Why Did it Have to be This Way?

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"Words in Double quotes" - Talking

'Words in single quotes' - Thoughts

Chapter 1 - Why Did it Have to be This Way

(Story begins 2 years before Rishi and Tanuja's marriage, when Ragini was best friends with Sanskar and Laksh.)

She rushed down the stairs with a piece of paper in her hands. She couldn't wait to show her two best friends, Sanskar and Laksh, her new song. Her excitement was like a child who got a new doll rather than a 16 year old teenage girl.

"Choti Malkin.... Malkin please slow down. What if you fall down and hurt yourself? Your brothers would kill me! "

She stopped in her tracks and looked back - "Lila, I told you... Call me Ragini or Ragu , like my brothers do. Why do you call me Malkin?"

Lila gave an awkward laugh and said "What to do Malkin, habits die hard. Besides I am only a servant."

"Lila, you have taken care of all three of us since the death of our Ma and Papa. You are like family to us. Please don't call yourself a mere servant."
Lila's eyes softened hearing this. "Malki-"

"You're calling me Malkin again." Ragini said while pouting.

"Okay okay.. I'm sorry Malk-- I mean Ragini. No one can win against you in words, can they? "

"Nope." Ragini said with a wink.

"Okay Ragini ji. So, will you tell me now why you were rushing down like a bat out of hell? "

Ragini's eyes widened "O no! I almost forgot. I had to show Sanky and Laksh my new song. See you later... Byeeee"

"Arree... Don't rush. Ragini! Ragini beta!" *Sigh* "This girl never listens! I wish all the best to whoever will be her future husband. He will need it. Good Lord!"

Ragini was about to reach for the gate when it was opened by Rishi on the other side. She was delighted to find them there.

"Bhai...right on time. I was just about to go to the Maheshwari Mansion to ask Sanskar and Laksh to compose the music for my new song.. Its about--" Ragini paused her rant as she saw that Rishi still had not looked up from the ground.

Manish, who could never shut up for the life of him, was also silently waiting beside Rishi.

She raised Rishi's face holding his chin and saw that his eyes were red from crying.

"Bhai...Rishi bhai whats wrong? Tell me bhai please. Manish...Mani please. Tell me what happened. Tell me something! Anything! Tell me please bhai"Ragini asked in a desperate voice.

"Ragini lets go inside. I'll tell you everything." Saying this Rishi walked past her into the house. Ragini looked towards Mani.

"Mani what-" but Mani cut off whatever she had to say. "Ragini, lets go inside. Bhai will explain everything to you."

#At home#

"Bhai..Rishi bhai. Atleast now tell me what happened."

"She's dead."

"Bha---what? Who?"

"Sneha's dead Ragini. She's dead. Gone." Rishi said, trying hard not to break down infront of his siblings.

"No....No way......You're lying. Both of you are pulling a prank on me! Mani, I'm sure its you who convinced bhai to lie to me. "

"Ragu, I would never joke about something like this about anyone, let alone Sneha Di. " Mani answered softly.

"Then... Then Sneha Di... She... No, this can't be happening! " Raging said as she fell to her knees sobbing.

"Sneha got a call from the school informing her that Sanskar and Laksh got into a fight with some street thugs infront of the school. She was in a rush to get there. As she was rounding the corner, a truck was coming from the otherside. But her car's speed was too much to change the course and then....." Rishi sucked in a breath. He could not go on further.

Mani held his shoulder. They all knew how much Rishi cared for Sneha. He was going to propose to Sneha within a week. But fate could be cruel sometimes.

Mani continued from where Rishi left off "Her car collided with the truck. It was death on the spot Ragu. There was no chance of survival."

Ragini cried harder. 'She was such a nice person. How could this happen to her. Sneha di ..no. And what about Sanskar and Laksh. She was their sister. They must be shattered by this news. I need to go there. I need to be there for my best friends.'

Ragini got up and was about to reach the front door when a voice stopped her.

"Ragu, you will not go the Maheshwari Mansion. Not now, not ever."

"What are you saying Rishi Bhai. Sanskar and Laksh need us. They must be in a terrible state right now. We need to go and--"

"They are miserable? Who gave them right to be miserable when they were the ones who are responsible for Sneha's death! "

"Bhai! How could u say something like that! It was an accident. You said it yourself. "

"She would not have been in a rush if it wasn't for Sanskar and Laksh. Everytime something went wrong, it would always be their fault! She always worried about them. Even when she was with me, everytime her phone buzzed, she would get worried, fearing that something happened to one of them. But they never understood, never gave her relief! "

"But this doesn't mean that they would do this to her! They care for her deeply. Sure they can be troublesome but they loved their sister! Mani, tell him! "Ragini looked at Mani desperately, hoping that he could make Rishi Bhai understand.

"Ragu, it's true that it was an accident.But like it or not, Sanky and Laksh are guilty to some extent."

"Mani please... Not you too. Please don't say such things.""They always did this to her, we're always upto no good."

"And finally they led her to her death! " Shouted Rishi.

"Bhai please, listen to me once-"

"ENOUGH Ragini. From now on, you will stay away from Sanskar and Laksh. I already lost someone precious. I don't want to lose you too."

"Bhai.. Bhai please.... "

"Ragini please. Are you going to disobey your brother for them? Do they matter so much? "

"Bhai please don't say that. They are my best friends, but you and Mani will always mean more to me. "

"Then you will listen to me and stay away from them. Do I make myself clear Ragini?"

"Crystal clear Bhai. I will do as you say" Ragini rushed to her room with tears in her eyes.

#Maheswari Mansion#

"Di wake up please. Your Laksh is begging you. Please wake up Sneha Di. I'll do as you say. I won't say a thing even if you beat me. Wake up please, slap me,scold me, beat me but please wake up Di! Di please! Sanky! Sanky tell her to come back Sanky! Sanky please!" cried the 16 year old Laksh in desperation. He hasn't stopped crying and pleading since he saw Sneha's lifeless body.

Their parents were holding each other for support. Their only girl child was dead and they won't ever see her smile again.

And Sanskar....Sanskar was numb. He was frozen besides the door. He has been staring at Sneha's body from the moment he arrived and hasn't moved an inch. He couldn't believe that his elder sister was dead. Never could he have imagined that something like this would happen to her. all sorts of thoughts were going through his head.'She was such a nice person. She didn't deserve to die like this. It was my fault. If only I had been more responsible. If only I had listened to her! If only...'

"Argh!!!" Sanskar screamed out in sorrow and punched the wall.

Annapurna went near him. "Beta, don't hold it in. Don't hesitate to cry beta. Let it all out Sanky. Let it all out." She cried holding him.

Sanskar didn't resist her hug. He cried holding her. Cried for his sister, cried for his family, cried for the unfairness in the world and all the pain.

#With Ragini#

'Sanskar, Laksh, I'm sorry...I'm so so sorry. You guys might hate me from now, and i guess it is right for you to be angry at me. You both are my best friends and I wish i could be there for both of you. But i cannot go against my brothers. Please forgive me if possible. I'm sorry. I'm sorry' Ragini wept silently in her room and eventually cried herself to sleep.


To be continued...

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