Both Kinds of Change

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Our favourite group of four are enjoying a peaceful breakfast before everything heats up. Today is the day it all starts...

"Not really looking forward to today," Aria sighs and pokes her food around her plate.

"But the Master Class starts today," Bonnie says confused. "It's like your biggest event of the year."

"Not in the first day," Aria explains. "I have to sit up in a box and look pretty all day. The organizers squished all the early rounds into one day for some reason which means I have to look happy that much longer."

"I would not be able to survive that," Ash admits. "Whenever I get bored, I need to run around and train with my Pokémon."

"Are you guys going?" Aria asks.

"We decides that there isn't really a reason for us to go today," Clemont states. "Our time can be better spent here."

"I know what you mean," Aria sighs. "I'd rather be training than having to make small talk with Palermo. My Pokémon would be a lot happier preparing for tomorrow than sitting in their poke balls all day."

"You'd love that Pikachu," Ash jokes and the yellow rodent Pokémon rolls his eyes and resumes to eating his food.

"I have an idea," Aria suddenly smiles at the boy. "Ash would you mind training my Pokémon today?"

"You'd trust me with your Pokémon?" Ash questions. "We just met."

"Ash there's no one I'd trust more," Aria smiles. "Your stories, especially the ones from last, changed the way I looked at things. In one dinner you did that and I hope I don't sound too selfish but my Pokémon could become so much better with you."

"Ash you could talk to them and they would probably become stronger," Clemont chuckles. "I'm pretty sure that's what Aria is trying to say."

"Well," Ash smiles. "I would never turn down a friend so I will happily take care of your Pokémon all day."

"Thank you!" Aria cheers and becomes a lot more perked up. "Are you guys okay with that?" She smiles at her eavesdropping Pokémon. They cheer happily and continue talking with all of the other Pokémon.


Aria walks slowly through the castle halls. She navigates the fancy maroon themed floor with memories of the many times she's parades these halls. The pink haired girl gets closer and closer to noise.

Noise from the arena full of spectators anticipating some exciting Pokémon performing. They wouldn't have taken Aria's path to their seats, but rather an underground tunnel meant for the floods of people entering the facility.

Aria finally reaches her final turn which leads her to a smaller hallways with tons of dark wooden doors. She finds "Kalos Queens" and enters the room that is holding generations and generations of former Kalos Queens.

Most are pretty laid back and have no problem talking to the girl who is making their former job look so easy. They're just their to relive their younger days, as well as scout the performing field to compare it to the one they had to fight through.

There are some grumpy ones but Aria knows them all well enough that avoiding them isn't hard. Aria navigates the very well kept box until finding her front row seat that overlooks the whole arena.

The huge and sparkly clean stage stands out among the red curtains that surround it. Monsieur Pierre's podium extends up into the dim room while the spotlight moves around, keeping his presence a secret for now.

The whole experience would be beautiful if not for the unpleasant thing beside her. The first ever Kalos Queen's chair, right up front to appear in front of the crowd. Who doesn't love the first and present champions together, looking all happy and everything.

And maybe if Palermo wasn't in that seat it would be all smiles and fun conversations. "Hello Aria," Palermo greets as the performer sits.

"Hey," Aria replies with no enthusiasm whatsoever but puts on her fake smile for the cameras no doubt looking in their direction.

"Did you take my advice?" Palermo asks.

"In fact I did," Aria asks with a little bit of venom in her voice. "Ash and I have been training hard so I can beat the little princess you chose over me."

Palermo sits there shocked but I guess she should have expected Aria to burst at some point. She would've much targeted it been in their private room than a box filled with woman ready to eavesdrop. Palermo decides to stay calm and hope for the best...

"You and Ash?" Palermo questions. "Looks like you finally had the courage to go find him."

"We actually ran into each other coincidentally," Aria states. "And he immediately offered to help me out, also his friends too. It's amazing what can happen when you aren't being kept inside against your will."

"Well that's nice," Palermo dismisses her. "But you've probably been spending too much time messing around so therefore my winning streak will continue."

"Winning streak?" Aria laughs humorously. "This is all a game to you isn't it? Is that why you told me to enjoy life to help me get stronger?"

Palermo doesn't comment and instead pretends to focus on the opening ceremony. "Well guess what?" Aria huffs. "Right now Ash is giving my Pokémon better training than you ever did in years, and I know that with him by my side, I-no we will defend my crown."

"We'll see," Palermo sighs and tunes the Kalos Queen out.


"You never know when something might be useful," Ash tells the group of Pokémon. "That's why it's important to do as much as you can so you're ready for anything."

The Pokémon nod approvingly before heading towards Clemont who has dinner ready to go. It's been a long day of training for the group and a nice freshly cooked meal will be greatly appreciated. "Aria should be here soon," Bonnie looks towards the entrance to the battlefield that they've kinda taken over.

"Speaking of," Ash chuckles and they watch Aria tiredly walk around the corner. "Food," Ash hands her a plate.

"Thanks," She mumbles with an unnoticed blush. Unnoticed by Ash that is.

"That bad huh?" Ash questions and Aria nods. "And did Ser-"

"Yep," Aria sighs. "It'll be Serena and I tomorrow. I'd rather relax than talk about it though."

"Sure," Ash nods. "But don't worry about losing because Pokémon trained by me don't lose."

The three look at him with confused looks, knowing that he has in fact lost a battle before. "A defeat doesn't mean a loss," Ash winks and begins to eat.

What goes on in his head?


Sorry guys for the delay and shorter chapter but that's life.

Plus I needed this short chapter to set up next chapter.


My update schedule will be loose these next few weeks because of the holidays, so prepare for random/late updates.

Thank you and cya next chapter!

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