Freak: Part 13 (Tokoyami)

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"Alright, I think the spider has been sleeping long enough." I heard echoed. I opened my eyes slightly, but everything was blurry.

The next thing I knew there was ice-cold water thrown on me, and I jumped as it soaked into my hair and rolled down my back and chest. I jumped and would have stood up out of panic but something was keeping me from really moving at all.

I looked down and saw that there were cuffs around all of my hands and I was strapped to a chair against a wall. Almost like I was in a large baby car seat.

"Good morning." A girl's voice said, and I looked up and saw a blonde girl that looked to be about my age. Maybe a little older. She was directly in my face and had big golden eyes, and when she smiled she had sharp fangs. Like a little bat. "Sorry for waking you, but you've been asleep for a while now. And it's time for you to bleed for me."

I flinched and she laughed as she held up a pocket knife before flicking it open.

"Enough Toga, give the new recruit some room." A deeper voice said and she sighed before backing up. Once she did, I was able to see that standing behind her was Dabi, Shigaraki, and a few others standing or sitting at a bar.

I was in the league of villains base.

"Now that you're both awake." Shigaraki said and I looked to the side and saw Bakugo sitting in a chair just like me. Looks like they kept the cuffs from the sports festival, and just strapped him to the chair.

He looked over at me and looked like he wanted to say something but with a muzzle around his mouth again he couldn't.

"Let's talk business shall we?" Shigaraki asked as I realized that there was a camera set up in between us and the villains. A red light was on, and I guess it was rolling.

"What business do we have with you?" I asked since I didn't have a muzzle on my face. I'm guessing Bakugo kept mouthing off while I was passed out, and after a while, the villains got tired of it.

I was just thankful that my mask was still there.

"The business of becoming villains!" A guy with a black suit said I think his name was Twice. "Not that anyone would want a freak like you."

I felt my heart get heavy. It wasn't the first time I've heard that, most likely won't be the last either. But something about a villain, an outcast freak, saying it. . . . That hit a little different.

I heard a 'smack', and looked up to see Dabi had smacked Twice up the side of the head.

"But that is exactly the reason we want you." Shigaraki said as he started walking towards me. I backed as far away as I could in the seat, but I wasn't about to go anywhere. Shigaraki made sure to not block the camera from swing me, as he kept getting closer. "You're a freak of nature to everyone, they don't see the good that you try and do. You're working to become a hero, and this is how people treat you?"

He reached for my mask, and I thought that he was going to take it off, but he slid the edge of it slightly. Still leaving it on my face.

"They cut away at you. To expose you." He said, and I couldn't help but jump a little. 

"They bully you. When all you want to be is a hero." Shigaraki said. "What's the point of becoming a hero if you're always going to be treated like a villain."

I looked away from him and put my head down.

"And you, Bakugo." Shigaraki said and turned to him. But I couldn't focus on the words that he was saying to him. I could only think about what he said to me.

I could imagine his speech about Bakugo, had to do with him constantly being an asshole to everyone around him. How he puts his pride first, or maybe the idea that he no doubt be number one hero, his god complex, so on so forth. You could really go all day about it.

But I couldn't put the words he was saying together. There was a feeling in my gut that was off.

"So what do you say, you two?" Shigaraki asked, and I blinked to clear my head. "You two are so villainous. Whether it be the way you look or the way you act." He went on. "Don't you want to show the people who defy you, what you're really capable of?"

Bakugo started thrashing around and trying to speak. From the sounds of it, he was telling them to go to hell.

"Y/n you're rather quiet." A man said, he was Kurogiri, the one that could make the portals.

"Perhaps it's the mask." Dabi said and I looked up at him, glaring at him. But he only smirked.

"Yes let's show the world what the newest villain truly looks like, hmm?" Shigaraki asked, and placed his hand on the mask. I pulled away, but it didn't matter. He disintegrated my mask, and there was nothing I could do about it.

"Well look at that." They taunted me. "Really are more spider than human."

I looked over at Bakugo and his eyes were wide. But I couldn't blame him. Just like any spider alive, I had chelicera with fangs. Small arm-like things that were stuck to my face. With giant sharp fangs that scared anyone who looked at me.

I looked away from Bakugo and tried not to cry. Once again, something I wanted to hide from the world, was forced out.

"So? How about it?" Shigaraki asked as he used his finger to lift my chin. "I mean look at your friend here, he's terrified of you." He said and tried making me look at Bakugo, but I fought him. I didn't want to look at him again.

I could feel the tears that were pouring down my face. I wanted them to stop, but there was nothing I could to get them to do what I wanted. I wanted this to just be one big nightmare. A joke I can laugh at and say "at least it wasn't real". But it is real.

"Join us spider pie." Toga said as she sat down on the floor next to me, and rested her elbows on my knees, while she held her head in her hands. She wiped tears off my face and even used a tissue to wipe my nose.

There was some dried blood on the tissue, so I guess Dabi had given me a bloody nose before.

"I-I . . . . I . . . Umm." I tried to think. These people may be villains and have killed people, and have even said some shit about me, but they weren't scared.

"Let's get these things off of you." Shigaraki said and pointed to the cuffs. Dabi threw a pair of keys at Toga she unhooked all of them, and I rubbed my wrists.

I then covered, my mouth. But Toga grabbed my wrists, pulling my hands away from my face.

"You don't have to worry about hiding here." She told me, and I jumped.

"I umm, just have one question." I said and Toga used her fingers to keep wiping my tears away.

"What is it?" Shigaraki asked as he leaned against the wall next to me.

"How'd you know I got cut?"

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