Roaring Sports Festival

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- UA

It was morning as the scene transitions to class where some of class 1-A are talking amongst themselves. Kirishima and denki are talking to eachother as Genma took a nap. 

Kirishima: so what you think the first challenge would be

Kaminari: no idea 

Mineta: I don't want to think about it

Genma: expect the unexpected, then that way you'll surely win

Kirishima: man Genma that's manly idea 

Kaminari: doesn't relieve the stress 

Genma: then channel that stress

Mineta: easy for you to say Mr. Lone wolf/bad boy. Why can you save some gimmicks for the rest of us.

Mineta is karate chopped in the head as he lays on the ground unconscious. 

Genma: don't call me a gimmick..... Don't even think about sparky

Kaminari: I wasn't gonna say anything [mind] how did he know!

Genma groans as he sits back down, he starts thinking of the sports festival.

Genma: [mind] from what I remember students are separated by class year, and then the support, business, general studies, and hero courses all fight against each other in a bunch of preliminary trails. And whoever makes it through the initial games face off in the finals. A tournament to sell off our power

Genma then starts hearing his classmates gasp and looks over. Shocking him he sees all the students from other courses at their entrance.

Genma: what the fuck?

Uraraka: I'm, why the heck are you all here. 

Iiyda: do you have some business with our class 

Mineta: why are you blocking our doorway? I won't let you hold us hostage!

Genma: you save us, that'll be the day 

Bakugo: they're scouting out the competition idiots.

Bakugo heads to the entrance as Mineta points at him whilst looking at Midoriya all shocked. 

Bakugo: we're the class that survived a real villain attack. 

He stood before the students eyeing them all. Genma slowly gets up as it was time to leave.

Bakugo: At least now you what a future pro looks like. Now move it, extras

Saying this cause Midoriya Uraraka and Iiyda to freak out but Genma chuckles.

Iiyda: you can't call people "extras" just because you don't know who they are. 

Shinso: so this is class 1-A

A students starts moving through the crowd and faces Bakugo. He had purple hair and bags under his eye.

Genma: hm

Shinso: I heard you guys were impressive, but you just sound like an ass. Is everyone in the hero course delusional, or just you?

Bakugo: [growls] huh

Genma: what was that

Genma walks over as Iiyda mineta Midoriya and Uraraka shake their head to the remark.

Shinso: how sad to come here and find a bunch of ego maniacs. I wanted to be in the hero course, but like many others I was forced to choose a different track. Such is life 

Bakugo: [scoff] 

Shinso: I didn't cut it the first time around, but I have another chance. If any of us do well in the sports festival, the teachers can decide to transfer us to the hero course. And they'll have to transfer people out to make room.

Shinso: scouting the competition? Maybe some of my peers are, but I'm here to say if you don't bring your very best, I'll steal your spot right from under you. Consider this a declaration of war. 

Iiyda, Uraraka, and midoriya: [mind] where did this guy even come from?

Genma: so that's how it is

Genma moves Bakugo over and faces Shinso.

Genma: you must be really special or stupid to declare war on us. But never the less, challenge accepted, we survived are first villain attack, so that's give an an edge in this battle. And if you're coming for our seats. Then be ready for the fight of your life

Iiyda, Uraraka, and midoriya: [mind] why is he riling them up

Shinso looks at Gemma.

Shinso: you must be genma kaido. The son of a dangerous and imprisoned villain 

Sero: what

Tsu: so the rumors were true

Kirishima: he has a dark origin story, damn 

Todoroki: hm

Genma: yeah, an what about it

Shinso: well it seems I'll know which spot that'll be open after the sports festival.

Genma: oh, then at least lighten me on what's your name

Shinso: shinso

Genma: well shinso.... I'll know who to target 

They both glare at each other as does Bakugo. 

Tetsu: hey you!

Bakugo look over to see an angry gut with silver hair and white eye markings. 

Tetsu: I'm from class 1-B next door to you! We heard you fought some villains, and I came  to see if that was true. But you're just brats who think you're better than us! 

Iiyda, Uraraka, and midoriya: [mind] crap everyone hate our class now! 

Tetsu: talk all ya want! It'll be embarrassing when you're KO'd. 

