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Sorry for the big gap in the updates...

Will try to update soon from now 🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗🤗

Beginning the chapter by thanking the voters, commenters, and viewers as without you all, we writers are nothing.

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations

Chapter 13 - Crisis

#Next Morning#

There was a lot of hussle and bustle as everyone was busy making the last check of everything, making sure that everything was perfect for the marriage.

Swara was looking intently towards the garlands, making sure they won't fall off. She wasn't watching where she was going and collided into someone. She looked up to see that it was Mani.

Looking at Mani, she felt a pang in her heart. She was reminded of the previous night, when she heard him confess his love for Ria. However, she tried to put on a fake smile "Hey Mani. Sorry, I wasnt looking where I was going."

Mani smiled at her brightly. "Good morning Swara. You're looking really beautiful!" and indeed she was looking mesmerizing in her dress. Mani could barely take his eyes off of her. That's the main reason he was standing in the middle of the corridor,  staring at her. It was actually his fault why she collided with him.

Swara blushed. However, his praise only increased the pain in her heart because she believed that Mani was complimenting her just as a friend would do. 'I wish it was me you loved Mani, and not Ria. But I won't try to come between you two. I want your happiness Mani, and if you find it with Ria, then I will let you go. I won't hold you back. But I will always love you Mani and be there as your best friend.'

Mani noticed the sad look in Swara's eyes. "Swara, is something wrong? Tell me please."

"It's nothing Mani. You're overthinking again."

"Swara....will you tell me or shall I blackmail you into telling me?" Mani asked teasingly.

Swara tried to think of an excuse "It's..... It's because of Tanuja di's wedding. Today Di will forever leave our family and become a part of yours. I will miss her dearly."

"Awww....Swara you're an idiot."

Swara glared at him "I just told you how I'm sad about my Di, and you say that I'm an idiot!"

"No no no! It's not.. That's not what I meant!" he stuttered out.

"Choose your next words wisely Mani. Because otherwise..." Swara cracked her knuckles. 😡

Mani raised his hands in surrender "Arre... I meant that you and Ragini are best friends and go to the same college. You can come visit us anytime. Besides, now even your parents will be staying where you and Tanuja used to stay after you left your Masi's house. So you don't need to miss Tanuja." He spoke meekly. 😅

"Hmm..I guess you do have a point."

"Exactly!" Mani chuckled 'Also, I'm going to propose to you today. I know you are my true and only love and when I marry you, you won't be missing your sister anymore. You will a part of our family too.' Thinking this, he started smiling goofily. 😊

"Mani, why are you smiling like that? You're starting to scare me now." 😨

"Nothing witch."


"Hey, did anyone of you see Ragu?" asked Rishi, as he came near them.

"I'm sure she is in her room. You know how much time these girls take to get ready and-Ow!" Mani shouted as Swara pulled him by the ear

"Try looking in her room Rishi bro. Or should I say jijaji" Swara teased.

Rishi smiled "Tease as much as you want. It doesn't matter anymore as I'm truly going to be your jijaji from now on. Your sister will finally be my wife. I can just imagine how she would be the first person I see everyday from now on, the one who will bid me goodbye when I go for office, would be there to talk with me whenever I feel lonely."

Swara's eyes welled up again. She was happy for her sister and Rishi, but she would truly miss her sister very much. Her sister had practically raised her, protected her always and never left her. But now, now she would have to leave her to stay at her husband's home.

"Rishi, please take good care of her. Give her every joy in the world. She deserves it." saying that, Swara moved past them towards the front door.

"Did...did I say something wrong?" Rishi asked Mani, as he saw Swara go away teary eyed.

"Its nothing Rishi bhai. She is just sad that her sister will be leaving home. But do not fear, because Mani is here. I'll go cheer her up."

"Okay. I'll go get Ragu." spoke Rishi.

Once Rishi left, Mani decided to go after Swara. He had thought that he would propose after Rishi and Tanuja's marriage. However, he saw how upset Swara was about her sister leaving her family, and so he decided to propose to her now. That way he can make her realize that eventually she would also be a part of the Bedi family as his wife and would get to be with her sister.

He found Swara deep in thought, looking at the sky. He went and tapped her shoulder.

Swara turned to him with a questioning look "Yes, Mani?"

"Swara I..." Mani paused. He had decided to propose, but now that she was in front of him, he didn't know how to say it. 😌

"Yes Mani? Speak up."

"I...I...I wanted to...I had to..I-"

"Mani quit stuttering and say what you want to!" 😒

"It was about our feelings. We said that we would try to find out if what we felt for each other was true love or friendship, remember?"

Swara felt like she was suffocating. 'So he finally decided to tell me the truth that what he feels for me is friendship. He only loves Ria. He loves her and not me.' Swara felt like crying, but held back her tears. 'I can't let Mani know that I like him. If he learns that I love him, he would no doubt feel guilty for not loving me back. Maybe he would even break off with Ria for me, his best friend. But I don't want that. I want him to find happiness, not sacrifice it for me.'

