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Hi all

Here you go:


Raglak and Neil left for the channel office.

Neil was sitting in passenger seat and Raglak in the back seats. Three of them were hiding their faces,  bending their upper body and keeping it on their knees so no one notice them.

Ragini and Neil told Laksh about everything. It was overwhelming for him. The sacrifice his brother made.  The pain through which his wife and brother have been going through. The blames his wife had to face.  And finally he was filled with gratitude for Neil.  He can't imagine what would have happened to his wife without Neil! 

Laksh thanked Neil and slowly caressed Ragini head.  Ragini smiles feeling the peace.

The car was going on high speed as they can't afford to waste time. When they were near,

Lak: Neil, can you give me your mobile phone?  I can't take a laptop inside when I am going to make a complaint against my wife.

Neil: Here,

He passed the phone. Laksh copied the video.

When they reached,  as Laksh expected police was there.  They were inspecting everyone.  A trap for Ragini.

Lak: few more minutes bacha, your name will be cleared.

Laksh waited.

Neil: Laksh,  what are you waiting for? 

Lak: I am waiting for my car. My driver would come here soon.  He has gone to police station first. So once he reaches here I will go in.  I know my phone is being watched.

Neil was impressed.  Though it's all so new for him,  he understood it was not the same for Raglak and Neerav.

Once his car reached, Lakah got out of the car.

Once police's questioning he said he is here to make a statement against Ragini as the channel called him. Which is true,  when the kidnapping news was out,  everyone from Maheswari were made to give statement against Ragini. All expect Laksh had given their statements. The channel wanted to be in safe zone. Still Laksh came to the same channel,  because he knows this channel should be the one clear his wife's name as they defamed her more.

Lak: Can you lead me to Sahil's cabin? 

He asked the receptionist.

Rec: Sorry Sir,  everyone are gathered in the conference room. I know you are upset with channel's move against Ragini Mam. Sir chairman was not here,  it was manager's move. The conference is about that.

Lak: So chairman is here. That's great.

Laksh has huge respect for the chairman.  He is a business man,  and started the channel with a good motive. He is very genuine and  a great human being.

Lak: where is the conference room ?

Rec: But sir,

Lak: Please it's urgent!

Receptionist showed him the way.

Laksh know it's not manners to disturb a meeting,  but he had no other option.

Everyone was shocked seeing him.

Chairman: Laksh,  you here,

Lak: Sir,  it's urgent,  I need to talk to you,  alone.

He would not take any risks.

Chairman nodded,  Laksh showed him the video and explained how his wife is framed and how his brother is kidnapped.

In no time the news was on air. The public were shocked, they can't believe these things can happen.

The most shocked were Maheswaris and Gadodias.

"Delhi police had seen to it that the take off of the plane is cancelled. The pilot is under arrest "

"To hide his heinous crime, the home minster has kidnapped advocate Neerav Maheswari and framed his sister in law Ragini Maheswari. "

"Ragini Maheswari proved herself again. It was her daring that prevented a disaster from occuring. "

"The search for Neerav Maheswari is on"

"Chief minster asked home minster to resign and at present he is under custody,  Nikhil's murder to was done by his men to frame Ragini"

These were the news that was scrolling on the channels.


The men who kidnapped Neerav were shocked hearing the news. Their Boss is caught and the police is searching for Neerav. Neerav was semi conscious. They ran from there,  letting him die.


Laksh came out of the channel and went to his car to take his phone.  Then he went to Ragini and Neil and hugged Ragini tightly.

Lak: Bacha you won,  your Dare and bhai's sacrifice didn't go in vain. 

Rag: It's all because of you Laksh. 

Neil smiles happily.  He was so glad that he could help them.

Laksh broke the hug and thanked Neil again,  giving him back his phone and checked his phone. Ragini too switched her phone.

Both were surprised seeing the message from Neerav.

Raglak: Bhai's message,  h.. His location.

Their happiness knew no bonds.

Lak: Let's move.

Neil : I am coming too.

Together they headed to the destination.  Since police were there itself,  Laksh told them about the message and asked for assistance.

Laksh was driving,  Raglak couldn't control their excitement. Laksh drove in high speed and they reached the place soon.

Ragini mean while made a call for ambulance,  informing them the location.

Lak: Bacha stay back in the car, it can grt dangerous,  I will go in.

Rag: Laksh but,

Lak: police are with me, we don't know what's inside,  so please.

Ragini agreed reluctantly.

Laksh,  Neil and police officers spare one got inside the godown while one was with Ragini giving her protection.


Laksh was really amazed seeing the empty godown. He moved further ahead and then saw semi conscious Neerav laying down on the ground.

