Unknown Feelings

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 4 - Unknown Feelings

"Ready Swara?" asked Ragini

Swara gave a thumps up.

Ragini nodded and began singing. Swara danced to her song.

"Sun sathiya...mahiya...Barsa de ishqa ki syahiyaan.....
Rang jaun, rang rang jau ri, haari mein...
Tujh pe mei jhar jhar jhar jau
Hoon piya bas terii mein..."

"Ragini's voice is so mesmerizing. I could sit here all day listening to her" said Laksh dreamily as Ragini continued to sing melodiously.

"Yep. Ragu is a great singer. She is my sister after all." said Mani proudly with his chin raised.

"She's a great singer, but you're totally useless. Are you really related to her?" teased Sanskar.

Mani glared at him.

"Wow. Who knew that Swara could dance like that? With the attitude she carries, I thought she knew only hip hop or something of that genre." said Laksh watching Swara dance elegantly.

"Swara knows a lot of dance forms. She's also called the dance queen of the college. " said Manish.

"She looks so innocent while dancing. It's hard to believe that she is so wild and notorious." Sanskar said with a chuckle.

"Innocent? Swara?  Dude..... Those two words should never be used together in a sentence. She's a monster in disguise." Mani said.

"Whatever. You can't deny that she's an awesome dancer." Laksh told him.

"She's not thaattt good. Anyone can dance like that with a bit of training"

"Now that's just a lame excuse. Just accept that she's a great dancer."

"No she's not. And you're saying it just to contradict me since you hate me." Mani told Laksh accusingly.

"Leave it Lucky. Mani's ego is too big for him to admit the truth."

Mani just huffed. To tell the truth, he knew Swara was an awesome dancer, but that didn't mean that he would praise Swara, his 'arch enemy'.

"They're almost done practicing. Let's go tell them that they did great!" Sanskar said getting up from his seat.

"Yea. Lets g--" Mani stopped mid sentence as he looked at something behind Laksh. Or rather at someone.

Lucky and Sanky turned to see a guy heading towards the stage where Swara and Ragini were practicing. Mani looked pissed seeing him.

"Mani you look like you're about to go and join World War III.  What's the Matter?"

"That guy  Pawan.... If Bhai didn't make me promise not to cause a scene in public, I would beat that guy into oblivion." Mani said, cracking his knuckles.

"Did he steal your girlfriend or something?" Lucky tried to lighten the situation.

"He's heading for the stage. Let's go. I'll explain later." Mani said as he rushed towards the stage with Sanky and Lucky behind him.

#At the stage#

"You were great Swara, as always!" said Ragini.

"It's all because of this amazing singer that I have with me." Swara said, giving Ragini a hug.

"I wonder how amazing you would be if you had a broken leg." said a guy coming on the stage. He was a muscular guy, and was looking at Swara with a sinister smile.

"Pawan! How dare you come here!" Swara said, getting pissed off.

"You're forgetting that my father's the Principal of this college. I can come and go as per my wish."

"Pawan, we don't want you here. Please leave." Ragini said, trying hard to control her anger.

"Shut up Birdie. You look better when you're silent." said Pawan glaring at Ragini.

"Don't dare to talk to her like that you bastard." Mani said coming between Pawan and the girls. Sanky and Lucky stood by Swara and Ragini. They were still clueless, so thought it was better to wait before interfering.

"Ah. So the Bhai's chamcha finally arrives."

"I didn't know Hippo's talked."

"Watch your mouth Mani if you don't want me to break your face."

"Woooow.. I'm sooooo scared." Mani said rolling his eyes.

"Why are you here Pawan?" Swara said from behind Mani.

"I want you to tell your sister to leave Rishi. I love her and I can give her a much better life than Rishi."

"Pawan why don't you understand! Tanuja doesn't want riches and she loves Rishi bro. Stop pursuing her." shouted Swara. She has already told Pawan the samething uncountable times.

"Pawan Singh has never lost. He has always got what he wanted, whenever he wanted. And now I want Tanuja, and will make her mine!" Pawan said glaring at Swara.

"If you truly love Tanu Di, then why can't you let her be happy with Rishi Bhai. Love is about keeping the other person happy. Not possessing them forcefully!" Ragini tried to reason with Pawan.

