Chapter 2: First kill

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Aldera junior high

There was a class full of middle schoolers in there second year listening to their teacher blabber on about what ever it was. The teacher than started to pull out a giant stack of papers to hand out.

Teacher: *Sigh* I was going to pass out some career tests but why bother.

The teacher than threw all of the papers into the air.

Teacher: You all want to be heroes.

Everyone than started to demonstrate their quirks while cheering. One made their eyes stretch out their eye sockets while another made their hands incased in rocks. One even bloated up like a frog. Everybody was using their quirks. Well everyone except 2 kids in the class. One was Izuku who was a lot older now and then the other was Jason who was also a lot older and even a bit more toned and built body wise.

Teacher: Yes, yes you all have very impressive quirks, but you can't use them in school right now.

Than a very arrogant pre-teen spoke up getting the attentions of everyone. It was Bakugo.

Bakugo: Hey teach, don't lump me in with the rest of these losers. I'm the real deal. These guys will be lucky enough to make it as sidekicks to some busted D-listers.

The rest of the class than just got mad at Bakugo since he literally called everyone a loser.



Bakugo: OH, PLEASE I'll take you all on.

Teacher: Huh. Its saids here you have impressive test results. So, you probably have a good chance for U.A. high.

Bakugo: Damn right I do. I've aced all the mock tests and is the only one in this school with a chance in getting in. Ill end up more popular than All Might himself. Ill be the richest most famous hero of all time. And it all starts at U.A. HIGH.

Teacher: Oh yeah Midoryia don't you want to go to U.A. to.

Right when the teacher said that Izuku hid his head in his arm and on his desk while there was a few moments of silence. Than the whole class bursted out laughing at Izuku.


Student 1: OH, PLEASE Izuku doesn't have a chance.

Student 2: HAHAHAHA nobody would want a quirk less loser.

Student 3: Oh, don't make me laugh.

Bakugo than made an explosion right on Izukus desk startling him and making him fall off his chair.

Bakugo: Listen up Deku. Your even worse than these damn rejects. You quirk less wanna be. You really think they would let someone like you in when they could have me.

Jason than had enough and finally got up and stepped in.

Jason: Why would they want a short-tempered fire cracker.

Everyone than focused their attention on Jason. Bakugo just got madder.

Bakugo: Same goes for you Jason. If anything, your worse. U.A. would never want someone like you. You even got held back a grade and are quirk less.

Jason: Eh I don't really care if I make it or not. If I do though. It certainly will be interesting.

Bakugo: HA face it Jason. If not, even your own parents want you why would U.A. wa-

He was than cut off by Jason grabbing his hand and twisting it backwards and the wrong way. Jason than gave Bakugo a cold glair that are ready to kill.

Jason: I'm sorry what was that last part. Do you want to speak up?

He than started bending his hand more the wrong way making Bakugo try to move his body more the right way, so it hurts less.

Bakugo: Screw you.

Jason than threw Bakugos hand away and pushed his body back into his seat. He than looked at everyone else in the class.

Jason: Anyone else got something to say?

Nobody said anything. So, Jason just sat back down in his seat and class went on.

End of class

Izuku was packing his stuff up while Jason just sat on a desk waiting for him and they both just talked.

Izuku: Man, that fight on the news this morning was crazy.

Jason: Yeah it was. Although they probably could have handed that better.

Izuku: Well I should probably still try to put some notes down.

Izuku than grabbed his book and just as he was about to put it in his bag it was grabbed by Bakugo.

Bakugo: What have we here?

Than 2 of Bakugos friends/ henchman came up behind Bakugo. One had long fingers and the other had a long nose.

Henchman 1: What do you got there his diary.

Henchman 2: What? Hero analysis 13? Don't tell me he's trying to study into being a hero?

Henchman 1: That's so pathetic.

Izuku: Ha ha pretty funny. Just please give it back.

Jason: Hey fire cracker give it back or else.

Bakugo: You don't scare me Ja-

Jason then grabbed Bakugos shirt and pulled him into a head butt. Bakugos than got a nose bleed and was dazed. Bakugo stumbled back and his 2-henchman caught him. Jason took this opportunity to grab Izukus notebook from his hand.

Bakugo: Your going to pay for that?

Jason: You know what I hate the most about people like you.

Bakugo than charged at Jason ready to punch him. Only for Jason to grab his punch twist his arm behind his back and smash his head on the desk and then pin him on the desk.