Tears made their way from his eyes.  He couldn't control himself,  he ran to
Neerav and took him to a bone crushing hug.

Neerav and smiles lightly and lost consciousness.

Laksh and Neil and took him outside,  by the ambulance had reached.

Ragini too couldn't control herself seeing Neerav.  He was taken to near by hospital.

Raglak were walking here and there in tension.

The family who got news via news, headed to the hospital.

Doctor came out in a while.

Doc: He has lost so much blood, but nothing to worry.  He is out danger and conscious too. You can meet him.

Raglak looked at each other happily and then are Neil,  who nodded.

They rushed to Neerav and Laksh hugged him again. Ragini too wanted to hug him but waited,  the stood their admiring the brothers. 

Neil could see through the glass what was happening.  He smiles.

Laksh broke the hug and held Neerav's one had with his hands.

Neerav smiles at him adoring. He then looked at Ragini.

Neerav: Ragu,  what are waiting for, won't you come to me? 

That's was it for Ragini, she took his other hand near her forehead and started weeping.

Neerav smiles brightly at Raglak.  They are more like his  kids.  He felt peace.

Outside Neil smiled widely seeing the three Maheswaris. He had never seen such selfless people on his life.  They proved that humanity does exist.  The scene in front of him was the best scene he had witnessed till now.  Seeing them three happy and together was so heart warming.

"Now my work is over" Neil thought in mind.

Giving the trio one last glance, Neil left from there.

Raglak composed and looked for Neil.  Attender informed them that he left.
They felt sad and then told Neerav about the whole happenings.

Soon Maheswaris arrived. Though Ragini forgave her family, the brothers didn't .


Neil reached home.  He couldn't believe the things that occured till then. He was a normal man with a normal life who was coming home to attend the function of his fiancee.  But then,  he encountered things which he never even imagined.

Neil got in thinking all these only to face the angry faces of his mother Shwetha and Avni.

Neil: Avni I,

Avni: Don't bother Neil, it was such an important day in mu life and you....

Shwetha: See you disappointed her again.  Neil when will learn to be responsible?  Don't care about other's feelings? 

Neil: hm....  How was the function? 

Shwetha: The function was great,  it happened grandly.  Which means that nothing can go wrong even if you are not present. Your presence is worthless !

Neil smiles.  He apologized to both and went to freshen up.

His mother and fiancee were angry on him thinking him to irresponsible. But least they know that it was due to his responsibility towards his fellow beings,  many people are alive today. 

As Shweta said,  his absence in the convocation ceremony didn't make a difference.  But if he didn't stay with Ragini,  thinks could have gone really wrong!


Later Raglak and Neerav were joined in the press conference from the hospital.

Reporter: So from where did you get this courage? 

Neerav: To do good is the best we all could do.  I and Ragini had been watching the minister's move for a long and when we got a chance we acted.  The act we put was to keep his sister safe  but things got wrong and she was put in grave danger.

Reporter: So what about the danger you were in? 

Neerav: I knew one of us has to take risk,  and I can't let my sister take any risk. All thanks to my brother,  who trusted both of us enough to reach the truth behind everything.

Reporter: Mr Laksh Maheswari, how difficult was this mission for you? 

Lak: This was the toughest thing I encountered ever,  I was away in another country and then I got a news that my brother is missing and my wife is blamed for it. That was more than I could handle.  But I know these two enough to understand there was some back games.  But all thanks to an unknown friend,  that friend who was with my brother in his train journey,  who witnessed my brother being kidnapped.  He then met my wife and helped her in contacting me. Without which I would not have been able to meet Ragini. 

Reporter: An unknown friend? 

Lak: Well,  I do know his name,  just his first name.  But soon we heard the news that Bhai gained consciousness he left from here.  He was with us,  till then, but left when things fell into peace.  He proved that humanity still exists. Otherwise leaving his personal issues aside,  why did he stay with us?  But his going away proved that he doesn't want publicity.  I respect his privacy and I am not revealing his name.  But if you are hearing this,  I thank you in behave of three of us.  Thanks dear friend.

Other side Neil had tears hearing Laksh.  He leaned to sofa,  feeling peace.


Ignore mistakes please❤️

So how was the story? 

How was Laksh? Did he prove himself as a husband ?

How was Ragini? 

How about Neerav?

And Neil?

Finally,  whom do you like most among Neerav and Neil?

dYnAmIc_123 finally I finished this story,  was this satisfactory? 

Will be back with an epilogue.

As promised,  here is the poster of that Malayalam movie.

Movie name is "Passenger"

The wounded one is Neerav's character.

The one held by police is Neil's

And the girl,  Ragini's.

The movie doesn't have the role of Laksh,  it's my addition,  here Neerav's character is Ragini's husband.

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