What I Can Do For Now.

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(Slightly changing my writings style, so it's easier to tell who's talking..so yeah, also it'll basically always be in third person, unless.)

The acceptance rate was just as small as it always has been, 1/300. Three from letters of admission, 37 from exams, they split us up into two classes. Each of 20.

Izuku reaches the door to 1-A. The Hero Class. He takes a deep breath, opening the door to see his new, and forever existing, classmates...and it's about what he sadly expected.

Tenya Iida reprimanding Bakugou for putting his feet on the desk, but of course words don't do much to the angry porcupine.

Iida: "Take your feet off that desk this instance!"

Bakugou: "Huh?"

Iida: "It's the first day and you're already disrespecting this academy and it's legends that have been in this classroom!"

Bakugou: "Ha! Did your school shove that stick up your ass? Or were you born with it?" 

Izuku let out a gasp, drawing Iida's attention. Doing the most minecraft walk to date.

Iida: "It's you! Hello! My name is-"

Izuku: "It's I-Iida, I know, I'm Izuku."

Ochako: "Falling boy!"

Izuku turns around to see the cheerful and adorable Ochako Uraraka. And behind her is the cool, collected, currently carrot eating (Y/n).

(Y/n): "Hey Broccoli!"

Izuku: "(Y/n)? You're with Uraraka?"

(Y/n): "Yeah, I respect whamen, turns out we actually live a few houses away from each other, so we walked together."

Uraraka: "Yup! But that punch was so cool Izuku, you were all like 'KA-BLOW!' We were talking about it on the way here."

(Y/n): "Indeed we were."

As Izuku blushes, Bakugou staring full on holes into (Y/n), wonder why.

Bakugou: "I'm gonna puncture that skinny little-"

Aizawa: "If you're here to make friends I suggest you leave now."

Izuku, Uraraka, Iida, and (Y/n) turn to see a man lying in a yellow sleeping bag..

(Y/n): "Is it a man living in giant Macaroni? I think I had a nightmare about that once.."

He stands up as he takes off his sleeping bag, looking at them, sparing an..awkward glance at (Y/n).

Aizawa: "One, I'm not a Macaroni man. Two, I'm your teacher, three. Put these clothes on."

As the students get dressed in the showers, (Y/n) sighs, now hungry for Macaroni.

All: "A quirk assessment test?!"

Ochako: "What about orientation?"

Bakugou: "To hell with orientation."

Aizawa: "I don't believe in pointless ceremonies, so, if you want to become a real hero. You have 3 years to turn you into one. Oh and (Y/n), no support gear, despite your...terrible drawback."

(Y/n): "Frick..." (I will elaborate soon.)

As he shrugged it off, the others giving...confused glances.

Aizawa: "Bakugou, what was your farthest throw in junior high?"

Bakugou: "67 meters."

Aizawa: "Again, but with your quirk."

He tosses him a ball as he gets in the circle. And with his quirk enhanced he throws the ball with a devastating BOOM. As it soars into the sky.

Aizawa: "705 meters. We will have 8 quirk tests. The one who comes in last, will be expelled..."

(Y/n): Cough. "Lie." Cough.

Ochako: "Expelled? But that's not fair!"

Aizawa: "You think this is unfair? What about the countless lives lost to villains and disasters constantly around the world. Is that fair? Do those people deserve to die for whatever reason? Life is unfair. But we train you all to battle the unfairness."

Test #1: 50 Meter Dash!

(Y/n) kneeled at the start of the line, he glanced left to see his opponent, Kyoka Jirou.

Robot: "Start!"

(Y/n) launched off, using the springiness of his own limbs, as it payed off, very well.

Robot: "3.19 seconds."

He grinned, proud at his achievement.

Robot: "7.12 seconds."

(Y/n): "Nice one!"

As he gave a supporting thumbs up, which she weakly returned while panting.

Test #2: Grip Strength.

(Y/n): "This is gonna suck..."

As he picked up the device, the others watching to see the issue, as he squeezed with all his might to get...10 kilograms...

(Y/n): "Dang it."

Present Mic: "(Y/n) Toyomitsu! Quirk: Flexibility! His Quirk Makes His Body Like Rubber, Stretchy And Pliable, But In Doing So, Also Removes Practically All Physical Strength, Since His Bones And Muscles Can't Form Force, And His Skinny Frame! Hence His Support Items!"

Izuku: "That must be a rather tough draw back, no wonder he needs support items.."

Test #3: Standing Long Jump.

(Y/n) would ready himself to jump, legs slowly compressing.

Robot: Go!

