Unlikely circumstances {Dabi x shrunken reader}

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Warning: gore

Request by: P4ttka


Dabi and I have been dating for a long time now, ever since we both meet basically, only problem I was a UA student in my final year whilst he was member of the League of Villains which sometimes messed up the relationship but it was stable since when I left UA I planned on trying to be a true hero and not be in it for the fame or money and actually wanted to help people which is wanted all heroes to be like. But something changed in our relationship recently which neither of us are still used to.

It was a quite night in the city, I was strolling around with my Mentor the only lights came from the office blocks windows that weren't too close by, neither of us saw any danger but still our alert was high as it always is. However soon a loud shout came the side of me as I saw my mentor knocked out and I turned my back to look for who hurt them, big mistake cause the next second a felt something pierce my neck and get injected into me before I went unconscious on the floor seeing a shadow stand over me watching me before my eyes fluttered shut.

Serval hours later, I woke up and noticed I was laying on a large surface until my eyes widened like saucers, around me was gathered loads of the top villains yet they were all massive like giants and I appeared to be on a table. Many of them snickered at my obvious fear as another noted down on a clipboard something before clearly Shigaraki said to him "great work Kyudai, this is just what we need to take down those self entitled pro heroes" he chuckled dryly before looking back at me and evil glint in his eyes "well now we don't need this little test subject" he sneered reaching out his hand to me making me squeak in fear.

Just at the right moment, Dabi came into the room and was surprised to see me like that and what was going on so he quickly snatched me away from Shigaraki's oncoming fingers "don't kill them, I know them and don't want them harmed" he put plainly cradling me against his chest. The other members of the League was surprised till Toga spoke up "wait is this your UA student (gf/ bf)?" She asked and the others blinked hearing that as Dabi nodded and walked away with me held close to his chest.

Once in his room he brought me up to his face and nuzzled me softly with his nose "I'm sorry this happened to you baby, I didn't know that they'd use you as a test subject" he apologised as I hugged his nose which was the only part of him I could get my arms around, that and his finger "it's ok, you saved me back there so it's fine" I responded as a slight smile came to his face as he moved me off his nose and kissed my head "I have to say you're actually even more adorable like this" he commented sitting on his bed as I blushed "thanks I guess" I replied as he slightly chuckled. This was definitely going to take some getting used to.

It had been many months since then and both me and Dabi had come to the conclusion that it's safer for me not to do hero work anymore cause even with my quirk, I'm kinda saddened over it but it's out of control so I can't help it. No cure has been developed for me as of yet so I guess the change is permeant which I actually don't mind now since I've gotten used it. It took a while for the rest of the League of Villains to warm up to me but they eventually did, Toga and I actually became quite close which is good. However what I didn't know was their plans and one thing lead to another the heroes had invaded the League's bar, during the fight I got lost as I had no clue what was going on since everything was so much bigger then me, all I knew is I'd got separated from Dabi and was kinda scared.

What I didn't know though was that after the fight and during the one between All for one and Almight, Dabi was searching tirelessly for me worried out of his mind checking everywhere he could think of and killing any who didn't give him the information he needed. I were currently walking around the remains of a building that had been knocked down in the fight, I could hear the powerful attacks in the distance as I looked for a way out of where I was.

Soon however a loud bang could be heard as a large, to me, piece of concrete, that had been thrown because of an impact during the fight, flew in my direction and hit me which threw my back into a wall and crumbled onto the floor spitting out blood "damn it Y/N you're stronger then this" I said to myself getting back up before I could feel the building be shaken starting to collapse on top of me making me scream as it started to fall down.

Dabi POV:

I heard a tiny scream near by and my eyes widened as I ran towards the source of the sound, my stomach dropped when I saw the collapsing building hearing the scream from inside but devastatingly the building collapsed before I could get in "Y/N!!!!!" I shouted at the top of my lungs forcing my way inside searching for them desperately.

It didn't take me long to find them and I saw them blood pouring out the side of their head unconscious and bruised, that sight broke my heart as I gently picked up their fragile and broken body cradling them to my chest even more gently before the sounds of the police approaching was heard, I carefully slipped Y/N into my pocket and ran out to meet the police head on and burnt them till they were just a managed pile of corpses and I dashed out of there my hand tentatively over my pocket.


It took severals hours but I managed to find someone willing to patch Y/N up which they did and now they were sleeping curled up on my chest as I laid on my bed waiting for them to wake up, I'm so glad they're ok and back with me, I couldn't bare the thought of losing them, even if unlikely circumstances brought us together.

Sorry that took forever to write, going back to college has completely taken up my time and when I wasn't working on that I was drawing stuff.

Hopefully I can write more for this book, please send in any requests you have, and I'll be working on the few I have already

Author x

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