Unlikely Occurrences

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Hi! Beginning the chapter by thanking all my readers!!! Votes and comments much appreciated!!!


Anyways, Onwards!!!


"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone Conversations

Chapter 12 - Unlikely Occurrences

Ragini bid goodbye to Durgaprasad and Shweta, while Laksh and Annapurna came to see her off. Sanskar moved towards his car.

"Wait Sanky. I'll drop her home" spoke Laksh.

"No need Lucky. I brought her here. So I should be the one to drop her home." said Sanskar. Annapurna could feel that Sanskar was angry at Laksh, although she didn't know why.

"Bhai, you must be tired from all the work. That's why I want you to rest. I'll drop her home." said Laksh in an extra sweet tone.

"I said I'll drop her home Lucky. Its not a big deal, little brother. Your big brother can handle it. Come on Ragini"

Ragini looked at Annapurna. She could also feel animosity between the two brothers.

'Maybe its just some silly argument they both got into. Me and Mani are the same.' She smiled and moved forward.

Once they left, Annapurna questioned Laksh "Did you get into an argument with Sanskar? You know I don't like you two fighting."

"Then you should have thought of it before you decided to select Ragini for Sanskar." Laksh spoke with spite and stormed off inside.

Annapurna looked on in shock 'Could it....could it be that Laksh likes Ragini? Oh no!'

#After reaching Bedi Residence#

"Thank you for dropping me home Sanky."

"Its alright, Ragu"

Ragini opened the door to get down. However she paused. 'Sanky had been quiet for the entire ride. I wonder if something is bothering him'

"Sanky, I'm your best friend, right?" when Sanky nodded, she continued "Then tell me what is wrong. I want to help."

Sanky looked at her with wide eyes, then composed himself "There is nothing wrong Ragu. What made you think something was wrong?"

Ragini glared at him "Don't even try to lie to me!"

"Arre..... I'm not lying Ragu" when she didn't look convinced, he added "Its....its just some tension regarding work. Our company is suffering a loss." he lied.

"Oh. I see" she placed a hand on Sanskar's shoulder "Don't worry Sanky. I'm sure you and Lucky will handle it just fine."

'That's where you're wrong Ragu. This time, I'm alone in this challenge and it's against Lucky. But I plan to win it!' He smiled and nodded at her.

Ragini was about to get down from the car, when Sanskar grabbed her hand and placed something in it. It was beautiful necklace.

"Sanskar, what-?"

"Its for you Ragu. I saw it when we were coming out of the mall. That's why I went back. It will look great with your dress."

"But Sanky, this seems so costly. You already paid for my dress, and this too? I... I can't take this gift Sanky. Its too much!"

"Ragu, I brought it as a gift for my best friend from my heart. And you are rejecting it?" Sanskar made a sad face, in order to convince Ragini.

"Hey! Don't try that trick on me. Stop making that sad puppy face." However, Sanskar kept looking at her like a kicked puppy. "Ugh! Fine. But this is the last time I'm taking such a costly gift from you" Sanskar nodded with a smile.


Swara entered Ragini's room.

"Where is it? Show me!"

Ragini showed Swara her new dress.

"Wow Ragini, its so beautiful! It must have cost you a fortune"

Ragini blushed "Actually, Sanky bought it for me."

Swara turned to Ragini and started teasing her "Oho-ho, someone sure likes Ragu a lot"

"Swara, its not like that. He bought it because he is my best friend and-"

"Ragini, friends don't just go and buy dresses for their friends."

"Yes they do. Doesn't Rishi bhai buy you things?"

"That's because he likes Tanuja, and I'm his saali" her eyes lit up as a thought came to her "If you think that he brought it to you as a friend, then tell me this. Did he buy you something after it, without a reason?"

"Well, yes. He bought me a necklace."

Swara jumped up and hugged Ragini "Ragu!!! This means that he likes you for sure. Even if we assume that he paid for the dress as a friend, there is no other way to explain why he brought you the necklace other then the fact that he likes you! Do you like him back?"

Ragini looked down in thought "I...I kind of like him.... I think... I guess...or I guess I think that?" she spoke, confused. 😅

"Ragini, I have seen how Sanskar looks at you. He really likes you a lot." 😊

"I'm... I'm just scared Swara. What if we don't work out? I got my best friend back after such a long time and I don't want to lose it again. What if I mess up our relationship and Sanskar never wants to talk to me again? What if he feels uncomfortable around me? I don't want to lose our friendship Swara"

"Ragu, you won't mess up. You're an amazing person and I know that you and Sanskar would be happy together. Besides, you can't live on thinking about 'what ifs'. You would never know what will happen until you give it a try."

