Chapter 4: Sting Operation and Plans

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In the last chapter Nagisa sparred with class 1A and taught them the importance of finding creative ways to utilize their Quirks to always have an edge over their opponents. Of course the work of a professional hero is never done.

Craftwork stood on the roof of a nearby building as his wife stood next to him in her Hero uniform. "So this is the place? The police department mentioned increased Yakuza activity in the area." Ryukyu said as she looked down at the small office building. "Yeah, seriously why would the Yakuza even attempt to cause trouble with so many Heroes working nowadays." Craftwork said as he also turned his attention towards the quant little office building that held their targets.

"Honestly of all weeks for this to happen it has to be on the week of the Provisional License Exam." Ryukyu said in a frustrated tone as Craftwork gave her a confused look from behind his mask.
              "Why's that important? That's the students business, not ours." Craftwork said matter of factly to his wife as he was already formulating a plan of attack on the Yakuza business. "I have my eye on a few of the U.A. Students, I want to mentor them." Ryukyu said as a small smile spread across her face. "Yeah I forgot that you've been talking about your little plan." Craftwork said in an unamused tone as his wife stuck her tongue out at him in a teasing way. "Oh come on! You should take a student under your wing! The 1A students really enjoyed your lesson!" Ryukyu said as she tried to convince her husband into taking on a young student.
Craftwork sighed as he knew his wife wouldn't give up on convincing him to do the whole mentoring thing. "Last time I checked your the head of the Hero Organization we work for. That means it's your job to handle things like that." Craftwork said in a smug tone as he smiled under his mask. Ryukyu quickly punched her husband in the shoulder as she puffed out her cheeks in annoyance. "Last time I checked we're co-leaders of our Hero Organization." Ryukyu grumbled as she looked in the opposite direction of where Craftwork was currently standing.
"Alright, alright, I'll take it into consideration, but can we please focus on the task at hand?" Craftwork asked as he looked over at his wife with a serious expression on his face. "Okay, but we are talking about this afterwards! Don't even think about pretending this conversation didn't happen." Ryukyu said as she playfully glared at the Creative Hero. With that Craftwork made his way down to ground level before walking towards the Yakuza office building. "Now then, let's start the show!" Craftwork thought as he entered the Yakuza Office building.

Inside the Office Building
The moment Craftwork entered the building he had guns pointed at him from every direction as men in suits surrounded him. "Afternoon gentlemen! Mind taking me to the man who's in charge of this branch?" Craftwork asked as he was unfazed by the guns being pointed at him. "Why don't you turn around and walk away before we blow your brains out!" One of the goons said as he aimed at Nagisa's head. "I suppose we're doing this the fun way then." Craftwork said as he tossed three sheets of paper that exploded into Rock Golems that almost touched the ceiling of the building.

The goons opened fire on the three Rock Golems, only for the bullets to harmlessly ounce off of them. The Rock Golems then proceeded to punch and throw the Yakuza goons into walls as they cleared a path for Craftwork. "If I had to guess, the head of this establishment should be on the top floor." Craftwork said to himself as his Rock Golems continue to subdue the goons. Craftwork eventually made his way into the next main room on the second floor of the office building. Unfortunately an entire unit of goons was waiting for him with their guns ready to fire on him at the drop of a hat.
                "Don't even think about tossing out another one of your pictures! Put the sketchbook down nice and slowly." The head goon ordered as Craftwork gently placed his notebook and pen on the ground before kicking them across the floor towards the goon. "You really shouldn't have come here alone Hero!" The goon said with a laugh that to their surprise, Craftwork joined in on. "What's so funny?!" The head goon growled in anger as he glared at Craftwork. "Who said I came here alone?" Craftwork asked as all the goons gave him a confused look.
               Before the goons could do anything else a large creature broke through the floor, knocking all the goons off their feet. The creature in question was Ryukyu in her dragon form.

"You really need to be more careful, I won't always be here to save you." Ryukyu growled as she still subdued the last few remaining goons on the floor. "Come now Ryukyu, you know that it's important to trust your coworkers in our field!" Craftwork said as the dragon hero rolled her eyes before finally restraining the last of the goons.
Craftwork then looked around the room as he knew that there were more goons waiting on each floor for them. "What's wrong? We have this floor secured." Ryukyu said as she stared at the Creative Hero in confusion. "Yes we do, it's the next three floors I'm concerned with." Craftwork said as he tore another page out of his sketchbook before tossing it on the ground. The page burst into a bunch of mechanical spiders that appeared to be bombs as well.

