End Game

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Yo! So, I had actually planned to kill off Mani. 😝😝😝

But! All comments said
"Don't kill him!"

So, on popular demand, I'm keeping him alive. 😊😊😊

Also, this means that the pairing will now be Swara and Mani (SwaNi?) , instead of Swara and Laksh(SwaLak).

Hope you're all okay with it. 😉😉😉

Moving on... 💃💃💃

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations. 

Chapter 19 - End Game

"Nooo!" Rishi gave a heart-wrenching cry and charged forward. Rishi felt his heart still on seeing Mani fall over. However, the only thing he could do was look down the building. "Mani!!!"

On looking down, Rishi felt like someone had given him a jolt of 1000 volt and brought him back to life. He felt a relief like nothing before as he saw the scene.

There, Pawan and Mani lay on the life net that the police had laid out above the ground.

Abruptly, Rishi straightened up and rushed downstairs. Seeing Rishi rush off with a smile made Laksh curious. He came near the edge and peeped down as well. His eyes widened on seeing the sight, with his face breaking out into a smile.

Sanskar, on the other hand, was busy trying​ to wake Ragini. "Ragu? Ragu, wake up! Ragini?"

"Bhai he's on the life net! The idiot is saved!" Laksh came shouting towards him. "Mani is alive bhai!"

Sanskar smiled in relief. "Thank goodness. I knew he wouldn't die without irritating me to death."

"Ahaha...! Let's go downstairs bhai."

"You go ahead. I'll come after I manage to wake Ragini."

"Okay Sanky." Laksh rushed past them. Before he left the terrace, he looked back at them. He watched the way Sanskar handled Ragini with utmost care. Like she was a butterfly wing that might fall off if handled with even a little harshness. He could see the pure, unselfish love that Sanskar had for Ragini.

Laksh smiled to himself. 'I realize now. Ragini was never meant for me. Yes it's true I love her. And maybe if I desperately ask you Sanky, you will sacrifice your love for me. But I can't, and won't that do to you two. You and Ragini are meant for each other. If I try to come between you two, that would be my greatest sin.'

Laksh gave a dry chuckle and sighed to himself. He could feel a sense of peace as he let his love go to his brother's arms. With a smile, he left for downstairs.

Sanskar readjusted Ragini's head on his lap. "Ragu? Ragu, come on, wake up. You're worrying me to a fit!" he spoke in panic as he patted her face.

After a moment, he saw her eye twitch. Sanskar's face broke into a smile. "Ragini, can you hear me? Ragu, wake up."

Ragini scrunched up her nose and pushed his hand away. "Five more minutes Rishi bhai. I promise I'll get to college on time."

Sanskar chuckled. "Want me to kiss you awake, Love?"

That made Ragini snap out of her dreamland at once. She looked at Sanskar, confused as to where and why they were there. Slowly, everything came back to her and she turned to look behind her. "Sanky, Mani! He...he..."

"He's okay and alive."

Ragini looked at him shocked. "H-he is? My brother is alive? He's alive!?"

Sanskar nodded with a smile. "Let's go and smack him over the head for taking such a rash decision."

#With Swara and Tanuja#

Swara and Tanuja rushed towards where they saw Mani and Pawan fall.

Swara would never forget the scene when Mani jumped from the building. It would be forever etched in her mind. She couldn't describe the terror that she felt watching him fall.

As they reached there, they saw him and Pawan still struggling with the gun. The police officers were cautiously moving closer to them. Suddenly, the gun went off. Before Pawan could fire again, the police managed to snatch the gun away. They cuffed Pawan's hands behind him, making sure he couldn't escape.

"Let me go!"

"Your free days are over Pawan Singh." the officer declared. Pawan's men were all arrested as well.

'Serves you right!' Swara thought in satisfaction.

"Mani!" on Tanuja's shout, Swara felt her heart would thump out of her chest. She looked over to see Mani holding his bleeding shoulder. It seemed the gun shot had hit him.

She ran towards where he was, with Tanuja following.

"Mani? Mani are you alright? Mani, it's bleeding!"

"Chill Swara. The bullet just grazed my shoulder. It's not anything to worry about." Mani tried to calm her. "Besides, I'm Manish Bedi. Do you really think Pawan-chaman would be able to put me down?"

Swara glared at Mani's haughty look. "Idiot! When will you ever grow up?!"

"Eh? What happened now?" Mani asked in confusion.

'He just jumped from the building risking his life and asks what he did?!' Swara glared harder and started hitting him on the arm.

