A tiny douse of evil {Dabi x female sizeshifter reader}

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((By the way with this I'm believing the whole Dabi is a todoroki theory as I think it's the case))


I got the worst quirk on this planet, shrinking, what's the point of being able to get tiny it just makes everything 100 times more dangerous so what's the point! But I guess I just have to deal with it since society would look down on me more if I was quirkless then a quirk that literally makes me weaker then a quirkless person.

My mum and dad when I was 16 enrolled me into UA as they thought the life of a hero would earn a lot of money and fame which is all they ever cared about anyway so I attended, begrudgingly. Surprisingly I passed the entrance exam with flying colours and got accepted which surprised the kids who didn't pass a lot but I didn't care.

It felt extremely peculiar to be standing there in front of UA, back then, since the last thing I wanted to be was their version of a hero but I guess I had to put up with it, strolling inside for my first day I saw a lot if people around which made me feel a bit nervous since I'm not good with large crowds so I just pushed my way through looking for my first class until I squeaked a bit bumping into a spiky red haired boy and fell back before he turned around and caught me by my wrist stopping me falling "oh sorry miss" he apologised helping me up "it's alright sir, I should apologise for bumping into you" I responded looking at him into his eyes, had to admit he had a beautiful pair of eyes that were directed back into my e/c ones, "it's understandable, since it's very crowed in here" he chuckled smiling and I chuckled a long. "Is it your first day?" He asked me, I nodded "yep, my parents dragged me into this" I stated "same, well mostly my father, since he's a pro hero he wants me to ascend him as a hero" he sighed, I patted his shoulder reassuringly "sorry to hear that-uh" I realised I didn't know his name "oh I'm Touya Todoroki" he introduced himself holding out his hand for a hand shake I took his hand shaking it "Y/N L/N".

From that day forward we were best friends, he loved my shrinking quirk and when he was bored in class he'd often convince me to shrink and slip in his pocket so he'd have someone to talk to, he'd also tease me a lot when I was like that by calling me cute and all that. All of this combined led me to develop a monster crush on him which is why when he ran away from home and school half way through our second  year it completely broke me, I had other friends then him but I missed him so damn much.

Once I finished at AU I didn't become a hero, actually I became what most would consider the opposite, a villain but I prefer call myself a disciple of Stain, I believed what he proclaimed on society after seeing it for myself and used my quirk for my own desires instead of hiding it. When Stain was arrested by Endeavor that kinda broke my heart for the second time in my life but I knew what I had to do.

It didn't take long but I located the League of Villains since there was rumours Stain was a member so they must have the same ideologues as him since likely he couldn't stand someone who didn't ((see the little pun I did there 👀)) but I sadly found out they didn't over time. I joined as a reserve member so would only occasionally come to help. Once both Mr Compress and Magne were dead, Shigaraki asked me to become full time which I did.

When I was introduced to the team, I had to admit one of the members caught me eye, Dabi, and not just from physical appearance, there was just something familiar about him which I only realised the answer to later.

We stood facing class 1A who all had their quirks at the ready, eyes focused and a few possessed an angered expression. They had been sent after us as we'd broken into a top secret research facility which I think was slightly foolish sending kids to do a heroes job but foolishness is imbedded deep in what they call 'heroics'. Even after countless missions together, the League apart, from Shigaraki, didn't know my quirk but that was about to change.

Toga ran at the students with her needle in one hand and knife in the other, slashing through the air at a slightly spiked green haired boy who dodged out the way before kicking her in the stomach knocking her back before she regained her balance. And with that the battle begun, I ran at one with short black hair and glasses shrinking down which confused the heck out of him, I landed on his shoulder before turning back to normal size grabbing his shoulder and flipping him over mine into the ground, he tried to speed at me but in my shrunken size I could keep up with him no problem. It didn't take long for me to take him out before the one known as Bakugo shot at me and I dodged shrinking, he looked around for me until I grew back kicking him in the balls sending him flying.

It was a constant blurr of attacks and blasts there and half the battlefield ended up levelled by the end, both sides were tired out so wisely so Dabi said "we have what we came for, V/N ((villain name)) make a distraction" I nodded using these disks I'd worked on, which I threw into the centre of the class huddle, to attract tons of birds which completely surrounded the class, "V/N shrink!" Dabi commanded and I did what he said as he shot a blaze of blue flames head level of where I just was at the class before grabbing me and putting me in his pocket before the entire team retreated back towards base. I held onto the edge of his pocket as he did that and he glanced a couple times down at me looking like he was thinking which confused me.

Once back at the bar, Dabi let me out his pocket and I returned to normal size looking at that grey messed haired hand face we call a leader, Toga handed him the component and substances he needed and we were all dismissed. I was about to walk off when Dabi grabbed my arm and I looked back at him in his eyes which had a level of familiarity in them "I need to talk to you" he stated before leading me to his room which I followed him into. Once inside he pinned me to the wall and said "shrink" again which I blushed a bit and did shrinking to sit in his hand and he fixed me with his gaze "that's you isn't it Y/N?" He asked me his voice instantly rubbing my back with his thumb gently, I looked down and nodded before looking back at him "that's you isn't it Touya?" I replied and he nodded holding me close, walking over and laying on his bed cradling me close to his chest "I'd still prefer to go by Dabi now though" he smiled as I laid against his chest "I can roll with that" I smiled up at his larger face. He looked down at me "I was worried I'd never see you again shortie" he admitted glancing away but I sat up using both my hands to turn his face back towards me and hugged his cheek "well we found each other again" I smiled reassuringly, I noticed he blushed which confused me till he picked me up by the back of me shirt moving me closer to his face dangling me in front of his lips and he kissed me, I blushed hard but kissed him back. This latest a good 5 minutes before he broke it so I could breath as his lips covered my entire face "I love you Y/N and I have since back when we knew each other in UA" he admitted blushing whilst I was as red as a tomato "I love you too" I smiled.

This was going to be the start of something special.

I started this oneshot before I got requests which is why this is my first oneshot on this book, but I hope you like it

Author x

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