Save Me

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Beginning the chapter by thanking the voters, commenters, and viewers as without you all, we writers are nothing!

"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

(Words in braces) - Telephone conversations

Chapter 14 - Save Me

"Was it just me, or did you all find Rishi's behaviour a bit odd?" asked Sanskar, as he saw Rishi hurry out of the gate in his car.

"I think bhai is nervous because it's his wedding day. I'm sure it's nothing. Let's go inside."

Saying that, Mani headed inside, followed by Laksh, Sanskar and Swara.

Suddenly, Tanuja came rushing down the stairs. "I can't find Ragini anywhere."

"We searched the entire house, the backyard and even the park nearby. She isn't there." spoke her parents as they came near.

"Relax Di. Rishi bro said that he had sent Ragini to the market. He has left to get her back." Swara tried to calm Tanuja.

"What are you saying Swara? Rishi had come to me in the morning searching for Ragini himself. He said that he hadn't seen her since dawn."

"Rishi bhai is a nervous wreck because of his marriage Tanuja. That's why he forgot about it. Don't worry, they'll be home soon." spoke Mani.

Tanuja shook her head "No. No matter what, he would never forget about his sister. She is a priority for him. There must be something wrong."

"You know, Rishi's behavior did seem a bit strange."

"That's because you were over thinking Sanskar." remarked Laksh.

"He looked distressed and as if...As if he was hiding something."

"You really think so Sanky?" Mani asked in worry.

"Sanky is just being his paranoid self. Forget about it Mani." Laksh tried to assure him.

Mani looked at him in confusion 'Is it me, or is Laksh purposefully disagreeing to whatever Sanky is saying?' he looked towards Swara and saw the same confusion in her eyes.

Sanskar looked at Laksh in irritation. "Excuse us for a minute please." he grabbed Laksh's hand and pulled him aside.

"Why are you doing this Lucky?"

"I don't know what you're talking about."

"You know very well what I'm talking about! You're disagreeing to everything I say. Are you a child?!"

"Shut up! I was denying your reasons because you are wrong! You may think you know the best, but you don't!"

"Oh really now? You really didn't find Rishi's behavior odd? Are you really convinced that it was just him being nervous about the marriage?"

Laskh indeed noticed that Rishi was acting a bit out of character. He was also suspicious of it. However, he refused to admit Sanskar was right.

"You're just trying to show that you care a lot about Rishi and his family. So that they would accept you easily when you ask for Ragini's hand in marriage. I'm never going to let that happen!"

"What is wrong with you Lucky?! Ragu and Rishi could be in danger right now and all you can think about is our challenge? Use your brain for a second!"

"They are fine! If something was wrong, they would tell us. Rishi would have told us."

"But what if he was told not to say a thing? What if he is being blackmailed?"

Laksh looked down in thought. Now that he thought about it, it did seem a possibility. 'Damn! I can't believe I never thought of it that way. But if something like that really did happen then... then Ragu might be in danger.'

He looked up at his brother in realization.

"Get it now Lucky?" Sanskar put a hand on his shoulder "Look. Whatever feud we have, its not greater than Rishi and Ragu's lives. We can settle it later. But now we need to work together to save them, alright?"

"Fine!" Laksh gave him a pointed look and moved towards the rest, followed by Sanskar.

Swara looked up at Laksh, distressed. "I've been trying Ragini's number, but she isn't picking up."

"Bhai isn't picking up either. Where are you Rishi bhai? Pick up your phone. Please!"

"Calm down Mani. We'll find them soon." Sanskar tried to console him.

Suddenly, they heard Tanuja gasp "What if...what if Pawan has them?"

Sanskar felt dread settle over him. 'Pawan could go to any lengths to get revenge on Rishi. I hope he doesn't harm Ragini for it. We need to save them!"

"Is he the one who made Ragini disappear? And is now blackmailing Rishi bro?" Swara spoke in anxiety. Mani saw the fear in her eyes and she was close to tears.

