Chapter 5: Mentoring Momo

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Last time Nagisa and Ryuko preformed a sting operation on a small branch of a Yakuza Organization. Now the License Exams have been completed and it's time to start mentoring! How will Nagisa handle this new challenge?

Nagisa sat in his office within his and his wife's shared Hero Agency as he awaited the arrival of his student. "I still can't believe I let myself get roped into this whole mess." Nagisa thought as he looked at his mask, which was laid out on his desk. Nagisa heard excited voices coming down the hall as he took that as his signal that it was time. "Well I better go greet the kids." Nagisa mumbled to himself as he quickly placed his mask on his face before he also grabbed a few bags he had been keeping in his fridge. Nagisa then opened the door to his office before taking his exit.

In the Main Room
Uraraka was so excited to start her first day as a Provisional Hero! Although she couldn't help but worry about Deku, of course the thought caused her to blush. Her and her two fellow interns entered the main room of the Dragon Hero, Ryukyu. Ochako was so excited that she accidentally bumped into someone. "Oh! I'm so sorry!" Ochako said as she looked up to see who she bumped into only to be surprised to see the Creative Hero, Craftwork. "Oh, well if it isn't Uravity, congratulations on passing your Provisional License Exam. The same extends to you Froppy." Craftwork said as he nodded towards the frog girl.

            "Thank you Mr. Craftwork, ribbit." Froppy said as her usual neutral expression remained on her face. Craftwork was then tackled into a hug by a girl with long hair and who was wearing a bodysuit.

"Mr. Craftwork! It's so good to see you again!" Nejire cheered as she hugged the Creative Hero happily. "It's good to see you to, Nejire." Craftwork said as he gently patted the girl on the back. "What are you doing here anyway Mr. Craftwork?" Ochako asked as she gave the pro hero a curious look.
              "Craftwork is the Co-Leader of this Agency, is it strange for someone to show up to their own workplace?" The group turned to see Ryukyu standing there with a small smile on her face. "You both run this Agency?! I've never heard of two heroes being co-owners of an agency before!" Ochako said as she looked at the two Pro Heroes in surprise. "Ryukyu and I have been close friends since high school, we decided to go into business together." Craftwork said as Ryukyu winced slightly at being referred to as a friend, but knew it was for safety reasons.
               The group heard the sound of someone approaching them as they turned to see Momo approaching them. "Momo! What are you doing here?!" Ochako asked as she looked at her classmate in surprise. "I'm here for an internship with Craftwork." Momo said as she turned to look at the Hero in question. "That's right, now before we head out, take this with you." Craftwork said as he handed his wife a bag with boxes in it. "What's that, ribbit?" Froppy asked as she tilled her head to the side in confusion. "You guys are still just students and aren't used to field work so I made lunch." Craftwork explained as he scratched the back of his head slowly.
               Everyone looked at Craftwork as he doesn't make eye contact with any of them. "So cute." All the girls thought as they looked at the embarrassed Hero. "Well we should all be getting a move on, meet back here at three in the afternoon?" Ryukyu asked as everyone nodded in agreement before the group of Heroes and students broke off into two separate groups. Momo followed behind Craftwork as she watched the Professional Hero lead her out of the agency in silence as she wondered what exactly she was going to learn from him.

In the City
Momo was confused, they had been sitting on top of the roof of a tall building for the past half hour. "Mr. Craftwork, shouldn't we be patrolling?" Momo asked nervously as she had been completely on edge this entire time. Craftwork looked up from his sketchbook as he stared at Momo, which made her flinch. "Creati, you look like a toy that's been wound up to tight. Stress kills you know. I respect your want to get on the job, but you must learn to relax." Craftwork said as he addressed the student with a slightly worried tone as Momo relaxed slightly.
"I-I'm not sure I follow sir." Momo said as she was confused by the Creative Hero's statement. "Creati, Heroes have the most stressful job in the world. People's lives are on the line and their in our hands, so we need every chance we can to relax. If we don't, we'll be driven crazy." Craftwork said as he stood up before walking over to Momo and gently leading her to a place onto the roof where she could sit. "Now, try and calm down. Also I want you to take this." Craftwork said as he handed the girl a small pouch that looked like it could be clipped to her belt.
                Momo was confused until she opened the bag only to find cookies in it. "I read up on your abilities from the file that was submitted for the internship. Your Quirk requires you to eat for it to keep working right? Don't worry their protein cookies so their not the unhealthiest thing in the world." Craftwork explained as Momo looked at him in surprise. "I made it weird didn't I?" Craftwork said as he hung his head slightly in embarrassment. Momo let a small smile spread across her face as she looked over at Craftwork as she wasn't expecting this from the Pro Hero as he always seemed so serious.
Craftwork sighed as stood up before looking off into the distance. Craftwork spotted a dove fly towards him as he stuck his hand out as it gently landed on his arm. "Looks like there's trouble, are you ready for some action Creati?" Craftwork said as the intern quickly got to her feet before nodding. The dove burst into scraps of paper as Craftwork tore another page from his sketchbook. Craftwork tossed the page off the roof as it burst into a giant purple bird.

