Chapter 6: Shie Hassakai Raid!

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In the last chapter Nagisa/Craftwork mentored Momo in how to be a hero! Although Nighteye called a meeting amongst multiple Hero Agencies to handle something rather important.

Craftwork stood out in front of what is apparently the headquarters of the Shie Hassaikai Mafia's base of operations. "To think the centerpiece of this entire Quirk destroying operation was a little girl. Well all that matters now is saving that little girl." Craftwork thought to himself as he stared at the building in question from underneath his mask. "Oh boy you got that stern stance Craftwork, that's never good!" A voice said from behind the Creative Hero before letting out a good natured laugh. Craftwork turned to see Fatgum standing behind him.

             "I'm fine Fatgum, just mentally preparing myself for this mission." Craftwork said as the other Hero laughed at his words before slapping him on the back. "Common Craft! You and I both know that your overthinking things again! You worry to much, we'll get the job done we always do." Fatgum said in an reassuring tone as he tried to help his fellow Hero relax. "Fatgum, you and I both know It's in my nature to worry, after all I'm nowhere near as durable as you are." Craftwork said which cause Fatgum to let out another good natured laugh.
"Funny coming from the guy who's probably one of the most laidback Heroes I know! Try to relax buddy, after all don't wanna worry your wife." Fatgum whispered the last part before walking off to rejoin his interns. Craftwork turned to see his wife and her interns staring at him as they seemed to be curious about something.

"Umm, can I help you ladies?" Craftwork asked nervously as he found the hold situation rather awkward. "Where's Creati? You are still mentoring her right?" Ryukyu asked as she sent him a look that only a wife could direct at her husband. "Her parents refused to let her come on what could be a more dangerous operation, and I wasn't going to waste time trying to argue with them." Craftwork said as Ryukyu's eyes softened.
               "That's unfortunate, guess that means I can trust you to have our backs during the operation?" Ryukyu said in a way to make it seem professional, but Craftwork knew she actually wanted to know if they would get to spend time together on this mission. "We work at the same agency right? I'd much rather work with people I have the most experience working with." Craftwork said as he let a smile spread across his face under his mask. A crashing sound was heard as some of the police officers screamed in fear. Ryukyu quickly transformed into her dragon form before catching the fist of a rather large man.

"Looks like we've lost the element of surprise, everyone head into the base! We'll hold this guy off!" Craftwork shouted over his shoulder as the rest of the Heroes ran into the building as Ryukyu held off the Yakuza member. Ryukyu was eventually able to wrestle the Yakuza member, who's name is Rikiya and helped the police restrain him as they now stood guard. "To think that we'd be stuck on guard duty while everyone else gets to do the heavy lifting." Craftwork said with a sigh as he leaned back against one of the walls in front of the Yakuza base. Since there was no immediate danger, Craftwork let his mind wonder to the conversation he had with Sir Nighteye before the operation.

Craftwork was currently drawing a few pictures for future use on the raid so he wouldn't have to waste time with drawing during combat. "So this is where you are Craftwork." Craftwork looked up as he saw a man with glasses in a salary man suit, his hair appeared to be green and yellow.

