Freak: Part 11 (Tokoyami)

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I couldn't move. Whether it was fast enough with Bakugo on my back, or at all. I couldn't. Either I was just frozen in place completely, or if I was to try and move Bakugo would end up taking the hit.

Let's go with that one, it sounds more heroic that way.

I managed to back up some, and the nomu's massive claws tore the front of my blue gym jacket, and I quickly wiggled out of it. Gladly letting it take that instead of my life.

My thought about me going to die got interrupted by a large black pillar smashing the nomu against the wall. I let out a breath that I didn't know that I was holding until I was safe. Well safer.

I glanced over to see that the pillar was one of the spider's legs. It managed to get to me before I died. I sighed and reached for the spider.

"Oh hell no!" Bakugo started squirming around on my back. "Don't put me anywhere near that thing."

"Oh shut up you big baby!" I yelled at him and crawled up onto the spider. I sat down on its back and held onto Bakugo as I made him sit down in front of me. Chattering to the spider, it slowly started crawling up the wall to get me to Tokoyami. Slowly and steady, so that neither me or Bakugo fell.

I used some of my webbings to make little tools and started trying to bust the cuffs off of Bakugo.

"Do you even know what you're doing?" Bakugo asked as I struggled to try and make this work.

"I don't, actually." I told him and continued to fiddle around with the lock. He scoffed at me before rolling his eyes.

"Watch out!" Bakugo yelled and he shoved me back, and I was barely able to hold onto the giant spider to keep myself from falling.

Once I had a grip on the spider's fur, I looked up towards the sky only to watch Bakugo being scooped up by another flying nomu.

"No!" I screamed and used two of my arms to shoot my webbing and stick to the giant cuffs around Bakugo's hands. I held onto both the spider and Bakugo as best as I could, trying not to let my exhaustion get to me.

"Y/n!" I heard yelled behind me, and I turned my head to see Tokoyami and Dark Shadow trying to stop a nomu from swooping down on me. But they were too late, and I got tackled off the spider. Losing my grip on Bakugo, and with all of my arms pinned to the front of my body by the talons of the nomu, I couldn't move.

I tried kicking, but nothing worked. I screeched out to the spider that was already crawling after us, but we were in the air. There was nothing that beast could do.

I looked down at the ground and watched as multiple portals opened up and both nomu and villains retreated to them. I looked forward to Bakugo, but he wasn't looking back at me, he was looking in front of us where there was a portal.

The nomu's flew straight through them, and I looked around to see that we were now in some alley. Out somewhere in the city. Away from just about every pro hero, and help. I managed to get one of my arms free and shot my silk at the nomu's eyes.

When it couldn't see it struggled around and let go of me. I ran towards Bakugo and crawled up the wall. Just in time to watch the nomu that held Bakugo turn to see what the commotion was with the other nomu. I dropped down and quickly used my silk to wrap around its giant mouth to keep it from trying to bit me.

It shook its head wildly, and I rolled off its back and swung around the whole thing, and got its wings pinned so it couldn't fly either away or after me. It dropped Bakugo and tried clawing my webbing off its face, while Bakugo backed up and away.

The nomu stopped trying to fight my webbing and started coming at me. I had no other choice than to use my webbing to its full extent.

I started using my webbing to attach onto the nomu before I stuck it to the ground. Moving as quickly as I could, and managed to the thing pinned to the ground in a tight cocoon.

I took a breath, and swayed a little, and relaxed slightly as I got that settled.

"Impressive." Someone said and I turned my head to see Shigarkai holding the back of Bakugo's neck with only one finger off his neck.

I went to walk forward towards them, but Shigaraki smirked.

"I wouldn't do that." He told me and wiggled his finger near Bakugo's throat. I stopped and stood there waiting for him to say something. But he didn't say anything as he glanced behind me. A feeling like something poking the back of my head made me turn to watch Dabi stepping out of a portal and he backhanded me.

I fell to the ground and tried to stay away. But I was exhausted. This was the perfect attack. Attacking hard working students that have spent all day using their quirk.

"You damn extra! Leave them alone!" Bakugo screamed at them. "It's me you want, isn't it? I'm number one at the sports festival! So leave them alone!"

"Yes, you were first." Shigarkai's annoying voice said. "But two can be better than one. And besides, if they prove to be useless . . . . we'll just kill them."

I tried to sit up, but when I looked up I was met with the bottom of Dabi's boot.


POV: Nobody (Focusing on Bakugo)

Dabi slammed the bottom of his foot into y/n's face. And if his boot didn't knock them out, the amount of force their head made into the concrete did.

"God damn it!" Bakugo yelled, as he tried fighting Twice's grip. "Let me go!"

"What a loud mouth." Shigaraki commented and a muzzle was suddenly put on Bakugo's face.

"Let's save that air of yours, huh sweetie?" Toga asked as she fastened the strap and put a lock on it.

Dabi picked y/n up off the ground and put them over his shoulder.

"What are we going to do about them?" Mr. Compress asked as he gestured to the Nomu. "Shall I capture them and take them back to the lab?"

"Don't bother." Shigaraki said as he watched the two giant Nomu struggle to fight the webbing that they were caught up in. "If a little bit if silk defeats them, there's no point in keeping them." Shigaraki turned around as Kurogiri made a portal. "Burn them."

Dabi smirked as he put his hand out, and filled the entire alley way with blue flames. There was some screams that came from the Nomu, but it didn't last long.

Afterwards Bakugo was dragged through the portal, and y/n was carried.

Completely disappearing back to the League of Villains base.

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