Swara was about to speak more, however Ragini interrupted "Enough about my love life. Tell me about yours." Ragini spoke.

Swara contemplated whether to tell her or not, as she may tell Laksh or Mani. One was her best friend while the other her brother. However, Swara knew she could trust Ragu, as she was her true friend, almost like a little sister she never had.

Swara sighed "It's getting more complicated Ragu. This is why I hate love. It brings nothing but complications, tensions and loss of peace of the mind!" on seeing Ragini's questioning look, she explained everything to her.

Ragini looked on with wide eyes as she processed everything that Swara told her. "So basically, you like Mani, but you also like Lucky. But Mani bhai knows you have feelings for him and not Lucky, while Lucky doesn't know  anything!" Swara nodded.

Ragini sighed. 😩 "How you get yourself into these predicaments is beyond me, Swara" 😅

"Awww...I thought you would be able to help me somehow" Swara pouted.

"Okay okay" Ragini thought for a moment. She suddenly got an idea. "Swara, close your eyes"

Swara did as told.

"Now Swara imagine a simple, but elegant house, surrounded by beautiful flower gardens. Imagine it having a white picket fence and birds chirping."

Swara tried to imagine and nodded when she succeeded.

"Now Swara, go inside the house. Imagine that it is your house and imagine yourself cooking, peacefully. Look at the dining table Swara. You can see two kids there. Both are yours. You all live in complete happiness and peace." Swara had a smile on her face while imagining everything. "Now your husband comes to you. He holds you from behind and gives you a kiss on your cheek. And you turn to him." Ragini smiled at Swara, who had her eyes closed in concentration "Whom do you see Swara?"

Swara's eyes snapped open in shock "Mani"

Ragini smile became wider "That means that your heart wants him. That house, that peace...its what your heart wants. And it wants that peace beside Mani."

Swara hugged Ragini "Thank you Ragu!" she rushed out of the room. 'I need to go tell Mani my feelings!'

#Mani's Room#

Mani took off his jacket and placed it on the bed. A photo fell out and he picked it up. It was of Ria. She had given it to him some weeks ago, when he still hadn't realized his feelings for Swara. She said they should have a picture of each other if they wanted be boyfriend-girlfriend.

'What a stupid logic!' Mani rolled his eyes and placed the picture on his desk, while he looked for something in the pocket of his jacket.

He found the thing he was looking for and smiled at it. It was the golden locket that be bought for Swara.

At that very moment, Swara came towards Mani's room. However she stopped near the door and hid behind the wall 'How do I tell him? How shall I begin? Most importantly, I still don't know if Mani realized he loves me or loves another. But...but he hasn't been with another girl recently and has been with me most of the time. Aren't those signs that he likes me?' Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Mani speak to himself.

Mani was actually speaking to the locket, imagining Swara in his mind. "I love you so much. I wish...I wish you would feel the same. I want you to be mine. I would die for you my love. Please be mine" he said as he put the locket inside the drawer of his desk. He looked at Ria's photo again and picked it up. 'I guess I don't need this anymore'

Swara's heart skipped a bit and she smiled 'I think Mani is talking about me. This confirms that he likes me. I'll just go and kiss him! After all, actions speak louder than words.'

Swara peeped into Mani's room and saw him standing before his desk, with his back to her. She was about to move inside when she saw Mani pick up something from the desk. She froze when she saw him pick up another girl's photo. She felt as if she was struck by lightning.

Swara's eyes welled up with tears. 'All this time...all this time he was talking about her? He loves her. Not me...' Swara clutched her heart 'I guess he realized that......that he only feels friendship towards me. I... I can't be here anymore' Swara silently ran away from there, with her tears flowing freely.

Mani, unaware of what happened, moved towards the dustbin and threw Ria's photo in it. He smiled and got ready for bed.

#With Ragini#

*phone ringing*


(Ragini, its Rishi. Come out to the backyard quickly. I need your help!)

Ragini looked at the clock "Bhai its almost midnight. What are you doing outside? And why does your voice sound different?"

(Ragini please! I need your help. Your bhai needs your help. Come please!)

Rishi's voice sounded desperate "I'm coming bhai. Don't worry."

She rushed to the backyard and looked around. However, she found no one there. She was about to call out for Rishi, when someone placed a cloth over her mouth. She tried to struggle, but the person was too strong. The last thing she heard before blacking out was the sinister laugh of Pawan.


To be continued...

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