"Hey! What the-ow! Oi you witch! Quit-ow!- harassing an-ow!-injured person!"

"Moron! Idiot! Dumbo! Dimwit! Ape!" with each word, Swara hit him harder. She would have continued her assault if it wasn't for Tanuja coming and holding her hands.

"Swara? Swara, calm down. It's okay. He's safe now. He's okay, alright?" Tanuja consoled her, knowing that her worry for Mani was the reason of her actions. "He's standing right in front of you, see? He's well and alive. He's not going anywhere. He's alive Swara. He's alive."

"Yes witch. I'm alive. But I think you will kill me now!" Mani spoke with a pout. He hid behind Tanuja seeing Swara's glare.

Swara barely controlled her tears of frustration. "Mani you...you...ugh!" she looked at Tanuja and hugged her. "How can I make him understand Di!? He's such an idiot! Why can't he understand that I was worried sick about him?! I was scared that I was going to lose him forever!"

Mani's eyes softened on hearing her words. 'She considers me her best friend. I guess that's why she is so worried about me. Although I wish...I wish we were more than friends.' all he wanted to do was pull her into his arms. But he knew she loved Laksh. 'You may not love me Swara. But I will always love you...no matter what.'

Only if he knew Swara was thinking along the same lines. As Swara hugged Tanuja, she finally let out her tears. 'I wish you loved me Mani. But you love Riya. I tried to forget you, but I can't. I love you and will always worry for you. Although you may not love me back Mani. But I'll love you forever.'

"Mani?! Mani!" before Mani had a chance to look over, he was tackled into a bear hug by Rishi and Laksh.

"Mani, you're alive. You're alive!" Rishi cried out in relief.

"Mani, you idiot! What you did was beyond stupid! It's good you didn't die. If you did, I would have revived you just so that I could kill you myself!" Laksh joked. He looked over at Pawan being held by the police.

'How can I let him leave without getting to lend him a punch?' Laksh thought in anger and marched off towards Pawan.

Rishi broke the hug and glared at Mani. "How dare you leave me and Ragu? Is it all a joke to you? Don't you care about us? Don't you care about how broken we would be with you dead?!"

Mani looked at him with moist eyes. "I'm...I'm sorry bhai. But that was the only way I knew to save you. And I would do it over again if it means your safety."

"Then you're an idiot!"

"Says the one who came here alone to sacrifice himself!" Tanuja accused as she turned Rishi to face her. "You left me on the marriage day. Did you not think about me once?!"

"Tanuja I'm so-"

"Shut up Rishi! Don't even try to say sorry! Pawan was more important than me now, huh? I understand you were worried for Ragu, but you could have at least told me!"

"Tanuja dear, I di-"

"Shut it! Don't even try to call me 'dear'. Pawan was more important than me, wasn't he?! Go marry him then!"

Rishi looked at her in horror. "What?! Arre, Tanuja dear, we can marry now. We wi-"

"Shut it! You're pissing me off more now!"

Mani watched them in amusement. 'Good luck Rishi bhai. I wonder how you will survive Tanuja's wrath.'

"Mani!" Ragini shouted as she and Sanskar reached them. "Mani, you're alive! I thought I lost you bhai."

Mani smiled at her and gave her an one arm hug. "Your bhai is fit and handsome as always."

Ragini let out a teary laugh at his reply. She noticed his other shoulder bleeding. "Oh my! Someone call the ambulance!"

"Relax miss. We have a medic with us." spoke the officer as he and the medic came near them.

"Thank you officer. If it wasn't for that life net..." Ragini looked back at Mani in tears.

"It's alright ma'am. We always come prepared for situations like this. But next time, I hope you inform us before trying to play hero and getting yourself killed." he chided glaring at Rishi and Mani.

"I did look quite heroic, didn't I?" Rishi boasted with pride. "I was the knight an-ow!"

Tanuja twisted his ear. "It wasn't a compliment."

"Not as much as me Rishi bhai. Didn't you see me jump from the building? I was more heroic."

Sanskar struck him over the head. "You almost had us scared to death. Ragu even fainted seeing you jump."

"I hope you didn't let her fall though Sanky. Otherwise, I'm cancelling you as her future husband."

"Of course I did! How could you imply I didn't? I love her, remember?"

While Ragini blushed, Rishi glared at him. "From now on, you're staying away from Ragu. Who knows what you might be fantasizing about my sister."

"Always kebab mei haddi." Sanskar accused. "Ragini is my love. No one is keeping me away from her, even you! I'll stay near her."

"No you won't!"

"Yes, I will!"

