapurna nodded and moved towards the kitchen.

Sanskar went to check on his father.

#Durgaprasad's room#

"Dad, how are you feeling now?"

"Sanskar. Come come."

Sanskar sat near his bed on a chair.

"So, how did it go?"

"The deal? I got Rishi to agree to it if that's what you're asking"

"That, and also about your meeting with him. It's been two years since I last saw their family. Are they well?"

"They seem happy. Manish still acts like a child, and Rishi hasn't changed either, still the same kharus" Sanskar smirked.

"That is because you and Laksh deliberately irritate him" Durgaprasad said with a smile. "And how is Ragini?"

"Ragini seems a bit more mature, she has become quite a beauty."

Durgaprasad smiled at Sanskar "Are you taking a liking to her Sanskar?"

"Hahaha..  No Dad, I was just complementing her. I know when to praise true beauty when I see one"

"O..... I was hoping you would say otherwise"

Sanskar's eyes widened "Dad, what are you saying?"

"Hahaha.. Nothing Sanky, I was just messing with you. You must be tired. Why don't you go freshen up and have some tea"

"OK dad. Take care"

Sanksar left the room, but he found his mother waiting at the door.

"I was just coming to check on your father, but I couldnt help but here someone admiring someone's beauty" Annapurna teased.

"Ma, you don't start too. I only like Ragu as a friend ok"

"O, it's Ragu now?"

"Maaaaa" Sanky whined.

"Hahaha. OK OK. I won't tease you. But Sanky, wasn't it you who came to me 2 years ago and told me that you felt something special for Ragini?"

"Ma, at that time I was just starting to feel something special for her. But Sneha Di's accident happened and they left. That special feeling never got the opportunity to grow. It was as if it was nipped in the bud Ma, so now, I only have feelings of friendship towards her."

"Hmm... Are you sure though? That your feelings have disappeared?"

"I don't know Ma. But why do you seem so interested?"

"Well, when you came to tell me about her Sanky, you sounded.... I don't know how to explain it, but you sounded so sure that it was her. She was the one for you."

Sanky looked down in thought "I... I don't know Ma. These two years, I emerged myself totally in work to forget about everything...sorrow, loneliness, everything. I don't know if I have any such feelings towards her!"

"Then why don't you try and find out. After all, you've got nothing to lose."

"What do you mean?" Sanky asked in confusion.

"I mean that you should try to spend more time with Ragini. Maybe then you will realize if you feel anything towards her or not. If you don't, then it's okay, you two will grow more close as friends... And if you do, you can go confess your feelings to her."

"But how am I supposed to spend time with her when Rishi won't even let me be near her for a second?"

"Sanky... That is something you have to find out on your own. I can't help you with everything"

"OK OK... Can you please give me something to eat. All this thinking is making me hungry"

"Hahaha.. OK. Freshen up. There's yogurt in the fridge."

"Yogurt!? I'll freshen up right away!"

#Sanskar's room#

Sanskar had taken a shower, put on his clothes and was sitting on his bed, eating yogurt. He was in deep thought.

'Ma seems to think that Ragini will be a good partner for me.... But, I don't have such feelings for her, do I? I may have had feelings for her long back, but now.... I don't know what I feel for her. Maybe Ma is right. I should try to spend more time with Ragu. That way I can finally know if I like her as a friend or as something more.'

Sanskar sighed 'Easier said than done. That Rishi won't let me near her. And if I try to disobey him, he will surely beat me to death with those muscles of his.' Sanskar shivered.

Laksh had just come home and was about to enter Sanky's room, when he saw him sighing and deep in thought.
"You know Bhai, usually such looks are seen on those with unrequited love stories. Who stole your girl?" teased Laksh.

"Shut up Lucky. I'm not in the mood"

"Okaayyy. Guess its a good thing that I have some good news to cheer you up."

"What news?"

"Rishi has agreed to let us be friends with them again."

"Eh? Lucky, if this is one of your jokes, than I'm telling you, I'm really not in the mood right now."

Lucky told him everything that happened at Rishi's house.

"O, I see. But how is it a good news. Ragu and Swara are in danger."

"Aree bhai, you worry too much. We all will protect them no? Don't worry. By the time we are done with Pawan, he won't dare look into any other girl's eyes."

