That's the Idea, Ochaco

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In the city things were returning to normal. People were walking as normal, suddenly some saw the news report of what happened at UA.

newscaster: Up next, an update on yesterday incident on at the U.A. rescue training center. Where hero course students were attacked by a gang of villains. According to police investigation, the criminals call themselves "The League of Villains" Investigatod have reportedly uncovered that this group has been plotting to kill UA teacher and popular hero All Might, since spring of this year. Police have arrested 72 villains at the scene but the league's leader escaped. His whereabouts are unknown.

With that the scene changes  to a building with a welcome sign, inside was an old man in yellow and white suit. He on the phone with the caller being all might

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi all might talking to a Chibi old man via phone 


Scene transit into a meeting where the heroes are discussing what transpired, with them was detective tsukauchi who started the debrief.

tsukauchi: our investigators are trying to learn everything we can about this so called league of villains. We've made some progress but we can't find anything on this shigaraki so far, we've searched out recipes for men in their 20s or 30s who are registered as having some sort of disintegration Quirk, but so far we've come up empty. Same for the Warp Gate villain Kurogiri. So they're not citizens or they're using aliases. Hard to find either way.

Vlad: so what you're really saying is we don't know anything. 

Snipe: we've gotta track 'em down.  I shot their ringleader, but once he heals up he'll probably try pullin' somethin' like this again. What a pain

All might: he did seem like the type.

Nezu: is something in your mind, all might?

All might: the attack on the USJ was too bold. No sane adult would never attempt it. The ringleader kept monologuing about the reasons he was there.  And he bragged about nomu's many quirks, but he never said a word about his own powers. When things didn't go his way he was visibly upset. Like he as gonna throw a tantrum.  

We get flashback scenes of shigaraki and the nomu.

All might: Ah, I guess bragging about nomu's quirks was a quick way to draw me into a fight. 

Nezu: that might be true, yes, but strategically, it was foolish to reveal his quirks up front instead of keeping them a secret. 

All might: hmm.  Shigaraki made wild, immature claims, but did so with a completely straight face. And talked about nomu like he was some kind of a pet. It seemed like he'd never been told "no" before like he thought things would go his way no matter what. He had the personality of a spoiled little brat. A man-child. 

Vlad: a child with incredible power, though.

Midnight: it's possible he never got the quirk counseling students received in elementary school 

Snipe: maybe so, but it doesn't really matter now.  

Tsukauchi: there were 72 villains arrested in the aftermath of the USJ attack. They were all small-time thugs who usually lurked around back alleys. What worries me is that this "man-child" got them all to follow his crazy plan. They views him as a real leader. 

Scene transit to people walking down the street. Then moving into alley where a crow is seen. 

Tsukauchi: Criminals are starting to feel more pressure now that the world is brimming with heroes

The crow flies off as in the sky multiple crows soar, resembling the villains in the city.

Tsukauchi: that could be why they were so quick to back such a simple-minded villainy 

Back in the meeting

Vlad: guess that makes sense.  

Snipe: there are plenty of people out there lookin' for a cause to get behind. 

Midnight: So, what can we do to stop them? 

Tsukauchi: well it is thanks to you heroes that we have the time to devote ourselves to this case. We'll expand our investigation and continue searching for the perpetrators who planned this attack. 

Then principal nezu started thinking. 

Nezu: a mind child, huh?

All might took noticed 

Nezu: in some ways, he shares common ground with our students. They both have so much potential.  And like our students, I suppose it's possible someone is guiding him, trying to nurture his malice and villainy. 

All might: [sighs] I don't wanna think about what that could mean

The scene transit over the city under the night sky. The scene transit to another room were we see a creature slumbering in a vat. Suddenly kurogiri appeared as a man was monitoring the creatures vitals.

Kurogiri: how is its process

???: it's going well, soon he'll be ready for the young shigirakai

Kurogiri: good, I'll let the master known

With that kurogiri disappear.

Timeskip brought to you by Chibi genma sleeping.

- Kaido residence 

In genma room he's seen sleeping in his bed resting from USJ incident.  He slowly gets up and yawns.

Genma: man it's already time for school

Genma slowly gets up and heads to the bathroom. Genma freshens up and notices his gleipnir cuffs as the countdown contours till the next time he goes feral.

Genma: weird, how come I went feral again, is it the adrenaline that's causing it. Maybe I should get them looked at 

Genma walks out of the bathroom and heads to school. 