Bakugo and Genma start walking off.

Tetsu: don't you ignore me

Kirishima: where are you guys going? You gotta say something. It's your fault they're hating on us, Bakugo 

Kaminari: not to mention Genma giving threats too

Bakugo: these people don't matter. The only that's important is that I beat them.

Bakugo walks past the students. 

Tetsu: hey! I'm comin' for you!

Genma: and I'm not gonna waste my time trying to talk to a whiny baby from class 1-B. I'll let my actions speak louder

Genma walks off. Both their words spoke to Midoriya.

Tetsu: HEY.... DONT YOU CALL ME A BABY AND WALK AWAY. I'm comin' for both of you now

Kinsman growls whilst balling his fist.

Kirishima: I hate that that was such a manly exit

Kaminari: huh huh

Sato: you said it

Tokoyami: we have to beat them, they weren't wrong.

Kaminari: Yeah, sure, but this sucks! He made us everyone's enemies

Mineta: yeah you're right. All these dumb students will be gunning for us in the festival now!

Midoriya stares out as he remembers what Bakugo said to him.


Bakugo: you won't beat me again! I'm just getting started! Got that? I'm gonna end up the number one hero no matter what!

-flashback over 

He begins to remember what his classmates said and begins his training.

-Kaido residence

In a training room we see Genma striking a punching bag. 

Genma: The sports festival is in two weeks. Which will be on live TV. Meaning I gotta toughen up my game and impress all the pro heroes there. 

Stepping back he changes into his wolf form. 

Genma: So I can't hold back. 

He punches the bag exploding it. He walks over and grabs a steel one and hooks it up. 

Genma: I must fully use all of this power, no holding back to prepare for this festival. I'll show them all 

He begins punching the bag. Later transit to him running in the first as he chases the drone. He catches it as he looks over to his gramps, who piloted it. 

Gramps: no fair

Genma: heh another round

Gramps: yes

He flies the drown away. Genma smirks and lunges at the drone. He's then seen battling some of the bodyguards and winning. Later he looks up in the sky and roars.

Genma: yes.... I'm ready

The scene transit to a plane landing secretly in the night. Their body braids similar to the ones gramps has, greeted a women as she descend down.

Timeskip brought to chin class 1-A training for the festival.

Genma is at the door as he ready to take off.

Gramp: Genma

Genma: yeah

Gramp: good luck

Genma: you know me gramps, don't need luck. Just need your support

genma walks out as gramps smiles. Suddenly he sighs.

Gramps: he says that now, just wait till she shows up

He walks off. 


At UA Fireworks are shot off as today was the sports festival. Transition to the streets as reporters are waiting.

Reporter: this security line is huge. What's the deal.

Reporter 2: a bunch of villains did just break in. Of course the schools being stricter this year. Some people think they shouldn't be holding the festival.

Reporter: Perfect! Nothing brings ratings up like a little controversy! Plus everybody will tune in to see Class 1-A!

Transition inside we see people enjoying the food stands. Some had mask of all might and two others, one with flaming face and another of a female with a ponytail. By the octopus dumpling stand we see a trio of heroes.

Mt. Lady: I'll take one order to go, please. 

Staff: Whoa Mr. Lady, is it really you?

Mt. Lady: and hold the salt, will you?

Staff: of course! That's gonna be ten bucks.

Mt lady gasp. She suddenly acts nervous while showing off her curves to entice the staff.

Mt. Lady: I'm.. oh no my money's in another costumes.



Kamui woods: have you no shame 

Later they're walking down the road as mt. lady ate her dumplings.

Kamui woods: I was going to get to do some scouting while I was here. 

Death arms: yeah, too bad we're stuck working security this time

Mt. Lady: mmm. Looks like they called in properties from all over to guard this thing. Quite a show.

Kamui woods: not only that, but they seem to convince even higher ranked heroes to join. 

Death arms: yeah number 2 and number 3

Mt. Lady: pfft. No way they brought her 

She begins freaking out as the scene transition

1-A preparation room

Inside we see the class warming up.

Mina: aww man, I was totally hoping I could wear my costume 

Ojiro: at least everyone'll be in uniforms. That'll keep things fair, right? 

