《《Chapter 9》》

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"We gotta tell this to Izuku"

"You're right"


Izuku dreadfully heard All for one was changing his other self. Izuku slapped his hand on his forehead and rubbed it as more stress were coming at him. He didn't even know what to do. Another thing, was his world fine? Can he still save his other self? How could he get back his other self? Thinking all of this, made him groaned.

"What do you think we should we do?" Asked Aizawa grimly. He was standing at the door as he looked down, reflecting what he done during the passed days. Why couldn't he did something to save his student? Or even protect him? He was his damn teacher alright!

Izuku sighed letting the stresses passed. "We gotta think of something" he said.

"And that 'something' is what?" Asked Aizawa. He knew they couldn't make up a plan quickly especially hearing his student is turning into a monster or maybe just a different person. If he was given a miraculous chance, he would do anything to save his student.

"To be honest, I have something in mind that would be clearly a suicidal and reckless idea" Izuku sheepishly laughed. A number 1 hero, thinking of a plan were everything was risky, the irony.

Aizawa was silence for a minute. Then spoke up "Well are there other plans you have?"

"I do have but over all the plan I have are all risky" Izuku sighed.

"Could you explain a little bit further?" Aizawa asked. To be honest, he doesn't care if its risky or not. He just wanted to save his student before himself, he doesn't care if he died or what. But before that he needed to hear the plans.

"One is sneaking jn their base then fight them all. Two is breaking down their escape route and slowly defeating them. And three is simply ran in and attack. What do you think you prefer?" Asked Izuku. Aizawa blinked alot of time. This is a stituation-not a plan. But nevermind, he would definitely choose the situation number 2.

"I like the second one" answered Aizawa.

"True, me too" Izuku replied. Then he took some papers and pens. He drew a box then somehow divided it and put alot of names. "This will be risky, but we need more pro heroes as much as possible" said Izuku "This here, will be block by Mic and some other heroes, then here will be....."


Izuku woke up. He was confused, he couldn't remember a thing, just what the hell happened? "Who?..." then he screamed after he recieved an electric shock. It hurts-he couldn't handle this, what kind of treatment is THIS?!

Shogaraki smirked "Melissa, He's awake-check all his vitals and status" with that he left with a loud bang on the door.

Melissa bit her lips and sighed. She then went to Izuku's side. She took some injections and pinched on his shoulders and arms. After that she tied Izuku's arms to the bed. "I'm sorry" she apologized. Then another wave of pain shock spread to Izuku's body, he thrashes around but the ropes were holding him. Melissa cried quietly "I just wanna save my father, I hope he forgives me for this" she thought. Then Izuku sreamed louder than before.


"Why are the teachers taking so long?" Groaned Kirishima.

"Probably they have news about Deku" suggested Uraraka.

"Hopefully" said Kirishima then he looked at Bakugou. "Hey bro! What about we-" before Kirishima could finish the door slammed open.

Aizawa walked in together with Izuku.

"Izuku-sensei!" They all shouted. "Finally, he's here!" Said Uraraka.

Izuku waved his hand to silent them. The noises begin to faint. He then cleared his throat. "Uraraka-sensei, will teach you tom until thursdy. We will be coming back on Friday due to some reason. For now later afternoon Katsuki, Todoroko and Uraraka please meet approximately 4:30. Class dismissed, you may take your lunch" with that Aizawa nodded at them. With the final look Izuku left followed by Aizawa.

"What do you think they're trying to do? Why don't they involve all of us?" Said Mina and merely groaned at the thought they weren't involved.

"It's okay Ashido-san, atleast we Uraraka-sensei" Tsui said.

Mina sighed "yeah, you're right"


Later that afternoon

Todoroko, Bakugou and Uraraka were infront of the teacher's main office. They were nervouse, they looked each other and nodded. Uraraka grabbed the door and opened it.

They all saw Izuku, Uraraka-sensei, Todoroki- sensei, Aizawa, principal and All Might. They were all waiting for them. They all went inside and slide the door close.

They all flinched when Izuku stared at them, then he shook his head. "I think this is a bad idea-"

"It is not, they are capable to defend theirselves" immediately disagreed Uraraka-sensei. The three looked at her gratefully at the same time confused while the teachers were hesitant.

"I'm sure they would but this would really risky-"

"It will" Uraraka-sensei eyed Izuku "But they will handle it, they're not kids anymore" Izuku sadly shook his.

"But when they get hurt, they schoold will be held responsible" reasoned Izuku. Uraraka-sensei bit her lips and looked down in defeated.

"What is going on, Izuku-sensei?" Asked Uraraka. Izuku sighed. He then looked at the other faculty members. They weakly smiled at him and nodded.

Izuku shook his head. "We decided to attack the Villain base, and it would very effective when you three are in it, but we can't let you in because it ill be too risky and probably they hurt yoh or worse you will get killed on the spot" explained Izuku.

All 3 of them nodded in shocked. They were involove, and were asked if they can handle it?! Of course! They can. We're heroes.

"We can do it, Izuku-sensei" said Uraraka.

Izuku shook his head "we can't risk the school's reputation"


"I think it would be better if we change the plan" said All might. Everyone looked at him. Izuku sighed "but that plan will guarantee our success but it will be risky."

"As if we have a choice" said Todoroki-sensei.

Izuku snorted "Yeah, as if-"

"Can you please explain the plan first?" Asked Todoroki.

Todoroki sensei answered him. "You three will be the diversion we set for the villains, you will fight them as Izuku and other heroes sneeked in the base and mic will disconnect all the machine and Aizawa will fight the remaining villains inside. Police and heroes will be waiting for every exit. But this will only work if you three are there. Since Villains tend to underestimate things"

Three of them stared at them

"We'll do it"

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