Her Choice

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Hi! Beginning the chapter by thanking all my readers!!! Votes and comments much appreciated!!!


Anyways, Onwards!!!


"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 11 - Her Choice

#Shopping Mall#

"How does this look Sanskar?"

"It looks beautiful Ragu"

Ragini rolled her eyes "That's what you said about the other three dresses."

"I did? Then this is more beautiful compared to them I guess" 😅

"Ugh! Sanky, you boys don't know the difference between dresses. I should have brought Swara or Tanuja Di with me"😑

"Or maybe, the one who is trying the dresses is so beautiful, that any dress looks very beautiful when she wears it" Sanskar said, smiling at Ragini.

Ragini blushed and hit Sanskar's arm playfully. "I though Lucky was a shameless flirt, but you are the same"

"Hey! I can't help it if a beautiful girl is standing before me"

"So you mean to say that you will flirt with any beautiful girl that is with you?" Ragini felt a mix of anger and hurt.

"Hahaha.. Are you jealous Ragu?" Sanskar teased.

"No, I'm not! Its just that you are my best friend. And I don't want someone to say that my best friend is a shameless flirt." Ragini said with a huff. 😣

"Lucky is the same. Yet, you don't scold him like you're scolding me"

"That's because...because .." Ragini shuttered, as she didn't have an excuse.

"I think I can smell something burning. I wonder who is burning out of such jealousy" Sanskar joked. 😆

"Ugh! Whatever! I hate you. Do what you want! 😣 " Ragini stormed off.

"Arre... Ragu wait. Ragu? Ragu! I'm sorry. Hey slow down, will ya?"

After sometime...

Ragini finally decided a perfect dress for herself and they headed back to Sanskar's car. However, Sanskar said that he had to buy something and told Ragini to wait in the car. He came back after some time and they both headed towards his Masi's house.

#Bedi Residence#

"Put it there. A little to the right andddd...perfect! Thanks Kaka" Laksh thanked the worker, as he fixed the last of the flowers on the pillar.

Laksh looked around to see if anything was left to do. 'Seems like everything is done. Well done Lucky!'

"You will never stop boasting about yourself, will you?" said a voice. Laksh looked towards the voice to find that it was Tanuja.

"Eh? I didn't even say anything" 😅

"Looking at your face, I can make out that you were mentally praising yourself"

"What can I say? I'm awesome!" 😏

Tanuja smacked his head lightly.

"Ow!" He looked at Tanuja with a pout.

"By the way Tanuja, did you-"

"No, she didn't make halwa if that's what you were about to ask!" spoke Rishi, as he came down the stairs.

Laksh looked at him with indignation "Just because I like her cooking, doesn't mean I would only ask her about food. I was about to ask if she has seen Swara. I need to ask her if there was any other work left regarding the decorations"

Rishi didn't look at him as he approached, but started taking to Tanuja "Tanuja, where are your Maa and Baba? I need to ask them about how many relatives they called. And also ask them if they want any other food item for tomorrow."

"They went to the terrace a few minutes ago."

"I see. Let's go" Rishi held her hand and was about to pull Tanuja with him.

"Oi! You are the one who wanted to meet her parents, not Tanuja. She was chatting with me. You leave." said Laksh.

Rishi looked at him with irritation.

"Quit looking at me like that. Go away. Be gone. Shoo" Laksh made a shoo-ing motion towards Rishi.

Tanuja stifled a laugh 'Laksh, you just love to tick off Rishi, don't you? Rishi looks like he is about to explode.'

"She's my future wife. I have the right to take her with me."

"Oh my! Tanuja look. He thinks he can control you just because he is your husband"

"So what? Its a wife's job to listen to her husband" at once, Rishi felt Tanuja pull her hand away. He turned to Tanuja and opened his mouth to ask her why. However, the words died in his mouth when he saw the look Tanuja was giving him.

"You want me to be a typical housewife who would simply do her chores and sing praises of her husband?" Tanuja took a step towards Rishi, while Rishi took a step back.

"N-no. No way. Ta-"

"That I should do everything by taking your permission? Decide what I like and dislike according to you?" She took another step forward, and Rishi moved back.

"N-ev-er. Never Tanuja! In fact, it is me who will try to do what you like, do what you say, eat what you want me to. I would even laugh the way you want!"

Tanuja held him by the ear and spoke "Good. Its good that you understood on our own. Now lets go to my parents"

"Okay okay. But at least let go of my ear. How is it going to look if you take me to them like this. Tanuja? Tanuja!?" However, Tanuja paid him no attention and dragged him with her.

"Wish you a happy married life in advance Rishi! 😂 " shouted Laksh from behind, while laughing.

"What are you laughing so hard about?" asked Swara, as she and Mani approached Laksh.

"Nothing much. Just watching Rishi become Tanuja's gulaam"

"Heh. What's new in that? Bhai has always been Tanuja's gulaam" joked Mani.

"True that. By the way, was there any work left Swara?"

"No Laksh. Everything is done. There is some work left, but rest assured. Mani and I can handle it." Swara said with a smile.

