Reunited Again

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 3 - Reunited Again

(Two years after the Bedi's left Rohini and settled in Pune.)

Ragini, Swara, Laksh - 18 years

Manish, Sanskar - 21 years

Rishi - 30 years

Tanuja - 28 years

'Be it Delhi or Pune....Panipuris will always be my favorite treat.' Ragini thought as she enjoyed her panipuris.

"Bhaiya ji. Thora aur teekha kar dijiye please..."

"Ragu! Ragu help! Save me from this demon!" Manish came out screaming from their home onto the street.

"Demon? DEMON!? How dare you call me a demon you Ape!" said a girl of the same age as Ragini.

"Ragu save me please. Exorcise this demon with some voodoo." said Mani as he hid behind Ragini.

"Mani. Man up. Besides ,she is just Swara being her usual crazy self. Quit calling her a demon."

The one called Swara snorted in a unlady like manner, "He's nothing but a coward. Why does he even go to the gym when he can't even protect himself from a girl!" Swara said as she flipped her hair over her shoulder. Swara was Ragini's best friend. She was a happy-go-lucky girl with a short temper. All the boys in college wanted her as their girlfriend, but Swara just scoffed at them. According to her they were just 'hairless apes who are good for nothing.' Swara never listened to anyone, except her elder sister. Only her elder sister Tanuja could bring Swara under control.

"Hey ! don't insult my biceps. Besides, they are meant to fight real men, not Crazy witches like you!" said Mani in an arrogant manner.

"Why you!" Swara picked up the knife that the panipuri vendor was using to cut the onions.

"Bloody murder! Ragu help!" Mani squeaked out.

"Hahaha..O Mani..... Swara stop it already, or you'll give him a heart attack." said Ragini.
"And me t-t-too" said the panipuri vendor timidly." Can i have the knife bac-c-ck beti." He stuttered out.

Swara gave a sheepish look and returned the knife. The vendor wasted no time in escaping from that place.

"I think he won't be coming back here again. A pity...he made the best panipuris." Said Ragini.

"Awww..I'm sorry Ragu." said Swara guiltily.

"Hehe..don't worry Swara. Didn't you see his face. He was so scared. Hahaha..."

"Now you scare random people too, Naagin!" said Mani.

"Mani!!!!!" Swara picked up a stone from the ground "Run for your life Mani .mwhahaha!"

"Swara stop it already." Ragini said with a smile.

"Don't worry Ragu, your brother won't die from this stone. Besides, its not like there is anything useful in his brain."

"Well at least I have one!" Mani shouted back.

"Well, now say goodbye to it!" shouted Swara as she chased after Mani.

Ragini shook her head at their antics. She still remembers the day when Swara met her brothers.


"I'm home! Rishi bhai ,Manish Bhai..come quick, I want you to meet my friend Swara Gagodia."

Rishi came out to greet the new guest. "So you're Swara. I've heard a lot about you and your dancing from Ragini. It's nice to finally meet you." Rishi extended his hand for her to shake.

"Wow. Ragini,  how come you never told me that your brother was so handsome. " said Swara.

"Swara! " Ragini said embarrassed.

Swara put a hand over her mouth. "Oops! sorry Rishi . I mean bro... . I mean Rishi bhai!" Swara stumbled over her own words.

Rishi stared at her.... And then burst out laughing "Ragini, you weren't lying when you said that Swara doesn't have a brain-to-mouth filter. You really need to think before you speak Swara." He said jokingly.

Swara flushed from embarrassment.

Ragini tried to change the topic. "um... Bhai where is Mani? "

"He is at Kartik's shop."

"Okay see you later Rishi bhai." Ragini grabbed Swara's wrist and pulled her along.

#At Kartik's shop#

"Hi Kartik! Rishi bhai told me that Mani is here with you?"

"Hey Ragini and..?"

"O. This is my friend Swara."

"Hi!" Swara said in a chirpy manner.

"Hello Swara" said Kartik "and as for your brother, he's over there" Kartik said while signaling towards the road with his eyes.

Ragini walked upto Mani with Swara right behind her. "Mani I-"

"Shhh Ragu. Can't you see I'm busy." He said without turning to face them.

"Ehhhh? Busy? All i can see is you looking down the road."

"Yes. Its the time when the prettiest girls pass by this road after their coaching classes. There they are! Ragu, which one do you think would be right for me?"

Ragini gave an awkward smile towards Swara. 'Mani, wait till I tell this to Rishi bhai. You're embarrassing me in front of Swara!' Thought Ragini.

"STRIKE!! That girl is perfect for me! Don't you think Ragu?" said Mani, finally facing Ragini and Swara.

"Yea, she is quite a beauty, but i don't think she would choose a loser like you." said Swara.

"Are you calling me a loser?!" exclaimed Mani.

"Yep. Because this is exactly what losers do. Pass their time chasing girls as they can't do anything useful."