Jason: You have so much skill and power, yet you act like a bully. You say you want to be a hero yet here you are acting like a villain and scum.

One of Bakugos henchman (the one with longs fingers) than tried helping Bakugo and attack Jason only to get a jab to the face and stumble back and Jason than looked at the guy with a long nose.

Jason: Try anything Pinocchio and we will play a little game where we see if your lying every time a break a finger. Got it?

He just shook his head rapidly saying yes. Jason than focused his attention back on Bakugo.

Jason: Mess with Izuku again or try anything like this. I do a lot more than break your nose.

Jason than let go of his arm and stepped back. Bakugo just got up and nodded at his lackeys to leave. He did something though to purposely piss of Jason and then left as fast as he could.

Bakugo: Hey Deku. If you really want to be a hero. You could take a swan dive off of a building and hope you get a quirk in the next life.

Jason: THAT'S IT.

Just as Jason was about to beat the living soul out of Bakugo though Izuku stopped him by putting a hand on his shoulder.

Izuku: Jason its good.

Jason: No not good that piece of shit-

Izuku: It's not worth it.

Jason just took a deep breath and collected himself.

Jason: Ok.

Over the years Jason took on the role of Izukus big brother of sorts. Before Jason everybody messed with Izuku because of how weak and timid he was. So, Jason decided that he would always be there for him because Izuku was there for him when they first met and even gave him a place to call home. He thought he always owed Izuku and his mom something. Sort of like an eternal debt. So, Jason worked out and took classes at self defense and got really good at it. May not be a whole lot in a world where everyone has super powers. At least it was something though.

Under a dark alley way bridge

Jason and Izuku were now just walking back home from school just having conversations.

Izuku: You know you didn't have to do that right.

Jason: Do what specifically?

Izuku: You know hurt Bakugo or threaten people.

Jason: Well they were messing with you what else was I supposed to do.

Izuku: Not hit them or....

Jason: Or what let them treat you like shit without consequences. Yeah, I don't think so.

Izuku: But if you keep doing that U.A. will think your trouble and not accept you.

Jason: *sigh* what have I told you before. I don't really care if I make it to U.A. or not. I know you want to because you want to be a hero. That's fine. The only reason why I want to go is to watch out for my little bro. Plus U.A. hero school or not is still a great school.

Izuku: You don't always have to protect me you know. I can take care of myself. Besides your not that much older. It's like a 1-year difference not even.

Jason than just put his hand on Izukus hair and messed with his hair.

Jason: I know. But I like messing with you.

Suddenly though a man hole cover flew into the air behind them. Izuku and Jason looked back and saw a giant pile of green sludge ooze out and move like it had a mind of its own. Than a monstrous and echoed voice spoke.

???: One of you will make the perfect skin suit.

Izuku: AHH a-a V-Villain???


Izuku didn't listen though and instead did the opposite. Izuku pushed Jason out of the way and instead of him getting attacked by the sludge villain it was Izuku.


Sludge villain: Ahhh this is a nice skin suit. Perfect cover to lay low.


Jason than tried grabbing and clawing Izuku out of the sludge but it didn't work.

Sludge villain: Nice try kid. But my body is fluid.

Jason was furious and didn't listen though. He clawed harder and tried to grab Izuku but still couldn't. The one person who accepted him for him and not how he was born was dying.

Sludge villain: Don't struggle just let it happen. It will all be over soon.

Jason hated this. He hated feeling powerless. He hated not being able to do anything. He tried and tried to grab a hold of Izuku but to no avail. The person who gave him a home and was like family to him was now going to die and he couldn't do anything to stop it.

Jason's head: I-I'm sorry.

Than suddenly though the sound of wind being cut at high speeds could be heard along with a mighty voice.


Suddenly Jason felt knocked back by a blast of wind and flew into a wall. Jason looked up and could see pieces of the slime villain all scattered around him. He than saw All Might himself standing there with Izuku in his hands holding him.

Jason: IZUKU.

Jason than got up and ran to All Might as All Might than laid him down on the ground.

All Might: Do you know this young man?

Jason: He's my brother.

Jason than started to check Izukus body to make sure Izuku is alive. He couldn't hear him breathing but he did have a pulse. He then started to perform CPR counting every chest compression and checking his breathing and heart.

Jason: Cmon cmon cmon.

After about 19 chest compressions he finally got a breath out of Izuku.

Jason: Oh, thank god.

