Chapter 1: First meeting

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In a park

We start off with a little boy named Jason Todd. He had short black hair with blue eyes. He was minding his own business playing in the sand until suddenly he felt an explosion hit him.

Jason: GAH

Jason is blasted backwards and tumbles on the ground getting some scrapes on his arms legs and face. He than looks up to see a kid with spikey blond hair, a kid with demon wings and another kid who extended his fingers. Jason looks at them with anger and spoke to the kid with blond spikey hair.


Bakugo: Maybe I just felt like using a punching bag and you were the closest thing to me.

Jason: Why do you have to be such a dick.

Bakugo than snapped and started to walk closer.

Bakugo: PLEASE like you matter. You're just a quirk less loser who got held back a grade. In fact, your own parents didn't even want you. So, don't call me a dick for showing you your place in this world.

As Bakugo was about to run at Jason to attack him again though someone stepped in front of him. Jason looked up and saw a kid younger than him with green hair and green eyes standing in between Bakugo and him on the ground.

???: W-why a-are y-you being s-so mean K-Kacchan. 

The green haired boy said in front of him tearing up as his legs were shaking. You could tell he was terrified by the look on his face, or the shaking of his body from fear, or even the stutter in his voice. Every sign this kid was giving was showing he was scared yet he was still standing up to Bakugo.

Bakugo: Deku? What do you think you're trying to do?

???: M-My name I-is n-not D-Deku I-Its I-Izuku. A-And w-why d-did you hurt J-Jason.

Bakugo: Because he is a quirk less loser like you. Now get out of the way before me and my friends kick both your asses.

Izuku didn't move though and in fact got in a fighting stance still shaking in fear.

Izuku: I-If you d-don't s-stop. Ill ......... Ill.......... ILL S-STOP YOU MYSELF.

Bakugo grins though and than punches his hand making an explosion happen in his hands.

Bakugo: Quit trying to play hero. You don't stand a chance without a quirk Deku.

The 3 kids than charge at Izuku with all of them using their quirks as Izuku just steps back in fear. Jason could only watch as the 3 kids begin to beat on Izuku kicking him in the gut punching him and even Bakugo making small explosions giving him scorch marks. Jason had enough and took action. While the other kids weren't looking Jason grabbed a small rock. He than snuck up behind the kids and hit the kid with demon wings on the back of his head with the rock. The other 2 noticed and heard the kid drop and groan in pain but it was to late as Jason than kicked the kid with long fingers in the BALLS and the kid just covered his nuts squeezing his legs together at the greatest pain any guy can get. All that was than left was Bakugo and Jason. Bakugo had a face of pure anger and Jason had a face of cold yet threatening aura.

Jason: I'm giving you one last chance. Apologize and leave.

Bakugo just grew angry though.


Jason than threw the rock at Bakugos head dazing him a little. Jason took this chance and tackled Bakugo into the ground. He than got on top of him and started to punch Bakugo while on top of him with Bakugo making an X with his arms to block the punches.


As Jason was in a fit of rage though Bakugo made an explosion again and blasted the young Jason back. Jason got back up only to see all 3 of them running away with either bruises or bloody heads from getting hit with a rock.

Jason: YEAH YOU BETTER RUN......... oh krap Izuku.

Jason than went back to Izuku who was laying down with scraps and bruises along with scorch marks from Bakugos explosions.


Izuku: *Cough* Cough* y-yeah. Are you ok though? They d-didn't hurt you right?

Jason's head: Why is he worried about me?

Jason: Uh yeah, I'm fine but you seemed a lot more banged up than me.

Izuku than slowly started to get up to Jason's surprise.

Izuku: I'm f-fine really. I'm just glad your ok. I got to go though.

Jason: Oh uh.... ok well thanks for helping me.

Izuku: I-I didn't r-really h-help you. I just g-got in the way.

Jason: Except you did though. You gave me enough time to come up with a plan and a chance to fight them. Seriously Izuku thank you.

Izuku just rubbed the back of his neck shyly.

Izuku: Hehe your welcome. A-Anyways Bye J-Jason.

Izuku than limped his way to where ever it was he needed to go leaving Jason alone in the park to think for himself.

Jason's head: He's quirk less too? Yet he still tried and helped me. He seems pretty nice.

Later at night at the side of the house

Jason was sneakily crouching at the side of a building near some giant trash cans that an apartment complex uses. Jason than looked around making sure no one was looking. When he saw the close was clear he hoped into the giant dumpster. He than started to look around in the dump for any food that might be there. He kept doing this for a while not having any luck. Just as he was about to go find another dumpster though a bag of trash is thrown into the dumpster landing in front of Jason. Jason looks inside the bag and sees left over Katsudon and even some what raw apples that could still be edible. He was very grateful for it and even said something not realizing what he said.

Jason: Thank you person.

??? (woman): Huh?

Jason immediately regretted saying anything and then grabbed the trash bag with food and hid in the shadows inside the dumpster.

??? (woman): Hello? Is anyone there?

Jason was quite though trying not to make a sound but failing making rumbling sounds in the dumpster.

??? (woman): It's ok I won't hurt you. Just come out of the dumpster.

Jason didn't really trust it though. There were a few moments of silence until Jason started hearing light foot steps walk closer and closer. Than the foot steps stop. Right when they did the other half of the dumpster that was closed was then opened up by a woman with green long hair and emerald eyes who looked at Jason concerned.