Ragini was panicking on the inside. 'Swara..o Swara..please stop. I really need you to not be so outspoken' thought Ragini.

"Haven't you heard of the Bedi industries? I'm the head of the textile department." Mani said  with pride.

"I bet you just sit their catching flies while Rishi and the others do all the work." said Swara.

"How dare you?! I think you're just jealous that i don't find you beautiful enough to be my match." said Mani while blowing a strand of hair out of his eyes..

"As if i would want to date an ape like you!" Swara fired back.

"Ape? How dare you call me an ape witch!"


"Yes! An old and ugly witch!" Mani said smirking.

"HOW DARE YOU!" Swara lunged at Mani, grabbed his hair and pulled as hard as she could.

"Ouch! Ow! Get away! leave my hair! Ragini !........ Ragini,Kartik help." shouted Mani.

But Ragini and Kartik were busy laughing at his condition.

"You beast! leave me!" Mani managed to get away from Swara and hid behind Ragini. "Ragu stop laughing. It wasn't funny." He glared at Ragu and Kartik.

They stopped laughing and Kartik finally spoke "You're right Mani...It wasn't funny, right Ragini?" Kartik said seriously and looked at Ragini "It was down right hilarious!" with that they both broke out into hysterics once again.

"Guys. Stop laughing already!" whined Mani.

"That would teach you not to call me witch again you ape!" Said Swara.

"Alright Naagin! Now quit spitting poison!" Mani said while glaring at Swara.

Swara's eye twitched at being called Naagin, but she refrained from doing anything.

(flashback ends)

Since then, Mani and Swara have always fought like cat and mouse. Swara was really wild, completely opposite of Ragini...yet now they were best friends. Infact, they were almost like sisters. After arriving Pune, Swara was the first real friend that she had made. Swara Gagodia was able to make her smile again and forget her past to some extent.

Not only her, but her sister was also was a blessing to their family. Swara's elder sister, Tanuja brought life to Rishi's life again. Rishi was completely shattered after Sneha's death, but Tanuja managed to join each part of his broken heart and bring him to life again, taught him to live again. At first, Rishi feared that Tanuja would leave him too. He refused to admit his feelings because he didn't want his heart broken again. But the Gagodia sisters were really scary when they were angry.

Tanuja is a kind lady. But when Rishi refused to man up, she took him to the beach and proposed to him. Not to mention how she literally told him that she knows he loves her. She told him that he should quit being a sissy and admit it already. Poor Rishi just nodded his head with his mouth open in shock.

They will be married soon in a month. Ragini can't wait to be an aunt!


"Huh....Yes Bhai?"

"Nothing... It's just you've been smiling for no reason while staring ahead. " said Rishi, looking at her confused.

"Rishi bhai" came Mani running towards Rishi "Bhai I just got an important call from the office.... And I don't think you'll like the news."

"What news? "

"Remember Mr. Malkhani told us about a company called S. M industries?"

"Yes. He said that it was a company that rose in power last year because of its owner. Malkhani said that the owner was a only 21,but already took the S. M industries to great heights. I'm looking forward to a deal with S. M industries, it will be quite profitable for our company."

" The owner of S. M industries is non other than Sanskar Maheshwari." said Manish.

Rishi's eyes widened upon hearing this.

Ragini's smile disappeared upon hearing this. Ragini didn't know how to react. On one hand, she was happy for her best friends for being successful. But on the other hand, it brought back many painful memories.
'Why now! When everything was going right. When I was finally able to move forward,why did this have to happen now.' Ragini's mind filled up with many questions.

"So he even named the company after him." Spit out Rishi scathingly.

"S. M stands for Sneha Maheshwari, not Sanskar.  Unlike you, some people value their dear ones. " came a voice from behind.

The three Bedi siblings looked behind to see a guy standing there with a smirk. He was wearing an expensive suit and radiating an aura of confidence and arrogance. It was Sanskar Maheshwari. Besides him there was a boy of Ragini's age wearing a white shirt and black jeans. He had changed from that scrawny 16 year old, but Ragini could still recognize Laksh. Two years have done them good. They have both grown quite handsome.
'Get your mind out of the gutter Ragini! ' Ragini mentally scolded herself.

"Don't look so shocked Rishi. After all, you always used to tell Sneha I had great potential in business."

"What are both of you doing here? If you're here for the deal, then you can go back. I've changed my mind about it and I'm not signing it. " Rishi said in anger.

"Chill old man, it's true that Sanky was here for the deal, but Ma wanted to visit Masi ji. Unfortunately, Dad injured himself at Masi's house and now we need to delay our return. " said Laksh while fixing his hair.

"Did you just call Rishi Bhai 'old man' you ignorant brat!" exclaimed Mani.

Laksh just smirked "I didn't know you lost your hearing capacity Mani."

"How da-"

"Mani stop. Sanskar you should go home to your father and look after him. Leave." said Rishi.

"We'll leave... After you sign the deal. " said Sanskar.

