New Beginnings

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Aria looks at Ash with a blank stare while she tries to get back up to speed. Her long pink hair is flowing gently in the wind, a little messy because of the hat. She sighs and takes off her glasses.

"You caught me," Aria sighs with her head down.

The two stand on the practice field in a slightly awkward silence.

"I don't know what to say," Ash breaks the silence. "I feel like I should bow down to you or something."

"You don't need to," Aria giggles and starts to feel more relaxed. "I'm sorry for pretending to be someone else."

"I mean..." Ash starts. "It would have been nice to know who you were but I guess you had a disguise on for a good reason probably."

"I'm sure you know how it feels to be swarmed by fans," Aria sighs.

"Uhh why would you think that?" Ash says slightly embarrassed. "I could be a regular trainer for all you know."

Aria freezes and thinks of something to save herself. "You almost fell on the stage that I was performing on remember?" Aria says. "You were the most famous person in Kalos for a bit."

"I guess that makes sense," Ash laughs. "I didn't think you'd pay much attention to it."

"I may have had no life but I didn't live in a hole," Aria states and then a tsunami of emotion crashes into her.

"No life?" Ash questions and there's no turning back now.

"Yes," Aria sighs and even with the sparse lighting, Ash can see her eyes starting to water. "You'd think a title like Kalos Queen comes with an easy lifestyle. And honestly, maybe it does give a life full of opportunity but my training has sucked the life right out of it."

"But couldn't you take days off?" Ash questions.

"My mentor Palermo didn't allow for days off," Aria makes her way to a bench so the shaking in her legs could stop. "She was always having us working everyday and all day to get better. There was no time for friends, relaxing... fun. I wasn't going to have a normal life no matter what I did but I was stuck with expectations that I didn't want to fail to meet."

"Palermo?" Ash questions. "Serena just left us for her training."

"The extra bed?" Aria asks and Ash nods. "And after my years of following her orders and defending my title, it just wasn't enough. She wasn't satisfied and wasted no time finding a replacement."

Aria now has tears slowly rolling down her cheeks while she continues to recount her inability to experience everything life can offer. Delphox walks up and pokes Ash with her arm, motioning to her crying trainer.

Ash looks at Aria who despite being in the state of a mental breakdown, looks stunning as always. He leans over and wraps his arms around her. Ash, being inexperienced with female interaction, awkwardly brings her closer as she continues to let all of the built up emotion loose. Being on a bench doesn't make it any easier for the raven haired boy.

Good job Delphox.

After a few more moments, Aria pulls away with red eyes and tears still hanging on her cheeks. She tries to clean herself up before looking back at Ash. "I-I'm sorry," Aria mumbles while her cheeks start to redden. "You shouldn't have stayed to hear me ramble on forever about how horrible my life is. I probably sound like a spoiled-"

"Aria it's okay," Ash smiles and stops her from continuing. "I don't think you were exaggerating, and if anything Palermo's training made this worse too."

"Ash I like that you're taking my side but Palermo isn't a terrible person and probably didn't want this," Aria admits.

"Not like that," Ash states. "You never had the chance to develop relationships with people who would be able to help you get through things like this."

"Wow you're smart," Aria realizes.

"Not really," Ash says embarrassed. "You just haven't known me long enough."

"Okay," Aria giggles. "Do you comfort people often?"

"It's a hobby," Ash chuckles. "Also I want you to know that you're not alone anymore starting now."

Aria spends a few hours with Ash and he's already solved her biggest problem, comforted her through a life twisting decision, and none of it was asked for. She can't help but wonder if Ash is really a human or an angel sent from Arceus. Either way, her feelings aren't getting any weaker by any means.

"Thank you Ash," Aria says. "I would have been out here crying all night if it wasn't for you."

"Maybe it's a good thing Serena's true self came out," Ash states. "And I'm here anytime as your friend."

Aria can't help but say "not for long" to herself...

"I have a mystery dinner with someone tomorrow so I should probably get some sleep," Ash sighs. "You ready?"

"Yep," Aria says and gets up. She decides to keep his dinner partner a surprise for now. Their two Pokémon run over and join them before walking back into the Pokémon Center.

"So are you going to stay here or go back to the castle eventually?" Ash asks, remembering something Aria said about it.

"I would like to stay here with you guys," Aria smiles. "If that's alright."

"I'm pretty sure Bonnie won't mind sharing a room with the Kalos Queen," Ash laughs. "You are going to tell them right?"

They walk into the lobby and every television is covered in headlines with Serena's name. "I don't think I'll need my disguise so yes," Aria sighs at how quickly the media shifts its attention.

Ash gives Aria his signature smile which causes her to smile and they make their way to the rooms.

Time Skip

"Your way of training is tiring," Aria wipes the sweat off her forehead.