Sato: I wonder what they have in store for us in the first round

Tokoyami: no matter what they've prepared we must preserve 

Shoji: right

Iiyda then walks in.

Iiyda: everyone, get your game faces in! We're entering the arena soon

Mineta: swallow your fear, swallow your fear! [eats his fear]

Midoriya sighs

Todoroki: Midoriya 

Midoriya: hey todoroki, what's up

Todoroki: from and objective standpoint, I think it's fairly clear that I'm stronger than you. 

Midoriya: uh... um, yeah. 

Todoroki: however, you've got all might in your corner, helping you out. 

Midoriya: [gasp] 

Todoroki: I'm not here to pry about what's going on between you two. But known that I will beat you

Midoriya: [gasp]

Kaminari: ah. What's with all these declarations of war lately? 

Kirishima: yeah, what's the big deal? Why are you pick in' a fight. And right before we get started

Todoroki: we're not here to be friends. Don't forget. This isn't a team effort. Some of you know that

Todoroki walks off as he and Genma exchanged glances.

Midoriya: wait a sec, todoroki. I don't know what's going through your head, or why you think you'd need to tell me that you'll beat me. And yeah, of course you're better than me. In fact, you probably have way more potential than anyone in the hero course

Genma: [mind] I wouldn't say that

Midoriya: that's why you got in so easily.

Kirishima: Midoriya, maybe you're being a little hard on yourself, and us

Midoriya: no he's right, you guys. All the other courses, they're coming for us with everything they've got.


Midoriya: I want to be the worlds greatest hero

-flashback over

Midoriya: we're all gonna have to fight to stand out.

Todoroki faces Midoriya, with a determined face.

Midoriya: and I'll be aiming for the top, too. 

Todoroki: fine

Bakugo: [grunts] 

Genma: 'bout time he got serious

With that class 1-A got serious. Scene transit to a large screen, it revealed present mic.

Present mic: hey-o. Make some noise, all you rabid sports fans! 

We see the roar of the crowd

Present mic: get those cameras prepped, media hordes

Transition to the hordes of camera men with their ridiculously long cameras. Transition to present mic in his luxury box along with the mummy aizawa.

Present mic: we're bring you some of the hottest performances in UA's festival history, guaranteed! I've only got one question before we start this show. Are you ready? Let me hear you scream as our students make their way to the main stage!

Everyone begin watching as they all enter out.

Midoriya: all might, I won't let you down

Genma: let's do this

In a booth of her own we see the same female from before. She smiles as she saw Genma.

Timeskip brought you by UA sports festival

Present mic: welcome back to the UA Sports festival! Where up-and-coming heroes give everything  as they fight for the chance to achieve worldwide fame and celebrity! This first group are no strangers to the spotlight!  You know them from withstanding a villain attack. They're the dazzling students lighting up your tvs with soldi-gold skills. That's right! It's the hero course students of class 1-A

The students walk to the center, taking in all the cheers they were getting. Even Genma was surprised by this.

Midoriya: I didn't know there'd be so many people 

Iiyda: I hope we're still able to give our best performances, even though all these eyes are watching us. I suppose it's just another aspect of being a hero we all have to learn to get use to.

Kirishima: present mic sure did talk us up a lot.  Kinda makes me neverous. How you feel in', man?

Bakugo: I'm not worried. Makes me wanna win this even more. You better not be scared fenfir

Genma: hah, hell no. I'm ready to cut loose 

Kaminari: can you cut loose away from me that would be great 

Genma rolls his eyes as present mic continued.

Present mic: they haven't been getting nearly as much screen time, but this next group is still chock full of talent. Welcome, hero course Class 1-B

Class 1-B walks into the center

Present Mic: Next up, general studies classes C, D, and E! 

Genma spots shinso in the front of the general studies.

Genma: him

Present mic: support classes F, G, and H

Genma then saw a Mei hatsume in the crowd and was surprised.

Genma: hey she's using the gear I helped fixed

Present mic: and finally, business classes I, J, and K! Give it up for all of UA's first-year contestants! 

Student: I feel like we're here just to make the hero students look better.

