Mouse Trap: Part 1 (Dabi)

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Walking into Dabi's room, I could smell the faint scent of his cologne. I shut the door quietly behind me, and walked over to his closet. Dabi didn't have much clothes, most of them were for different mission scenarios.

But he did have lots of hoodies. I took my favorite of his and put it on before lifting it to my nose. The smell of sweet ash and cigarette smoke.

His hoodies were so much bigger than me, and it ended up going to my knees. They were always extremely warm, to the point that I would easily overheat. So I slipped my pants and my shirt off, before slipping into his bed.

I didn't bother covering myself with his sheets, and just hugged his pillow to my chest as hard as I could.

Shigaraki had sent Dabi on an extremely dangerous mission. The mission was only supposed to be a couple of hours, and he be back just after noon. But now we were at the ninety hour mark, and we haven't heard anything from him.

I've been watching the news the entire time, hoping I wouldn't see his face with the words 'captured'. But there's been nothing.

Dabi was also supposed to wake me that morning, and tell me goodbye before the mission. He was supposed to give me a kiss, like he usually does before any mission. But he left without doing any of that.

I wished that I could go with him on these missions, but Dabi refuses to take me out into the field. I'm only supposed to stay home and hack into any security systems that might be in their way. I was the homebody of League, not entirely by my choice either.

After I got brought into the League, just after Shigaraki, I was put in my office, and almost wasn't allowed anywhere else. Constantly having to keep an eye out on what the Hero's were doing, and watching our security camera's, incase we had to move.

But after Dabi joined, he always made sure I ate and was drinking actual water. All for One didn't entirely like it, but Dabi fought him about how I was still a living being with basic needs. Not long after he asked me out on a date, and that was the first time I had stepped out of the base in almost a year.

Dabi helped remind what it was like to be human, instead of just someone's computer rat.

One of my job's was to know, or at least have a decent idea, about where each of the League members were at all times. But I haven't been able to find him. Back alleys, bars, shopping stores, you name it. I had to know where they were.

I just wanted him home. I wanted him safe.


POV: Dabi

I stumbled through the door of the base, and kicked my shoes off immediately.

"What took you so long?" I heard Shigaraki's crusty ass annoying voice ask and I turned to see him, Compress, and Kurogiri at the bar.

"Had some complications on the way." I said and lifted my shirt to show him that I had gotten shot. "Went to someone I know to get it fixed. I ended up staying there a couple of days."

"Well then tell us what you found." Kurogiri said and poured me a glass of whiskey. I swallowed it in one gulp before I started walking down the hallway.

"Y/n first." I told them, and set the glass down.

I walked down towards y/n's room, and I knew that they were going to be pissed at me. The night, or rather morning, before I left y/n was up all night working on a project, and by the time they came to bed I almost had to leave for the mission.

So I broke the rule that we had made, and didn't wake them to tell them that I was leaving.

I was actually surprised when I walked in that they didn't tackle me to the ground, or was at least right there to greet me, since y/n is always keeping an eye on the security camera's.

I knocked on y/n's door and waited for a couple of moments before I opened the door. The giant wall of computers lit up the entire room, and I could see multiple news stations on all at once. There was also a couple different security feeds going on, switching to a different one after so long.

But I didn't see y/n anywhere in the room, which was extremely odd.

I turned around and walked over to my room. I opened the door, and saw that my night stand light was on.

As I stood in the doorway I saw y/n laying down on my bed curled up in a tight ball. Wearing one of my hoodies, they were swimming in it. Y/n hated the dark, it's why their computers were always on to provide light.

"Y/n hasn't slept the entire time you were gone." Someone whispered behind me. I turned and saw Toga standing just behind me looking at y/n over my shoulder. "After they couldn't find you, I'm pretty sure they had two panic attacks while you were gone."

"I should have called." I said as I dug my broken phone out of my pocket.

"Let y/n sleep a little longer." She told me before she patted my shoulder and walked away.

I carefully walked in, and made sure to close the door quietly. I snuck into my bathroom, and took a shower. Letting the water wash off all the bullshit from this mission.

I, myself, was tired as hell. But I can't imagine, that I was more tired then my little mouse. I hate making them worry like that, but times like this I can't help it.

Y/n always hides away the fact that it bothers them when it does happen. When something like my phone brakes, and I can't call. But they always say that it wasn't something that couldn't be helped.

I hated when they did that. For being a villain, my little mouse wasn't one to get into fights like that. Too obedient for their own good.

I stepped out of the bathroom and into my room, and slipped some sweatpants on. Sitting down on the edge of the bed, I just watched my little mouse sleep. I didn't want to wake them, but if I didn't I wouldn't hear the end of it. 

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