"Save your preaching for someone who cares. I'm warning you Swara, tell your sister to come to me, or else..." Pawan said threatening Swara.

"Else what!? You th-" Swara was about to move forward when a hand grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind. It was Laksh.

"Excuse me mister, but what are you trying to prove threatening Swara? Is this your way of showing your manliness?" Lucky said teasingly.

"Who are you?" Pawan asked curiously.

"Someone you don't want to piss off."

"Listen here boy! If y-"

"You listen to me! You're going to leave right now and let us be. Tanuja, whoever she is, has the right to decide what she wants on her own. She isn't some property for you to buy!"

Pawan grabbed Laksh's color. He was about to punch Laksh when a hand grabbed his fist.

"Harm a hair on my brother's head,and I will end you." Said Sanskar releasing Pawan's hand. "I've stayed out of the matter because it didn't concern me, but if it involves my brother, I won't remain silent."

"Then tell your brother to keep out of matters that doesn't concern him." Pawan said glaring at Sanskar.

"I've had enough of your bullshit for one day. Leave Pawan, or I won't hold back." Mani said ready to fight.

"I'm not scared to fight sissies like you! Bring it on!"

"Pawan Bhai Pawan Bhai, you're father's here. He wants to meet you at the office right now." said a boy coming up to the stage.

Pawan nodded at him. "Guess you were lucky today." saying that Pawan left.

"Ughhhh that guy just makes my blood boil!" exclaimed Mani.

"Sanky, I could defend myself. You didn't need to interfere." Laksh told Sanky.

"I know I  know. But kya kare, I'm your big brother. I'll always worry about you." Sanskar said with a smile.

"So much love. Mujhe to roona aa raha hei " said Ragini teasingly. "Right Swara?....Swara?? "

Swara was broken out of her thoughts. "huh... What? O yes...haha right Ragini."

Ragini thought she was worried about her sister. "Don't worry Swara, we all are with you. Nothing will happen to you or Tanuja Di. Rishi Bhai would lay down his life for Tanu Di. "

Swara Smiled. However, it wasn't what was going through her mind. Swara was thinking how Laksh had pulled her behind and defended her when Pawan threatened her. It wasn't anything special, but still, it was the first time a boy did that for her.

Swara was a girl who knew how to fight and defend herself. If she was threatened, everyone knew that she can fight them and show them their place. So they didn't interfere and Swara liked it that way. She was never the 'damsel in distress'. However, every girl dreams of  'a knight in shining armor' and Swara was just like any other teenage girl, although much bolder than them.

'Swara...he would have done that for any girl. Why are you obsessing over such a little thing!' Swara mentally scolded herself.

"Swara...Swara? Naagin? Oi witch! Lets go!" said Mani

"Huh? Yea lets go" with that she moved down the stage with the others.

'Swara didn't hit me for calling her a witch!? Wow..she must be really worried about what Pawan said. That wretched creep! She was so happy after her performance, only to be ruined by that guy!' Mani thought angrily. He didn't know why, but hated seeing Swara upset.Manish then got an idea. 'Ice cream always cheers up Swara.'

"Hey guys. Let's go get some ice cream!" said Mani turning to them.

"Mani, stop acting like a child. We need to go home and tell Rishi bhai about Pawan. We can't waste time." said Ragini.

"But Raguuuu... I really want to have ice cream."

"Mani! You ape! Is eating the only thing you think about!" Swara said, finally acting like herself.

'She's back. That's more like it! She looks better when she's being like this' Mani smiled .

"I'm a growing boy with high metabolism! I need to eat to feed this amazing body."

"You mean chubby-fatty body?"

"No. I think that's just you looking in the mirror ,witch." Mani told Swara.

"Huh! Ever looked in the mirror!"

"Yep! And I always see a handsome, sexy guy" Mani said , flipping his hair. "Bet your mirror broke when you stood before it."

"MANI! You are a dead man walking!" with that Swara started chasing Mani.

"Arreee... wait up both of you!" shouted Ragini from behind.

*phone ringing*

Sanky took out his mobile "Hello? ......hmm.....i see.....okay we'll be right there." Sanky turned to Ragini and Laksh.