Student: I can't wait for this to be over with

Once everyone was in the center we see the announcer address them. 

???: now the introductory speech!

The male heroes all started blushing. 

Hero: woah! This year's chief umpire for the first years is the R-Rated hero, Midnight!

Midnight flashes her intoxicating more of the male heroes. The mysterious female in her private box chuckles.

???: midnight still the same as ever I see

Hero: Amazon

Hero 2: seriously the other years don't know what they're missing.

Kirishima: uh someone should talk to Ms. Tonight about what's she's wearing

Genma: not it

Kaminrair: yeah that costume should come with a warning

Tokoyami: is that really appropriate apparel for a highschool game

Genma: technically no, but this the sports festival likes to be flashy so

Mineta grunts giving a thumbs up. He's then kicked by Genma who whistles whilst looking away.

Midnight: silence, everyone!  And for the student pledge, we have katsuki bakugo

Genma: pfft, mr. Landmine gonna do a speech this will be good

Bakugo begins walking to the stand 

Midoriya: uh... he's the firs-year rep?

Seri: I guess the hot head did finish first in the entrance test.

Student: Only for the hero course exams 

Midoriya: oh, right 

Sero: that girl obviously hates us

Kaminari: yeah and we've got Bakugo to thank for them not liking our class

Bakugo reaches the stand as everyone waits for his speech. 

Bakugo: I just wanna say... I'm gonna win

Class 1-A: I Knee he'd say something like that!

Genma is in his knees wheezing as he laughs, pounding his fist into the ground.

Genma: don't ever change landmine

Student 1: what he say

Student 2: get him off the stage

Iiyda: why would you be so disrespectful.  Your representing us all

Bakugo: not my fault the rest of you are just stepping stones to my victory. [give them a thumbs down]

Genma: ooooh

Tetsu: I'm gonna crush this overconfident jerk! I can't wait to knock him down to size

Midoriya:[mind] I don't think it's overconfidence.  The old kacchan would've laughed while saying that, made it a joke.  

Bakugo walks past deku.

Midoriya: [mind] this is him pushing himself..... and turning all the rest of us into targets at the same time.

Genma:[mind]  yep, Bakugo got his game face on.

Midnight: without further ado, it's time for us to get started! 

Uraraka: UA really doesn't believe in letting us catch a breath, huh

Midnight: this is where you begin feeling the pain! The first fateful game of the festival! 

Behind her a machine appears and spins like a slot machine. 

Midnight: what could it be

They all wait with anticipation. It stops revealing an obstacle course.

Midnight: ta-da

Midroriya: so it's gonna be and obstacle course

Midnight: all 11 classes will participate in this treacherous contest.  The track is four kilometers around the outside of the stadium. I don't wanna restrain anyone, at least in this game. [licks her lips] as long as you don't leave the course, you're free to do whatever your heart desires.

The crowd cheers behind the students

Midnight: now then, take your places, contestants. 

All the classes faced the entrance of the race. Gemma growls as he readies himself.

???: go get them, son

Genma: let's go 

Midnight: begin!

All the students start running

Present mic: and we're off to a racing start! How 'bout some color commentary, mummy man?

Aizawa: how did you talk me into this?

Present mic: what should we be paying attention in the early stages of the race

Aizawa: the doorway

All the students had to push their way through.

Genma: oh I get it, this is a test, huh

Genma sees a flash of ice. Outside the entrance gets flash frozen. Even the ground begins to freeze. Todoroki runs past everyone. Average class 1-A leap over the frozen students. 

Kirishima: here I come

Momo: nice trick todoroki 

Bakugo: I won't let you get away so easily! You icy-hot bastard

Ojiro is seen jumping over the ice

Ojiro: you force me in place once before, it won't happen again

Tokoyami flies by with dark shadow. Mina is seen struggling till she uses her acid to skate.

Mina: close one!

Sadly mineta and deku were struggling to move.

Uraraka: gotta wait for the right moment to show off my quirk

Shinso is seen being carried by three guys.

Shinso: so they are good at using their quirks huh

Todoroki: I didn't expect so many people to dodge that. Especially from those from other classes. Huh

Todoroki see Mineta catching up to him, bouncing off his balls he throws down. 

