Having a Ball at the Dance

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Sorry for the delay, I thought I would be able to write after drivers ed. (I was wrong)

The day that's been long awaited by many, is finally here. At dusk, the Laverre City gym will shine brightly in the scarcely lighted town. How about we get to it?

Aria waits patiently in the lobby of the gym for Valerie. She smooths the ruffles on her dress over and over again until the gym leader walks in. "Is the Kalos Queen nervous about something?" Valerie giggles and Aria stands up to join her.

They start walking to the gym and Aria responds, "No."

"If you're gonna lie, at least come up with something better," Valerie teases. "I bet it's this mysterious boy."

"Uhh... no," Aria blushes.

"Seriously girl," Valerie rolls her eyes. "We only get to see each other like once a year, I have to get all of our girl talk in for the next twelve months."

"Fine but don't push your luck," Aria sighs.

"Yes," Valerie cheers.

"I strongly dislike you," Aria jokes but then looks up and enters some sort of trance. "I saw 'the' guy yesterday at the fashion show."

"What?!" Valerie exclaims. "You mean I've seen the guy too!"

You have no idea Valerie...

"Yes but that's not all," The pink haired girl continues. "I saw him go up to someone who I know is performing, and I'm pretty sure they're pretty good friends."

"Hopefully not too good of friends," Valerie teases.

Aria glares but it's actually the first time that has come to mind. What if she is too late?

"Aria?" Valerie asks before her eyes widen. "You didn't even count that as a possibility?"

Aria nods sadly before entering the change room.

"Rookie," Valerie shakes her head. "But are you going somewhere with this? You've hopefully seen him before so this isn't the first time."

"My mind is racing right now," Aria states. "It took me milliseconds to start worrying if he'll be at the dance tonight."

"Masks remember," Valerie picks a black one from the pile. "We should start spreading these out to the separate change rooms by the way."

"Alright," Aria sighs and picks a pile of them up. "We also have to put out the dresses and suits."

"Yea and remember that the world works in mysterious ways," Valerie winks before disappearing in one of the rooms.


Ash, Miette, Clemont, and Serena approach the gym. Bonnie, who got permission to attend, and Shauna, who's dragging Trevor along, wanted to come later for some reason. Anyways, the foursome are asking a lot of questions about this secretive ball.

They will all be answered as soon as they step into the lobby ahead of them. Serena enthusiastically leads the way and one of Valerie's models explains how it will work. "You guys will head over there one by one to get into a change room with your clothing for the evening," She says. "Ladies's rooms have a dress laid out for you while gentlemen's rooms have suits to wear."

"Did Valerie design the dresses?" Serena asks while clasping her hands together.

"You bet she did," The purple haired lady smiles. The two performers fangirl and rush towards the change rooms. "One at a time remember!"

Ash and Clemont follow at a much slower pace before getting their outfits as well. The raven haired trainer changes into a navy blue suit while being forced to take off his hat.

He puts on his matching blue mask that covers around his eyes and therefore his entire identity. After realizing that the masks are supposed to make people socialize and meet other people, he wanders his way through the room.

The moonlight coming through the large glass walls of the gym is countered by multiple "lamp posts" scattered around for light. Violet flower petals are scattered around that move with your own movement to create a magical feeling.

Ash finds another group of guys in a variety of suits, none of them exchange names due to the rules but none of them seemed to be Clemont. After a few minutes of socializing, Monsieur Pierre rises from the crowd on a pedestal.

"Welcome ladies and gentlemen to ze annual Pokémon Showcase ball," He announces with a thick French accent. "I hope you all enjoy tonight and maybe the region of love will stay true to its name."

"And may I add," He continues. "The Kalos Queen is among us so look out for her."

"Our first activity is a dance circle so would our fine gentlemen here today form a circle s'il vous plaît." He states. "And ladies find a partner and dance on the outside of the circle."

Ash watches the girls around the circle find someone to dance with at the start. He notices a girl walking around with another like they're trying to find an open spot. "Over here," Ash smiles.


"We need to get in there," Valerie urges her friend. "Don't miss out on the fun because you're scared something will go wrong."

"I'm not," Aria argues. "I just want everything to go smoothly."

"That's pretty much the same thing," Valerie rolls her eyes. "Trust me on this Aria, the more let go, the better the result of the dance will be."

"Over here!" A smiling guy interrupts them. "Do you guys need a partner?"

"Can you handle two of us at the same time?" Valerie giggles.

The two girls do a quick look over, his bright, young hazel eyes are what gets their attention the most. That and his messy black hair that looks like something never seen before. "I have a tough time dancing with one girl so maybe not," Ash laughs.

"Let go remember," Valerie whispers to Aria with a smirk on her face. "My friend here would love to dance with you."

"I would?" Aria asks while reddening.

"He's in here somewhere," Valerie whispers. "The faster you get in the circle, the faster you'll find your guy."

The fairy type expert walks away while laughing at her antics. Aria stares at the boy before stepping up and sealing her arms around his neck. She starts to move in perfect sync with the music but her partner wasn't doing the same.