As he launched off, soaring into the air, luckily wearing visors so his eyes wouldn't suffer, as he landed, sort of bouncing off the ground, easily getting first place.

(Y/n): "Was that good?!"

Aizawa: "He cleared the whole field..."

Test #4: Side Steps.

Tied with Mineta, rivalry of the bounces.

(Y/n): "Grape man..."

Mineta: "Bounce man..."

Kirishima: "Aww man."

Test #5 Ball Throw:

(Y/n) stepped into the circle, Aizawa tossing the ball, which he rather clumsily caught.

(Y/n): "A little warning next time?"

Aizawa: "Just throw."

(Y/n): "Fine..."

As his arm started compressing, sounding like a pump, like a cannon...as he aimed his arm, gripping his shoulder to brace, as he fired, launching the ball into the air.

Aizawa: "625 meters, not bad kid."

(Y/n): "Don't call me that."

Aizawa: "Alright kid."

(Y/n) groaned, walking back into line, as Izuku walked up.

Bakugou: "This quirkless runt won't even reach 50 meters. I'll enjoy seeing him get expelled."

(Y/n): "Don't be so sure to hate, you should've seen what he did in the entrance exam."

Bakugou glared at him with eyes demanding explanation.

Bakugou: "The hell you talking about?"

He ignored him as they saw Midoriya pull back, and when he threw it, it landed a few meters from his spot.

Aizawa: "43 meters."

(Y/n): "Should've seen this coming.."

He mumbled, staring at Aizawa's floating hair.

Midoriya: "I don't understand, I was gonna use it."

Aizawa: "I 'erased' your quirk. I'm surprised a kid like you managed to get accepted. Either we're getting desperate for now heroes or just plain sloppy with our choices."

He said as his hair floated, the red glint in his eyes. His name? Eraserhead, from how he came up with it, ask Present Mic. Bakugou got 705.2, wonder what Izuku will get. 

Aizawa: "I gave your quirk back, you get 2 more tries, So do whatever."

He said as his hair went back down, we stared at Midoriya as he pulled his arm back, and threw, a keen eye could notice the green flash on his finger, as a loud burst of air threw the ball straight into the sky, like Bakugou minus the flames and smoke.

(Y/n): "Damn, if I didn't know any better I'd say you're like All Might."

He froze, which was confusing at first, especially when he started making excuses on the double.

Aizawa: "705.3 meters."

(Y/n): "Wow, beat the porcupine by a meter, must be rough."

Iida: "Yes, but look at his finger. It appears to have swollen."

(Y/n) looked too, raising an eyebrow at the damage.

(Y/n): "Is his body not use to his quirk?"

Iida: "But all quirks manifest when we're 4, he'd have plenty of time to practice it.."

(Y/n): "Unless if he's not compatible with it.."

They nodded, as they started coming up with more ideas, a real friendship forming.

Bakugou: "Tell me how you got a quirk, DEKU!!" 

He charged for Izuku, explosions and all, until Aizawa wrapped him up in his capture scarf.

Aizawa: "Stop it, you're giving me damn dry eyes. Anyways, we're done, so let's review the scores."

He let him go as they all walked with him, (Y/n) walked beside Midoriya, who was caressing his swollen finger.

(Y/n): "You okay Broccoli? That was an impressive show of strength, but looked painful."

He gulped as he nodded and they walked to the rest of the class.

Midoriya: "Well..my quirk appeared and it comes in burst of strength, But I'm still learning to properly control it."

(Y/n) nodded in response, as they watched Aizawa put up a hologram from his phone, which showed them the score.

Aizawa: "The total is simply how many mark's you got from each test. It'll take to explain so I'll just show you the results all at once. But remember, the person in last place is expelled."

Everyone looked to see where they landed, (Y/n) was in a happy 5th place, but Midoriya hit rock bottom and got 20th.

(Y/n) went over to comfort him, placing a hand on his shoulder.

(Y/n): "Hey, Izuku, just watch, trust me."

He said as he pointed to Aizawa, who turned off the hologram.

Aizawa: "By the way, I was lying about the expulsion. It was just a simple ruse to make you all use your Quirks to your highest."

(Y/n) practically died when he saw Midoriya's face, he was wheezing, sounded like windex.

Aizawa: "With that, we're done here. Let's get back to the classroom, I left some handouts with syllabus. Have them signed by your parents and returned the next day."

He walked away, as they all went to the classroom, after changing into their uniforms.

(Y/n): "Cya tomorrow Broccoli!"

Izuku: "C-Cya (Y/n)!"

As (Y/n) walked home, eating a carrot, proud of this day, of this life, of the beginning of his Journey..

To Becoming A Pro.

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