Class UA is seen in their seats as they talked.

Hagakure: you guys, did you watch the news last night

Ojiro: yeah

Hagakure: it was so cool that we got  a few seconds of screen time! Though I bet nobody notice me hanging out in the background 

Shoji: probably not

Genma: your quirk is constant invisibility so yeah

Ojiro: it is difficult to stand out when you're just gloves. 

Kaminari: we're totally big deals. Those news channels love us we're basically celebrities.

Kirishima: yeah, it's kinda crazy, right? 

Jiro: get over yourselves. The hero course was attacked and that's why they care about

Sero: who knows what woulda happened to us if the teachers hadn't shown up.

Genma: wait a minute... would this make me a celebrity bad boy

Jiro: your missing the point Genma

Kirishima: speaking of Genma how manly is it that your arm got ripped destroyed

Kaminrai: yeah man that was creepy how you rip it off and grew a new one 

Genma: I'm surprised I could do that 

Sero: imagine if it didn't while you were fighting that creature

 Mineta: WHYD YOU SAY THAT!? I'm gonna pee myself just thinking about it

Bakugo: OH, SHUT UP! Grow a pair, loser 

Genma: Bakugo no need to yell... but yes grow a pair mintea. 

Sero: did you guys see all might fight the bed guy. That was super strong and he still destroyed him!

Tokoyami: yes. His strength is truly a thing of wonder. And genma you certainly held your own against the creature 

Genma: heh you think so 

Momo: thought it was foolish to rush in without a plan, almost losing your arm is example of that

Genma: keep talking back there and I'll show you how foolish I can be


just as the clock reaches "8:30" Iiyda comes speed walking  in 

Iiyda: attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats.

But sadly for Iiyda he was the only one standing.

Kirishima: uh, we're all sitting

Sero: you're the only one standing  

Genma: pfft

Iiyda immediately sits in his chair frustrated 

Iiyda: dang it

Uraraka: don't sweat it 

Ashido: hey, tsu so-

She starts leaning back but almost falls before tsu catches her.

Ashido:  who do you think's gonna teach class today?

Tsu: no idea. Mr. Aizawa's still in the hospital recovering from his injuries 

The door opens and reveals aizawa mummified with both arms in slings.

Aizawa: morning class

Students: Mr. Aizawa, what are you doing here!?!

Genma: more like mummy aizawa

He chuckles When a pencil hit his head.

Genma: Ow! How did you throw that! And how did you see me!

Kaminari: [disturbed] whoa! What a pro

Iiyda: Mr. Aizawa. I'm glad you're okay 

Uraraka: you call that "okay"

Genma: oh I got another word to call him, zombie. [gets hit by a chalk] ow again!! 

Aizawa:  my wellbeing is irrelevant. What's more important is that your fight isn't over yet.

Bakugo: our fight?

Genma: hm!

Midoriya: don't tell me..

Mineta: not more bad guys!!

Aizawa: [reveals eyes through bandages] .... The UA Sports Festival is about to start 

Kirishima: yes!

Students: Ugh! Why would you scare us like that? ......... the sports festival

Kirishima: let's go kick some ass

Kaminari shoves his face into the enthusiastic Kirishima.

Kaminari: wait a second

Jiro: is it really such a good idea to hold the sports festival so soon after the villains snuck inside? 

Ojiro: they could attack once we're all in the same place 

Aizawa: apparently the administration thinks this is a good way to show that the threat has been handled and our school is safer than ever. Plus they're beefing up security compared to past year. This event is a huge opportunity for all students at UA. It's not something we can cancel because of a few villain.

Miners: uh, I'm sorry, but why not? It's just a sports festival

Genma: did he really say that

Bakugo: mhm

Midoriya: huh? Miners, don't you know how important this competition is? 

Mineta: of course I do!  I just don't wanna get murdeded

Genma: by villains or competition 

Aizawa: our sports festival is one of the most-watched events in the entire world. In the past, everyone obsessed over the Olympic Games, but then quirks started appearing. Now the Olympics have drastically reduced in terms of scale and viewership. For anyone who cares about competition there's only one tournament that matters, The UA Sports Festival. 

Momo: that's right and the top heroes everywhere will be watching.

Genma: [mind] everywhere, that means her too

Momo: this is where you get scouted.

Mineta: sure unless you're dead

Kaminari: She's right. After graduating, a lot of people join probagencies as a sidekick 

Jiro: yeah but that's as far as some people go. They miss their chance to go indie and stay eternal sidekicks. Actually, that's probably where you're heading. Your kinda dumb

This hits kaminari to his pride.