"Sorry," Ash mutters after stepping on her foot... for the fourth time.

Aria looks at Ash in sympathy but also in amusement. "Try to copy my movements," Aria giggles and brings them closer, which probably isn't helping the situation due to their feet being closer.

Ash steadies his arms around her waist while he slowly gets the hang of it. After one minor stomp of Aria's feet, Ash feels like a pro in the art of dancing. The trainer even gains enough courage to spin Aria by surprise.

The Kalos Queen laughs while spinning back into his arms. They stop there and sway gently to the music, Aria turns to look at him. One pull of the mask and she'll know who he is...

Aria felt a huge connection between them during the few minutes spent dancing together. Does this mean she has developed a crush on two guys???

Aria let's go of Ash while questioning her brain's mental state. Thankfully Monsieur Pierre announces that it's time to rotate so Aria could leave the mystery guy. She tries to focus on the new guy in front of her but the boy in the navy suit hasn't left her mind.

After a few more rotations, the activity ends and the blonde announcer begins to talk again. "Considering this is more Pokémon performers, I think it's time for a little competition," He says and points his cane at the crowd below. "Our wonderful host Valerie, snuck four special tags on the suits/dresses."

Aria looks at the girl who smirks in return. "Uh oh," Aria mumbles and checks the top of her dress for a tag. A small pink tag sits against the fabric, laughing at Aria in her imagination.

"If you have a pink or purple tag, please come up here and join me on this stage," The blue-suited announcer orders.

Aria walks up and waits for the other three who must've been farther away. First out is a boy she remembers dancing with briefly near the end. All he talked about was his battling which made the few seconds, turn into a few centuries.

A recognizable girl comes out next and moves to the purple side. Her honey blonde hair is capturing Aria's attention but that's the only recognizable feature.

After waiting, a particular raven haired trainer steps up next. "Hi again," He laughs.

"Hey," Aria laughs. She was nervous after seeing him but his smile somehow instantly made her more comfortable. "I hope you're better at performing than dancing."

"We're about to see," Ash chuckles. "Be prepared to carry us for the win."

"How'd I get so lucky?" She jokes.

"The tag was loosely put in my suit so I'm surprised it didn't fall out," Ash shrugs. "So apparently you weren't lucky enough."

Loose tag?

Aria finds her friend and gives Valerie a death glare. She mouths, "You'll thank me later," With a bright smile on her face.

"You two must cone up with a quick performance," Pierre announces. "The winners will get five star dining experience during the Master Class."

"Also you only one minute to talk," He smirks. "Starting now!"

"What!?" Aria exclaims. "Performances usually take days to come up with, and that's when you only have one person."

"Let's just give it our best shot then," Ash smiles. "And I have a pretty good idea."

The two do a tough plan of their performance and aren't going first which gives them more time. Serena and the guy go to the centre of the stage before starting. The honey blonde and her Sylveon start dancing around gracefully while waiting for their partner's move.

His Talonflame tries to lift them off of the ground lightly but ends up flinging them off stage. Their routine was basically a continuation of this. Serena would gracefully start the combination before getting overpowered by a battle capable move.

The two now and Aria, and Ash replace their spots. Aria sends out her Delphox while Ash decides to use his Pikachu. They both start with some flashy moves to get the audience going before taking a complete 180 and intensifying the performance.

Pikachu starts to mock battle Delphox who deflects the moves with elegance and grace. With the help of Delphox's psychic, Ash mimics Pikachu's every move, including the flips much to the audience's pleasure.

They finish and the two hug in joy. "You and Delphox are amazing," Ash compliments them.

"We make a good team," Aria says to her a fire type. "And I think us four do as well."

"I wonder if the five star experience includes a tag battle," Ash laughs. "Then we can see how you guys work in our field."

"I wouldn't mind battling you guys aside from that as well," Aria says and holds out her hand and letting her emotions take over. While her subconscious wonders how she's keeping it cool.

"It's a deal then," Ash smiles and shakes her hand. "Keep in touch."

He jumps off the stage and into the crowd. "How are we supposed to keep in touch without communication or knowing what each other look like?!" Aria exclaims but it's too late. "Come on." She moans and leaves the stage as well.

The dance ends shortly after and Aria hides behind a rack of clothes so that she can watch everybody leave. "You could have put your disguise on," Valerie creeps up behind the girl.

"Ahh!" Aria helps and turns around.

"Don't turn around or you'll miss one of your two mystery crushes," Valerie teases but Aria quickly turns around back towards the exit anyways.

"There hasn't been anyone with messy raven hair," Aria sighs.

The final groups start to leave and a certain group of seven catches her eye. "No," Aria mutters.

"What?" Valerie pats attention again but by that time, the group was already out the door.

"Valerie," Aria says.

"What?" She asks.

"I don't have two crushes," Aria states. "They're the same guy."


I love KalosKingShipping so much.

Anyways thanks for reading and expect another Thursday update, after that Wednesday's should be perfect for me.

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