'Swara's smile is beautiful. She is an amazing person at heart too.' thought Laksh, looking at Swara in the eye.

Mani observed their exchange, but did not comment on it. However, his jealousy took over and he yawned to distract them.

Laksh broke out of their eye lock "Um... I'll take my leave then. I have some work back home. See ya guys" Laksh moved out of the house in a hurry. Once outside, he leaned against the wall and placed a hand over his heart 'I can't believe I got lost in her eyes' Laksh shook his head and smiled  'I guess if I didn't have Ragini in my heart, I would have surely fallen for Swara. But my heart already has chosen Ragini.'


"Is there something you want to tell me Swara?" Mani asked. He wanted Swara to tell him the truth. From their eye-lock, he was sure that Swara felt something for Laksh.

"N-nothing Mani."

"Are you sure Swara?"spoke Mani 'Please don't lie to me Swara.'

Swara hesitated for a moment. Mani thought she would finally say the truth. However, Swara smiled again and told him that it was nothing.

'Ok Swara. Since you seem to be having difficulty in deciding whether to tell me or not, I think I'll give you some more time to tell me the truth' Mani thought and nodded to himself.

Swara looked at him confused "Why are you nodding to yourself?"

"Nodding? N-no no. I... I was cracking my neck. It feels good to do that!"

"Cracking your neck? Why would anyone crack their necks? Want your head to fall off?"

"My head won't fall off. In fact, it...it makes your neck slim and long" Mani said as an excuse.

"THE HECK!? That is probably the most ridiculous thing I have ever heard!"

Mani knew he had given a lame and unbelievable excuse, but refused to admit he was wrong "You wouldn't understand Swara, since your neck is short and chubby, just like you"

"Did you just call me short and chubby you ape?!" 😣

"Nope. Just your neck." 😁

"Let me slim down yours!" Swara grabbed Mani's neck with both hands and started choking him.

"Ack! Let go *cough* Bloody Murder! *cough* help! Save me someone *cough* from this witch!"

"Apologize or else I won't let go!"

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" Mani croaked out. 😵

Swara let him go "That will teach you not to insult my appearance again" 😡

"Whatever" Mani moved away from her, rubbing his neck. Once he was out of Swara's reach he smirked. "By the way, congrats Swara." 😏

Swara looked at him confused "Congrats? For what?" 🤔

"You are finally being able to reach my neck. I wonder...... Are you stealing the neighbourhood children's complan and drinking it?"

Swara looked like she would explode with anger. However, before she could catch Mani, he ran away "MANISH BEDI! You are DEAD! You hear me!? Come back here!" 👿

#Sanskar's Masi's House#

Sanskar and Ragini entered the house and found Annapurna and Sanskar's masi, Shweta, chatting in the living room. Annapurna's eyes widened on seeing Ragini. She rushed up to her and hugged her. Ragini hugged her back. Both had tears in their eyes. They haven't met for two whole years, but Ragini was still like a daughter to Annapurna and for Ragini, she was like a mother.

After breaking the hug, Annapurna spoke "Ragini beta, how have you been?"

"In fine Maa. What about you Maa? I missed you so much."

"I'm okay Ragini. And I miss you too my dear. Sanky's father also talks about you often."

"How is Baba now? I heard what happened."

"He is recovering quickly. I'm sure he will be overjoyed to meet you." She turned to Shweta."Shweta, this is Ragini that I told you about. Ragini, this is Shweta" Ragini greeted her with a 'namaste'.

"I see. She is a beautiful young lady. And with good manners too. Nice to meet you Ragini." Ragini smiled back "Annapurna, go take her to Durgaprasad. I'm sure he would like to see her"

Annapurna nodded and motioned for Ragini to follow her.

"When did I become a ghost?" spoke Sanskar.

They all turned to him in confusion.

"You all are behaving as if I'm not even here. Maa, I brought Ragu here, and you forgot your own son" Sanksar said, crossing his hands in front of his chest.

Annapurna rolled her eyes at his antics and moved forward.

#Durgaprasad's room#

Durgaprasad looked up as he heard someone open his door. His face broke out into a smile when he saw Ragini, followed by Sanskar and Annapurna.

Ragini came and touched Durgaprasad's feet "Hello Baba. How have you been?"

"Ragini beta, its been so long. I'm fine beta. What about you and your family?"

"We are alright Baba. Mani bhai is notorious and childish as always. Rishi bhai is fine too. In fact, tomorrow is his marriage. It would have been great if you could have come"

"Sanky and Lucky will go, but I wish me and Annapurna could come too. But it won't be possible with my injury. Besides, I don't think Rishi would like us there"

Ragini shook her head "That's not true Baba. Rishi bhai respects both you and Annapurna Maa greatly. Sure he disliked Sanky and Lucky, but he has always respected you two. In fact..." Ragini hesitated, but spoke again "Don't tell Rishi bhai I told you this, but he kept check on your family. Remember our neighbours in Delhi? Rishi bhai would call them once a week to check if you and Maa were alright. He also told them to call him if you needed anything."

Annapurna and Durgaprasad looked at her in shock.