Her and Ash, with the help of Bonnie, have been training all day together. Aria isn't exactly used to the physical training Ash does with his Pokémon so her stamina isn't great. But she's keeping up which is mildly impressive.

"You can't expect your Pokémon to give it their all of you aren't as well," Ash quotes. "Professor Oak taught me that, he did say I took it a little too literal."

"A little?" Aria laughs. "For a second I thought you'd start firing attacks back at your Pokémon."

"I wish," Ash jokes. "Feel ready to win the Master Class tomorrow?"

"Ash the finals aren't until the day after," Aria giggles. "So no, I don't think we're going to win tomorrow."

"You know what I meant," Ash rolls his eyes.

"Ash you need to get ready for your date!" Bonnie calls out to them.

"It's not a date," Ash chuckles at her enthusiasm.

"Are you sure?" Aria asks.

"I don't know if they want it to be a date so I'm saying it's not," Ash says.

"I think whoever the lucky girl is, wants it to be a date," Aria states. "So you should treat it as one."

"I guess," Ash says and heads to his room to get ready.

While Aria and Bonnie head to their own room...

They get in and Bonnie asks, "Aria do you like Ash?"

"W-what do you mean Bonnie?" Aria stutters, completely takes off guard. She thought she was good at hiding her feelings.

"I mean I want to ship you and Ash," Bonnie explains. "But I also want to ship Ash with his mystery date."

"Let me help you out with that then," Aria winks and disappears into their bathroom.

Aria comes out in a new set of clothes. She's wearing short jeans, a white blouse, and her hair is flowing down her back. "Your hair is so wavy," Bonnie admires Aria's more natural look.

"You like it?" Aria gives a spin. "I think I'll start keeping it this way more often."

"But how does this help me?" Bonnie asks.

"Well," Aria smiles and grabs her purse. "I have a date with Ash to get to."

Aria leaves the girl speechless in excitement as she leaves the room...


Ash follows the instructions on the card he was given at the ball. They led him to a fancy restaurant near the castle. Beautiful water features flow through the building while water Pokémon swim about in the aquariums.

He walks in and and the waiters lead him to a private room. The walls are purely made of water and it flows uniformly down into the drains below. The water eliminates any outside sound from getting in and will definitely be a unique experience.

Ash waits patiently for his "date" to show up and finally a pink haired girl pokes her head in. "Aria?" Ash asks and gets up.

He remembers what his mother told him and pulls out Aria's chair for her. "It's me Ash," Aria giggles. "What were the chances?"

"I don't think chance matters to me," Ash chuckles. "Everything kind of just happens. I didn't think you were the mystery girl."

"I must say Ash, you're not a bad performer," Aria laughs at the memory of them winning the performance battle. "Plus I'm pretty happy that you were my partner."

"Why?" Ash questions.

"Because-" Aria is interrupted by an important looking guy.

"Sorry to interrupt but I am your waiter and chef for the evening," He introduces. "Siebold of the Elite 4."

He has short blonde hair that waves along his head in a unique way. Siebold has a fancy full body chefs suit that is designed with blue gems and decals. "So what can I get the Kalos Queen to drink today?"

"Just water please," Aria smiles.

"And you monsieur?" He moves to Ash.

"Water is fine," Ash states and the chef nods.

"I'll be right back for your orders," He nods and leaves the secluded room.

"So what were you going to say?" Ash asks.

"I'll tell you later," Aria smiles. "What's your dream Ash?"

"Pokémon Master," Ash declares and puffs out his chest dramatically. "But a closer dream is winning the Kalos League."

"Do you have eight gym badges yet?" Aria questions.

"No," Ash chuckles. "Still have to get the last one. We went off course to come here."

"You'll be wanting to get back on the road as soon as possible then..." Aria trails off.

"After we watch our new friend win the Master Class," Ash winks. "Then we'll have to get going, and fast."

"Is there room for a fourth journeyer?" Aria asks.

"I don't know," Ash pretends to think about it. "We could probably make it work if we really have to."

"Really?" Aria pouts. "You don't want me to come with you."

"Nope," Ash jokes.

"Hey!" Aria says while trying not to giggle. She throws her napkin at the boy who gets a competitive look in his eye. "Don't you dare."

Ash sets down the napkin peacefully and starts to laugh. "Welcome to the team," He laughs.

"I'm honoured," Aria says sarcastically. "But first I have to take care of my crown."

"We'll just have to keep training," Ash declares.

"Alright!" Aria cheers.

The two enjoy the rest of their amazing meal. They exchange stories about their lives as trainers and a few childhood ones as well. Ash did a lot of the talking but for some reason Aria didn't mind like she did with Alain.

Oh and by the way that "some reason" is love.


Still Wednesday lol

Thanks for reading and cya next week!!!

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