The Entrance Exam.

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Here I was, on my way to U.A for the entrance exam, to say I was excited was a MASSIVE understatement. Might as well call me Pikachu cause I'm static right now! I know Big Bro Gum would be proud, if it wasn't for him I doubt I'd even be able to do this. 

Soon arriving at the gates, I noticed falling...Broccoli? "Did I eat too many vegetables this time and I'm hallucinating again...?" 

Izuku Pov. (I know what a twist-)

As I was about to hit the ground like a moron, I suddenly felt something grip the back of my collar, as I came to a halt. "H..Huh?"  As I looked up, noticing a literal mountain of a teenager, by the look of it my age, with a wide smile, and rather bright eyes.

"You alright there Broccoli?" As he pulled me too my feet like I weighed nothing, I just stood there, a stuttering mess...wait, Broccoli?

As a new voice rang out. "Oh, thank you for that, was worried about using my quirk for a second." We both turned to see a rather cute girl, brown hair, scarf, buttoned up jacket, rosy cheeks...needless to say I broke down and couldn't speak.

"Yeah, wouldn't want you wasting time for the entrance exam." The guy mentioned. "Now then, see you two at the entrance exam!" As he walked off, waving goodbye.

Little Time Skip Brought To You By Chibi King Crimson. (Y/n) Pov)

I was outside the gate to Battle Center B, doing usual leg stretches and stuff, ya know, the usual. When I noticed Broccoli being chewed out by some car man, so I walked up to say a few things. "Hey, engine guy, no offence, maybe he was trying to wish her luck?"

That's when he spoke in a strict tone, with weird robot arm gestures, could cut a water melon with that thing. "I believed he was going to end up breaking the girl's concentration."

"So you just shut him down...?" As the water melon cutter was speechless, a loud voice rang out. 

"Alright!" I recognised it as Present Mic, easy to recognise that enthusiasm. "Right let's start! Get moving! There are no countdowns in battle!"

"Well then, you two have fun!" As I ran through the gates, the first robot charging round the corner, swinging, as I stretched around the arm, and full on drop kicked it into the ground with the added spin from the unroll. "This is awesome!"

Pov Observation Room.

As one voice spoke. "Clearly the examinees don't have any idea how many villains are present and do not know their location, they have limited time, must cover a vast area and must defeat every target, some use information gathering, others use speed, down remaining calm is a quality, as can lure power and combat ability, the most successful use of all, and rack up."

As the second one spoke. "They all seem promising, especially that Bakugou Kid, and (Y/n), was it? Who would think he would be so strong with such a simple quirk."

As a rather high pitched voice rang out. "Indeed, (Y/n) Toyomitsu, but the real challenge is yet to come."

He presses a button as the real monster is summoned! Something erupts from the ground of the Training Area, a beast awakened, a gust of dust blast pass the students, as the monster is revealed, the biggest robot of all of them, the obstacle! It even towers above some of the buildings! It towers above all the students as they fear for their lives, the large green monster looms as the students face the toughest challenge.

It cocks its massive fist back, bringing it down, but as everyone expected a huge shock wave, even the teachers, they only heard a rather...odd sound..


The arm full on bounced back, the robot having to trek back to regain balance, as where the fist should've landed, stood (Y/n), arms formed in a guard. "You're quite the big fella ey?" Only to notice a lone figure, staring at something.. "Broccoli? You gotta get out of he-"

Before he could finish his sentence, he looks in the same direction, at the girl, trapped by the rubble, as the mechanical monstrosity edged closer...she was going...

To die. (Third Person)

(Y/n) and Izuku look at each other, and share a firm nod, an agreement, a friendship...

Deku and (Y/n) run forward! As words of All Might shine in their hearts! Their speed and force, two souls united in battle!

"True hero's! Always fight for others! There are no combat points for taking on a huge villain! But there is, OPPORTUNITY!!"

(Y/n) dashes forward, dodging the attacks of the beast with ease, as he gets to Uraraka. Grabbing the rubble and tossing it off her, picking her up he rushes out, leaving her with others for safety, as he turns back to face the monster with Izuku as they head forward! His legs compressing and launching him into the air beside him! 

"A chance to shine! To show the world what you're really made of!!"

Cocking back their fist as they glowed with extraordinary power! Arm compressing into a ball of pure steam! As the words of All Might resonated between their souls!

"Clench your buttcheek kids!"

"And yell this from the depths of your hearts!!"


The double smash crushes the beasts skull!! Destroying it indefinitely with a massive implication of smoke and metal! As All Might speaks valiantly!

"That's right! Show who you are, embody what it means to be a hero! There's nothing more noble!"

"Than self sacrifice!"

The beast explodes as smoke rings from ever pore of its body! The fight! Is Over!

"This is, kind of like when I tried to save Kacchan, my body just moved, but now I have a quirk. Real power."

The robot hits the ground with a massive boom, as Izuku realises they beat the monster. He turns to (Y/n), who was busy eating broccoli. As his eyes go wide, when he realises they're falling, to their doom.

Izuku turns to (Y/n), to warn him about the damage. "Um, flexible guy! We're sort of about to hit the floor!!" He spoke in a rushed panic voice.

"Oh, gimme a sec." As he responded in a calm demeanour, wrapping an arm around Izuku, and turning his own back to the floor. "Here we go."

"B-But you'll be turned to mu-"

Before he could finish his sentence..

Slap slap.

As they floated there, inches from death. "R-Release.." Only to smack into the ground. 

Izuku was in a bad shape across from him, as the space girl is vomiting rainbows.

"I wonder what's for dinner."

One week later. (I know, bite me.)

There I was, sat at my desk, staring at the letter in front of me. "Is this even real...?" As he opened it, sliding out a disc, As light beams from the machine, revealing All Might!


"What in the-All Might..?"

"To tell you the truth young one, I didn't just come to the city to fight villains! You're looking at U.A's newest staff member!!"

A hand would appear on screen, to instruct All Might.

Hand Signs.

"Yes? What's the matter? I'm not showboating am I?"

More Hand Signs.

"Yes I'll wrap it up, just give me a second."


"Fine, Anyways, straight to the point...You, Young (Y/n), have managed to leave an everlasting impact on us teachers! With you and young Midoriya's show of bravery, and willing to risk your own lives, The panel rewarded you accordingly!"

(Y/n) Toyomitsu- 60 Rescue Points! And 40 Villain Points!

Izuku Midoriya: 60 Rescue Points!

Ochako Uraraka: 45 Rescue Points!

"You all passed the exam!"

A large smile covered his face, his dreams coming true at last, his eyes fuelled with a rather flexible determination. As All Might extended his hand, to a legacy.

"Welcome Young (Y/n), you have made it, To Your Hero Academia!"

His knees became weak, arms heavy, dreaming of vegan spaghetti, as he was full of joy, He made it.

You, (Y/n), You have made it into My Hero Academia! Your journey of becoming a hero, has just begun!

End, Of Chapter 1.

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