Genma: festival hasn't even started and the weakling are already being spotted

Aizawa: it's true that joining a famous hero agency can garner you great experience and popularity. That's why the festival matters. If you wanna go pro one day, then this event could open the path for you. 

We see genma and Bakugo determined faces.

Aizawa: Once chance a year. 

Iiyda and Uraraka determine looks. 

Aziawa: Three chances in a lifetime.

Kirishima and tsu show their determination (well Kirishima maybe) 

Aizawa: no aspiring hero can afford to miss this festival

Transition to todoroki and Momo determined looks.

Aizawa: that means you better not slack off on your training 

Students: yes sir!

Aizawa: class is dismissed 

Breif timeskip as their next teacher, cementoss left as class was over.

Kirishima: that villain stuff sucked sure, but I'm pumped for these games!

Sero: we put on a good show, and we're basically on the road to be in' pros!

Sato: yeah, this is why km even here in the first place. [pounds fist]

Tokoyami: we get so few chances. We have to make the most of this.

Hagakure: oh, man, Ojiro, I'm getting kind of nervous about the festival. I have to come up with a way to get noticed! Maybe with a cheer!

Ojiro:  sure. Maybe you should be looking at a shinier costume or something? Otherwise, you're gonna have to try really hard

Aoyama: my, what's a boy to do? I stand out even when I'm standing still. That means the scouts won't be able to take their eyes off me!

He was talking to koda as he was just nervous.

Aoyama: don't you agree

Koda shakes his head extremely 

Kaminari: you're so lucky shoji. People are bound to notice your unique quirk 

Shoji: Sure, but what matters is that I show them how useful I can be. 

Jiro: no doubt you'll make a scene too 

She laughs imagining a brain fried kaminari. Causing him to growl. Genma yawns as he saw Bakugo walk over.

Bakugo: so, will your wolf powers be enough to get the crowd's attention 

Genma: definitely, but I don't think that's the only thing getting their attention, especially when they hear my family name 

Bakugo: eh screw those assholes. Focus on getting to the to do I can beat you, I still stitching for a fight

Genma: your words of friendship never stop surprising me


Genma: ahhh what the

Genma looks over to see Uraraka shouting with a focused demeanor. 

Genma: hmmmm, suspicious 

Later we see Midoriya and Iiyda talking to Uraraka.

Midoriya: hey uraraka 

Uraraka: what's up

Midoriya: why did you decide to come to UA. What made you wanna be a pro hero

Uraraka: well... because...

Midoriya: uh... for the money? You wanna be a hero so you can get rich

Uraraka: [rubbing her head at light speed] if we're cutting to the chase, then, yeah. I'm sorry if it sounds greedy. You two have such admirable motivations. Even Genma's better. I hope you don't think less of me now.

Iiyda: not at all! Your goal is to support well being which is perfectly admirable ambition to have 

Midoriya: mhm. It's just kinda surprising. 

Uraraka: [sughs] well, you see, my family owns a construction company, but we haven't gotten any work lately, so we're flat broke. Anyway, this isn't really something I usually tell other people but-

Iiyda: construction, eh?

Midoriya: [gasps] if she got licensed, I bet she could use her quirk to bring cost down a lot. 

Iiyda: and they could sell their heavy-lifting equipment. She could float everything!

Uraraka: I know right? I've been telling dad that since I was a kid! But 

-flashback of cute child Uraraka.

Uraraka dad: you want to work for us?

Child Ururaka: when I grow up all big and strong, I'll help you and mommy out anyway that I can.

Her dad chuckles and pats her head

Dad: I really appreciate the thought, ochaco. But as your dad, I'd be even happier if you achieved your own dream. That's the way to make us happy. And if you do make money, you can take us to Hawaii or something. 

Uraraka: daddy....

-flashback over

Uraraka grabs her skirt.

Uraraka: I'm gonna become a pro. I'll sign with a good agency and make plenty of money. Then I'll be able to let my parents have an easy life!

Iiyda and Midoriya it's gasp from the Uraraka determination. From the stair way behind them we see a person ease dropping them. Back to Iiyda he's seen clapping.

Iiyda: That's beautiful! So noble! Bravo! Bravo! Bravo!

Midoriya: [mind] she's not here because of some hero fantasy. She's more grounded than any of us. Well I equal to someone I know

Suddenly they heard laughing and look behind them.