??? (woman): Hey are you ok kid?

Jason didn't wait another second and tried to jump out of the dumpster. He landed one foot on the edge of the dumpster ready to jump again only to slip and fall head first on the ground.


??? (woman): OH, DEAR GOD are you ok?

She didn't get a response though.

??? (woman) This isn't good I need to make sure your head is ok.

The nice lady than picks up the young Jason and starts to make her way back to her own home that is in the apartment complex.

In ??? apartment

Jason was laying down on the green haired woman's couch still not awake from hitting his head. Surprisingly though the person sitting on the couch with him was the kid from before Izuku. Thankfully Inko was a nurse so she knew how to treat Jason.

??? (woman): Hey Izuku is he looking good.

Izuku: Uhhhhhh...... no. He still is sleeping.

Just as he said that though Jason started to squint his eyes and slowly open them up. He looked around and saw a room he was not familiar with and Izuku sitting on the couch with him.

Jason: *groans of pain* What happened?


Jason than slowly gets up and stands up on the couch with the ice pack falling off his head and in his lap.

Jason: Where am I?

Izukus mom than came into the living room and started to take a look at Jason's head and even putting the ice back on it.

??? (woman): Oh, good your awake. Can you tell me your name?

Jason was just silent though looking at the ground with a frown and worried look. The woman could tell he wasn't very social and probably went through a lot. He had to have if he was scurrying around a dumpster for food.

??? (woman): Hey its ok. I know you know my son. He told me what you did before. Thank you for helping Izuku.

Jason than turned to Izuku who was smiling. Jason didn't know why he was smiling though. Izuku noticed Jason was unsettled by his smile and just looked back at the ground. Izuku was actually pretty excited to see Jason again. So far, he is the nicest kid he knows and just happened to also be quirk less, so he could relate. Inko than tried again to get Jason to open up.

??? (woman): How about this. My name is Inko Midoryia. What's yours?

Jason than hesitantly replied.

Jason: M-my name is J-Jason. Jason T-Todd.

Inko: Ok Jason well how about we tell each other things about ourselves Hm?

Jason just nodded and Inko started to speak in a bit more playful tone even putting her finger on her chin and looking up being silly when thinking.

Inko: Wwweeelllll I love and adore my son Izuku.

Izuku just chuckles/ giggles and goes next.


Jason actually cracks a small smile and looks at Inko. He than stops smiling and looks back at the ground and mumbles something.

Jason: I-I like red.

Inko just gives a caring and loving smile glad she is getting somewhere with the kid.

Inko: Red is a nice color. Izuku likes green a lot.

Than Izuku cutely responds with.

Izuku: It's because of my hair.

Than for a while that's all they did. Inko and Izuku would say things they like, and Jason would also say stuff he liked to. After awhile though Izuku got tired and fell asleep on the couch peacefully. Leaving Inko and Jason alone.

Inko: Hey Jason.

Jason: Mhm?

Inko: Why were you in the dumpster earlier?

Jason just looked at the ground and responded sad.

Jason: I-I got hungry.

Inko than scooted closer to Jason and put her arm around him in a loving and caring way.

Inko: Jason do you...... have anywhere to stay?

Jason just shook his head no. Inko than began to feel bad and worried for Jason.

Inko: Is there a reason why you don't have a place to stay?

Jason: *sigh* I got k-kicked out. When we w-went to the doctors and they found out I was quirk less they told me I brought shame to my family and I lived in the streets ever since. So ever since than I just kind of walk around and look for food. Sometimes I go to school but mostly to steal extra food from the cafeteria.

Inko: Does the orphanage not know your gone?

Jason: They kicked me out to......... Nobody wants a quirk less kid.

Inko could feel nothing but sadness and pity for this boy. He seemed like such a nice and sweet kid. YET the whole world treats him differently because of a stupid bone in his toe. She wasn't going to have it. Because she knows how hard it is for a kid to be quirk less due to her son being quirk less. She didn't care though. Because a kid is just a kid no matter what. And right now, this kid needed her and Izuku.

Inko: Hey Jason.

Jason than looked up at Inko who's smile just radiated and said, "caring mom".

Inko: How would you like to stay with me and Izuku?

Jason couldn't believe what he just heard. Jason just blinked and rubbed his eyes and even clean his ears a bit to make sure he wasn't just mis hearing or misinterpreting.

Jason: Huh?

Inko: If you are ok with it. I would like to adopt you.

Jason still was in utter belief.

Jason: B-But I'm quirk less?

Inko though still didn't care and gave Jason a caring pet on the head stroking his short hair.

Inko: So? Izuku is quirk less and I still love him to death. Besides your just a kid quirk less or not. So.......

Jason was now starting to tear up a but about what she was saying.

Inko: Would you like me to be your new mother and for Izuku to be your new bro-.

She was cut off by Jason hugging her digging his head into her stomach crying soaking her shirt with tears of joys.


Inko could only feel her heart warm at how happy she made Jason and returned the hug. After that heart felt moment Inko put Izuku in his own room and made a bed for Jason on the couch. She than tucked him in and gave him a kiss on the forehead and wished him goodnight. Jason for once felt something he hasn't in a long time. At home.

Hello if you liked this story and want more please say so as always leave a comment if you have a thought and as always, I Hoped you enjoyed............OK BYE

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