"Don't worry Swara. Even if he has them, we would find them soon. Pawan won't be able to harm them. Don't cry Swara." he held her close.

Suddenly Sanskar's phone rang. He looked at the caller I.D "Its...its Rishi."

"Pick it up beta" spoke Tanuja's mother, as she and her husband held a crying Tanuja.

"Hello? Rishi? Rishi, where are you?"

#With Rishi#

Rishi reached the warehouse that Pawan had asked him to come to. He parked his car at a distance from it to make a discreet approach. However, he knew that he couldn't try any sly tricks, as it might endanger Ragini's life.

He moved towards the warehouse on foot, deep in thought. He knew that once he gets there, Pawan would no doubt kill him.

He closed his eyes and recalled every moment he spent with his siblings.

He recalled Ragini's laughter, her smile, how she rushed to him everyday when he came back from work. He recalls Mani, for whom he is an idol. Mani would always seek his advice and opinion on every little thing, always running around him saying 'bhai, bhai' since childhood. What would happen to him if he died?

Would he be able to handle it? Would he be able to handle Ragini and Tanuja?


That name, the name of his love, his better half, his everything. He came here without even telling her goodbye. 'Would she feel betrayed if I go and get killed by Pawan now? Would she hate me forever? Would she find another one to love, get married and forget about me?'

But he knew Tanuja. He knew that she would understand why he had to do this. For Ragini's survival, he had to sacrifice himself. Yes, it would hurt her deeply, but she would try to put up a brave front for his siblings. 'Even if I'm not alive, she would be able to console Ragini and Mani. She would be able to give them strength to continue on in life. To have a good future.'

He recalled all his moments with Tanuja, her laugh, her smile, her love for him. He could feel tears prickling at the corner of his eyes.

'I..I don't want to die. At a time before I met Tanuja, I would have readily given up my life. But I want to live, to be happy with Tanuja. I want to have a good life with her, have kids, grow old beside her. I don't want to die. I don't want to die. But....But there isn't anyone who could save me and and my family. Who do I call for help? There isn't anyone!'

Suddenly, a thought struck him. He took out his phone and dialed a number. The person on the other end spoke up.

(Hello? Rishi? Rishi, where are you?)

"Sanskar I...I don't know how to get out of this mess."

(What happened Rishi. Tell me! And is Ragini safe?)

"Sanskar, Pawan has Ragini with him. He called me and asked me to come here alone. If I surrender to him, he promised to leave Ragini."

(Rishi, are you crazy!? He will kill you the moment you get there! Not to mention the fact that he might kill Ragini too. How do we know he won't betray us and harm her too?!)

"I...I don't. But I had no choice. If I didn't agree to him, he may have hurt her at that instant! I was scared and confused. I just did what I thought was best."

(Forget about that now. Where are you?)

"I'm at the old Mehra Warehouse. I'm only a little distance away from it."

(Shit! And you tell me this now?! You should have told me this the moment he called you? Do you know what you have done Rishi? You could die!)

"I...I thought I was ready to die. But I realized that I don't want death. I want to live Sanskar. I want to be with Tanuja and live a happy life beside her. Save us Sanskar. Save us." he spoke, with his voice breaking.

(Okay, okay. Calm down Rishi. Nothing will happen to you or Ragu, alright? I'll..I'll think of something. You don't worry. Stay where you are.)

"I...I can't. I have to go Pawan now. Or else....or else Ragini's life may be in danger. I'll keep talking to him to buy you some time."

(Rishi, Don't be ridiculous! You can't go there alone!)

"Save us Sanskar. You are my only hope." with that, Rishi cut the call.

#Bedi Residence#

"Rishi don't be ridiculous!"

(Save us Sanskar. You are my only hope.)

"Rishi! Rishi!?" He turned to the rest "He cut the call. Tanuja was right. Pawan has Ragini and called Rishi there. He plans to kill Rishi at the old Mehra warehouse."

