🍋Todoroki x Villian! Reader (part 2)🍋

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The students of class 1-A were gathered back into the classroom so discuss the things that happened only a few minutes ago in that random business establishment. Some of the class was focused on how she was so strong, the other half was focused on the fact that she was All Mights daughter...and she was a villain. But there was one person who wasn't focused on any of that. Todoroki was worried about the little note that had been stuffed inside his pocket to hopefully to forget about until the end of the day when he was meant to meet up with this entrances. But no matter what he did he could not get you off his mind. And the talk about you at school made it worse. Everyone now knew about the kiss that the two of you shared, and it was driving him insane how he craved to have your soft and sweet lips placed back on his in another passionate kiss.

Todoroki was so lost in thought about you that he completely zoned out. Fiddling with the paper and touching his mouth softly. He was so disoriented the he didn't notice All Might calling his name over and over again.

"Young Todoroki, are you listening?" All Might said

"Wh-Ah yes, I'm sorry." He apologized, coming back down to earth

"Young Todoroki, it seems as though my daughter has taken quite the liking to you my dear boy, so we need to to let us know if she ever tries to contact you again okay? This is very important." All Might states firmly.

Todoroki nods in understanding, and his hand naturally falls back in the note, that is now burning and intense hole in his pocket. Should he give it to them and risk not being able to meet up with you? Or should he just keep it and let his mind wander to the things that might happen if he attends this. He quickly makes up his mind and subconsciously shoves the note farther into his pants. Your hold on him greater than anything he has ever known. The bell rings and the class is dismissed to finally go home.

On his way out of the classroom he could feel all eyes on him. He could hear the whispers.

"I heard that he came face to face with her and didn't do anything!"

"Isn't he supposed to be one of he strongest in that class? Why didn't he even try to do something?"

"I heard it was because she kissed him."

That comment set off a whole new set of conversations, and he began to think to himself. Why didn't he do anything when he had the chance? Why did he just stand there? What was it about you that just made him freeze in place? He quickly shook his head and continued the decent back to his home, not exactly sure what time he was supposed to meet you and how he would know. He pulled out the piece of paper and uncrumpled it and slapped his forehead in embarrassment. You had written your number on the back.

"Thats not very smart of her...what if I had given this to All Might?" He grumbled underneath his breath. He sat on his bed and dialed your number, quickly pressing call, eager to hear your voice again.

"Helllooooo~?" You picked up, your voice still sweet as ever.

He couldn't find the words so he just sat there, not sayin a word. He could almost hear your smirk from across the line.

"Aw is this my little lover boy?" She asked again, knowing she wouldn't get an answer.

"Well listen closely cutie, all you have to do is go a couple of blocks from your house and I will be in one of the ally ways, it's up to you to find me hot shot. Mwah~" and with that you hung up the phone, leaving him dazed.

This wasn't like him. At all. People had always told him that he was a very straight forward person, so why is he acting like this now? He quickly got up and took a quick shower then brushing his teeth and putting on some new clothes before heading out the door, not bothering to tell anyone he was even leaving. He walked a few blocks and saw an ally way that he had never seen before, and decided that this was the one. As he turned the corner he was met with your amazing (E/C) eyes, almost glowing in the dark. You smirked and pretended to pout.

"Awe puppy, you found me!" You got in real close to Todoroki.

"You asked me here, what did you want." He tried to be calm but his red face gave him away.

"Well isn't it obvious Icey Hot, I want you." You smirked.

You closed the space in between the two of you and placed your lips gently on his, tangling your hands in his hair during the process. This time he was ready for it. He put one arm around your waist and used the other to hold your face, deepening the kiss. You smiled against the kiss and detached your lips from his, only for a second to say,

"And it seems pretty clear to me that you want me too hot stuff."

You connected your lips again, this time Todoroki backing you up against the brick wall of the ally way.  You kissed for a few more minutes before once again pulling away. Ending it much sooner than Todoroki wanted, but you still allowed him to keep a firm grip on your waist.

"So what does a big bad villain like myself have to do for a gorgeous man like you to come home with me?" You whispered to him.

"Just say the word." He responds

This only being the second time you have heard him speak, it sent chills down your spine at how gruff and sexy it sounded. You smirked and lead him father down the ally way, but not before covering his eyes with a scarf you brought. You may have given him your number, but you didn't trust him enough to show him the way to your house! You walked for quite a distance, and your hands were intertwined with Todoroki. You finally reached your home and you helped your duo hair colored lover up the steps and into the house. You removed his blindfold and were met with the beautiful multicolored eyes that you grew to adore.

