Regrowth: Part 5 (Hawks)

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I sat up and cracked my neck, along with cracking my back. I had been bent over Hawks for the past eight hours, and was almost done. Using my quirk to help speed up the process a bit, but not wanting to really use my quirk the entire way.

Not knowing if this would even work to begin with, I didn't want my quirk to be used too much now to the point that I can't use it again later.

But using it now, has cut the entire amount of time that would have been needed to do it normally.

"You should take a break." My mentor said as she walked over with a glass of water.

"I can't take a break until it's done." I told her, and got ready to clean Hawk's back off for a round two.

"He's sure going to be sore." My mentor said as I wiped the ink, blood, and outline off of his back.

"I just hope it's all worth it." I told her and started checking my work. I wasn't seeing any spots that I had missed when I was filling it in, but now I just had to really focus on the details.

"I'm sure it'll be worth it either way." Mr. Aizawa said as he sat next to me. He had been here the whole time, watching me work.


I nodded and finished the details and shading. And I was finally done.

After fourteen hours. Less than half the time it would have taken without the help of my quirk.

"I did it." I said and stepped back looking at what could possibly be my greatest work of art.

My mentor helped me take a couple pictures. We cleaned up the area I had been working in, before wrapping Hawk's entire torso with some lotion and plastic wrap.

We managed to get Hawk's into the back seat with me, and he was still passed out. So I laid his head on my lap and played with his hair, as Mr. Aizawa drove us back to Hawk's apartment.

"It'll work, right?" I asked Mr. Aizawa, and was trying not to cry. If what I had planned didn't work, I could ruin the relationship I had with Hawks because of this. Rushing him into something he definitely isn't ready for if it doesn't go according to plan.

Mr. Aizawa didn't say anything as he parked in front of Hawk's apartment building and helped me drag him out of the back seat. I stood there with Hawk's slumped over my shoulders and Mr. Aizawa handed me my duffle bag, so I could stay with Hawks for the next two weeks.

"I believe there is a good chance that it will work." He told me, and I nodded. He hugged me, and I wanted to hug him back but with Hawks and my duffle bag in my arms, I couldn't.

Mr. Aizawa petted my hair and kissed the top of my hair.

"Have faith in yourself." He told me. "I think that's what's really holding you back." I nodded and watched him drive off before I walked into the building.

I managed to get Hawk's up to his apartment and carefully laid Hawk's down on the couch, on his stomach. I set my bag down and got started on cooking some dinner for the two of us.


I could hear groaning coming from the living room, and I turned down the burners before going to check it out. Hawks laid on his stomach, and was rubbing his face.

"Hey kid." He groaned as I sat in front of him on the coffee table. "What the hell happened?" After Mr. Aizawa had knocked him out at the tattoo parlor, he hadn't woken up. Help with my mentor's quirk, she used it on clients when they were nervous about being in pain while getting a tattoo. She would just lull them to sleep, while she worked her magic with a tattoo gun.

That and I have no doubt in my mind, that his hangover also assisted with keeping him asleep.

"Don't worry about it okay." I told him, and moved his hair away from his face. "Everything will be okay."

"Do I smell chicken?" He grumbled into the couch cushion. I laughed and nodded.

"I'm making dinner right now, it'll be done soon." I told him. "Just stay here and down move." He gave me a thumbs up and the dumb look on his face told me he wasn't going to move any time soon.

I went back into the kitchen and finished making dinner. Making both me and Hawks a plate, I walked into the living room.

Hawks watched me as I set up a spot on the couch for him, with a bunch of soft pillows. I helped pick him up, and he was stiff the whole way.

"What did you do to me baby bird?" He asked me, and I got him to plop down in the mini nest on his couch. He almost immediately snuggled down in it, and I covered him with a blanket.

"Baby bird?" I asked him, and his face went red. "That's new."

He didn't say anything and just looked away from me.

"And don't worry about it." I told him. "Didn't I say not to ask questions?" I asked him, and handed him a plate.

"I think I deserve a right to ask why I feel like I got used like a punching bag." He said and I turned the TV on. I sat next to him. We are in almost complete silence, with only the tv making noise.

"Hey kid?" He asked, getting my attention. I turned my head to look at him and he looked a little embarrassed. "Can I hold you?" He asks me.

I couldn't help but jump a little bit, but I just nodded before putting our plates on the coffee table.

He opened his arms wide, and I sat down in his lap. His legs were crossed and it was like I was falling into a nest.

He held me close to his chest. Petting the back of my head and hair. I hugged him a little bit, and he laid his head down on my shoulder.

"I'm sorry." He whispered to me.

"For what?" I asked him.

"For everything." He sighed. "For hurting you. And making you angry with me. For not being good enough. For being a shit hero-."

"Oh shut the hell up." I told him, and I felt him flinch. "You're not a shit hero, you risked your life for the city. And instead of your life that was taken it was your quirk."

Hawk's arms wrapped around me tighter. I felt something hit my shoulder, and it soaked into my shirt. He was crying.

"And let me just say, I'd rather you be here without a quirk, than not here at all." I told him and he sobbed into my shoulder. I turned around in his lap, and he buried his face in my neck.

We held each other like that for a while, and I hugged him as tight as I could. His arms were so warm and so peaceful.

And I was so exhausted from working for fourteen hours straight on his back, that I can't even remember falling asleep.

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