Todoroki x Villian! Reader (part 1)

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The class 1-A sat in silence as their teacher informed them of the upcoming and terrifying villain that had been put on display for the whole world to see as of yesterday at exactly 12:43 pm. She was believed to be the same age as most of the students in the class, but stronger than All Might himself.

"Why do we need to learn about her if we will never see her?" Kirishima asked

"Because, she could appear anywhere. Just like the league of villains showed up at your training session at the U.S.J." Aizawa answered

The class became disheveled of someone that dangerous coming in direct contact with them. They had no clue what to do. Aizawa dismisses his class as the bell rang for lunch. The class sat together and discussed what they thought the girl looked like, what she would talk like and most importantly, what her quirk was. Apparently no one had any idea what her quirk was, because no one had ever seen her in action. The only thing she ever left behind to symbolize it was her, was three bodies placed against a wall, with their blood all connected to form a heart with a crack in it.

"She can't seriously be our age could she?" Uraraka asked, obviously afraid.

"I mean it's completely possible, but she would have to have an amazing quirk to beat All Might." Midoriya said, writing down all this thoughts in his usual notebook.

More words were shared between classmates before the bell rang, letting them know that lunch was officially over and it was now time to head to All Mights class. The teens headed in the direction of the room, but quickly stopped when they heard a conversation going on.

"All might you know you have to go! You know her! You have to be able to talk to her or at least try to beat her!" Aizawa raised his voice as much as he could while still trying to be desecrate

"Aizawa you know I can't beat her. Yes she may be a villain but you just know I can't. I will go but I can't guarantee her capture." All Might spoke softly

"What are you guys waiting for?" Mineta asked loudly, alerting the teachers to the fact that the students were listening the whole time.

"You kids need to get to class now. Mr. Aizawa will be teaching for me today. As you heard I have some business to attend to." All Might said, standing tall.

The class begged and pleaded to go with the pro as this was a once in a life time opportunity to see this kind of villain up close. At first both teachers were reluctant due to tHe obvious danger that would come with them attending such an event. But the gave in, stating that they were only permitted to come if they stayed close, or ran and left as soon as he said. The class agreed and they set on their way to the building that was left terrorized by this new villain.

They entered the building quietly and were met with insane and horrifying laughter coming from a small girl in the center of the room. The girl was floating on what seemed to be a blob of darkness, a shadow almost.

"Awe All Might dear is that you?!" The girl called out, her voice surprisingly sweet

"Y/N you need to stop this! This isn't acceptable!" He yelled back

She began laughing again, obviously amused by the mans remark.

"And you think I live for your approval??" She questioned, he head tilted slightly.

"You leave me with no choice!" All Might said before dashing at her

The girl sighed and smiled widely. She stretched out her arm to wrap the man in her darkness, holding him securely.

"Have you forgotten what happened the last time you challenged me you stupid pro?!" She screamed, a new time of voice coming through.

All Might struggled against her restraints, but to no avail. She giggles and sends another darkness streak his way, but this time it was more of a glob. It was almost like a tar type substance. It spread over All Mights body and spread faster the more he struggled, acting as a quicksand type substance.

"Awe and you brought the baby pros!!" She squealed, stepping down off her pedal-stool of tar.

She wore a tight black crop top and a skirt that resembled the school uniform skirt. The only difference was that it was black. She accessorized with a pair of black thigh high stockings and black sneakers. She caught the attention of the boys quickly. But there was only one boy that caught her eye. She smiled wickedly to herself and spun her darkness to put the rest of the class in the same position as All Might besides one very special boy.

"Y/N this is between you and I. Please don't hurt the kids!" He pleased.

"Oh! So now you care about kids?!? Now you want to be a fatherly type?!? HOW ENDEARING ALL MIGHT!" She screamed with anger, tightening her grips on the class and all Might further.

She walked over to Shoto Todoroki, something in her walk that put him in a trance. She made her way up to him and lightly pushed him up against the wall.

"Ah, the son of Endevor. I wonder what he would say if he knew I hands all over you like this." She smirked as she ran her fingers through his hair then down his face and finally taking some of his school uniform in her hand.

"Such a handsome boy. Boy what I wouldn't do to make you mine." She whispered, slightly closing the gap in between them.

She breathed in his scent before smirking one last time and crashing her lips onto his in a passionate kiss. Todoroki was confused. He wanted to hold her and kiss her back, but he knew it would be wrong. She was the enemy. But she was so enticing to him. And her lips felt so soft against his. He wrapped his hand around her waist and closed his eyes, deepening the kiss further causing the girl to smirk.

She parted, panting slightly and smiled. Todoroki had a red face, panting just as much as her, eyes filled with wanting for the girl.

"Make sure you tell your daddy I said hi for me baby." She placed a quick peck on his lips before stepping back.

She snapped her fingers and the class was free including All Might.

"Y/N I will not rest until I take you down." All Might said sternly.

She giggled and a vortex appeared. She stepped through it but not before saying.

"Sure you will dad."

The class stood shocked. No one had any idea that All Might had and children, let alone that his child was a notorious villain. The class couldn't move. They had no idea what just happened and they were all the most confused they had ever been in their entire life's. No one more than Shoto Todoroki though.

"Young Todoroki, are you okay?" All Might asked

Todoroki just nodded. Face still clearly blushed from the whole experience. How could he just let that happen? How could he let the enemy walk up to him, touch him like that, and then kiss him? Why did it feel so good? He had so many questions that he needed answers too and he wasn't sure he was ever going to get them. He put his hands in his pockets to walk off and he pulled out a small piece of paper.

"Meet me in an ally way tonight. Doesn't matter which one, I'll find you. See you there lover boy~
Ps- be sure to tell your daddy about what we did today ;)
~babygirl <3

He was beyond confused. When did she have time to write that? Why did she want him to tell his father? More questions that he needed to ask. And now he had the opportunity to ask them. He crumpled up the piece of paper and shoved it back in his pocket, hoping no one saw him pull it out. He didn't know what was going to happen when he went to that ally way, but part of him knew what he wanted. He wanted more of her. He wanted all of her. Even though it was extremely, extremely wrong. But.... he almost, ALMOST didn't care. He was going to go, and whatever happened, happened.

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