Ragini held both of their ears and glared at them. "Rishi bhai, Sanky...quit talking about me like I'm not present here."

Mani chuckled as he looked at them while the medic finished treating his shoulder. From the corner of his eyes, he saw Swara moving away. 'Eh? I thought she would go hug Laksh, being glad that he was okay.' suddenly, he remembered what Laksh said back at the Bedi residence while arguing with Sanskar.

"How dare you say that!? You know I love Ragini as well. I would die for her!"

'Swara must have heard it too. No wonder she's sad. I should go and console her. After all, she considers me her best friend.' Mani nodded to himself and walked in the direction he saw Swara walk away.

"Ow! Ragu, leave my ear. Ragu!" Rishi exclaimed in pain. They heard some shouting and looked to find Laksh being held back by the constables from hitting Pawan.

"Ragini, Tanuja...stay here. Let me and Rishi handle this." Sanskar spoke as he and Rishi moved ahead towards Laksh. "Lucky? What's going on?"

"Bhai, I won't let him leave without giving him my share of punches. I'm not letting him go that easy! Because of him, Ragu was in danger. You were even about to jump off the building for Ragini's happiness. All because of this bastard!"

Rishi looked at Sanskar in shock. 'He was ready to give up his life for Ragu? Wow! I...I didn't think he loved her to that extent.'

"I'll find a way to break free from prison. Just wait and watch!" Pawan taunted, hoping Laksh would hit him. 'If he attacks me while I'm cuffed, he'll get arrested as well.'

"Why you son of a bitch!" Laksh screamed in anger.

The officer in chief tried to calm him. "Mr. Laksh, the law is there to punish him. We have Pawan and his men in our custody. They will soon be behind bars. Don't worry."

"I don't care! I'm punching him and that's it!"

Sanskar freed Lucky from the constables and held him back himself. "Lucky, the officer is right. Let's not take the law in our hands."

Rishi poked Laksh and whispered in his ear. "Keep them distracted. We'll surely get our revenge."

Laksh didn't know what Rishi was about to do, but nodded. He started cussing and struggling again, keeping the attention on himself.

None of them noticed Rishi silently taking the keys from the officer's pocket and opening Pawan's cuffs. At once, Pawan took off running.

"Laksh, akraman!" on Rishi's shout, both he and Rishi himself started chasing Pawan, while the rest gaped at them dumbfounded.

Sanskar noticed the keys falling from Rishi's hand. "That idiot released Pawan himself?!"

The officer chuckled. "I would have had to arrest them if they attacked Pawan while in my custody. But now that Pawan is trying to escape the law, force might be used on him. A smart move by Mr. Bedi."

Sanskar sighed in defeat. "Remind me never to let Rishi and Lucky team up on anything."

Sanskar rubbed a hand over his face. "At this rate, they will make me have gray hairs even before I'm 30!"

#With Swara and Mani#

Swara looked at the setting sun. It looked beautiful. She felt a hand on her shoulder and turned to find Mani standing there.

"Swara? Are you okay?"

She gave him a smile. "Pawan is arrested, Ragu and Rishi are saved, Tanuja Di is safe. Why wouldn't I be okay?"

Mani looked down, uncomfortable. "I um...I know you heard Laksh say that he likes Ragini. That must really hurt, doesn't it?"

Swara blinked at him. 'He thinks I love Laksh, doesn't he? I wish I could tell him that I lied because I didn't want him to feel guilty for choosing Riya over me.' she gave him a fake smile. "It's okay. I'll be fine."

"No. It's not fine. You're a great person Swara. And you deserve to be happy. I'll help you make Lucky fall for you."

"Mani, that's unnecessary."

"No it's not! It's your life and I want to help you!"

"Mani let it go, okay? Just...just forget about it! I should just accept that I won't get my love." she said, thinking about her love for Mani.

However, Mani thought she was talking about Laksh. "Yes you will. Don't give up so soon. Have faith in your love!"

"Mani just leave it!" Swara shouted and moved past him. However, he caught her wrist and turned her towards himself.

"How could you just give up like this?! Why are you willing to let go so easily? Is your love that fickle and weak?!"

Swara felt rage cloud her mind at his words. Yes he may not know that it is he that she loves. But that didn't give him the right to insult her pure love for him. "Don't talk as if you know everything!"

"I do know the truth! And it is that you aren't willing to fight for your love. How could you fall so weak!?"

"It's because I know you love another and won't ever love me!" Swara blurted out in anger. However, she gasped once she realized what she accidentally spoke out loud.

To be continued...

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~ 🌹 Mona 🌹

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