He than looked back at All Might.

Jason: W-Wow. It's really you.

All Might: YES, it is I ALL MIGHT. *does a pose*

Jason: Ok no need to feed the ego.

Jason than looked around and saw all the sludge pieces and so did All Might.

All Might: Young man would you mind helping me scrap up all the pieces to capture him.

Jason: Sure.

All Might and Jason than started to pick up the pieces of the sludge villain and put them in 2 different bottles and even started a conversation.

Jason: Thanks for saving us back there.

All Might: Its no big deal civilian. I was only doing my part.

Jason: *chuckle* You know my brother is a huge fan of yours. Probably your biggest.

All Might: HA HA HAA. Maybe ill give him an autograph.

Jason: I'd think he would treasure it forever.

Jason than looked at the bottle in his hand that was filled with green sludge.

Jason: *sigh*Its always the scum and villains on this earth who get the power.

After awhile All Might, and Jason finally got all the pieces and captured the sludge villain. Jason had both the bottles in his hands containing the villain.

All Might: Thank you young man for helping me capture the villain. Now if you could hand him to me so I can take him to the police.

Jason hesitated a bit though. Right now, he could kill the villain that hurt the first person who treated him with compassion. He then saw a barrel on fire (you know the ones that hoboes use). He than got an idea.

Jason: Hey All Might real quick could you sign my brother's notebook. Its over there. He would really appreciate it and the look on his face would be priceless.

All Might: Sure thing. I always love to please a fan.

While All Might wasn't looking Jason walked up to the barrel with a fire lit inside it. He than held the 2 bottles full of sludge villain right over it. He didn't drop yet even though he really wanted to and before he could All Might appeared behind him.

All Might: What do you think you are doing.

Jason than turned back around to see All Might.

Jason: This villain hurt my brother.

All Might: You didn't answer my question. What were you going to do?

Jason: *sigh* I was going to burn him. He may be sludge but its still organic meaning it highly flammable.

All Might: That would kill him.

Jason: Maybe he should die.

All Might: That's not how it works.

Jason: And tell me how does it work than HM? Because let me tell you how I think it will work. This villain gets turned into the police gets charged its crime. Than later on the villain gets out of jail for what ever reason. Than that villain goes back to its same old ways attacking more innocent people. Than one day in that pointless cycle the villain finally gets a chance to kill and takes it.

All Might: What would you rather do. Kill him.

Jason: IF IT GETS RID OF SCUM LIKE THIS ......... maybe.

All Might than gestured peacefully for Jason to give him the villain. Jason complied and handed All Might the bottles.

All Might: Your right when you say the world would be better off without villains like this. But to kill is a line we can not cross. If we do, we become just as bad as them.

All Might than walked away and back with Izuku who was still unconscious on the ground. Jason followed and waited for Izuku to wake up. After awhile Izuku started to wake up.

Izuku: H-Huh? W-what happened?

All Might: HA HA thought we lost you there.

Izuku than saw All Might in all his glory standing there with Jason next to him. He than started to completely freak out.


Jason just started to laugh and smile from seeing his reaction.


Jason: *sarcastic* Oh you don't say.

All Might: HA HA HA Sorry about earlier. I didn't mean for you to get caught in my justiceing. I'm usually better at keeping bystanders safe. But it turns out the sewer system is pretty difficult to navigate. Anyways thank you. Both of you. I was able to capture the evil doer.

He than did another pose with the 2 bottles of slime. While Izuku is still completely dazed and amazed at the sight of All Might.

Izuku: Holy krap All Might. In the flesh. Is standing in front of me. HE LOOKS SO MUCH COOLER IN PERSON.

Izuku than started to look around for his notebook and a pen.

Izuku: I-I-I-I need an auto graph.

Jason: Way ahead of you.

Jason than handed him his notebook and Izuku opened it up.


Jason: Thought you'd want it.

Izuku than started to bow aggressively at All Might.


Jason: PFFF an air loom.

Izuku than started to thank and hug the krap out of Jason showing immense strength that nobody knew he even had.


All Might: HA HA HAA. I'm glad I could help. Now I got to drop this villain off at the police.

Izuku than stopped crushing Jason's back with a hug and looked a bit sadden that All Might was leaving so soon.

Izuku: Wait your leaving. Already.

All Might: Afraid so.

Izuku: B-But I got so much to ask you.

Jason: Dude he needs to go.

All Might: Stand back I'm taking off.