Swara nodded "Yes. So, tell me what you feel." She spoke, although she already guessed the answer.

'Come on Mani! Man up and tell her that you love her! Why are you such a coward! ....But what if she tells me that she only likes me as a friend? What if she likes Laksh?'

Swara looked at Mani's face. His face was showing anxiety, excitement, distress but most of all fear. 'What does he have to fear from me? he afraid that I would hate him if he tells me the truth that he loves Ria? Is he afraid that I wouldn't be friends with him?'

Swara looked down in thought 'I need to make him believe that I like another. That way....that way he won't feel bad. If I can convince him that even I don't love him, he won't feel guilty to be with Ria.'

Thinking this Swara spoke with a smile. "I also wanted to tell you about it. I finally realized my true feelings."

Mani looked up. 'Maybe she would be the one who will tell me that she loves me first.' He thought happily.

However, another side of him feared that it was another.'No! I can't think like that. I must think positive. I must think positive! I must thi-'

"I love Laksh, Mani" Swara lied. She didn't have any other option. Laksh was the perfect person that she could use to convince Mani. Mani already had his suspicions about him and hence, he would easily believe it.

Mani stood there frozen. He couldn't believe what he had just heard.

I love Laksh, Mani.

I love Laksh, Mani.


The same words kept running in his mind. As the line kept ringing over and over in his head, he felt like someone was shoving a knife in his heart over and over again. He wanted to cry, to shake her till she admits that it is he who she likes. To make her realize that no one can love her as much as he can.

But he didn't do any of it. Because for him, Swara's happiness meant everything. He plastered a fake smile on his face. "So you finally realized that what was between us was only friendship?"

'No Mani, I love you. But for your happiness I can't let you know the truth.' Swara nodded. "Yes Mani. And what about you?"

'I'm not telling her I love her. If I do, she will only feel guilty. I have to hide my feelings in order to keep her happy.'

"I realized the same Swara. And I'm glad that you realized it too. Haha..." Mani tried to laugh it off, but on the inside he felt like dying.

'He looks relieved. I guess I chose the right decision.' thought Swara. "You're right Mani."

"Hey guys! What are you both doing outside?" they looked towards the voice to find Sanskar and Laksh approach them.

'I hope Laksh doesn't end up saying anything that may reveal the truth.' thought Swara worried.

"Sanky, Lucky, you guys came so early?" both Mani and Swara noticed that the brothers came in different cars. It looked as if they weren't on good terms.

"Yes. We wanted to help you guys. The more people, the better it is, right?" remarked Lucky.

However, before anyone could say anything, Rishi came out, looking worried.

"I searched the entire house. I can't find Ragu anywhere."

"Ragini is missing? Where could she have gone to so early?" Sanskar asked quizzically.

"I-" suddenly, Rishi's phone rang. It was from an unknown number. He cut the call as he believed it was unimportant. Finding Ragini was the priority.

"I'm sure she hasn't gone anywhere. Lets spread out and search once again."

They all agreed and started looking for Ragini.

Rishi's phone rang again. It was the same number.


(Hello Rishi.)

Rishi's eyes widened as he realized it was Pawan's voice.

"How dare you call-"

(Na na na, don't be do rude to me Rishi. After all, I'm the one who can help you find your little sister.)

Rishi's eyes widened upon hearing that. 'How did he know that Ragu is missing?' He was instantly filled with a sense of dread.

(Wondering how I know about Ragu? Heh... wait, I'll let her talk to you.)

Rishi heard some shuffling and then, he heard the voice he was longing to hear.

(Rishi bhai! Bhaiya, save me!)

"Ra-Ragu?! Ragu don't worry. I'll save you! You will be back home in no time. Ragu don't worry alright!?"

(I believe you bhai. I'll-)

Pawan stole the phone from Ragini.

(Enough talking. Now lets get to business Rishi.)

"What do you want Pawan?"

(Well, at first I wanted you to bring Tanuja to me. But I don't want that anymore. What I want, is to see you beg before me and then, I want to see your dying face!)

"Look. Whatever you want, I'll do it. Just don't hurt her."

(I won't. You just have to make sure you come to me alone, without telling anyone. Come to the old Mehra warehouse. And Rishi, come alone! Or else-)

"Hello!? Hello!?" Pawan had cut the call.

"Rishi, did something happen?" asked Sanskar, as he came near. He saw Rishi looking spooked.

Rishi composed himself and gave a laugh "I'm fine! I just remembered that I had sent Ragu to get something from the market. Haha...silly me. I'll go get her back."

Rishi rushed past him and went to his car.

Sanskar looked on with narrowed eyes. 'Why does it feel like he is hiding something?'

Rishi sped up his car and headed for the warehouse. 'I'm coming Ragu. Don't worry, big brother will save you. I don't care if Pawan kills me. I just hope I can save you.'


To be continued...

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