Tanuja grabbed his shoulders and started shaking him "We must save them! We must go right now. Lets go please!" She was crying profusely.

"She's right, lets go!" Mani spoke as he and Laksh headed for the door.

"Wait! We can't go like this." Sanskar held them back.

"Didn't you hear what Rishi said? Pawan has Ragini. We must save her! Don't you care for her? I thought you loved her!" taunted Laksh.

Sanskar looked at the others to see if they were giving him any accusing looks. However, they didn't seem surprised. It was as if they already expected it and already knew he loved her.

"I do love her. That's why I want to rescue her. But I want to bring her and Rishi back alive! I don't want to bring them dead, like your plan would do!"

Laksh held his collar. "How dare you say that!? You know I love Ragini as well. I would die for her!"

This shocked everyone. They didn't expect this. This explained why Sanskar and Laksh seemed to be fighting amongst themselves.

Swara was panicking 'Oh no! I told Mani that I love Laksh. What would he think now!? Would he know that I was lying to him?'

Mani looked at Swara. 'Swara told me that she loves Laksh. But...But Laksh said that he likes Ragu. This means that....that Swara would be heart-broken. Poor Swara.' he looked at her in sympathy.

"I know that Lucky. But if we rush there, then we would get ourselves caught as well. We wouldn't be able to save them, nor will we be alive."

Laksh was about to object, but Tanuja interrupted "He's right Laksh. We need a plan. We can't head rush into such a situation. A lot of lives are at stake here." she was barely holding herself together. All she wanted to do was break down, crying. However, she knew it wouldn't help the situation.

"Then what do we do. I'm really worried about Rishi bhai and Ragu. They are the only family I have left. If I lose them I...I don't know how I will survive." Mani balled his hands into fists.

"Mani, don't say like that. We will bring the back, okay?" Swara tried to assure him, although her own heart was filled with fear for her best friend and Rishi.

"I have an idea." spoke Sanskar. They all looked at him "Rishi said that he would try to keep Pawan occupied with his talk, which will buy us some time. If we go to the police and then to Rishi, it might be to late. I'll go with Mani there. Lucky, you take the others to the police station and then come to the old Mehra warehouse."

"You think you can play hero by going there to save them first Sanky?" accused Laksh.

Sanskar was getting irritated with Laksh's attitude.

He grabbed Laksh's collar and pushed him against the door. "Look Laksh! I've tolerated your attitude long enough. But not anymore. I want to save them as much as you do. The only thing I care about right now is getting them back home, safe! And also keeping all of you safe. I could take you with me, but I know that we won't be able to work together right now as you keep fighting with me. That's why I'm taking Mani."

Sanskar looked at him with sad eyes "Why don't you understand Lucky? I don't want to send you with Mani because I don't want you hurt! You're my brother Laksh! No matter what happens between us, how many fights we have, you will always matter to me more than my own life!"

Laksh paused. He looked into his brother's eyes and could see the truth there. He could see how Sanskar was barely holding himself together. He knew that his brother was worried about Ragini, worried about him, worried about Rishi. 'Bhai is already burdened with those thoughts, and I'm making the situation worse for him. How could I do that to him? In my anger I....I never realized how much he has always cared for me, no matter what.'

"I'm...I'm sorry bhai. I'm really sorry."

Sanskar looked at Laksh, shocked. Slowly, he smiled and released Laksh.

Laksh straightened up "I'll take Tanuja and her family with me to the police station as you said. You and Mani go find Ragu and Rishi. We will try to get there as fast as we can." He looked at Sanskar "And bhai, stay safe."

Sanskar smiled at him and nodded.

"Okay guys. Lets go get Rishi bhai and Ragini back. This time, I'll make sure to beat Pawan to oblivion!" saying that, Mani headed out with Sanskar.


To be continued...

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