Izuku: I need to know.

Jason than saw what Izuku was about to do and tried stopping him.

Jason: WAIT DON'T-

It was to late though as All Might took off jumping into the air. Izuku though grabbed onto his leg and was now hitching a ride with him flying through the air.

Jason: Dammit dude why.

Jason than started to "try" and chase after them running through the streets looking up.

(The events with Izuku and All Might are same as canon)

After awhile of Jason running through the city looking at the sky like a crazy person he finally lost track of them.

Jason: Dammit Izuku why do you have to be such a fanboy.

Jason than started to aggressively text on his phone to Izuku


Jason than waited on the side walk tapping his foot impatiently waiting for an answer until.


Izukus text: I'm safe now. Sorry for making you worry.

Jason's text: Ok just don't do something stupid again.

Jason than just took a deep breath out and sighed in relief. He than started to walk along the side walks back home. When he was walking though someone bumped into him hard.

Jason: HEY watch out.

Random guy: S-Sorry there's a villain attack happening.

Jason than looked in the direction of where that guy was coming from. He saw a giant crowd of people along with police cars making a perimeter at the entrance of an alley way. Jason started to walk closer and went into the front of the crowds to see what was going on. What he saw though surprised and shocked him. It was the slime villain from before.

Jason's head: How the hell did he get away? Did we miss a piece or something and it regenerated?

The slime villain was completely surrounded by fires. Jason though noticed something else. No one is doing anything. Even the pro heroes aren't doing anything.

Jason's head: What are they just standing around for?

Jason than looked back at the sludge villain and found the reason why. The villain had a hostage. Taking a closer look Jason could even recognize who the hostage was.

Jason's head: Bakugo?


Bakugo was making explosions left and right causing more fires to be made or grow bigger. That's why the heroes won't do anything because they can't. If they do anything they'll risk hurting the Bakugo.

Jason's head: Huh? Funny how karma works. Oh well.

Honestly Jason felt no sympathy for Bakugo. He thinks he has it coming. He treated Izuku and everyone less powerful than him like shit and not to mention told his closest friend and basically brother to go kill himself. So, to hell with him, right? Jason was even about to just straight up leave the scene. Until something caught his attention. Everyone suddenly did a large gasp. When Jason looked back to see what happened he also gasped, and his eyes went wide. Because it was Izuku RUNNING AT THE SLUDGE VILLIAN.


Jason than immediately tried going after Izuku only for the pro hero Kami woods to wrap him in a wooden tendril.


Kami woods: No way we can't put any more people at risk.


Izuku didn't listen though. He just kept running. He showed no signs of stopping at all. Jason could only watch as Izukus life once again is at risk and he can't do anything about it. The sludge villain pulled back it arm and tried hitting Izuku but Izuku swung and threw his back pack at the villain's face blinding him. It gave Bakugo a chance to breath as the slime retracted off of his mouth.

Bakugo: *Cough* Cough* D-DEKU? What the hell why are you here?

Izuku: I-I Don't know m-my legs they just started moving.

Jason's head: What the HELL is he doing. He is going to get himself killed what is he thinking.

Than Izuku saids something that just drives Jason over the edge.

Izuku: Kacchan I couldn't just stand there and watch you die.


Jason than jumped his body onto a pit of fire and the wood trapping him than started to burn. Kami woods than retracted his tendrils from the sudden pain letting Jason go. Jason than grabbed a taser and off of an officer and then ran at the sludge villain.


Sludge villain: Oh, great you to.

The sludge villain than tried to hit a tendril at Jason but Jason used the tazar on the tendril off of his body.


The Sludge villain than tried hitting Jason again and also tried hitting Izuku with his tendril. Only for Jason to use the tazar he had before on the slime electrocuting him.


While the villain was recovering Jason grabbed Izuku and Bakugos arm. Jason than pulled Bakugo out of the slime and spun him around and threw him away from the villain and into the crowd. He than got in front of Izuku ready to defend.

Izuku: J-Jason? What are you doing?

Jason: Saving your ass now GO.

Izuku: N-No. Not w-without you.

Jason: IZUKU

Jason than grabbed Izukus shirt and pulled him close.


He then spun him around by his shirt and threw him into the safe zone and near the police and heroes and away from the villain. Jason than turned around only to be smacked into the wall by a slime tendril.

Slime villain: YOU SON OF A BITCH. That was my only hostage.