"I guess you're right" Sanskar said. 'And maybe....maybe this way, I could spend more time with Ragini too. Awesome!'

"Bhai, you can accompany Swara, while I-"

"NO!" Laksh was startled at the way Sanskar shouted "I, I can't" Sanskar said.

"Why not?" Lucky looked at him confused.

'Should I just tell him that I want to discover my true fellings for Ragini? .....No that would be suicide. Lucky would tease me to no end. Its better if I give him some other excuse. Think Sanky think think.....Aha!'

"I can't because Swara is so wild and unpredictable. Not to mention that Mani and Swara are always with each other, which means they will be fighting non-stop. I can't handle them."

"Come to think of it, you are not totally wrong. Mani and Swara always stick together even if they claim to hate each other. I wonder why."

"Maybe its the case where opposites attract? Maybe they like each other secretly. And you loveeee to play matchmaker, don't you Lucky?"
'Come on Lucky, take the bait. Agree already!' Sanskar prayed.

"I'm the ultimate matchmaker. Of course I can't miss this opportunity" Lucky said arrogantly.

'Although I wish I could spend more time with you Ragu.' thought Lucky.

"Hahaha. ok Lucky. There's some yogurt left in the kitchen if you'd like."

"Nah. I'm full. Tanuja makes delicious halwa. I would have kissed her hands, but Rishi threatened to kill me."

"No. He would probably torture you first, then kill you, slowly."

Lucky shivered. "Not funny bhai"

Sanky just laughed.

#Bedi house, at mid-night#

'How dare he! How dare he threaten Ragu and Swara. And to even think that he could have Tanuja for himself. That...that bastard! I'll.... I'll kill him! No, that would be an easy death. I won't kill Pawan. I'll torture him first. Feed him to the lions. Bring him back to life and kill him again!' Rishi cackled at the thought.

"Rishi bhai, its mid-night and you're cackling like a churail. What are doing up so late" asked Manish, yawning.

"I couldn't sleep. And I don't think I'll be able to sleep until I see that Pawan behind bars, or even better, dead!" Rishi fumed.

"But pacing back and forth in the middle of the night won't make Pawan die. You'll drive a hole into the carpet if you keeping pacing like that!"

"Don't care!"

"I do! I brought it with my own money!" whined Manish.

"What's all this commotion about? Rishi, Mani, what are you two doing here in the middle of the night?" asked Tanuja. Rishi had asked Swara and her to stay at his house for some days, for security reasons. She told him he was being over-protective and paranoid, but Rishi wouldn't take no for an answer.

"Mani probably wet his bed in his sleep and Rishi bhai is scolding him." Swara said as she came out of her room.

"Hey! Do you have to insult me always! I think you were born to annoy me."

"Guys, why are you all talking so loud." asked Ragini as she came out of her room hearing their voices.

"Ask Mani, he was the one who woke me up. Stupid ape!"

"Hey watch it witch! And I woke up because of Rishi bhai."

"I couldn't sleep. It's Pawan's fault that I can't fall asleep. I should go beat him up for that!"

"Rishi bhai, just admit that you want to go and beat up Pawan right now because he tried to steal Tanu di" teased Ragini.

"He deserves it."

Tanuja came and laid a hand on Rishi's shoulder. "Rishi, I'm right here with you. And Pawan can't come here. Neither will he be able to harm any one of us because we are all in this together. And I know that Pawan can't do anything to me as long as you are with me. I trust you." Tanuja smiled at him.

"I know. But this doesn't mean that I would worry less. I-"

"Rishi..... How will you protect all of us, if you don't take care of yourself. You need to be in best shape to beat him. Not sleeping won't help you."

"Yea Rishi bro. Otherwise, he will make a pancake out of you. Did you see Pawan's muscles? He seems tougher than you." Swara said.

"Swara, whose side are you? You're praising our enemy!" Mani accused.

"I'm on Rishi bro's side of course. But I'm only speaking the truth."

"I'll have you know that I was a black belt Swara. Not to mention I had beaten almost every guy in college." Rishi boasted.

"And also that its been 10 years since your college days and 5 years since you last went to the gym" Ragini pointed out.

"Wha- You don't think I can beat Pawan?"