Midoriya: whoa, all might! What are you doubt here? 

All might: lunch! You wanna eat with me?

He shows them his bagged lunch causing Uraraka to spit( like spitting soda after hearing something shocked, just being clear)

Uraraka: that's adorable.

All might: whaddaya say

Midoriya: sure thing! 

Midoriya runs to him. Iiyda and Uraraka head to the cafeteria. Back at the stairs we see the figure, the one Midoriya was referring, get up and walk off. It was genma as he heads for the cafeteria.

Genma: hm, seems me and Kirby girl have a lot in common, both trying to help our parents

Genma heads to the cafeteria.

Timeskip brought to you by Genma and todoroki ease dropping on Iiyda and Uraraka conversation.

Genma was heading to the to the teacher longue. He opens the door and see midnight and snipe.

Midnight: oh and if it the bad boy

Snipe: greeting kid, how can we help you

Genma: well remember the USJ, and my powers

Snipe: I remember, your arm regenerating, 

Midnight: not to mention your feral side [shudder] how exciting 

Genma: anyway I was wondering about my gear, it didn't beep but I knew I was feral. It may need to get it looked at

Sniper: reckon you should go to support course workshop, they'll likely have someone free to help you 

Genma: thanks 

Midnight: good luck

Genma walks off.

Snipe: did you have to freak the kid out

Midnight: oh I was joking

Later genma was facing the development studio. He knocks on it and smiles.

Genma: here goes nothing. Hey-


An explosion destroys the door. The explosion blew Genma back when someone tackled him. He looks up and feels something heavy. 

Genma: ugh what the hell!!

???: oh sorry sorry about that. One of my babies got blown up 

Genma looks up and sees a female on him. She has pink hair and steampunk goggles. 

Mei: hey there the names Mei hatsume. Who are you

Genma: I'm Genma Kaido, now get off of me 

Power loader: hey is everyone ok

We see the hero and teacher power loader

Power loader: Mei get off of him, you gotta prepare for the sports festival

Mei: your right, I need to work on my babies

She steps on genma stomach as she walked off.

Genma: geez, heh teach

Power loader: hey, your class 1-A right

Genma: yep

Power loader: follow me

He leads Genma into the development studio. There he was amazed by the gear being made, he then notices the giant pile of gear.

Genma: woah 

Power loader: from what I heard you need your quirk monitors to work

Genma: yeah we call them the gleipners 

Power loader: oh because your quirk is a roof

Genma: yeah, so can you check them out

Power loader: sure hand them-

Mei then appears before them. 

Mei: oh you need gear, then to check these 

In and instant mei place giant gauntlets genma. He could barely move with them on.

Mei: meet baby number 529: gianti fists.

Genma: wha, I don't need 

Mei: try them out

Genma growls and tries to take them off. Mei was surprised as he managed to lift them in the air. 

Mei: hah it work

Genma: what no they don't I'm using my strength. And beside 

He drops them managing to free his hands. 

Genma: with that much weight the gauntlets the user can't even lift them

Power loader: that's what I told her

Mei: they still in the R&D phase no worries

Genma: well you should add more gear to the shoulders and back allowing support for the gauntlets.

Mei: huh....... That's right 

She quickly pushes the gauntlets away to work on them

Genma: now about my cuffs

Power loader: right to monitor your quirks

Genma: yeah can you- ahhhhhhh

Genma is seen being electrocuted. Behind him was Mei hitting him with a rod.

Mei: if you need to check your quirk then use my baby #276. This baby will send energy to the quirk to trigger an instant reaction. That way your quirk is still work and revitalized

Genma: t-t-t-th-th-th-I-I-I-I-s-s-s-s ha-ha-ha-has no-nothing to-to-to with my-my-my quirk 

Power loader: hatsume cease this at once, don't make me ban you

Mei: huh

Mei stops and suddenly sees genma begin growing. His shirt gets rips off, his height expands, even his muscles increase. Power loader and Mei stand back as Gemma transformed into his wolf form.

Genma: great just great, Listen I need my cuffs check- huh

Mei begins feeling his muscles. She felt his biceps which caused him to lift her in the air. Mei then checked his thigh muscles. Then feeling his pectoral muscles. All of this chasing Genma to freak out.

Genma: I am not a test animal stop touching me

Mei: just checking your density for my babies, keep a shirt on Wolfy

Genma: I don't have shirt on thanks to you

Mei: I got a baby for that 

Genma: that's it 

Mei: huh

She snatches the cuffs off of Genma wrist shocking him.

