Attention Grabber

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This will be a shorter chapter because I want the dance to be a full chapter event that's more planned out.

"Because of the dance occurring tonight, the gym had to be closed but I'm looking to have one battle right now." Valerie looks around at the crowd below her.

Ash and Sawyer's hands instantly shoot up among the very few battlers in the crowd. "I really want to battle Valerie for my gym badge!" Sawyer exclaims.

"I thought you were shy," Bonnie raises an eyebrow at him. "Most shy people don't want to battle in front of a crowd this big where everyone will be cheering really loud for the person who isn't you."

"I never thought of that," Sawyer panics and drops his hand quickly.

"You right there, let's battle!" Valerie smirks in the direction of the group. "The red hatted one."

"Sweet!" Ash cheers and box jumps his way onto the short catwalk. The raven haired trainer looks at his opponent with a confident smirk but a flash of pink causes him to look past the fairy type trainer.

He blinks and whatever he saw is gone. Ash shakes his head and grabs a Pokeball to start off the battle. "Are you okay with a single battle format, one Pokémon only?" Valerie asks.

"It'll be short but you're probably busy," Ash shrugs. "So it's fine by me."

He smiles and puts away the Pokeball previously grabbed. "How about we show everyone what we can do?" Ash says to Pikachu.

The yellow mouse nods and jumps off Ash's shoulder. "Is that the famous Pikachu who fell off of Prism Tower?" Valerie questions before realizing who the random guy from the crowd happened to be. You can tell her connection to Pokémon is strong when she can remember a Pokémon's face before a human's.

"Famous?" Ash sweat drops. "More like clumsy."

"Pikaaa," The electric type gives his trainer a warning spark.

"Sorry," Ash chuckles. "And yea I'm Ash Ketchum from Pallet Town and Pikachu is basically a brother to me now because of his long we've been together. Also known as that trainer who jumped off of a tower in Lumiose City to save a yellow Pokémon."

"This will be fun," Valerie smirks and spins to release her pokemon. She stops halfway once noticing her best friend's eyes peeking out from behind the curtain. "But we need a referee to make this official."

"Ariana can you come referee this battle?" She asks Aria who's still in the outfit she modelled which disguises her we'll enough to prevent an outbreak of fans.

The pink haired girl looks at Valerie in shock before walking out nervously. The gym leader looks at the girl who's performed for the whole region but is afraid to referee a battle. "Something is going on," Valerie mutters before opening her wings wide to show a Pokeball. "Spritzee show your elegance in battle."

The small pink feathery puff of a Pokémon comes flying out.

"Spritzee use attract," Valerie winks towards Ash.

Ash completely misses the wink and orders a disheartening order, "Defend yourself with thunderbolt."

Aria watches the electricity zip through the pink infatuating hearts. Kind of hard to watch the guy you like order his Pokémon to stop any love advance. It's only a battle though.

"Quick attack!" Ash yells.

Pikachu smirks at his opponent and charges in with a bright streak following. Obviously thinking that the small fairy type can't stop his momentum...

"Slow him down with fairy wind," Valerie calmly orders.

The pink dusted gust of wind flies along the black runway. Pikachu makes contact with it and his slightly lifted off the ground. He starts to lose momentum and in no time is pushed to a complete stop.

Pikachu, stunned, tries to get his legs back on the ground but Spritzee is keeping him hovered above the catwalk. "Moonblast and finish this battle up," Valerie smirks confidently. The black haired girl looks at her referee who seems... worried?

The crowd cheers while some of the fairy type energy from the prior attack rises up into the sky. The energy grows larger and brighter until a giant moon with a glaring pink aura is formed. "Pikachu you need to direct the attack with iron tail like an electro ball!" Ash shouts.

The moonblast shoots forward at Pikachu who flips around in the dying wind. His tail becomes a shimmering silver colour and he whips it around to absorb the fairy type attack onto his tail. So while stroking a pose in the air he prepares to throw the moonblast at Spritzee.

Except gravity finally overpowers the fairy wind and Pikachu falls down under the moonblast. It explodes and I feel bad for whoever gets to repair the giant hole now made in the stage.

Pikachu climbs out shakily while the crowd cheers for the celebrating fairy type. "Come on Ash," Valerie taunts. "Is that all you got?"

"You tell me," Ash smirks, taking Valerie and many others by surprise.

Electricity engulfs Pikachu and he zaps Spritzee right out the sky without the need for command. The powered up electric type move completely immobilizes the fairy type. "Iron tail!" Ash pumps his fist.

The helpless Spritzee watches the zig zagged tail send it into unconsciousness. Valerie recalls her Pokémon and carefully walks down the slightly destroyed runway towards Ash.

She walks by Aria who's smiling brightly at the raven haired trainer. "I now know the someone," Valerie whispers into her ear before continuing to walk by.

"Ash that was a spectacular battle," Valerie smiles. "And on my behalf, the referee will give you the well deserved fairy badge."

Aria glares at her best friend but walks toward anyway. She takes the pink, wing designed badge from Valerie. Aria shakily gives it to Ash and it was like slow motion to her as their fingers briefly touch. Pretty cliche Aria.

"We got the fairy badge!" Ash cheers with Pikachu. "Only two more badges to go."

"Safe travels," Aria says while turning away suspiciously and hurriedly running off of the stage.

"Maybe we'll see you at the dance," Valerie winks and leaves herself.

"Dance?" Ash questions but then his friends run up.

"Ash you two were amazing," Serena congratulates.

"Pikachu when you rise out of the hole covered in electricity, that was awesome," Sawyer continues to write down a bunch of notes.

"Now for the dance and then we can keep travelling along," Bonnie cheers.

Serena notices the confused look on Ash's face. "The ball is for Pokémon performers and it's plus one which means I get to take someone with me," Serena starts to blush. "And I was hoping-"

"Hey guys!" Miette interrupts and runs up. The blunette is a rival of Serena's, but not just in Pokémon performing. "Ash I need a date to the ball tonight. You busy?"

"Not really," Ash shrugs. "I'm not a very good dancer though."

"It'll be fine," Miette smiles. "Who are you bringing Serena?"

Serena glares at the girl who's trying to hold back a laugh. Bonnie meanwhile is sighing at the honey blonde who should have started speaking a lot sooner. "Clemont," Serena states to the surprise of them all, including the lemon blonde. "That way Eevee can have Bunnelby come along as her protector."

"Uhhh yea," Clemont agrees while starting to sweat.

"See you guys tonight then," Miette waves and runs off.

Aww poor Serena...


Thanks for reading.

Night 😴

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