Jason: Sorry I wasn't going to let you use them. I mean I've seen where a slime monster with tendrils go in hentai.

Slime villain: FINE THAN have it your way. Ill just use you.

The slime villain than leaped onto Jason entrapping him in slime. Only to be electrocuted again. All the slime that was around him than fell to the ground.

Jason: You know I'm no expert in biology but.

Jason than started to dig around in the slime like he was looking for something.

Jason: Your slime seems to work like a muscle. After all that's all quirks are, just another form of a muscle. So, for a muscle to function it needs.

Jason than finally found what he was looking for.

Jason: A brain.

Jason was now holding onto the slime villains brain in his hand. The villain was ready to attack again.

Slime villain: GIVE THAT BA-

Only to be stopped by Jason pointing a tazar at it.

Jason: NA AH AH. Id slow your horses there.

The slime villain than backed off and just smiled and chuckled.

Slime villain: *chuckle* Alright you got me. Just take me to jail.

Jason: Who said anything about jail.

The eyes on the slime villain than grew pale and scared at the aura Jason was giving.

Slime villain: W-what do you mean? You caught me fair and square so just take me to jail.

Jason: Why should I.

Slime villain: Because that's what a hero would do. *nervous laugh*.

Jason: Eh maybe. But let me tell you what a villain would do.

Jason than started to squeeze on the brain harder making the slime villain flinch in pain.

Jason: A villain would hurt innocent people if it was for their own benefit. A villain would just go straight back into their old habits the next time they got freed. A villain would be better off dead, so they wouldn't hurt innocent people the next time. Because there wouldn't be a next time.

Slime villain: N-NO you wouldn't. I mean c'mon I won't do it again I'll go straight I swear.

Jason just got mad though and than grabbed one of the villain's eyes and literally popped it like a water balloon in his hand destroying the villains eye.

Slime villain: AAAAHHHHHHHHH

Jason: I'm done with scum like you. You are given great power and great gifts, yet you use it for selfish gaining or to hurt innocent people. I could have killed you earlier. If I would have than this whole thing wouldn't have happened. So, I'm not making that mistake again.


Jason than turned on the tazar and jammed it into the villain's brain.


After the screaming stopped all the slime at that point was non-reactive at all and motion less. Jason than walked back to the police men and pro heroes. Everyone just stood amazed as they saw Jason walk out with just a few scraps and scratches.

(They didn't see or hear the part about Jason killing because of the smoke and fire blocking everything).

Jason made his way to Izuku to make sure he was good. Izuku was ok and wasn't hurt. Then after that the Pro heroes stepped in and found that the sludge villain was dead. They asked Jason and he told them the truth that he kept shocking the villain and then he died but not the other stuff. Bakugo got praise though for his supposed "bravery". Than the pro heroes Kami woods and Death arms showed up in front of them.

Kami woods: What you did was reckless and dangerous.

Death arms: You put innocent people's lives at risk and could have gotten yourself killed as well.

Kami woods: Seriously what were you thinking.

Jason wasn't going to have it. He was not going to let this slide.

Jason: Are you kidding me?

Izuku immediately knew what was about to happen and tried to stop it.

Izuku: Jason wait don't.


It was to late now and Izuku just let it happen.

Jason: I was trying to save my friend. *points to Izuku* He was trying to save a piece of shit scum bag. The same scum bag in fact who told him to kill himself. Now you can yell at me all you want about what I did. But DON'T you think for ONE GOD DAMN SECOND that its ok to scold Izuku. He was the only one out of every one here (even the FUCKING heroes) to do a god damn thing. He was the only one to actually do the right thing and try to save life. NOT ONLY did you FAIL as heroes but than praise a false one.

Bakugo heard all of this and decided to speak up.


Every pro heroes head: Wait he killed that villain without a quirk.

Just as Jason was about to unleash his fury and rage at everyone though Izuku stopped him.

Izuku: J-Jason stop.


Izuku: Jason there right.

Jason than looked down at Izuku with a HUH?

Izuku: I just got in the way. I made a situation where more people had to worry about me. So, please just drop it.

Jason than saw something he never saw in Izuku before. Or at least he hid it so well he fooled even himself sometimes. Hopelessness. So, Jason just dropped it. He than left with Izuku and started to walk their way back home. 

Hey again if you liked this please say so, so I can make more. Anyways if you liked it please vote and as always i hoped you enjoy and leave a comment if you have one....... OK BYE.

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