"Home sweet home." You smiled

Todoroki looked around for a while. It was a nice house. It was well kept. If he didn't know there was no way he could tell that this was a villains home. Eventually you walked behind him, wrapping your arms around his torso, placing your head on his back and breathing in his scent.

"I'm surprised your daddy let you out of the house this late." You sighed, happy to be close to him

"I don't inform my father of many things in my life. This is just another one of those things." He stated, turning to face you

"And you'll talk like meeting up with a villain is the same as going to a soccer game." You giggled.

You look up at him, eyes shining brightly. He sends a small smirk in your direction as well before leaning his head down to meet your lips with a sweet kiss. You eagerly kissed back, tangling your hands in his hair. You were surprised this boy actually came to meet up with you, and now that he so willingly was licking lips with you was just a major bonus. You pulled him closer, quickly making the kiss more needy. One of his hands rested on your hip while the other held your face close to his. The way his lips felt on yours was so amazing. Maybe it was the fact that he was just that infatuating, or maybe it was the fact that you knew in the daylight you couldn't have him. You didn't dwell too much on it, he was here and you were going to enjoy yourself.

Todoroki got a burst of confidence and he locked his arms behind your legs, hoisting you up Nd pushing you against the wall. His sudden display of aggression turned you on immediately and a sultry moan escaped your lips, allowing Todoroki full access to your wet cavern. His hands feverishly touched everywhere he could, up your sides, down your legs and he finally rested his hand up your skirt. You began to blush and run your hands down his body, feeling the toned body beneath yourself.

"Mhm, having a hero for a lover sure has its perks." You whispered in his ear while still caressing his toned chest.

This sent chills down his spine. He didn't know what about you made him act this way. You just got into his brain and wouldn't let go of him, and he didn't want you too. Tonight he wanted to take you up to your room and ravish your body all night.

"Room?" He questions, kissing and sucking on your neck.

"Ngh~ eager aren't we?" You teased, still moaning from the bite marks being left on your neck

"Second room on the left." You stated, gripping his hair lightly.

Todoroki carries you up to your room, looking deeply into your eyes. And he could only wonder one thing. 'How could such a beautiful and infatuating woman dedicate herself to villainy?' He pushed open the door to your room and lays you down on the bed softly. He stands and looks at you deeply before quickly taking off his shirt, tossing it into part of the room, not bothering to watch where it landed. He climbed on top of you, placing a knee in between your legs, where you wanted him most.

You connected your lips once again, now able to feel his skin, you took no time waisting and felt up his torso, learning every indent of his body. This sent shivers down his spine as he disconnected from your lips and made his way down your neck. He had covered your neck with his mark but he wasn't done yet. He wanted you to walk out of the house and someone from a mile away could see that you belonged to someone. You belonged to him. Your moans drove him crazy. He wanted all of you to be his, and he was going to make sure that, that exact thing would happen tonight. He was going to take all of you proudly.

You could feel your face heating up quickly. This boy did something to you, and you liked it. All the attention Nd passion he gave you was enough get you off on its own, but you knew you wanted more. You felt him detach himself from your neck, and his hands slipped up your top, exposing your lacey bra to him. Seeing you like this sent a darkness into his eyes and he needed to see all of you. He quickly rid you of the unwanted clothing, leaving you only in your bra and panties. He pulled out his phone and opened up the camera.

"Hey hot shot, what are you doing?" You questioned before hearing the click of he camera

"Well I deserve a little souvenir don't you think? Plus I need something for the times I think of you, but can't have you." He whispered as he climbed back on top of you, phone still in hand.

This brought a blush to your face, but you quickly recovered, smirking.

"And what about me baby? Don't I get a little something?" You questioned

"Don't worry love. You'll get more than just a 'little' something tonight." He states, pressing his crotch to your heated area.

This caused another moan to escape your throat. Todoroki reaches for your bra but you quickly pushed him away, him clearly confused.

"Before you take anything off of me, you need to take more off too." You smirked

He looked down and realized he was still in his pants and he looked back up to you.

"Then undress me." He said calmly

You smiled widely and got on your knees, pulling down the hem of his pants and underwear. Once you did so, he sat on the bed and you crawled over to him, grasping his member, stroking it up and down. Todoroki let out a few grunts of satisfaction as you continued to work on his now fully hardened friend. You smiled and put the tip in your mouth, swirling your tongue around it while making eye contact with the red and white haired boy.

"Mhh-(Y/N), N-No teasing." He tried to stay calm but he was much to flustered.

You gladly complied, putting his entire length into your mouth and bobbing your head up and down. His moaning couldn't be held back anymore. The way your mouth felt around him was too much for him to handle. He stood with you still on his member, and began thrusting into your mouth. He held the back of your head to keep it in place. He was careful not to go too hard when doing this, seeing as your mouth was so small and his member was so....not....this only lasted a few more minutes as you had grasped his balls in your hands and began fondling them, sending him over the edge. Todoroki saw a flash of white as he came into your mouth, collapsing back onto the bed. You swallowed the salty sweet substance happily and crawled onto his chest, undoing your bra.