Mineta: you think you're so cool, but Ive outsmarted you! Ha! How pathetic, todoroki!

Mineta dives Straight at him

Mineta: eat this! My special attack!

Mienta readies his shot, till he's finger flicked by a robot hand. He's sent screaming and roiling away

Midoriya: are you okay?

They all look and see its robots from the entrance exam.

Present mic: oooh enemies have shown up out of nowhere! I bet we're in for a treat here! A test of strength and cunning. It's a robot inferno!

Kaminrai: are this ether zero points villains from the practical.

Students: seriously, this is what they meant by "obstacles"

Todoroki: so this is what the students face in their entrance exams.

Momo: where's the school even get the funding for these things

Back the women's booth as she watches the zero points villains loom over the students

???: looks like the robots I made are doing well

Back at the race. Todoroki was about to freeze them when suddenly and explosion happens behind them. 

Student: aaahhhh monster 

Student 2: how did it get behind us

Explosion of force sends students flying. Running past them was a timber wolf genma. He passes todoroki as he exchanges a glance.

Genma: nice trick flame-ice , but not good enough

Genma leaps past todoroki and at the robots

Students: is he crazy

Genma roars as he slashes. He tears a hole right through one. He lands on the opposite end and winks to the other before running off. Todoroki glares at genma.

Todoroki: impressive genma, the obviously even through a lot of trouble, but I wish they'd prepare something more difficult 

He touches the ground and the ground freezes as one robot about to grab him

Todoroki: especially since my dear-old dad is watching

With the swing of his hand he sends a bast of ice at the robot. Freezing it solid. Once done todoroki chases after genma.

Student: dude he stopped the robots!

Student 2: look! Between their legs, we can get through

Todoroki: careful now.  I froze them while they were off their balance, on purpose 

The ice cracks as the robot begins to fall on time of them. 

Present mic: that's todoroki from class 1-A pulling ahead to an early lead with a devastating display?  Amazing! He the one we should watch. It almost seems unfair. Thoughts

Aizawa: his attack was both offensive and defensive.

Present Mic: no wonder he was let in on recommendation. He'd never even fought those robot infernos before but they didn't stand a chance against his chart-topping moves!

Aizawa: but don't forget he's not the first to move past this obstacle 

Present mic: huh

Aizawa: one student move so fast he pierce through the robot. Look ahead

Present mic checks the screen and sees a normal genma running ahead

Present mic: unbelievable genma from class 1-A is in the lead. He fought these robo infernos so of course he'd defeated one with such ease. So it looks like todoroki got some competition 


Back with the others they ate corners by the robots.

Midoriya: [mind]  I have to get past these robots while looking out for other obstacles. Come on. Think! What do I do!

Back with Gemma he's keeping ice as he heads to the next obstacle.

Genma: gah, I hate how I get frozen in place by todoroki ice blast. But the look on his face when I appeared before him was priceless. Focus Genma, you got a race to win. And save you wolf form for later

Genma Continues running, behind him we see todoroki approaching.

Todoroki: Genma, don't think I haven't forgotten who you are. And who your parents are either

They continue to run. 

Boom that's it for the chapter. The sports festival begins and Genma shows off his quirk in a flashy way. And just who is that female eyeing Genma. And who will win this festival. Next chapter:

Bakugo: it's time for the dumb preview. Everybody just listen to me! 

Midoriya: what are you so mad, this is the fun part

Bakugo: j already known how the obstacle course is gonna end with me at the top and you trampled on the ground in last place

Genma: someone's delusional 

Midoriya: that's not a preview that's more like your penal dream.

Bakugo: shut your mouth you damn nerd! If you're even one step ahead of me I'll incinerate you! No questions asked! Actually I'll think I'll do that even if you're not ahead!

Midoriya: why are you always so scary.

Bakugo: a next time, "In Their Own Quirky Ways."

Midoriya: watch me go boom in a mind feild

Genma: and me kicking Bakugo but

Bakugo: go beyond! 

All: Plus Ultra

Bakugo: wait what the hell you say fenrir

Genma: you heard me landmine

Midoriya: GUYS NOO!!!

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