Leaving You

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"Words in double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts


Previously - Rishi finds out about Sneha's death. He blames Sanky and Lucky. Ragini promises to stay away from them.

Chapter 2 - Leaving You

"Ragini beta...Ragini, Ragini please open the door. Ragini" Lila knocked on Ragini's door.

"Hasn't Ragini come out of her room yet Lila?"

"No Manish beta. She hasn't come out of her room since yesterday. She hasn't eaten anything either. Beta please call her out. She can lock herself in again but atleast tell her to have her breakfast." She said pointing to the plate in her hand.

"Don't worry Lila. Just give me the plate and leave it to me. I'll make sure she eats it all." Manish said with a smile. "I'm sure you have other important things to do."

"Oh! That reminds me. I had to go to the grocery store."

"Hurry then. Don't worry about Ragu. I'll handle it. And if she doesn't open the door, I'll just break it. After all , I'm no less than Daya,huh." said Manish with a grin.

"Hatt! There you go again with your narcissism. Out of my way, i need to hurry!"

"Wah!Bhalayi ka jamana hi nhi raha!" Manish said as he knocked on Ragu's door.

"Ragini! Ragu..Ragu...come out or I'll eat your breakfast. It smells delicious!"

"Imf nof hunfry" came the muffled voice from the other side of the door.

"Um..what Ragu?"

Mani heard a noise which sounded like someone was throwing a pillow towards the door.

"I said I'm not hungry bhai. Eat it if you want to."

'Wow she must be really angry if she is refusing Lila Kaki's cooking. What to do now. Think Mani think....Got it!'

"Ragu..Rishi bhai is leaving for Chennai for some business related work. Won't you wish him goodbye?"

He could hear shuffling and Ragu unlocking the door. "But how could he resume work. Sneha di just passed away and--" as she looked at Mani's guilty face, she understood that she has been fooled. She tried to close the door in his face, but he already invited himself in.

"Mani please leave."

"But I don't want to. And I can't eat this delicious breakfast while standing."

"Then go to your own room!"

"Nah. Its too far."


Mani sighed. "Ragini, quit being difficult. I know you're hurt and angry at Rishi bhai, but try to look from his point of view. We loved Sneha as our own di and her death hurts us so much. Bhai loved her a his better half, his true love! Just think how much pain bhai is in!"

"I know Mani, I know. But this doesn't mean that he should blame Sanskar and Laksh. Its not fair!"

"Ragini, its not about fairness or unfairness. You see, bhai is in a position where he feels utterly helpless and doesn't know how to deal with the pain of her death."

"So he's just blaming Sanky and Laksh! Is that supposed to give him some comfort!"

"No Ragu, but atleast its giving him something to direct his pain, his anger on. Otherwise, he would go insane from the pain. He needs some time. The wound is pretty raw Ragu. Moreover, every time he sees them, they remind him of Sneha. He needs comfort and support right now. He needs his siblings the most Ragu. Bhai has supported us through everything. Its the least we could do for him."

"But ..but ...its not easy for me Mani. You don't understand Mani!" Ragini said as she broke down into tears.

"Come here Ragu. Don't cry okay.Its going to be okay."

"How bhai, how.."

"Tell you what. I'll take you to the Maheshwari Mansion. I'll ask Bhai's permission. But you have to promise that after meeting them, you will not discuss this topic anymore. Promise me Ragini." Mani said as he looked Ragini straight in the eye.

Ragini never thought that she would see such a serious look in Mani's eyes. He is never this serious. But she had to give him an answer. She looked down in thought. If she promised him, then she may never get to talk with Sanky and Laksh again. But maybe if she promises, then when they go to the Maheshwari house, Rishi bhai would realize his mistake and stop blaming Sanky and Laksh upon seeing their condition. With this hope Ragini looked up to Mani. "Yes bhai, I promise."

#Next day at Maheshwari Mansion#

"She was such a sweet child. I'm sorry for your loss Durgaprasad." said Durgaprasad's friend Prabhat.

Durgaprasad sighed," I always wished to live a long life. But if my death would bring back Sneha, I would happily go away with the Reaper."

Annapurna gasped. "Please don't say such things.I already lost my daughter, I can't lose you too."

"Sneha wouldn't want you to break down like this either Durgaprasad. And where are Sanskar and Laksh. Are they ok?" asked Prabhat.

"They both are in Sneha's room. Have been there since yesterday. Won't move, won't talk to anyone. They just keep staring at Sneha's pictures in her room." Annapurna said barely holding her tears.

"Can i try talking to them please Ma?" Annapurna looked up. There was only one person besides her three children who called her Ma. It was Ragini.

"Ragini. Thank goodness you're here." Annapurna noticed Manish and Rishi behind Ragini. She could see the pain clearly in Rishi's eyes. Rishi quickly adverted his eyes, but she knew he loved Sneha and how hard it must be for him. "You already know where Sneha's room is. Only you can talk some sense into my boys Ragu."

Rishi fisted his hands, with his nails digging into his palms. ' Its because of those boys that Sneha is dead. They shouldn't even be allowed to be in her room.' He was snapped out his musings when Mani laid a hand on his shoulder.

"Rishi...if you want you can go to Sneha's room too" Annapurna said softly.