Seeing this Todoroki got a second wind and flipped the both of you over, attaching his mouth to one of your perked buds. He sucked and swirled his tongue skillfully, causing your panties to grow sopping wet.

"Mgh~ Shoto." You moaned, gripping his hair tightly

His only response was a light growl and his fingers trailing down to your heated core. He pushed your panties to the side and began to run on your folds.

"I-I thought Y-you said no teasing Shoto!" You threw your head back as he bit down lightly on your nipple.

He complied and shoved a finger in your womanhood, curling it to hit just the right spot.

"Ah! S-Shoto!" You moaned.

Hearing your moans only fulled his fire more. He growled and took his finger out and removed his mouth from Your now extremely sensitive bud. He gave you a lust filled look and ripped your panties off you and positioning his hardened dick at your entrance. He looked at you for permission and you quickly nodded. He slowly pushed into you, moaning as he did so, relishing of the feeling of you around him. You threw your head back in Ecstasy, the feeling of him filling you, driving you crazy. It hurt a bit but nothing like people to make it out to be. You clawed at his back, pulling him closer to you.

" careful not to leave anything Kitten." He moaned softly in your ear.

You nodded in understanding and loosened your grip just a bit. Once he was fully in you, the pain has subsided and only left pleasure. Todoroki slowly pulled in and pushed back in to test and see if you were ready, and a very loud moan made its way past your lips. He smirked and began at a slow pace, still getting used to how tight you were around his member.

"Gah, (Y/N) your s-so tight." He breathlessly said.

Hearing him say that only turned you on more. You smashed your lips back on his, enjoying the familiar feeling of his soft lips. He quickly kissed back, picking up he pace, wanting to completely dominate you, but didn't want to hurt you. His prayers were answered when you moaned loudly for him to go faster. He gripped your hips and slammed into you.

You could feel nothing but pleasure. He was very big, and he was filling you to the point that nothing else could go in. A blush filled your face as you opened your eyes to see the beautiful grey and blue ones, staring at the lewd faces you were making. Seeing you like this was better than todoroki could have ever imagined. You were under him, hair sprawled out over the bed, breasts moving with every thrust he made and a dark blush covered the entirety of your face. He snapped.

"Forgive me (Y/n)." He moaned

You were about to ask what he meant, but you were stopped by Todoroki slamming into you with a force you had never experienced in your life. It was animalistic, and you loved it. You craved for more of it. Your grip on his back tightened immediately, not being able to handle the amount of pleasure Todoroki was proving to you. As you clawed you could feel his skin break under your nails. You both were a pile of moaning messes. This was the greatest the two of you had ever felt.

Todoroki picked up your legs and placed them on his shoulders, hitting a new spot in you.

"Gah! Todoroki! Right there!" You screamed.

"Say my name." He growled in your ear

"Todo-" You began but you were cut off by a forceful thrust that brought tears to your eyes

"I said say my name love." He sexily growled

"Shoto!" You quickly got what he meant

"Louder." He demanded

"SHOTO!" You moaned as you could feel the knot in your stomach unwinding.

"That a girl." He whispered before biting down on your neck, leaving yet another love mark.

"Shoto I'm going to cum!" You yelled as your toes began to curl.

"Go a head love, cum for me." He continued to assault your core

You came all over his shaft, a shiver spreading down your spine as he filled you with his cum. Todoroki was still hovering over you, clearly out of breath and sweat glistening on his perfect body. He collapsed next to you on the bed and pulled you against his hard chest. You snuggled up to him and placed your ear so you could hear the thumping of his heart and he played with a part of your hair.

"Y/N. You don need to be a villain. You can be good." He stated quietly

"And what about the things I've done? I'm not sure anyone would want to trust me. They would probably just kill me." You said looking up at him

"I'll protect you with my life." He stated confidently.

You told him you would think about it, and the two of you fell asleep together.


The next day at school the boys were in the locker room changing into their suits, getting ready for All Mights class. Todoroki let hi shirt fall off this shoulders and reached up to grab the one to replace it.

"Todoroki man what the hell happened to your back?!" Kirishima asked

Todoroki turned and so did everyone else

"Are you okay Todoroki? That looks like that hurts!" Midoriya asked concerned

"Uh, I'm not really sure, but no. It doesn't hurt." Todoroki spoke.

The boys shrugged I off and continued changing.

"I told her not to leave anything." Todoroki mumbled under his breath.

3245 words

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