Regrowth: Part 4 (Hawks)

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I opened my eyes, and looked and saw Hawks laying on his side facing me. His eyes were still closed and he looked peaceful. In the time that I've woken him up in the past couple of months, he always looked on edge or just completely depressed. Which was reasonable, I think.

I heard a small ding and rolled over to look at my phone. Opening it, I saw that I got a message from Mr. Aizawa. He was on his way to pick us up.

I took a deep breath and sat up. I started lightly poking Hawk's face.

"Hawks, can I borrow some clothes?" I asked him quietly, not wanting to completely disturb him. I hadn't planned on staying the night last night, but Hawks insisted that I didn't leave. At first, I wasn't sure because I had never stayed at his apartment overnight before. But none the less, I stayed.

"Hmm?" Hawk's hummed and opened his eyes a bit. They fluttered open and looked at me, a sleepy haze still covering his face.

"Can I borrow some clothes?" I asked him again, a little louder.

"Yeah." He said and his head hit the pillow again. I could only imagine the hang over he had right now.

I smiled and got out of bed, making my way into his closet and grabbed a small change of clothes. Hopping in the shower, I washed my hair and body, making it quick so I could get Hawks in the shower with some hot water too.

"Okay, come on. Get up." I said and pulled on Hawks. My hair was sticking to the sides of my face.

"Five more minutes kid." He sighed.

"No, now." I said and pulled him to sit up. "It's now, or you're going to take a cold shower." He groaned, but let me pull him out of bed. I pulled his shirt off as we walked, and turned away as he slipped everything else off.

"Jesus Christ!" He screamed, and turned to see Hawks had stuck his foot in the shower and was using the shower curtain to cover his body. "That's fucking freezing!" He cried.

"Guess you should have hurried." I told him and shoved him in.

I could only laugh at his screams.

After Hawks got out of the shower, I got a text that Mr. Aizawa was here and I hurried to get Hawks dressed. I shoved him out of his apartment, and had to drag him out of the building.

Since Hawks had lost his wings, the media had been all over him. Asking him the question no hero wants to get asked.

"What exactly happened?"

"Do you believe that your wings will grow back?"

"What are you going to do now that you're quirkless?"

I'm sure these were the questions that zoomed through his mind every night since the accident. And I'm sure they're the reason that Hawks had trashed his room every night since he got home.

Hawks hadn't left his apartment in the three months that he been out of the hospital. He was scared to go out. Scared to hear exactly what people thought of him now, that he was a normal human being.

He was wearing a base ball cap with a mask and sunglasses on, and I made sure to dress him in one of my sweatshirts. We walked out, and I guided him towards Mr. Aizawa's car. I opened the passenger side door for him, and he slid inside the car next to Mr. Aizawa.

I crawled into the back seat and looked up to see Mr. Aizawa glaring at Hawks. Hawks didn't notice as he was getting situated in the car. He wasn't very used to having to use a vehicle to get from one place to another.

I could only imagine that Mr. Aizawa was still upset about the other day when Hawks had shoved me. While Hawks was still distracted, I smacked Mr. Aizawa on the shoulder and he glanced back at me. I gave him a look that told him to leave it, and he started driving.

It was silent the entire way to our destination. But when we were about two blocks away I dug into my bag, and pulled out a blind fold. Leaning forward, I placed it over Hawk's eyes.

"Kid what are you-?" Hawks started to ask and grabbed my hands.

"You just gotta trust me." I told him, and he held still for a couple of moments before he let my hands go, and let me tie the blindfold. "It's a surprise where we're going, and you can't see it." I told him, as we pulled into the parking lot.

"Alright." Hawks said, and me and Mr. Aizawa got out of the car. I guided Hawks out of the car, and walked him towards the door of a building.

"Ready?" I asked, and stood in front of him with my arms ready.

"Ready." He said, and I could hear that he was still unsure.

But he didn't have to worry much, as Mr. Aizawa hit him in the back of the neck and he doubled over into my arms. I almost went to the ground with him in my arms, but managed to catch both him and myself.

"Damn, did you hit him hard enough?" I asked as Mr. Aizawa opened the door for me, and I dragged Hawks into the building.

"Did he shove you hard enough?" He asked me, and I rolled my eyes.

"Hey there y/n, you ready for this?" A woman asked, as she got a chair ready for me. She had been mentoring me for the past three months. Day and night I was studying and practicing for this day. And it was now or never.

"As ready as I'll ever be I guess." I told him, and laid him down in the chair. I pulled his shirt and sweatshirt off, and got him to lay face down in the chair. I tied my hair back and got ready to be focusing for the next good handful of hours.

"Remember, just remain calm and graceful." My mentor told me, and I nodded. Taking a deep breath as I laid a large sheet of paper on Hawk's back, and wet it, so it stained his skin. I grabbed the gun, that was already set up with the first layer of color to go on.

"Please work." I whispered and got started, tattooing Hawk's back.

This has to work.

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