《《 Bonus Chapter 1》》

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"So if 3x+ y =5, what is-" suddenly a giant hole disturbed Izuku's class.

"Kids back away!" Izuku commanded. Everyone ran at the corner away from the hole. Izuku went towards the hole. He bend down, and touch it.

He hand goes through it. He panicked and retrieved his hand. "What the hell?" He said.

Suddenly something went out of it. There's lot who went out of it. The hole quickly disappeared. There were 5 person and all of it looks Izuku.


"Get the fuck off me"

"Eeeee! I'm s-sorry!"

"That's very unappropriate word you use there"

"I thought I finally died but welp I'm here again" Everyone sweatdropped at that person.

"Who are you?" Asked Izuku. The 5 of them looked at Izuku. The all widen their eyes. It occured 5 minutes in silence before that said anything.

"You look like me!"

"The fuck is going on?"

"And again I told you to stop saying-"

"Woaahh! Are you me?? I'm a teacher at UA??"

"Am I dead?"

Everyone sweatdropped and Izuku was trying to handle the situation but failed. "Um, please stand up and introduced yourselves, we don't kno what's happening but could you at least tell us. Your occupation." Izuku kindly asked.

The five of them nodded "Of course!"

"Good, Kids please sit on your proper seat. These people here will introduced theirselves" Everyone went on their proper seat and sat.

"Now! Please introduced yourself first" Izuku said pointing at person who had such formal clothes with a gun at his side.

"Gladly, I'm Izuku Midoriya. I'm an police and an agent. Currently I have a mission which involves illegal drugs, but somehow I ended up here. Call me Officer Midoriya" he said.

"Okay Officer Midoriya/Izuku/Deku" everyone said. Officer Midoriya sweatdropped.


The man who look like 16 stepped up. He wore a long sleeve that was fold until his elbow polo shirt with a vest. He also have gloves and his right hair were pin backward. "I'm Izuku Midoriya, coming in the family of yakuza-just joking! I'm a fucking Vigilant"

"Language please!"

"Shut up you! And call me Chief Deku you fuckers!"

"Okay! okay! Next you please"

Then a person stepped up, kept glaring at Chief Deku. He wore a normal polo and had a laboratory gown that reach below his knees. He had ballpen at his chest pocket and a badge. That said Izuku Midoria District 134.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, a scientist. I'm the head of district 134 where we were assigned. I was handling a dangerous substance but then I suddenly fell over the black hole and ended here. Please call me Proffesor Izuku"

"Scientist??!! "

"That's cool"

"What about district 134??"

"Okay that's enough! Next please"

A boy who exactly had the same age as them stpped up. He wore a UA pe shirt.

"I'm Izuku Midoriya, hero in training. I'm a first year and my quirk is..super strength though I can't control it fully. But please call me Deku! My hero name!" He nervously said.

Everyone stared at him. Izuku squeaked and hide behind Izuku sensei. "Erm class please stopped staring at him"

Everyone snapped out of it and laughed sheepishly. "Sorry Deku, you really remind us our former classmate" said Uraraka.

"Yeah, if we didn't do that, he should be still here. Like you" Kirishima said then all the class got sudden depression.

"I'm sure he'll be coming back! His a hero isn't he?" Deku cheered. Everyone smiled at him. Even the 4 Izuku's.

"Of course!" Izuku sensei ruffled Deku's hair. "Next!"

A boy stepped up, he look like 19 or 18. He wore brown long sleeve with a polo shirt inside of it. He had a large eye bag and he had a hat.

"I'm tired of everything, Let me do this" he said. That confused the class.

"What do you mean-"

A sudden memory gushed inside of their head.

There was a small boy crying. "You useless squirt!" A man yelled over him. Assuming his father. He threw a bottle at the helpless boy.

The boy cried even harder "You're so useless, your sister is even better than you!" A girl who's painting her nails smirked at his brother.

"I'm...so-so.. rryy" he mumbled as his father kept abusing him.

The memory disappeared and appeared another one.

The boy was at his 15. He got boyfriend. They all hang out together. Sang together, go to school together, sleep together and everything. Izuku for the first time smiled. But then....

Izuku cooked for dinner. He notice his boyfriend was still not here. He got worried and also it was raining. He grabbed his umbrella and ran. He kept finding his boyfriend.

After a long ran, he finally found him. He was lying at the park's grass. While staring at the sky.

Izuku slowly walked towards him. When he arrived infront of him. The boyfriend notice his presence. Izuku bend down.

"Hey" he called "What's wrong?"

His boyfriend widen his eyes and sat up. "Remember this is the place where we met? We confessed? We became a couple?"

Izuku got confused. Why was his boyfriend acting so strange but despite his confusion he kept still his composure.

"Yeah" he bluntly answered. Hi s boyfriend laughed slowly. Them they stayed in silence.

"I think we should-"

"Let's break up"

Izuku widen his eyes "Wha-"

"Let's break up" his boyfriend said again. Refusing to meet his eyes.

"Why?" Izuku asked. He couldn't understand.

"I think were not fit each other"

With that Izuku's tears were coming out of her eyes. His beautiful face were replaced by broken and tears.

Izuku stood then leaved him. He just wanted to die. He is now alone.


