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Xander and Oblivion were meeting up with the twins Lifty and Shifty who needed to tell somethin important to tell them. Though neither of them know know what is it. Xander thought, yet Shifty has no idea that Lifty is secretly a ninja-soldier with Splendid aka Spencer...but that's not the point...but what is it that's real important that those thieving brothers wanna tell us? When they arrived at the destination Lifty and Shifty sees them as Shifty said, there you both are...we thought you may never make it... Xander said, ugh...cut the chat Shift...whatcha want anyway? Shifty said as he sighs, Lifty and I have been doing some digging on you and Oblivion..and it turns out you two really are twins. Oblivion said, what?...seriously?.. Xander said in denial, whoa..whoa..whoa...I told ya already Shifty were not twins... Shifty said, Xander you both were born on the same day besides if Oblivion was born a year later you woulda been a year older than him. Lifty walks to them before he whispered to them, I was in the hospital trying to collect clues for the V.C. Military when I noticed two birth certificates in a file that marked O+X was obviously yours and Oblivion's initials..I took one look at the birth certificates and saw both your said you and Oblivion were born on the same year...take a look... Lifty hands them their birth certificates before both Xander and Oblivion's faces were in shock. Xander shook and looked at Oblivion who was shocked before turning to Shifty and said, SO OBLIVION AND I REALLY AND ACTUALLY ARE TWINS?! Shifty nodes Oblivion said, so Xander's my twin brother?.. Xander said, HOW THE HELL DID WE NOT EVEN KNOW WE ARE TWINS?! Lifty said, well obviously your deceased idiot father wanted to keep it a secret...Not to mention your mother was secretive as both were born on the same year and the same day... Shifty said, though you guys are the same age...take me and Lifty for example we're twins as well. Xander said, we know Shifty but I don't understand why Oblivion is my twin brother?...and h.. Lifty said, probably cause you guys never knew at and Shifty were born then five years later you and Oblivion were born... though me and Shifty look very much a like cause we're identical twins but unlike us you guys are fraternal twins which means you don't look similar... Shifty said, it's not all...Oblivion was born an hour later than you have. Xander thought as he looked at his first little brother, I swear if Kyle knows about this I'm gonna annoy him and drive him mad.

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