"Alright, looks like a building got attacked. Let's hurry before things get worse." Craftwork said as he helped Momo onto the back of the giant bird before flying off towards the building with smoke floating into the air.

Crime Scene
Craftwork and Creati landed in front of a building that looked like the first floor was barely holding together. "Someone must have setup a bomb off on the first floor. Creati, setup steel support beams on the comprised side of the building. I have a plan to breakthrough the rubble blocking the door." Craftwork said as he tore another picture from his sketchbook as it burst into a robot with drills all over its body.

The robot drilled through the rubble as the pathway was now cleared. "Everyone start making your exit through the opening!" Craftwork shouted as the trapped people started making their exit.
Eventually the Fire Department arrived and helped get the rest of the people off the other floors. Craftwork went up to Momo and gently patted her on the back. "Good work with the steel supports kid! Now we just need to make sure that everyone gets to safety." Craftwork said as he congratulated Momo on a job well done. "T-Thank you Mr. Craftwork!" Momo said as a small blush spread across her face. Craftwork spotted a man wearing a black hoodie in the alleyway. "Don't run pal, you won't make it far!" Craftwork said as the man in the hoodie started to run.
"They always run. Come on, better catch him." Craftwork said as he and Creati began to pursue the hooded figure. Craftwork tore another page from his Sketchbook before crumpling it into his hand. The paper turning into what appeared to be a toy gun that fired foam balls. Craftwork aimed the gun at the criminal before firing off three shots in total. The spheres clung to the back of the criminal as they seemed to weigh the escaping crook down. Momo created a boomerang from her arm before throwing at the retreating crook's head. The boomerang hit the criminal in the back of the head as he fell face first onto the ground as the two heroes caught up.
                "Alright pal, looks like it's the end of the line for you." Craftwork said as Momo created a pair of handcuffs that she slapped on him. "You can't stop it! The Shie Hassaikai won't be stopped! Japan will learn to fear the Yakuza again!" The goon said before Craftwork knocked him with another cartoony wooden hammer. Momo looked at the Pro Hero in confusion. "I already had to listen to that rambling a few days ago, not listening again." Craftwork said before both of them handed the criminal over to the police before making their way back to the Hero Agency.

Ryukyu Hero Agency
Craftwork and Ryukyu waved goodbye to the girls for today as they took their leave from the Agency. "So was it as terrible as you thought it would be?" Ryukyu said in a smug tone as she smiled at her husband. Craftwork rolled his eyes under his mask before turning to face Ryukyu. "I never said I thought it would be terrible, I just thought I wasn't the best for the job is all." Craftwork said as his wife chuckled at his words. Ryukyu expression turned serious as she looked over at her husband. "Is something wrong?" Craftwork asked as he gave his wife a confused look from underneath his mask.
Ryukyu let out a sigh before looking her husband in the eye again. "Nighteye called a meeting for tomorrow, apparently something big has come up." Ryukyu explained as Craftwork let out a groan. "Seriously?! I can't stand that know it all future sight bastard!" Craftwork said as he remembered finding conversations with the future seeing hero to be somewhat unpleasant. "I know, but we do need to hear him out." Ryukyu said as she placed a comforting hand on her husband's shoulder. "We do need to hear him out." Ryukyu said as she gently squeezed her husband's shoulder. "I know, doesn't mean I have to like it." Craftwork said before both of them went to finish up before heading home for the day.

So Nagisa took Momo out on patrol and showed her the ropes while also offering up his own personal advice on how to be a hero! Now Nighteye has called a meeting and wants as many Heroes as possible to attend! What does Nighteye want to discuss? What is this serious situation the Heroes find themselves in? What dangers are currently making their next big move? What else will get in the Creative Hero's way? Find out in the next chapter of My Hero Academia: Creative Hero!

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