Pity Party: Part 1 (Bakugo)

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Hey guys quick note:

This story is a bit more personal for me. This story is going to be focusing on my body type, because I've been feeling extremely insecure about myself lately, and in turn has affected my will to write or do anything other than scroll through TikTok. 

I know that I'm not the only one with this kind of body type, or have been in the situations I'm in right now. Even then, it's all in how you see yourself.

So I figured I'd make a story about it, and try to write my anger and insecurities out. Bakugo isn't my comfort character, but with this kind of subject, he does hit different for me. 

Also, not everything that happens in this story has happened to me (it's not that personal). So please calm down, and don't panic and such. Most of this stuff is really just how I how I feel about my body and so on so forth.

So I do hope you enjoy! If this story, doesn't apply to you or hits a little too close for home . . . . . Sorry not sorry. These stories are mostly for me anyway, whether they be comfort stories, adventure stories, or even the sexy ones. 

They are for me, and me alone. If you happen to enjoy them as well, that's the plus. But otherwise, bye bye :)

Also anything negative that might be said in the comments will be reported, deleted, and blocked immediately. Have a nice day! ;)


I sat in class writing down notes out of my textbook, when Mr. Aizawa said that he had to leave and do some paper work. He told us to behave before leaving the room. 

"So ugh, girls." Mineta piped up not even twenty seconds later. "I'm gonna through a small party in my dorm. You could all come by, and it could be just us and we could make our own movie."

"Mineta, you're so nasty." Mina said, and all the girls ignored him. 

"Oh, I could get nastier." He said. "I'm sure at least one of you are into that kind of thing."

"Mineta just stop talking." I told him.

"And who said I was talking to you?" He asked me, and I felt a little taken aback by it.

"You're talking to us girls-." I started to say.

"Yeah the girls." Mineta told me, and gestured to all the other girls. "Not you."

"Yeah okay, whatever." I told him and turned back to my work. "Just shut up already." It was finally quiet for a minute, before an elbow rested on my desk.

"Hey, I'm going to tell you this. Cause everyone's too nice to state the obvious about you." Mineta said, and he rested his chin on his hand as he leaned on my desk. "The only reason a guy will get with you, is cause you'll be easy. You probably won't even be decent, but you'd be good enough. Anyone that says they want you for more than just a cock sleeve, is fucking lying to you."

"Mineta!" The girls screamed at him and a bunch of the students stood up and started walking towards us. I heard them yelling, but it was really nothing more than just drowned out sound. 

I stared at my desk, and I couldn't believe what I just heard. Of all people, these words had to come from Mineta's mouth.

Without even thinking I slapped Mineta across the face, nocking him down to the ground, before scooping all of my stuff into my arms and running out of class.

"Whoa hey y/n." Someone said after I ran into their chest. I looked up and saw Mr. Aizawa, he almost dropped the paper's that he had left to work on. But luckily caught them. "What are you doing out of class? What happened?" 

I said nothing and rushed around him. Before he could say another word, I was gone. I could hear someone's voice echoing down all the hallways. But I drowned them out until I ended up on the roof.

I threw my stuff down and leaned against the small wall around the corner from the door. I pulled my knees to my chest, and I let out a sob. 

I didn't want to cry. I didn't want to be able to think. I wanted to do something about what he said. I wanted to hit him more, take out all my anger and self consciousness out on him. 

I know that I'm not the most feminine. I don't wear a lot of make-up, if any at all. I don't like wearing girly tight clothes. My chest is probably smaller than small. And the rest of my body, god damn it, doesn't speak female at all.

My shoulder's would make any quarter back jealous. My stomach is on the larger size, and I fucking hate myself. 

I've tried the diets. I've tried exercising. I've tried everything that I can. But nothing has changed. I've been in the hospital more times than I can remember, because I ended up starving myself trying to lose weight, but nothing fucking works.

I didn't want to be like this anymore. I didn't want to sit hear in this moment, and be alive. I don't want to be alive, anymore.

But I'm too scared to do anything about it.

"Y/n!" I heard coming from behind the roof's door. I pulled my feet in, and I covered my mouth with my hands. Tears continued out of my eyes, at a constant flow. 

The door busted open, and I did everything not to make any noise. I closed my eyes, and hoped that if I didn't see who it was that they wouldn't see me at all. After a good thirty seconds, I opened my eyes just in time to see Bakugo turning around and laying his eyes on me.

"Dumbass, why'd you run away like that?" He yelled and ran towards me.

"Just go away." I told him, and covered my face with my hands. I heard the gravel move next to me, and peaked through my fingers to see he sat down next to me. I wasn't going to be able to get passed him now if I tried to run away.

And there was no way I'd be able to use my quirk with him. His is far more stronger than mine, and he's also physically stronger than me as well. I was stuck here.

"Bakugo, please go away." I begged him. "Just leave me alone."

"No." He said. Plain and simple. And surprisingly gentle.

"Why?" I asked him, and before he could answer I cut him off. "Why do you care? Why the fuck are you the one that found me? Why can't I just be left alone, for one fucking day?" I cried. He didn't say anything, and I tried to keep my sobs in.

"Let it out idiot." He told me. "You'll hurt yourself if you don't." I didn't listen to him, and continued to try and hold everything in.

I felt his hand on my shoulder, and instantly flinched away from him.

"Please don't touch me." I told him, and scooted away from him.

"I understand what he said, hurt you." He started, and I looked up at him. He looked extremely focused and was analyzing me. "But obviously there's more to this, than that perverted grape being an asshole."

"Obviously." I said.

"What is it?" He asked me, and I looked at him like the idiot he was.

"What do you think it is?" I yelled at him. "I fucking hate myself, and the last thing I need is others hating on me the same way I do."

"Why do you hate yourself?" He questioned me, and I wanted to smack him too.

"Why do you think?" I yelled again, louder this time. "I'm fucking disgusting! I hate my body, but no mater how much I try, I can't lose weight."

"What the fuck does your weight have to do with anything?" He asked me, and I balled my hands into fists. It was taking everything in me to not hit him, or a wall, or to even go find Mineta and finish the job.

"My weight has to do with everything!" I yelled at him. I didn't even keep going. Katsuki Bakugo was probably the last person I wanted to talk to right now. Let alone have an emotional bonding moment with.

"Why did you react the way you did?" He asked me, and I scoffed at him. "You could have killed him, and the entire class would have helped you hide the body. You could have reported him to Mr. Aizawa. You could-."

"Just shut up please." I begged him.

"No." He told me. "I want to know why you're this hurt about it."

"You want to know so bad?" I asked him. I was pissed. I was done. "I'm upset because he's never talked to me the way that he talks to literally any other girl."

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