"Bhai, you're strong but Pawan seems stronger." Teased Ragini

"No problem, I'll help bhai in beating him up" Mani flexed his muscles.

"Mani, rehne do, you'll probably embarrass yourself and us."

"You haven't seen me fight Swara. Once you see me in action, you'll become a fan"

"Hahahaha..nice joke"

"Ok, enough all of you. You've got college tomorrow and Mani, Rishi.... you can't be late for tomorrow's meeting. Move to your rooms and sleep." said Tanuja. Mani however, couldn't let Swara have the last word.

"Joke! I'll show yo-" Mani's phone buzzed "Riya's message. Finally!"

"Riya, who's Riya?"

"Mani bhai met her at the mall yesterday, gave her his number. Finally she texted him. He had been waiting all day long" Ragini giggled.

"Huh. She probably thinks you are an ape too, Mani the ape" smirked Swara.

Mani, however, payed her no attention.

"Eh? No comeback? Finally accepted that you are an ape Mani?"

"Swara..." warned Tanuja

However, Swara was too busy glaring at Manish. She couldn't believe that Mani was ignoring her. His eyes  were glued to his phone. 'Who is this Riya anyway! And its not like she is talking about something very important. Must be a bimbo and an idiot like Mani. That's why they are getting along.'

"Um...Swara, are you okay. You look a bit red." Ragini said meekly.

"Whatever! I'm sleepy." Swara huffed and left for her room.

"Finally someone's listening. The rest of you please retire to your rooms to" said Tanuja

"Not now, I'm busy chatting" said Mani, without looking up from his phone.

"I'll leave sometime later. Now that you all have insulted my muscles, I think I'll train a bit." Rishi said.

"Rishi its 12.10am! Who trains now!"

"I do. I'm Rishi Bedi. I can do anything"

"Tanu di, I think I'll go a bit later too. Since I'm awake anyway, I think I'll finish writing the lyrics to my new song." Ragini smiled at her.

Tanuja was getting irritated. She wanted them to rest but none of them would listen. It was like taking care of toddlers.
'Well, at least I could have beaten them up if they were toddlers. How do I make such grown up people understand the meaning of being responsible!' thought Tanuja.

"Hey! How could you do that! Give me back my phone!" exclaimed Manish. Tanuja turned to look at him and found him wrestling with Swara to get his phone back.

"Swara, I thought you were going to your room!"

"I was, but his phone's beeps kept irritating me!"

"Beeping?! My phone was on silent! Don't lie!"

"I was still getting disturbed by it somehow!"

"That's ridiculous!"

"No it isn't!" To tell the truth, Swara wasn't disturbed by any sound. She just couldn't stop thinking about how Mani kept ignoring her for Riya. She didn't understand why, but she didn't want Mani to give his whole attention to Riya. ''Rationality be damned! I won't let Mani ignore me for some bimbo in mini-skirt!'

Mani and Swara wrestled for the phone. Finally Mani won, but by that time Riya had already texted him 'bye'.

"You ruined it! I was about to set up a nice date with her!"

"Shouldn't we focus more on Pawan! Quit thinking about yourself!"

"Myself!? I think about everyone else more! You're the one who keeps on doing what you like! Always wanting things your way! I wasn't even disturbing you. Tell her bhai."

"Um....I didn't see what happened."

"Bhai, you're protecting her!"

"No. Rishi just knows that I am right." Swara boasted.

"Swara, this time Mani is right. He didn't do anything. Why did you take his phone?" asked Ragini.

All of them started arguing, speaking over each other.

"ENOUGH!!!" shouted Tanuja.

They all stopped shouting and looked at the person who spoke.

"I have had enough of all of you!" fumed Tanuja

They all gulped. It was well known that Tanuja didn't lose her temper easily, but when she did.....

"I have been trying to get you all to listen to me, over and over again! But you all just keep brushing me off! Someone wants to train, Someone wants to write Lyrics! Someone wants to text! And someone just loves to disturb others!"

"T-Tanuja, love, listen please-"

"Shut up Rishi! No you all listen. I want you all in your rooms! Got it!!!"

"But Tanuja-"

"Move it!"

In a flash, Tanuja was the only one left in the hall. Tanuja took a deep breath and let it out.

"Hmm... That wasn't so hard now was it." Tanuja smiled to herself and left for her room.

To be continued....

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