Shift: Part 12 (Shinsou)

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It was simple little kiss, but when I pulled away from him he had a shocked look on his face.

"I'm sorry was I not supposed to do that?" I asked him, and sunk down into the water until it was up to my chin. He didn't say anything as he grabbed the sides of my face and pulled me away from the water and kissed me again. This kiss was different than the one I gave him. This kiss was like all the kisses I had read about.

"Hey are you done we have to get going so-." I heard Momo said as she opened the door and saw us. Her cheeks turned pink as she closed the door. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to interrupt!" She yelled at us through the door.

"You finish washing up." Shinsou said, and kissed me on the lips again before standing up. "I'll see you at lunch." He walked out the door and Momo came back in a giggly mess.

"Lets get you out of there." She laughed and helped me finish washing off. I got dressed as she went to get dressed as well for class.

"Soooo?" She questioned me as we walked down the halls to class.

"What?" I asked her.

"Are you guys together now or what?" She asked me.

"What does that mean?" I asked.

"Are you guys dating?" She asked, explaining a little.

"Oh, I don't know." I said. "I just kissed him."

"You kissed him?" She asked excited as we walked into class, and went to our desks.

"Who did what now?" Mina asked, practically appearing out of nowhere.

"Y/n kissed Shinsou." She said excitedly and the two of them got excited together before they looked behind me and I watched as their faces go from happy to annoyed and pissed. I turned around to see Bakugo behind me.

"Y/n." He said and rubbed the back of his neck. "I'm-."

"I know." I said, he looked at me. "You don't have to say it."

"But if I hadn't said those things, you wouldn't have ran away and been attacked." He said.

"I think it would've happened either way." I said. "Specifically this morning I think would have happened either way."

"What happened this morning?" Kiri asked as he came into the classroom.

"I'm sure everyone will be talking about it soon." I said and looked down at my desk.

"Are you okay?" Kiri asked.

"Yeah I'm fine." I said. "Some upperclassmen kidnapped me from my room and tied me to a tree this morning."

"What?" Bakugo asked. "Who did it?"

"Don't worry, I already took care if it." I said.

"You should have seen her." Momo said, excitedly. "She strapped the muzzle to him and almost took his head off."

"Muzzle?" Denki asked and looked at me. "Was it the same guy from last night?" I nodded and all the boys got upset.

"Oh don't worry he's being taken care of." Aizawa said as he came into the room. "Everyone take your seats." He said and saw me in my seat. He smiled and nodded to me before starting class.


I walked out of class to go to lunch, and when I did everyone stared at me as they walked by. Momo grabbed my hand, and Kiri went to my other side and threw his arm over my shoulder so I couldn't see anyone.

"Pay no attention to them and it'll go away faster." Kiri told me. I nodded to him and we walked into the lunch room. "Come on, I'm buying you lunch today." Kiri said and walked me over to the food area. "You pick this time." I looked at the different options and pointed at something.

"What is that?" I asked.

"That's mac and cheese." He told me. "Wanna try it?" I nodded and he ordered us the food. As we were walking towards our group, I tripped and fell.

"Watch where you're going dumb mutt." Someone said, as I started getting up. I turned my head to see that a boy who looked like he was a little older than me was standing there. I sniffed the air, and I could smell a hint of the boy from last night. They were friends.

"Who do you think you're calling a mutt?" Kiri asked as he stood between us and I got off the ground. The boy pushed Kiri back and I stepped in front of him

"Don't touch him." I growled and Shinsou grabbed my hand.

"Just leave it." He whispered to me and started pulling me away from the boy.

"Yeah that's right bitch, listen to your master." And we both stopped walking. Shinsou let go of my hand and put his hands in the air before stepping away from me. I turned around and transformed into a wolf. However to everyone's surprise, my version of a wolf was about four times bigger than a normal sized wolf.

"What did you say little boy?" I said to him and I flattened my ears, and showed him my teeth.

"I-I." He started trying to say and fell to the ground as he back up.

"Please." I told him. "Say it again." I got right in his face.

"Nothing." He told me. "I didn't say anything. I'm sorry!" I then transformed back into my human body and sat on my knees in front of him.

"Okay." I said smiling and got up and skipped over to Shinsou. He smiled and wrapped his arm around me.

"That was awesome!" All the boys said as we sat down. Kiri handed me my mac and cheese. And we ate our lunch.

"Shinsou." Someone said behind me and I turned to see Aizawa behind us. "I need to talk to you." Shinsou got up from the table and walked away from us.

"What the hell are you doing?" I heard Aizawa say, and I listened in on his conversation.

"What are you talking about?" Shinsou asked him.

"You kissed her didn't you?" Aizawa asked.

"Yeah, and?" Shinsou questioned.

"And you're supposed to be watching her, not shoving your tongue down her throat." Aizawa said.

'Watching me?'

"So what?" Shisnou asked.

"So we still don't know how dangerous she is." Aizawa said. "So far it looks like she's got some anger problems and who knows if she can handle herself while in some type of wolf form when she's emotional."

"She just got pissed at a guy, and transformed to scare him." Shinsou said. "She was in complete control. She doesn't have anger problems, she just doesn't understand everything."

"She attacked a student?" He asked.

"No, he tripped her and she scared him cause he had a bad mouth on him." Shinsou told him. "That's all that happened."

"She shouldn't be doing that." Aizawa said.

"And I should be a villain." Shinsou said. "Both those things sound stupid, huh?" Shinsou then walked back over to us and sat down next to me. "How do you like the mac and cheese?" He asked me and I nodded.

"It's good." I said quietly.

"Hey, what's wrong?" He asked me and put his hand on my back.

"Should I not have kissed you?" I asked him. "Did I get you in trouble?"

"You heard the conversation?" He asked, and I nodded. He sighed. "I'm not in trouble, and neither are you. Mr. Aizawa is just worried about you, because you don't know much about your ability to transform. And then we know even less."

"He's scared of me?" I asked.

"No, he's not scared of you." Shinsou told me. "He's scared for you." I nodded and kept eating.

The bell rang signalling lunch was over and Shinsou walked me back to class.

"Hey." He said and pulled me back to him before I walked in and took a couple of seconds to kiss me on the lips. Sending butterflies to my stomach. "I'll see you later." He told me, and I smiled as he walked away. I walked into class and saw Aizawa had just watched that.

"Mr. Aizawa." I said and walked up to him. "I want you to know that despite my Father, I have no plan to use my power for evil. And if I feel like I'm losing control at all, I'll go to you first." He smiled at me.

"I appreciate that." He told me. I nodded and went to my desk to keep reading.

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