Freak: Part 12 (Tokoyami)

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POV: Tokoyami

I sat on my knees in the middle of the stadium. The villains had grabbed Bakugo and y/n, and just left.

I had tried getting to them before the portals closed, but I wasn't fast enough. Dark Shadow floated next to me and was holding a torn jacket.

I took it, and looked at it. It was y/n's jacket. One of the nomu's had torn it off of them. I sighed and looked up as Mr. Aizawa walked up to me.

"Are you alright?" He asked me, and kneeled next to me.

"I'm fine." I told him. And it was the truth, I was. But that didn't mean that y/n was.

"There wasn't much you could do." He told me. "We were well overwhelmed by the Nomu, it's no one's fault."

"I should have stayed right by their side." I said. "If I hadn't been naive and rushed up the wall, they'd still be here."

"Now there no guarantee of that." Mr. Aizawa said and I looked at him. "If anything they probably would have take all three of you. But you're doing very well remaining calm, and not letting your quirk get the better of you." Dark Shadow growled a little, and I just hummed in response.

The sun was out at one of the highest points of the day. There wasn't much I could do anyway.

There was some yelling, and I turned my head to see that some of the staff was trying to get the giant spider back into a cage.

It was screaming and trying to get around the people, but everyone had long taser poles keeping it in a certain vacinity.

I looked back down at the jacket in my hands, and thought of something.

"Mr. Aizawa?" I asked.

"Yes?" He asked.

"What would you do if I was to do something that could be considered insane?" I asked him as I stood up.

"It would depend." He said as I could tell he was watching me, as I watched the spider. "I suppose if it worked, I would reside in only giving you a detention."

"Then I hope this works." I said and started walking towards the spider. Mr. Aizawa followed me as Dark Shadow grew to the greatest height he could with the amount of light there was.

I walked straight passed all of the staff and the spider turned to me. It went to try and attack me, but Dark Shadow blocked the hit and pinned the arachnid to the ground.

"Track them." I told it and held the torn jacket out. Y/n had told me that spiders could have a strong sense of smell. And at this point, I just hope it works.

The spider seems to take a moment to look at the jacket, and slowing reached out it's fang and hooked the jacket out of my hands. It turned it over and looked to be tasting it, or something like that.

However spiders are able to smell, it must have been able to pick up something.

Dark Shadow let it go, and it calmly stood up. Mr. Aizawa told the staff to back up and give the spider some space.

It looked around, a little bit and moved its mouth around. Before calmly walking somewhere.

Dark Shadow picked me up and placed me on the back of the spider. There was some yelling behind us, and I looked to see Kirishima, Kaminari, Midoriya, Shoji, Uraraka, and Tsyu running after us. Dark Shadow helped them climb up onto the spider.

Mr. Aizawa got some pro hero's and started following us as the spider tracked.

It walked in towards the city, and people were panicking everywhere. But with the pro hero's they managed to tell everyone to remain calm and ran ahead to tell people to get off the streets.

After a while, the spider suddenly stopped. It looked around a bit, before turning towards an alley way. It was able to shimmy its way into the tight area, and stopped when it reached the center of the alley.

I hopped down and looked at the area in front of me. There was some blood on the ground, but the biggest thing that caught my attention was the giant burned area that filled the rest of the alley.

There was also two giant pile of ash, with a very little amount of bone in the pile.

"No, there's no way they killed them." Uraraka said. "They wanted Bakugo and y/n, they wouldn't take them just to kill them."

I didn't know what to say, or even believe. The spider stepped forward a little, and sniffed around the area.

It looked towards me, and reached one of its legs out to me. It took y/n's jacket from my hands and put it on the ground right next to the small bit of blood.

"It's y/n's blood?" Kirishima asked.

"Then what about the ash?" Midoriya asked. "Perhaps it was some witnesses that was just here at the wrong time?"

I looked at the ash's, and noted how large the pikes were. The spider stepped forward and stepped on one of the piles.

It took a moment to look at me, before stepping on it again.

"They're not people, it was the nomu's." I said.

"Why did they kill the nomu's?" Shoji asked.

"Probably because they weren't needed any more." Tsyu said.

"And what happens if they decide they don't need y/n or Bakugo anymore?" Uraraka asked. But we all looked at the piles of ash, already knowing what will happen if that's the case.

There was a sudden ding sound, and we all looked in the direction of the sound. It was Kirishima's phone.

He pulled it out and got a shocked look on his face.

"Guys look." Kirishima said as he held his phone out. "Kaminari just sent me this, it's in the news."

We all gathered around to see what it was, and it was Bakugo and y/n strapped to a wall. And it looked like y/n was unconscious. I held the jacket back out to the spider.

"Track them again."

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