Mei: ooh what are these

Power loader: I'll take those, Genma needed to get them checked out. 

Mei: whatever!

Mei walks off to work more on her inventions.

Genma: You got an extra shirt

Power loader: yeah don't worry 

Genma changes back to normal and grabs a shirt. He growls when he spots Mei hatsume tech. He spots a some boots and walk over.

Genma: huh [analyzes] these have a flaw.

Mei stands up and looks at Genma. As Genma measures it he opens the boots to see the circuitry. 

Genma: oh I see

Mei grabs the a bat and begins walking to Genma.

Genma: there's not enough laying on the circuits, these hover shoes would overheat causing temporary failure

Behind him Mei look like she was ready to kill Genma. She then hears what he said and drops the bat, proceeding to push Genma out the way to examine the hover shoes.

Mei: really, your right my electro shoes circuitry wouldn't handle the heat from the electric. Oops I must've missed that. Let me fix this....... There, how you spot that boy huh

She then spotted genma looking at another one. Mei gives him a suspicious look and sneaks up on him.

Mei: you see any problems with this

Genma: hm no, this sensor box with the built in hydraulics are great. It's made to detect any incoming villain and get the user out the way

Mei: yeah totally..... wanna see more of my babies 

Genma: well I got time to-

Mei: come on!

She grabs his collar and pulls him along

Timeskip to Chibi genma and Chibi Mei upgrading her work/babies.

Power loader returns as he notices it was getting late.

Power loader: didn't think analyzing this gear would take awhile. Kid probably left already. Huh!

Power loader sees Mei and Genma working on some her babies. 

Genma: there that should do it

Mei: hehehe thanks wolfy, can't wait to use these babies for the sports festival 

Mei gets up and walks off

Genma: the names not wolfy though, but your welcome

Power loader: huh, I never thought I'd see Mei letting someone help her. Did she try and hit you the head with anything

Genma: wait she would've done what

Power loader: nothing. So you have a knack for support tech 

Genma: yeah ever since I was younger I had a taste for hero gear. When I'd become a hero I would learn to build gear for myself. 

Power loader: hm impressive. Should've expected from the Kaido family. Oh here's your gleipnirs

Genma: thanks anything wrong

Power loader: honestly no, they working to a T. 

Genma: weird then why is my gear decreasing the time

Power loader: I would say it's that you quirk is changing the more one uses their quirk. 

Genma: I guess, hopefully nothing happens during the sports festival. Thanks for your help teacher

Power loader: no problem

He watches as genma walks off.

Power loader: huh, he does have that Kaido flare for tech

Mei: huuuuuuuh

Mei barrels through her babies and faces power loader. Her star struck from what she heard.

Mei: did you say Kaido as in Kaido industries, the top makers of the best hero support items. Most items are made from there and even rivals need their assistance. They are the kings of support items. My babies would thrive under them

Power loader: yes but not about the industry about the kid

Mei: what kid

Power loader: The kid who was getting his support items checked in, he's a Kaido


The scene transition to genma walking down the street heading home

Genma: the sports festival. I'm gonna win this, and show everyone they were wrong about my father and me. Just watch and see, and I hope your watching

The scene transit to a dark room as a pair of eyes watch screen of Genma and his activities in UA

Genma: mom

The figure shows a toothy smile as she laughs.

???: my baby boy... time I see how much you grown. Prepare my jet, we're heading to Japan

She gets up and walks off.

Boom that's it for the chapter. You got to know a little more about Uraraka and genma. And met the unique Mei hatsume. Next chapter:

All might: the next episode preview is here! 

Midoriya: the UA Sports Festival is finally starting!

All might: The first even is and obstacle course everyone participates in. And there's no limit to Quirk use.

Midoriya: doesn't that sound kind of dangerous

Genma: oh don't be suvh a whimp deku

All might: regardless you must aim for the top! Show the world that you're Izuku Midoriya, the world's next great hero!

Genma: and if you fail I'll happy to pick up where you left off

Midoriya: hey

All might: oh the brother rivalry you two have is fierce

Midoriya: what no it's like that

Genma: oh!?!

Midoriya/Genma: next time. "Roaring sports Festival"!

All might: ooh, don't miss Young Todoroki pick a fight with young midoriya 

Genma: won't that be interesting 

Midoriya: Uh, go beyond.

All: Plus Ultra

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