Cover Mock Ups

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                So, I received my cover designs/mock ups. Four covers were made for me, and two of them right off the bat I really did not like. I was a little disappointed with the selection, to be completely honest. Narrowing it down to two, I am still able to send one back with requested changes.

I am torn between one that comes off very "witchy" and one that very much presents itself as "Red Riding Hood". I have often bounced between what angle I really want to push; the Red Riding Hood retelling, or the witchcraft side of it all. So the one that comes off as "witchy" and really feels like an exact scene in the book was given an overall red hue. I think they took the theme of "red" and really ran with it. The original image was very muted and natural, and with the red hue it makes it feel really cheap.

The second cover is almost perfect right off the bat. It's clearly a Red Riding Hood story. I don't love the font they chose for the title myself (it feels very Alice in Wonderland), but I could request that to be changed. Other than that, I do like it. I'm asking lots of people their thoughts on the two. Most are drawn to Cover #2, so that may end up being the one I go with. But I'm fond of Cover #1 because of what I feel it represents within the story itself (a story much more broad than a Red Riding Hood retelling).

So right now I've emailed the Publishing Specialist asking if I can have Cover #1 altered and still choose #2 if I don't like the changes made on #1. I am hoping that is the case, because I would love to see #1 with some more muted tones, back to it's natural colouring. If that is changed, I might end up loving #1 FAR more.

I'm going to keep having people within my target audience helping me out, and hopefully I get a response from the P.S. today or tomorrow.

On the flip side, I'm learning how to use a lot of tools with Adobe programs. Can I add this to my resumé? 

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