"Lucky,we need to leave for office right away."

"O.... It would have been nice if you could meet Tanuja di." Ragini said disappointed.

"It's okay. I'll meet her some other time. Besides, you are forgetting that Rishi still doesn't like us. Mani is friendly with everyone, so accepts us. But Rishi.... I think it will take time for him to accept us."

"I don't care though. I'm going to their house. Rishi can be a pouty-sissy if he wants to. You can go to the office Bhai" Said Lucky dismissively.

"Lucky....." Sanky said with irritation. He loves his little brother, no doubt, but at times like this , Sanskar really wants to hit him.

Ragini smiled "Don't worry Sanky, I'll keep him out of trouble."

"Okay Ragini. I trust you."

"And not me? Your own brother? Wah!" Lucky said, looking at Sanskar accusingly.

"I trust you, but not your crazy antics."

"Whaaaatever... Go already. Shoo"

"Don't hesitate to hit him if he troubles you Ragu. Bye..." Ragini and Lucky waved goodbye to him.

After Sanskar left, both of them headed towards Ragini's home. They walked side by side, not knowing how to begin a conversation. Finally Laksh spoke.

"So....What's this all about Pawan-Tanuja-Rishi?"

Ragini sighed. "Did you ever wonder what might be the real reason that I left Rohini?"

Laksh looked down at the road. After a while, he looked up "I thought you hated us. Because we were the reason Sneha di..."

Ragini's eyes widened. She grabbed Laksh's hand and stopped him. "Never Lucky! I would never think that about both of you! And you guys didn't do anything. It wasn't your fault."


"I left.....I left because I couldn't see Rishi bhai in any more pain. You didn't see him that day Laksh. That day, after we left Sneha di's room.." Ragini told him what she saw.

"O..." Laksh was silent. "So Rishi really did love her."

"You doubted him?" Ragini gasped.

"I'm sorry for doubting him, but what was I supposed to think! All of you left just a few days after Sneha di died!"

"We left because I told Rishi bhai I wanted to come here. He would have never left Rohini otherwise, no matter how much it hurt him."

"I understand now Ragu."

Ragini nodded and continued "Even after coming here, Rishi bhai was breaking from the inside. Mani and I tried our best to cheer him, make him forget, but there was always sorrow in his eyes. We felt so helpless. He wouldn't eat, wouldn't sleep, wouldn't talk about his problems. It was like he was dying right in front of us, but we could not do anything for him. After me and Swara became friends, Swara also tried to help us cheer Rishi bhai. It was one of her ideas that we go for camping in the forest. She had invited her elder sister for the trip too." Ragini smiled.

"Rishi and Tanuja got separated from us in the trip. We found them in a village nearby three days later. Tanuja told us that they had found the village a few hours after they got lost and had planned to leave for the city, but Rishi got injured and could barely walk. So they had to stay."

"So....they got to know each other better?"

"Yes...I don't know how Tanuja di did it, she made him come out of his shell. She could make him talk about his problems with her. Tanu di told us that Rishi was harboring the guilt that he couldn't be a better boyfriend for Sneha. He blamed himself for her death. But Tanu di was able to free him of the guilt."

Ragini continued talking as they started moving forward again.

"After that, they started meeting more often. Slowly, they became good friends, then best friends, then lovers....and now they will be marrying soon!"

"Nice. I'm glad Rishi found someone to be with." Luky said with a smile.

"Yep!" Ragini said happily.

"I'm kind of jealous that he found his love, while I, being so handsome and dashing, still can't find my love."

"Don't worry Lucky, I'm sure 'she' is waiting for you somewhere."

"Or maybe she's waiting right beside me right now." Said Laksh teasingly looking at Ragini.

"Hahaha....O Lucky, tum kabhi nahi sudhroge. Always such a flirt. Can't leave it, can you?" Ragini asked him smiling.

"Nope!" Laksh winked.

"Hahaha...idiot" Ragini said, sticking out her tongue at him and running off.

'I don't know why, but I'm ready to be an idiot if it keeps you smiling like this' thought Laksh as he ran after Ragini "Ragu that's cheating. You got a head start!"

To be continued...


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