Silver and Kylie's first date

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A/N: Theodore (Also known as the mighty Carnos) belongs to @baki10addz, Hope (the brave female warrior Fox) belongs to @YugiohRC6, and Weather-Original belongs to KZCool14

Silvers pov

I remember my first date with Kylie like it was yesterday...Kylie Ashley Clements is not only a perfect candidate to be my defender and not just my best friend...she was my crush. Sure she's the adopted daughter of two lesbians but who am I to judge?..she even has an adopted sister. We were having a nice peaceful day at a cafe called Reapers-Isle it was edgy but it was an edgy name but again who am I to judge plus it was also homed to some freaky decor and the servants dress in other costumes or grim reaper costumes which to me is like a Halloween every day attraction. It was across the street to a greenhouse and plant and garden supplies shop the plants they grew had so much flowers that they had to put in a greenhouse and a garden in the back of the shop. Though this cafe where a bunch a girls come just to have an excuse to look at that 16 year old Willowquim boy who is the older brother of Cassidy Willowquim Kylie little sisters best friend shiftless our the window. Dang girls are into that kinda stuff as if they're looking at a movie star. Well anyway I went to her house and knocked on the door and Spen her father-figure who is again a female and is also a famous protector and FBI agent sees me and asked me why I'm here. I replied to her that I'm here to see Kylie and Spen smiled at me and let me in. Yeah Spens a cool woman. Anyway I entered and see Kylie with her other mom and her adopted sister Rain-Dance. Kylie greeted me as I greeted her back. I asked Kylie if she can have a bite to eat with me and she said yes. Anyway when we arrive we had a table towards the window. I said as I blushed, so look good to... Kylie interrupted as she halted me to stop talking, before you say anything Silver...I may need to tell you...if we're going to succeed this promise of ours as kids the least we can do is be more (Spen) mother has been training me in martial arts and weaponry for this...and my mom (Tiara) has made this outfit with my favorite colors. I said as I sweat, well i-it really suits you Kylie Clements. Kylie smiled a little before we here girls screaming in excitement behind us. One of the girls said while looking out the window, OMG!!..IS THAT WHISP WITHOUT HIS SHIRT ON?!.. another girl said, REALLY?!..WHERE?! They're screams of excitement we're giving me a headache.

Normal pov

Jubileah felt her heart melting with the other girls looking at Whisp who volunteered to water some flowers for the greenhouse and had to take his shirt off cause someone dumped water on him. Whisp said as he sighed, well I'm almost finished just a few more plants and I'm finished...though I may need to get a spare shirt. A familiar voice said from behind, hey there nephew. Whisp turned to see his aunt Weather-Original with a dark grey shirt. Whisp said, oh hi Aunt Weather-Original whatcha doing here? Weather-original said, well I heard someone dumped water on you so I brought a spare shirt. Whisp takes the shirt and said as he puts it on, thanks Aunt Weather-Original... Weather-Original then said as something in her mind clicked, hey Whisp can you come with me dear?...your grandma wanted me to do some errands but there too much for me to do...can you come with me to help? Whisp smiled and nodded before the two of them walked off as Weather-Original said, thank you Whisp. Whisp replies, your welcome Auntie.

Silvers pov

After that kid left with someone I didn't recognize the girls just continued eating or waiting for their lunch. Things were awkward between us. Kylie and I were waiting for the waiter to get here but he was a total loser as soon as he gave us a pitcher of water or tea or soda he accidentally spilled some water on Kylie's clothes. Things were not going well for us. What's worst is that I keep being clumsy around her. I said as I sighed, I'll go get a towel for your clothes Kylie. I walked off as Kylie watched me go. I stopped as I was out of her sight. I was at the bar of the cafe as I said muttering in stress, UGH!!..STUPID STUPID STUPID!!..this is not going well as I had hoped...I really hope she wi...but what if she doesn't...she may either hate me or think I'm a freak!...I wanted her to be more than my defender I want her to be my girlfriend. That's when a familiar voice said from behind me, well muttering to yourself isn't gonna solve your problems boy. I turn to see my Aunt Hope and Uncle Theodore. He's not actually married but he's kinda an uncle to me and my brothers. I asked, Uncle Theodore?..Aunt Hope what are you two doing here? Theodore said, ya know I'm not married to your aunt...yet. I said, I know but you've been one to me and my how much have you heard? Aunt Hope said turning to me, We heard everything Silver... Theodore said, we may help ya with it kid...if ya wanna confessed to her be yourself...I was pretty much myself when I confessed my love towards your Aunt. Silver asked, and when did that happen? Theodore asked, did your father tell you that me, some fellow soldiers of mine, your two uncles and aunt..which we didn't know Axel was a girl at the time, your aunt, your father himself, and your mom were on this cruise for some mysterious reason and we found out it was Hopes Defender and blah blah blah and all. I said, well I known half of that from my Mom...and that was it... Theodore said, well I confessed my love to her on that day... I said in surprise, whoa for real? must've had a lot of courage Uncle Theodore. Theodore said as he chuckled, hehehe...well I wouldn't say I had a lot of courage Silver...though if you feel that way about Kylie go for it and don't let stress or fear getcha down. I can admit Uncle Theodore's right...I should not let fear or stress get me down. That's when Aunt Hope got up and said, so I wanted to ask...why do you want Kylie to be your defender? I replied, see Auntie of her adopted lesbian parents is a famous protector and FBI agent and Kylie has most of the toughest moves and is capable of handling weapons...which makes her a perfect candidate to be my defender despite her being a girl...when we were still little and way after getting to know each other we made a promise that I be a warrior like you and she be my defender... Aunt Hope had a little surprised look before she started chuckling and said, heheheh...I swear Silver you and your friend remind me so much of me when me and my defender when we traveled... I asked, yeah I guess...but how did you get your defender Auntie?..Mom told me I had to ask you that. Aunt Hope said, it was simple kinda...I reasoned with him to be my was only the two of us until we both met the others. I smiled as Aunt Hope said, don't forget one thing tough as a nail and swift as the furious tidal waves. I said, thanks guys... I hugged them both before walking back to Kylie who was still furious. I sighed and took a deep breath as I said, K-Kylie? Kylie looked at me and said, what?... I took in some deep breaths and said, I-I know you and I have been getting to know each other and all...but I wanna ask you...WILL YOU BE MY GIRLFRIEND?! Kylie gasped as I asked that. I looked to see her shocked face before she smiled and said, I...yes...yes I will. She hugged me as I blushed. I guess this date didn't turn as bad as I thought. I see my uncle giving me a thumbs up while Aunt Hope smiled at me and whispers, that's my nephew... I smiled and thought, thank you Aunt Hope...thank you Uncle Theodore...

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