"Sir Nighteye, what do I owe the pleasure?" Craftwork said as he tried to not let his distaste for the future seeing Hero show. "You were rather quiet during the briefing, I was wondering if you had any concerns." Nighteye said as he looked at Craftwork with his usual bored expression. Craftwork knew that Nighteye was fishing for something from him, they had never gotten along well.
"Why extend this courtesy to me?" Craftwork asked as he wanted to know Nighteye's angle. Nighteye sighed as he removed his glasses before cleaning them and placing them back on his face. "We've worked together enough times for me to know how you take issue with how I go about things. Then again I am guilty of feeling the same way about your way of going about your work." Nighteye said as his look becomes more serious. "I fail to see why you have to be so judgmental about everything and everyone! Like that Izuku kid, I know you think he doesn't deserve to have All Might's Quirk!" Craftwork said as his tone developed a bit of an edge.
Nighteye glared at Craftwork as both Heroes stood their ground. "I suppose I shouldn't be surprised you would stand up for the boy. After all, you never use your Quirk to its full potential as well." Nighteye says curtly as Craftwork flinched but quickly recovered. "You know I draw cartoony characters to put people's minds at ease! You should know how horrifying my Quirk can be under the right circumstances." Craftwork said as he tried to remain calm despite his current frustration. "You restrict your own abilities to simply prevent scaring others, eventually you'll have to put away the toys and get serious." Nighteye said as he began to walk away.
"One day you'll be wrong." Craftwork said as Nighteye stopped dead in his tracks before turning to look at Craftwork. "I beg your pardon?" Nighteye said as he looked at Craftwork in confusion. "One day someone is going to prove that your all knowing eye isn't so all seeing!" Craftwork said as Nighteye looked at him in thought. "My eye has never been wrong, what makes you think it will be wrong anytime soon?" Nighteye said before walking off and leaving Craftwork alone once again. The Creative Hero quickly went back to drawing his pictures before he lost his cool after that conversation.

End of Flashback, Few Hours Later
"Are you okay Craftwork?" Craftwork was pulled out of his thoughts as he looked over at Ryukyu. "I'm fine Ryukyu, just been left to my own thoughts for a the past few hours." Craftwork said as he scratched the back of his head, unfortunately the conversation was interrupted by Craftwork noticing an orange energy that seemed to fly through the air. "Oh no, everyone get down!!" Ryukyu shouted as she quickly jumped in front of Uravity, Froppy, and Nejire-chan as she switched into her dragon form before blocking a punch from the now larger Rikiya.

              Craftwork noticed that the three interns were almost completely sapped of their stamina. "This is bad, these three are in no condition to fight. Looks like I've gotta use one of my personal favorite tricks!" Craftwork said as he tore a page out of his sketchbook before tossing it into the air. The page burst into three large top hats that completely covered the three interns before multiplying into twenty more top hats.

The top hats flew into the air where Rikiya couldn't easily reach. Ryukyu was able to knock Rikiya back as he tore another page from his sketchbook that burst into a small platoon of of cartoon goblins with spiked clubs.

The cartoon goblins jumped on Rikiya before starting to attack him relentlessly with their clubs. Rikiya seemed mostly unaffected by the goblins as he grabbed them off his back before crushing them in the palms of his hands. "Do you really think your stupid drawings can slow me down?!" Rikiya shouted as he aimed a punch at Craftwork. Ryukyu caught the punch as she once again struggled against the boosted Rikiya. "We need a plan! The others should be close to finishing things on their end!" Ryukyu said as she struggled to keep the Yakuza member at bay as Craftwork tried to devise a plan.
                 "Mr. Craftwork! Deku is on the roof over there! I think he's trying to tell us something!" Uravity shouted from the top hat she was being protected in. Craftwork looked up to see that in fact Deku was standing off on a rooftop pointing towards a particular spot of the street. "How did the kid get out here? He should be deep underground with Nighteye and Lemillion. Guess it doesn't matter at the moment." Craftwork thought to himself as he turned to look at Ryukyu and Rikiya again. "Ryukyu! We need to get this guy into that position!" Craftwork shouted Ryukyu began forcing the enlarged Yakuza thug down the street.
               "You won't stop the boss's plan! This ends now Heroes!" Rikiya shouted as he grabbed Ryukyu by the neck before throwing her across the ground. Ryukyu let out a groan of pain as she struggled and failed to stand back up as Rikiya laughed. "Dammit! Okay think Nagisa, think! You gotta do something fast!" Craftwork thought as he looked at his collapsed wife who was still in her dragon form. "I'm disappointed! Here I thought a professional hero would actually give me a challenge! Well time to finish this!" Rikiya said as he started to stomp towards Ryukyu as Uravity, Nejire-Chan, and Froppy all screamed at the villain to stop from the top hats they were being held in.
              Craftwork stepped in front of his collapsed wife as he turned to a picture that took up two entire pages of the sketchbook. "I really hate it when that future seeing prick is right!" Craftwork thought as Rikiya stopped as he looked down at him in amusement. "What are you going to do you third rate Hero? Draw some puppies to snuggle me to death?!" Rikiya taunted as he cackled uncontrollably as he looked down at Nagisa. The three interns escaped from their top hats before approaching Ryukyu. "You three stand back! Your right, I do draw rather friendly creatures to put others minds at ease." Craftwork stated as Rikiya cocked his head to the side.
                 "So what are you gonna do? Draw another cartoon to fight me? Go ahead! I grind the little punks into dust!" Rikiya said with a cackle as he readies himself for a fight. "While I hate doing it, people I care for are in danger. So allow me to show you how truly terrifying my Quirk can be!" Craftwork said as he tossed the entire sketchbook into the air as it burst into a giant multi-headed snake that had a mask on the end of each neck.