Rishi grit his teeth and spoke, "I told you,I'm not signing any deal with you."

"Rishi, both you and I run two well known business enterprises. And if we collaborate, both companies will profit from it. I thought you were a pro in business. But here you can't even keep your personal life out of your professional work." said Sanskar.

"Don't try to teach me Sanskar. I was signing deals when you were holding crayons and drawing doodles! "

"Then why are you so afraid of signing the deal which profits us both? Or are you feeling insecure that S. M will put the Bedi enterprises behind?" asked Laksh, laying the bait. He knew Rishi never backed down from a challenge before, and was hoping he hasn't changed that trait in these 2 years.

Mani understood their game. "Bhai don't listen to them."

"I'll sign the deal. Meet me at my office tomorrow. " saying this, Rishi went away. Mani rushed after him, trying to convince him to rethink his decision.

Ragini was left with Sanskar and Laksh. Once they used to be her best friends and she always had something to tell them. Now, she wanted to ask them a lot of questions. She wanted to ask them how they were, how was Annapurna Ma, their Pa, what happened in 2 years, how much did they change.... But standing there in front of them, no words came out of her mouth.

It was Laksh who finally broke the silence. "Hello Ragini. How have you been? "

"I.. I'm fine. W-what about both of you. "

"Ragini you don't need to be on the edge while taking to us. We know you told Ma that you were leaving for your studies....but we knew there was some other reason behind it. " said Sanskar with a wry smile.

"Sanskar I -"

"No need to explain anything Ragini. Whatever reason it was, it doesn't matter anymore. I've decided to forget whatever happened 2years ago between the Bedis and the Maheshwaris. I've buried the hatchet. Sneha wouldn't want us to be enemies. She considered you guys family!" said Sanskar.

"And family forgives one another,no?" continued Laksh.

Ragini was close to tears now, but she had a smile on her face. She feared that Sanky and Laksh would accuse her and never want to be friends again. But here they were being so understanding.

"I've missed my best friend for two years. Don't I get a hug from her now? " said Laksh teasingly.

"Don't forget me." said Sanskar.

"Only if you call me Ragu and let me call you Sanky and Lucky." She said smiling as she moved forward to hug both of them.

"Ragu... Where's Mani! " came Swara's voice from behind.

"Swara!  Come here. I want you to meet Sanskar and Laksh."

"Hi!  So Ragu.. Which one is your boyfriend? "

Ragini turned beet red "Swara! They are my friends...None of them are my boyfriend."

"Well.. Ahem! " Laksh cleared his throat "I'm a handsome guy, and you've grown to be such a pretty lady, I wouldn't mind dating you Ragu." said Laksh with a wink.

"Oooooo.. Ragu. He totally likes you. " giggled Swara.

Ragini just rolled her eyes." Swara don't fall for his words. Lucky was a flirt since 8th grade. I've lost count over how many hearts he has broken."

"Well, what to do. I can't just sacrifice all this handsomeness to one single girl. " Laksh said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Wow.. Another Mani. As if one wasn't enough! " exclaimed Swara.

"Huh.  Mani never had a luck with the ladies. I ,on the other hand,  could get any girl I want."

"Ragini doesn't seem fazed by it.  Neither do I " said Swara flipping her hair over her shoulder.

Laksh clutched his heart "O you hurt me. It feels like you just shattered my heart. " Laksh acted dramatically.

"Good. Now take those shattered pieces and scram. Ragini and I need to go practice for the competition at college."

'Wow. She's really harsh. Lucky beta, I think you just met someone of your league. She isn't gonna fall for you like the other bimbos in college. ' thought Sanskar.

"Competition?"  'Competition? Ragini's going to sing, I'm sure. Its been a long time since I heard her sing. I don't want to miss her singing.' thought Laksh. Maybe it's because Ragu didn't fall for him, maybe it's because she knew the real him,.maybe because she was pure from the heart..... But whatever it was, Ragu always was special for Laksh. He didn't know why, but he valued their friendship. She wasn't just any other girl that he could toy with and let go. She deserved better. And maybe that's why he never flirted with her much..........
'Also maybe because Ragu has two overprotective brothers who would rip me apart with their bare hands if I made her cry.' Laksh gulped at the thought.

"Something wrong Laksh? "

"Nothing Bhai! Nothing at all! "

"Oookayyy. Let's go then. See you later Ragini, Swara." Sanskar nodded at them.

"But Bhai.. Why don't we go watch them practice. It's not like there is anything interesting to do in your boring office."

Sanskar gave it a thought. He didn't see anything wrong in what Laksh said. "Well if the ladies don't mind..."

"Sure. Why not. You two could be the audience and tell us if we need any improvements. " said Swara.

Confused between Raglak or Ragsan.......or should it be a love triangle?
Also should i pair up Swara with Mani or Sanskar or Laksh?
I've already decided a plot.
But am open for suggesstions!
To be continued...

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