Pity Party: Part 18 (Bakugo)

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I got out of bed as my alarm went off, and rubbed my eyes as I got up. I got ready like normal, but when I walked into my bathroom and got my meds I realized that I was nearly out.

"Great." I sighed and realized what I was going to have to deal with in order to get a refill.

"What's wrong?" Bakugo asked as he stood in my bathroom doorway.

"Nothing." I sighed and took todays pills. "I just have to go get a refill."

"Do you want me to go with you?" He asked and handed me some breakfast.

"I don't think it's a good idea." I said.

"Why's that?" He asked me.

"Well I have to go to my parents to get my information so I can go get the refill." I told him as we walked through the halls.

"Is that a bad thing?" He asked me, and I could only laugh.

"Yeah." I said, and I'm glad he didn't ask me anymore questions. I didn't feel like talking anymore. Or eating.


I sat in my room after class, and put my head in my hands. All day I've been wanting to avoid this. But I had to push myself to get better. If not for me, then for Bakugo and his family.

I took a deep breath before I stood up and started digging through my closet for something more comfortable to wear. I finished changing and grabbed my purse before opening my door. Before I could do anything Bakugo was in front of me.

"I'm going with you." He told me.

"Babe, I don't think that's a great idea." I told him as we started walking down the hallway, hoping he would just go back to his room.

"Well too bad." He told me, and held my hand. I sighed and thankfully we walked in silence towards my house. I unlocked the door, but before I turned the knob I took a deep breath. 

I pushed the door open, and quickly took my shoes off. Bakugo started taking his shoes off too, but I stopped him.

"Please just stay right here." I begged him quietly, and he nodded before I walked down the hallway. Both my parents were sitting in the living room, and saw me as I headed for the stairs.

"Well look who it is." I heard my mom say. I stopped walking, but I didn't turn to look at them.

"Oh it's the mooch hound." My dad said, and I tried to control my breathing. "What are you doing here? Looking for more ways to starve yourself?"

"I'm here to get my paper work so I can get more medication." I told them and took a couple more steps.

"Oh so you're back to snacking?" My mother said, and I froze again. "I'm surprised we haven't gotten a call saying you were in the hospital again."

"I've been doing better." I told them.

"Huh, define 'better'." My father laughed. But I didn't say anything, as I stood near the top of the stairs trying not to let myself have a melt down. So many years my parents have pushed this against me. 

That because I wasn't just skin and bones, I couldn't be anorexic.

Or if I was anorexic, why wasn't I losing weight?

"She's taking her medication daily." I heard behind me and saw Bakugo had walked down the hallway, and was standing in the living room by the stairs. "She's eating, and feeling better about herself than she probably has in years. Not that I'm surprised seeing that she's living away from you two." 

He said and ran up the stairs, grabbing my hand before pulling me up the rest of the stairs. I guided him down the hallway and to my old room. 

After I closed the door, I didn't say anything as I sat down at my desk and started digging through my desks drawers looking for my paper work. Bakugo didn't say anything either as I left him in front of the door.

I tried not to let myself cry, since crying wouldn't solve anything. It never did before, definitely wouldn't now.

"Y/n." Bakugo said and I turned to see him kneeling next to me. I sniffed as he tucked my some of my hair behind my ear, and I felt my lip quiver and tried to stop it. He pulled me towards him, and I wrapped my arms around him. "You don't need them. They're obviously not important to your recovery. Don't let them get to you, just think about the people that are here for you."

I nodded and took a deep breath. I pulled away from him and kept digging through my desk until I found the papers I needed. I made sure I had everything before I got up, and Bakugo stood next to my door.

I took a deep breath and took Bakugo's hand in mine. He rubbed his thumb over my the back of my hand, before I opened the door and bolted down stairs with Bakugo right behind me.

"Excuse me young man, but who do you think you are?" My father practically yelled as I dragged Bakugo down the hall towards the door.

"Names Katsuki Bakugo." He told me dad as we both grabbed our shoes. "And I'm the man that's going to make your daughter happier and healthier than either of you ever could." Bakugo told him as my mother came down the hall. 

And with that me and Bakugo ran down the street in our socks, and our shoes in hand. After we were a couple blocks away we stopped to catch our breath and put our shoes on. After I finished getting my shoes on Bakugo wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me into him.

He started kissing me really hard, and of course I kissed him back. I felt his tongue in my mouth, and I was so shocked by the sudden amount of passion he was showing me. I couldn't keep up.

Finally I had to push him away as I caught my breath.

"Why so lovey all of a sudden?" I asked him in between trying to even my breathing.

"I'm always lovey with you." He said and started nibbling on my neck. It tickled and I pushed him away from me again. 

"True, but why so much all of a sudden?" I asked him again, but I already knew the answer. 

"Because you deserve it." He said, and looked down at me, with his arms wrapped around my waist. I laughed a bit, as that wasn't the answer I was expecting. "So where to now?" He asked and I held my paperwork up.

"The hospital for my refills." I said.

"Lead the way." He told me, and I grabbed his hand.

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