"Judgement of Orochi!" Craftwork shouted as the large monster lunged at Rikiya before coiling around his limbs and body as each head bit down into his body. Rikiya screamed in pain as he struggled to free himself. "Uravity, Nejire-Chan, Froppy! Now!!" Craftwork shouted as the three girls combined their Quirks, which forced Rikiya through the ground revealing the underground base where Deku, Nighteye, Lemillion, and Overhaul were located currently.

Below Ground
The group fell down as they were now reunited with the others as Craftwork went over to the injured Nighteye. "Craftwork, you have to stop Overhaul now! Midoriya will die if he fights him!" Nighteye said in a strained voice as he begs the Creative Hero to finish this fight. "Sorry Nighteye, you were right I used my Quirk the way you think it should, I don't have my Sketchbook as a result." Craftwork said as Nighteye's eyes widened in fear as they both turned to look at Deku facing off with the now monstrous Overhaul with Eri on his back.

"It's over, once again my eye will predict the reality of the future." Nighteye said grimly as he watched the fight above them. Craftwork laughed as Nighteye looked at him in confusion. "I remember how I said one day someone would prove you wrong? Izuku Midoriya, he'll prove that not everything your eyes show you are set in stone!" Craftwork said as he watched Deku continually use his full power to break his own bones as Eri's Quirk rewinds the damage. "What makes you so sure?" Nighteye asked as even he couldn't figure out what the Creative Hero was trying to get across.
              "I don't know what it is about that kid, but it seems that no matter how many people try to knock him down or whatever obstacle is set in front of him, he breaks it down no matter what! So for once in your life, put your faith in that kid!" Craftwork said as he turned to continue watching the fight that was unfolding in front of him. Nighteye watched as Deku continued to force Overhaul back and continue his unrelenting assault. "Could my eye really be proven wrong?" Nighteye thought to himself as he decided to rest as not to make his injuries worse.

After the Raid
Nighteye couldn't believe it, Izuku Midoriya had twisted fate just like he said he would, it didn't make sense, but he couldn't help but be happy. As he was taken away on a gurney so he could be treated at the hospital he spotted Craftwork. "How were you able to see something even I was blind to?" Nighteye thought to himself as he was loaded into the ambulance. Craftwork then approached Deku and Ryukyu as they looked over the destruction done to the streets and a few buildings. "That was incredibly reckless taking on Overhaul on your own. A lot of people got injured in this operation, but all things considered good job." Craftwork said as he placed his hand on Izuku's shoulder as the boy nodded before the three turned to start making their way towards the hospital to regroup.

I'm sorry if this was a rather quick portrayal of the Shie Hassaikai Arc, but please keep in mind all the fights were all happening around the same time so it would have been impossible for Craftwork to be everywhere. Regardless I hope you enjoyed Craftwork helping Ryukyu, Uravity, Nejire-Chan, Froppy take on Rikiya! Now with the mission being successful, it's time for everyone to regroup at the hospital! What awaits Craftwork at the hospital? How will everyone recover from the raid? Find out in the next chapter of My Hero Academia: Creative Hero!

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