#Sneha's Room#

(Everything will be narrated from Ragini's point of view, i.e Ragini will be the narrator)

Tears threatened to leak from my eyes as I entered Sneha's room.I could still hear the echo's of her laughter in her room calling my name-'Ragu..Ragu wait..hahaha..Ragu catch me if you can!'. Her death still seemed like a bad dream to me. I'm hoping to wake up and find that it was all an illusion. But I know life isn't a fairy tale and Sneha won't magically come back.

In the middle of the room, I could see Sanskar sitting on a chair, Laksh was beside him on the floor, both staring at Sneha's picture on the wall.

"Sanky, Laksh...." I called their names softly.

Sanskar didn't move an inch. Laksh heard me and turned towards me. "Ragu. So you finally remembered us." He said with spite.

"Laksh, I'm sorry. I really wanted to come but-"

"But what? Something more important came up? More important than Sneha di!?"

"Laksh please, its not like that. I wanted to come to you. But Rishi bhai was also in pain. You know how much he loved her. He needed me."

"Leave it Laksh." said Sanskar, his voice rough from not talking for many hours "Its okay Ragini."

"But Bhai-"

"Leave it Laksh. I'm too tired too argue or accuse anyone. I don't have it in me to feel anything other than hollowness and pain." Laksh obeyed Sanky and didn't say anything further to me. I tried talking to Sanskar.

"Sanky please don't lose hope like this. If you break down like this, who will support your parents?! Who will give strength to Laksh?" I spoke as i neared him.

Sanskar stood up suddenly making the chair fall over.

"How can i anchor anyone when i couldn't even save my own sister!"

"It wasn't your fault Sanky!"

"Yes it was Ragu! If only i was responsible enough and listened to her!"

I grabbed Sanskar and made him look into my eyes."Listen to me Sanskar Maheshwari! It was not your fault! None of it was. And if Sneha di was here right now, she would say the same!"

"How would you know that Ragu! How could you be so sure that she wouldn't blame me for it if she was here!"

"Because you're her brother! Because she loves you!Both of you!" I said,almost crying.

Sanskar finally broke down and cried on my shoulder. I extended my other hand to Laksh and three of us cried together remembering Sneha, her smile, her kindness, her love for us.

"Your parents are going through a lot of pain Sanky,Laksh. Both of you need to comfort them." Both of them nodded at me and we moved out of the room.

As I moved away from Sneha's room, i wanted to say goodbye to her one last time, alone. She was like a sister i never had and i wanted to tell her how much she meant to me, to all of us. "You both go ahead, I want to say goodbye to Sneha di one last time."

I went back towards Sneha di's room, I could hear sobs coming from it. I peaked into the room and it was none other than Rishi bhai.

"Sneha, why did you have to leave me like this Sneha. What am i supposed to do now. Every object i see reminds me of you. The park reminds me of our high school days together, the beach is where i realized that i love you, my house where i hoped to create a future with you after our marriage....Sneha why, why Sneha. W-w-hyy-y" Bhai said sobbing into his hands. It was like hearing a trapped animal whimper in pain. People say that a heart-wrenching sob is just a phrase in fictions....But listening to Rishi bhai, it was like someone was twisting a knife into his heart, pulling it out..slowly. I couldn't watch anymore. I ran away from there and collided into something strong in the corridor.

"Wow! where's the fire Ragini? Why are you in such a rush?"

"Mani...Mani we need to leave. Mani, Rishi bhai...I..I can't see him like this. We need to take him away from this town Mani bhai." I cried out to him.

"Ragini ..Ragini wha happened. Tell me sis."

I told him everything, what i saw, how much pain Rishi bhai was in.

"Poor bhai.... But i know he would not leave if we tell him its for his benefit. We need to think of something else."

" Mani Bhai I would begin college soon . I'm sure that I will be accepted in Sacred Heart College (i made up the name..idk if such a college exists or not though,please bear with me :-P) in Pune. Our parents were from Pune and I know that bhai hasn't sold the house there as it has memories of Ma and Papa. I would tell bhai that I want all of us to move there and I know Rishi bhai would do that for me. Lets leave Rohini Mani and go there. Its the only way Rishi bhai would agree to leave."

"But what about Sanky and Laksh? I know how much they mean to you. All three of you have been best friends since childhood."

'And although you may not realize it Ragini , but i think you are falling for Sanky. I don't want to take you away from your love.' Mani thought to himself.

"Bhai, Sanky and Laksh has their parents. They are their for them, to heal them. But Rishi bhai only has us. And you know Rishi bhai, he wouldn't admit his pain even if it kills him. We have to leave bhai."

"Okay Ragini. I think you are right. Its time we took care of our brother like he has always done for us."

Ragini knew that her decision would change all of their lives, but she had to do it for her brother. 'Sanskar, Laksh. I'm sure you guys would think I'm being selfish when you hear that i decided to leave for my studies. I'm hoping that you guys would not accept the things you hear and understand that i have a good reason to leave. I hope I can explain my reasons to both of you one day. Goodbye Sanky,Laksh.'


To be continued...

Next chapter...After two years leap. Enter Swara Gagodia, Tanuja Gagodia...Also, Ragini would reunite with Sanky and Laksh! :-)

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