Izuku suddenly flew after he was hit by a car. "IZUKKKUUU!!!"


"He is in a traumatic distress. He can't remember anything but to think he wants to die" the doctor said. Izuku and Mistuki were in front of him. Izuku's mother died when he was a child. That's why Izuku's parent representative was Mistuki. Inko's bestfriend

"Is there any kind of way to-" confronted Mistuki but was stopped by Izuku by holding her wrist tightly.

"'Please stop aunt Mitsuki. I wanna die. Please let me live with it"' Izuku smiled weakly and looked at Mitsuki assuring that it was all is well.

But instead Mitsuki widen her eyes as she saw Izuku's dull eyes. Mitsuki coverd he mouth then cried. She hugged Izuku tightly.

"Mom?" Mistuki turned and saw her son. She wiped her tears. She had an idea. She will adopt Izuku. And protected him from his so called family.

"Come here sweetie! Izuku is now your elder brother"'said Mistuki sadly "Though his sick. Please protect him with me"' Katsuki smiled and nodded "Of course!"


"Why are we here?" Asked Izuku.

"We are attending your sister's wedding. Come on!" Mistuki dragged Izuku to the reception.

Izuku saw his sister. She was beautiful like his mom. No wonder she was spoiled and famous. Izuku was nothing but a Deku. The groom looked very familiar and it hurt his heart. He doesn't know why.

But with his sister and the groom, they both are beautiful as if the world was them. Their smile and laughed, they were both perfect to each other. Both vowed to each other. Izuku suddenly felt his cheeks were wet. It was beautiful but at the same time, his heart tore apart he doesn't know why. He gripped Mitsuki's hand.

"Izuku?" Mistuki asked.

"I feel sad I don't know why?" Izuku sadly looked at Mitsuki. She grabbed his hand and dragged him outside.

They sat on the chair. "I'm sorry Izuku" apologized Mistsuki. "You don't have to" Izuku said. Mitsuki supposed to say something but Izuku interrupted her.

"I'm always alone. All I want is to die" Izuku said as he stared at the ceiling. Mistuki said nothing she stood up. "I'll be catching us a car. Wait for me" with that she went away.

Izuku's eyes were dried as if tears disappeared at his eyes. Suddenly someone touched his shoulder. He didn't flinch all he want was to die.

Izuku looked at the person. It was the groom and his sister. His sister knelt and looked at her brother's broken eyes. Izuki wanted to cry, this was her selfishness. She did this to her brother. Izuki gripped her brother's hand and said "Sorry" then she went back the reception. Leaving the two.

"Izuku, I-" before the groom could say anything. Izuku interrupted him.

"My heart hurts, seeing you. I don't know why? Who are you? Why are you feeling me this feeling? The feeling to die" Izuku asked. The groom suddenly fell down to his knees. He cried and apologized. "I did this to you! I'm sorry! Please forgive me" he plead.

"I can't" Izuku said


"I don't want to forgive you. You didn't do any thing. I just want to thank you."

"For what?"

"For feeling me. That I want to die"

The groom widen his eyes. Before he could say anything Mitsuki appeared and slapped his face. "You did this to him!" She said. All the people were staring at them.

"You were his hope, sun, light and everything. He loved you endlessly. Protected you from his father. He loved you but you-you- you did something that was unforgivable. You made him like this. A zombie! A dead corpse! Walking like a normal person!" Mistuki cried as she said that.

She was about to slapped him again but Izuki appeared and grabbed her wrist. "Please stop Aunt Mitsuki!"

Mitsuki used her other hand and slapped her. "You! It was you! All in the beginning. You are the reason why he suffer like this. Inko's death and her husband neglect him. You stole his everything. You framed him a stealer, you stole his artwork. All the perfect quizzes it was from your brother. You change your name and his name! You bitch!" With that she punched her stomache. Izuki flew at her husband."Don't call me Aunt Mitsuki, you killed my bestfriend and tortured Izuku. I went here because I was force by your father and I thought Izuku could be happy but..you just felt him worse"

With that she grabbed Izuku. Izuku was to say something but got choke. He coughed and blood came out from his mouth.

Mistuki got panicked, she brought her son to the taxi and told the driver to brought them to the nearest hospital.

Izuku was confined at the ICU. He was at the state of coma. The doctors are finding the reason why. As they were studying. They didn't knew someone slipped and entered the ICU without their permission.

In the ICU. Izuku was there lifeless, he is at his death bed. The walked over him and held his hand.

"The day we broke was the worst decision I made. While I was lying on the floor I kept thinking what will happened to you. But then you suddenly appeared infront of me, with a black umbrella. You were so beautiful. You faintly smile at me. It was so beautiful that I wanted to cry. But then you got in an accident. Please forgive me and wake up"


Everyone was crying as the depressed Izuku was staring blankly at them.

"Such cruelty!"

"Why would they do that?!"

"Poor Izuku"

"That was very impressive. That quirk was amazing I'm so sorry for your past" Proffesor Izuku said. Depress Izuku rose his hands and said it's fine. Not knowing his quirk activated then Proffesors Memories transferred.

It was a whole different story

Next time again! In BONUS CHAPTER

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