Two of the mechanical spiders latched onto the ceiling as Ryukyu grabbed Craftwork before shielding him with her body as the little spiders exploded. The ceiling caved in as a large hole appeared in the ceiling.
"Mind giving me a warning before you pull a stunt like that?!" Ryukyu growled as she glared at Craftwork. "Sorry, but I thought I'd make us a shortcut." Craftwork said with a chuckle as he noticed that a few of the goons from the floor above them had fallen through the ceiling, unconscious. "Now let's get something that will take care of our friends above us shall we?" Craftwork said as Ryukyu was already subduing a few of the other goons from the floor above while Craftwork quickly drew another picture of a man made entirely out of sleep has.

             The smoke figure floated up into the next floor as it dispersed, blanketing the entire room. The Yakuza goons all collapsed as the sleeping smoke did the trick. The smoke creature reformed into it's humanoid form as it stood by awaiting orders. "So we cleared another floor, what now?" Ryukyu asked as she looked at her Husband with curiosity present in her eyes. "Simple, I still have a few of my little friends, let's blow the other floors." Craftwork said as Ryukyu reverted back to her human form as more of the mechanical spiders latched onto the next floor.
This process was repeated until they reached the top floor of the office building, where the leader of the place was located. Craftwork had drawn a propeller on a metal handle that flew him and Ryukyu to the top floor. "Gentlemen, sorry for the mess, but we must shutdown your little business." Craftwork said as he turned to face the boss behind the desk. "You Heroes won't be stopping our operation!" The head goon said as he tried to pull his gun, but was stopped by a large claw as Ryukyu had shifted back into her dragon form once again.
               "End of line, now come peacefully." Craftwork said as he looked at the now restrained head goon. To both Heroes's surprise the goon started laughing as if a joke had been told. "You think taking us out is enough? We're just a piece of the bigger puzzle! The Shie Hassaikai won't go do so easily!" The goon said with another laugh before being knocked out with a wooden hammer to the head. Ryukyu looked at Craftwork in confusion as he was now holding a cartoony wooden hammer. "What? He wouldn't shut up!" Craftwork said as they both heard police sirens outside the office building.
                  Ryukyu and Craftwork turned the Yakuza members over to the police as they were ready to head back to the agency. Unfortunately when your the Tenth Ranked Hero, that usually means the the press wants a word. "Ryukyu, why are you working with a lesser known Hero?" One of the reporters asked as Craftwork noticed his wife doing her best to not lose her temper after that comment. "Sorry to split and run ladies and gentlemen, but both of us are very tired and would like to head home!" Craftwork said as he threw down another piece of paper that burst into a cloud of magician's smoke.

At the Ishikawa Apartment
Nagisa and Ryuko entered their apartment as they quickly took off their shoes and a few parts of their Hero costumes. "I owe you one for getting me out there before I had to answer questions." Ryuko said as she collapsed onto the couch with a sigh. "I'm your husband, it's my job to help you when your in distress." Nagisa said as he gently sat down next to his wife on the couch. "I still don't get why we can't admit to the public that we're married? It would make situations like earlier so much easier." Ryuko whined slightly as she got comfortable on the couch.
"You and I both know what kind of leverage that would give a villain against one of us if it was common knowledge and one of us was held prisoner." Nagisa said as Ryuko let out another groan of annoyance. "Sometimes our job can really suck you know?" Ryuko said as she rested her head on Nagisa's shoulder. Nagisa knew that them not being open about their relationship tended to bother her. "Time to do the good husband thing." Nagisa thought to himself as he looked over at his wife. "You know, I think I will mentor one of those kids from 1A." Nagisa said as Ryuko looked over at him with a huge smile.
              "That's wonderful! Because I already signed you up to mentor that Yaoyorozu girl." Ryuko said as Nagisa shot her a look of complete disbelief at his wife's words. "What happened to consent?" Nagisa asked as he still couldn't believe his wife pulled a stunt like this. "You and I both know you would've said yes in the end anyway! You love me to much to say no." Ryuko said in a teasing tone before giving him a kiss on the cheek. "You truly do have an evil side my Beautiful Dragon." Nagisa said as he pulled his wife into a kiss before they both got up to start preparing dinner for the night.

So now we got to see our Heroic Lovebirds fight side by side! Of course they've both signed up to mentor some of our favorite heroes in training! One can only imagine how that will go.

I've also started a Bleach story titled Bleach: Next Generation. The Bio and Chapters 1-12 have already been posted.

Now Nagisa has been roped into mentoring one of the Class 1A students once they receive their Provisional Licenses! What will Nagisa deal with during his time as a mentor? What other issues could crop up? What serious dangers lurk in the shadows? Find out in the next chapter of My Hero Academia: Creative Hero!

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