#With Laksh#

Laksh parked his car and entered his Masi's house. He found his Masi reading.

"Hello Masi. Where is Maa?"

"Hello Laksh beta. Your Maa is upstairs with Ragini and Sanskar, in your father's room"

"Ragini is here?"

Before Shweta could respond, Laksh rushed upstairs. Shweta shook her head 'Young generation these days. They always feel the need to do everything in a rush. In my days...' she got busy in reminiscng her youthful days.

#Durgaprasad's room#

"He really cares for you both. After meeting you all through Sneha di, we got the love of parents from you. Rishi  bhai, and even Mani bhai still care for you and Maa" Ragini told Durgaprasad with a smile.

"So I guess its only me and Lucky that got the brunt of his anger. Your brother is a hypocrite" spoke Sanskar, accusingly.

"Sanskar" said both Annapurna and Durgaprasad in a strict tone, while Ragini glared at him.

"What the... now I'm the villain? Unbelievable! You're choosing Rishi over your own son Maa and Baba. So not fair 😣 " Sanskar spoke with a huff.

Annapurna went near him and held him by the ear "You will never quit your mischief, will you?"

Ragini giggled. However, she heard Durgaprasad cough. She looked for water, but noticed that the glass was empty. "I'll go get water for Baba from the kitchen"

"Ok Ragini. Go left and enter the second room. You'll find the kitchen" Ragini nodded and moved out.

Once she was out of hearing distance, Annapurna turned to Sanskar "So?"

"So? So what Maa?" He asked, confused. 😕

"Did you figure out your feelings for Ragini?"

None of them heard someone come near the door and stop in his tracks in shock.

Sanskar blushed and looked down. Annapurna noticed this and she smiled at Durgaprasad.

"I...I did as you told Maa. I tried to spend more time with her. Rishi wouldn't have let me, so I used Purab's threat as an excuse to be with her. And this week, while working for the marriage, we have become closer than before."

"So? Did you tell her how you feel?"

"Not yet Baba"

"When will you tell her and bring her as my daughter-in-law? I can't wait forever to get grandkids you know Sanskar" teased Durgaprasad.

Sanskar turned red as a tomato, while Annapurna laughed.

Unknown to them, the person at the door was listening to them talk. He leaned on the wall for support as he wasn't able to handle the shock 'Maa and Baba chose Ragini for Sanky? And Sanky... he ....he loves Ragini? That's why he wanted to be the one to watch over Ragini? So thay he could get closer to her?!' Laksh clutched his heart in pain.

Sanskar came out of the room to go freshen up. He found Laksh standing there, wide-eyed. "Lucky? Hey, what's wrong?" Laksh looked at him. He grabbed Sanskar's hand and pulled him along with him to his room.

"Lucky? Will you tell me now what happened?"

"You... you love her? You love Ragini?!"

Sanskar blushed "Yes, I do. Now don't dare tease me for it alright! If you do, I won't help you make excuses for taking breaks in between work" Sanskar spoke with a smile. However, his smile disappeared when he noticed Laksh' face. Laksh didn't look like he was about to tease him. In fact, Laksh looked ready to fight.

"How...how could you bhai!? How could you do this to me?!"

"Lucky, what are you saying? I-"

"You lied to me about the reason you wanted to watch over Ragini. You did that to spend time with her!"

"If you're angry about that, then I'm sorry alright? I thought that you would tease me to no end, and so I hid the truth. Come on Lucky, that's no reason to be mad about. It's just a little thing an-"

"Little thing? Little thing!? You're stealing my love from me. How can it be a little thing!?" screamed Laksh.

Sanskar looked at him shocked. 'Lucky.... Lucky loves Ragini? How could I have missed that!' Sanskar was in a fix 'If Laksh told me this when we met Ragini again, I would have helped him win Ragini's heart. But now.... now I truly love her. I can't just give her up like that..... But on the other hand, Lucky is my little brother.' He closed his eyes and looked down.

Laksh came near Sanskar and spoke "Look Sanskar. You are my big brother. I would die for you. But Ragini is my true love and I'm not giving her up."

Sanskar opened his eyes and looked at Laksh. He smiled and placed a hand on Laksh's shoulder "You are my little brother Laksh. All my life, I have prioritized you over everything. If you wanted something, I have given it up for you and even now I will do it" Laksh smiled, thinking that Sanskar was giving up on Ragini.

However, Sanskar continued "I would give up everything for you Laksh. But not Ragini. I will fight for her heart" Laksh looked at him shocked. "Another thing Laksh. Ragini is not a thing to possess. She is a person. I will let her make her own choice. If she chooses you, I will happily marry you two. However, of she chooses me, I won't give her up. I'm sorry Laksh, but that is the way it will be." Saying this, Sanskar left.

Laksh stood there, deep in thought. One thing kept ringing in his head 'Ragini is not a thing to possess. She is a person'

Laksh came to a decision 'Sanskar is right. Ragini is a person and I should respect her decision. I'll let her chose. However, I'll try my hardest to win her heart. This is a challenge I'm willing to take bhai. And I plan to win!'


To be continued...

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